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Why premades are allowed in 3v3???

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@frareanselm.1925 said:

@Swagger.1459 said:@"Don Vega Van Kain.9842"

I replied to the op on how to resolve their issue... "Get friends and do the same thing. Problem solved.". You quote me saying "Not an answer", but that is the answer.

The devs aren't going to stop players from using teamwork, or prevent players from teaming up with their friends, so the best option is to get some friends and compete if somebody wants to stand a better chance at winning against a premade group. The devs can't resolve the issue of players not wanting to get more organized, that's all on the players to do for themselves...

A high part of the gamer community is, at least, introverted, shy in real life, some other hard cases have social anxiety and other phobias. I've seen people who dont join discord in WvW squad because talking by the microphone with unkown people gives them anxiety.

Good luck trying to change the gamer community into being more social and "making friends".

Sure, those are fair points... But asking the devs to remove/block ("please remove that!") the ability for players to group up and use TEAMWORK to win is not fair... And calling teamwork an "unfair advantage" will be dismissed by most.

Stay solo or take extra steps to fight back against organized teams. Those are your options.

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Team vs team whether its2&1 pug or 3 in a team. U team q u agree to fight other teams.Solo vs soloEasiest and most fair way imo.Population sucks now anyway and won't get better without positive changes, q times will be rough but at least it give the mode a chance to increase the population in time through a chance at a more fair game mode.

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The more I read in this thread the more I reach the conclusion that those defending premade vs soloQ, don’t really believe that it’s fair or even sustainable, they are just arguing to keep an advantage they have over the vast majority of the player base; because they know without that advantage, they will go back to a win rate of 50% ( like every other competitive MMO out there that does the matching right).

So quite honestly there is no point trying to convince those to change their minds. It’s like trying to convince the rich they need to pay more taxes. What I’m hoping for is that the devs will see the atrocity that is premade vs soloQ, and maybe take a course about the difference between Random Arena, and Team Arena from GW1.

Till then vote with your time guys, not just your wallet.


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@Xentera.4560 said:The more I read in this thread the more I reach the conclusion that those defending premade vs soloQ, don’t really believe that it’s fair or even sustainable, they are just arguing to keep an advantage they have over the vast majority of the player base; because they know without that advantage, they will go back to a win rate of 50% ( like every other competitive MMO out there that does the matching right).

So quite honestly there is no point trying to convince those to change their minds. It’s like trying to convince the rich they need to pay more taxes. What I’m hoping for is that the devs will see the atrocity that is premade vs soloQ, and maybe take a course about the difference between Random Arena, and Team Arena from GW1.

Till then vote with your time guys, not just your wallet.


Some of that maybe the reason but I think a lot genuinely are worried that instead anet would just delete team q for solo which would be equally as bad as it is now as there should definitely be a option to pvp along side ur friends. Just surprised anet over the years hasn't separated the two to create a more balanced matchmaking but it is anet and the easiest laziest route always seems to be the winning route to go.

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is teamqueue an unfair advantage? no.is teamqueue an advantage? yes.Same goes for metabuilds or proffession countering.What gets me though is that the discussion tends to try and deny it is an advantage. The whole reason you use an advantage in a competitive mode is because in such an enviorment you want/need it.That being said, I wonder how many enjoy the joint queue types. If you as a player go online to play for 2 hours of pvp, but when your teammate goes offline after one hour, do you keep queueing solo, or is that experience so horrible that you'd rather stop playing?Personally I soloqueue, but accept the system for what it is.

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This sort of thing is exactly why I only play this game once in a blue moon.

The basis for good, skilled, even fun PvP is competitive PvP, now obviously PvE players (like some in here) don't really care whether the PvP is trash tier, but when I play, especially when I take the effort to group up I want decent PvP, not boring faceroll against solo players, lower MMR players, etc.

Which is of course why most of us (PvP gamers) take the option of getting our PvP in dedicated PvP games with a decent population and decent matchmaking systems, and why PvP continues to fail in MMORPGs.

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@Markri.9475 said:is teamqueue an unfair advantage? no.is teamqueue an advantage? yes.Same goes for metabuilds or proffession countering.What gets me though is that the discussion tends to try and deny it is an advantage. The whole reason you use an advantage in a competitive mode is because in such an enviorment you want/need it.That being said, I wonder how many enjoy the joint queue types. If you as a player go online to play for 2 hours of pvp, but when your teammate goes offline after one hour, do you keep queueing solo, or is that experience so horrible that you'd rather stop playing?Personally I soloqueue, but accept the system for what it is.

Any streamer I've watched usually stops conquest when forced to solo q due to buddies leaving, usually head to wvw lol.

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@Shiyo.3578 said:When a solo player meets a premade and gets stomped they get frustrated and eventually stop queueing. This current system just kills off the already dwindling player base.

I'm in that boat and I don't doubt that for a second.

It's boring. Just another RNG dice-roll for SoloQs where you have to pray you get lucky and get matched with the top players in the party or with none at all. Otherwise it's just another blowout loss. 10-15 minutes of wasted time or an entire mini-season worth if you think about it.

It's even more messed up because most people who play Ranked do so SoloQ.

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To answer the question, OP: it's because solo queuers exist to pretty much supply teams with matches so teams don't wait in the queues for 15+ minutes! Unfortunately, this comes at a cost! Match quality goes down. Neither teams or solo players are happy.

