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Bring the Game to the New Consoles - [Merged]

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I suspect the update approval process would be the biggest barrier to a console version of GW2.

All updates to console games (not just new expansions and DLC but all updates) have to be checked and approved by Sony and Microsoft before they're allowed to be released, and the cost for that process has to be paid by the developer. There are benefits to that process (it's why you never have to worry about getting a virus on your console for example) but it means updates are more expensive to publish and take longer to come out. Elder Scrolls Online for example always updates the console version a few weeks after the PC version for exactly this reason - they finish making the updates at the same time and can release the PC version right away but have to wait for permission to release the console version. Other studios choose to mask the delay by holding back the PC version to release at the same time, but there are no exceptions -everyone has to have their updates checked.

That would already be a problem for a game which typically has at least one big update or new release each month. But IMO the biggest problem for GW2 is it would delay hot fixes and follow-up patches. It's quite common that we get a big update and then one or more smaller updates following that with things which weren't ready in time for the main update, or fixing bugs and balance issues that were discovered later on. They couldn't do that with a console version because they'd have to submit each of those updates for approval and pay for each one.

Now maybe that would lead to a more thorough development process where they're more strict about finding and fixing bugs before the initial update goes out, but I suspect it's more likely they'll do what Elder Scrolls Online does where the bugs just stay in the game for weeks or months because the fix has to be included in the next scheduled update. (ESO also has the added barrier that they still have to take the entire game offline for several hours to update the servers, like older MMOs used to, so unless it's a major bug players often prefer to wait for a fix rather than constantly have the game taken offline. But when the game updates in the background like GW2 does and you just have to log off, download the update and log back in, I think most players would prefer to see quick fixes.)

I suppose one way around that is to have two separate versions: one for PC which operates like the now and one for consoles with fewer updates. Maybe festivals being released at the same time as living story episodes to cut down the overall number of releases, and behind the PC schedule so bug fixes can be included in the initial update. But that would mean splitting the population - PC players and console players wouldn't be able to play together because they'd be running entirely different versions of the game.

I think it's certainly possible, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea or worth the added cost to Anet.

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I don't see how something like this would be possible. Not really a hardware issue, but more of a core gameplay problem.

How in the world would you get certain classes to be even remotely playable with the limited number of buttons a controller has? I imagine a class like Engineer and elementalist would just flat out be a mess trying to get working with the limited button layout with their different stances and such.

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@Zaklex.6308 said:That would require cross-platform playing and having to meet the requirements of Sony and Microsoft for DLC and future expansions.

Yes this is one good reason, and if the game had crossplay so PC etc can play together on the same servers then that would mean the update approval restrictions on console would also end up delaying PC updates and new content as well since it would all have to release at the same time.Can imagine how well that would go down with most players.

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If there was no cross play requirement then Guild Wars 2 on console wouldn't be a bad idea. With cross play it would hinder the development on PC so it's a hard no. The next big question is whether an audience that would be interested in Guild Wars 2 exists on console. That's hard to answer although I'd go towards no, but I'm not very familiar with console audiences.

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Okay here is the problem as i see it.

  • 10 skills plus Utilitys, -, Specel Action key, jumpin, dodge, World Map , iventory, Mounts, and alot more, i cant see how a 8 button controller can ever work well with all that. Also they need to separate PC players from Controller players. In pvp mouse and keyboard players well always do better than Controller players. And in raids you dps well be so bad becuase of you limit 8 buttons you can use that you well never be able to do it. I just cant see how this well ever be a thing sorry.
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It's been a very long time since console controllers only had 8 buttons. Even my SNES controller has more than that.

The standard PS4 controller has 2 sets of 4 buttons on top, 2 menu buttons, 4 triggers, two joysticks which can both be pushed down and a touch pad which also acts as a button - so 17 buttons total, plus the joysticks and the touch pad. Oh and it's also motion sensitive so some things can be done just by moving it, and all those buttons can be context sensitive so they do different things in different situations (like the F button in GW2). (Note: there's also a 'share' button but I didn't count that because as far as I know it can't be used for anything else.) I assume the Xbox One controller is similar, but don't have one of those in the room to count the buttons.

It might need some minor changes to the way we do things now, like instead of having a key binding for the options menu, hero panel, TP, inventory etc. just have one menu button and then use the joystick to select which menu you want, but I think it would be possible. In fact some people already play this game with a controller, and that's without even having official support.

I'm not convinced releasing GW2 on a console would be a good idea, but I don't think the controller would be the problem.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:I'm not convinced releasing GW2 on a console would be a good idea, but I don't think the controller would be the problem.I wonder if there would be a competitive advantage versus a player who is using the standard keyboard/mouse. That might be an issue?

Computer players have an advantage in FPS games, so i dont think its that either. Its all down to money and would it make them more money for the issues(That comes with a console release) has.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:I'm not convinced releasing GW2 on a console would be a good idea, but I don't think the controller would be the problem.I wonder if there would be a competitive advantage versus a player who is using the standard keyboard/mouse. That might be an issue?

Computer players have an advantage in FPS games, so i dont think its that either. Its all down to money and would it make them more money for the issues(That comes with a console release) has.

I meant a competitive advantage in GW2 PvP or WvW where such things might matter? I don't really get into those modes so I don't know if this would be a concern or not, but I can imagine if it were that there would be some players who would be disappointed at the edge that console players might have. /shrug

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:I'm not convinced releasing GW2 on a console would be a good idea, but I don't think the controller would be the problem.I wonder if there would be a competitive advantage versus a player who is using the standard keyboard/mouse. That might be an issue?

Computer players have an advantage in FPS games, so i dont think its that either. Its all down to money and would it make them more money for the issues(That comes with a console release) has.

I meant a competitive advantage in GW2 PvP or WvW where such things might matter? I don't really get into those modes so I don't know if this would be a concern or not, but I can imagine if it were that there would be some players who would be disappointed at the edge that console players might have. /shrug

That well be a problem yes

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