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2v2, 3v3... One of them needs to be permanent


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I've 'heard' how anet may be afraid of folks being divided between 5v5 conquest and other pvp game modes if they're introduced, but... We NEED a TDM ranked queue like 2v2 or 3v3. Conquest is great, but give us something else. Also, give them real title rewards

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Just add 3v3 to the unranked pool as one of the checkoff options. Stronghold is fun in spite of being worse than 3v3 in balance. Lower the minion hp by 20%, raise the speed by 15% but make them rid conditions 25% faster so power exists.

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permanent? NO.if short event we can skip any coments about map, class, duoq, and atc. Fun , short event.Ofc not good that some people can do some unique achievements, because sometimes live get some pushes .. season one .. season two .. some people get trip, ill, or etc, ..

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