This is something I've said for years. Separate queues. One for solo, one for team. Any mode with both solo and premades is going to have lopsided matches, period. Full teams need to face the truth, they can have quality matches or more matches, they cannot have both. Still, teams made their bed and now they need to lie in it. They cried on the forums years ago around 2014 about how team queue was dead and solo queue had more players, so instead of taking it on the chin for the good of the game, they got ANet to merge the queues. They also added the league system with that. Really... it was worse back then, around 2015 post-HoT. That's around the time where pvp really started dwindling. Premades were just causing havoc back then.

@Shiyo.3578 said:When a solo player meets a premade and gets stomped they get frustrated and eventually stop queueing. This current system just kills off the already dwindling player base.

This right here.

@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

@Shiyo.3578 said:When a solo player meets a premade and gets stomped they get frustrated and eventually stop queueing. This current system just kills off the already dwindling player base.

I'm in that boat and I don't doubt that for a second.

It's boring. Just another RNG dice-roll for SoloQs where you have to pray you get lucky and get matched with the top players in the party or with none at all. Otherwise it's just another blowout loss. 10-15 minutes of wasted time or an entire mini-season worth if you think about it.

It's even more messed up because most people who play Ranked do so SoloQ.

Also this. The matchmaking system is bad enough, but add the team queues on top and it just becomes a mess.

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This mini season is a dumpster fire. Not having fun with the TDM mode, and 90% of my matches end up the same regarding comps. It's not fun, it's not all too engaging. It's taxing. It was a good experiment, but one that wasn't too successful.

Next mini season - six-man Free For All? Pfft, imagine the whining on that!

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Swagger.1459 said:It’s kinda boggling that some of you people are participating in a competitive game mode and complaining that you need to be competitive to win... Don’t play competitive pvp if you’re not going to make an effort.

jesus dude. you keep on repeating yourself then accuse me of complaining. this is why I hesitate to respond to you; you make it personal, misconstrue or misrepresent entirely the situation, and finally dismiss any argument. its so old. I never even disagreed with you if you payed any attention to what I said. people
team up, but they won't for the 10th time, cuz human nature. either make premade a req or separate the q's, but solo vs premade is suicidal. that's it i'm done lol, I've been drained of essential life energy.

Solo vs premade isnt suicidal , the problem is soloqing u get matched with ppl playing random bad stuff like core guardian or mesmer , i dropped from p2 to gold3 soloqing cuz i got matched with stuff like thief/mesmers/core guardians/warriors against 3manq tryhardian with mets comp over and over again , is literally imposibble to win if ur team doenst run meta classes in 3v3

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@Xentera.4560 said:The more I read in this thread the more I reach the conclusion that those defending premade vs soloQ, don’t really believe that it’s fair or even sustainable, they are just arguing to keep an advantage they have over the vast majority of the player base; because they know without that advantage, they will go back to a win rate of 50% ( like every other competitive MMO out there that does the matching right).

So quite honestly there is no point trying to convince those to change their minds. It’s like trying to convince the rich they need to pay more taxes. What I’m hoping for is that the devs will see the atrocity that is premade vs soloQ, and maybe take a course about the difference between Random Arena, and Team Arena from GW1.

Till then vote with your time guys, not just your wallet.


The problem is qing in this game is ramdom af , soloqing u lose/win if u got players with decent builds , if u got any thief in ur team ans enemy tean runs good comp u literally can do nothing so is not fun

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I hate to use this analogy because some people will not see my point, but I am going to anyways:

I used to play league of legends way back in the day, Back in the dark ages when there wasn't a well defined meta, People would jungle on random classes, you would have solo top mid and 3 bottom some games, duo top with no jungle some games, It was a mess. Ranked que was a mess. People complained abut ELO hell. People would afk or feed if they didn't like the role they were left with.

It happened after I quit but at some point the devs acknowledged the meta that was developing in their game. They split game modes to allow players to have team comps that fit the meta. You could still play yolo and just pick random roles, But they added mode where each player had to declare a role they would be playing. All of a sudden you had to pick a role and play it. If you trolled your team and picked dps carry then chose a jungler for example, you would get reported and temp. banned.

A lot of players left during this. The ones that stuck around saw the quality of games improve drastically. New players and the ones that came back eventually, were now presented with the games meta as part of the actual game design and were able to learn the meta a lot easier and quicker than before this change. Thier players look back at this as something the devs did to save the pvp competitive scene.

Looping back to guildwars, there is absolutely no acknowledgment of a meta from the devs [EDIT: they do awknowage it with patches, I mean in game, sorry]. Its up to the players to swap classes and try and give themselves a team comp that can function. If they players don't swap you have a chance of ending up in some bizzare team comps. The "meta" has also shifted over the years, we have had condi metas, Power spike metas, bunker metas, and now with 2v2 and 3v3 in the mix there is a lot going on. I am not saying the devs should enforce a meta, and I am not even sure what that would look like for each game mode. I just thought i would bring up this analogy because I think that it would help Spvp in the long run to have some sort of INGAME acknowledgement of the fact that meta does exist and help players learn and play within this meta.

All that being said, one massive roadblock for this the fact that balancing the game seems to be very difficult and usually one class is figured out to have certain edges over the others in its role and is jumped on by the vast majority of us (because why wouldn't we?)

TL;DR: LoL used to be a mess then they added a game mode where players chose an assigned role to fit into the game's meta and it helped the community sooooooo much

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