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Can we please buff Mesmer Staff? Its the worst weapon on our kit.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Staff Used to be better when you could trait it to offer 3 bounces instead of just 2 and the other problem with the auto attack staff 1 skill is the long time it takes to reach the target at 1200 range and the next attack does not fire off until that first attack hits. Fighting one mob that does not know how to move out of your chaos storm or not to attack you clones is easy. But a Player is not going to stand still let you use all those great staff skills. Staff needs to be reworked from scratch.

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Staff is a still the best utility weapon Mesmer has, the damage ramp up is too slow. They could try speeding up the projectile again. Anet has played with that in the past. The phant could do more damage too. Overall its better kit than scepter right now, Axe is only decent now n Mirage because staff and scepter got nerfed so much, otherwise Axe wouldnt see much use either. Basically every mesmer weapon, skill and trait have been over nerfed.

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@Moradorin.6217 said:Staff is a still the best utility weapon Mesmer has, the damage ramp up is too slow. They could try speeding up the projectile again. Anet has played with that in the past. The phant could do more damage too. Overall its better kit than scepter right now, Axe is only decent now n Mirage because staff and scepter got nerfed so much, otherwise Axe wouldnt see much use either. Basically every mesmer weapon, skill and trait have been over nerfed.

no lol, torch and pistol are much better utility weapons, heck even sword has better utility then staff, staff is just bad all around, the only good thing about the weapon is passive condi damage from clone autoattacks.@Merrex.5384 you can use autoattack again before it reaches the target.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Moradorin.6217 said:Staff is a still the best utility weapon Mesmer has, the damage ramp up is too slow. They could try speeding up the projectile again. Anet has played with that in the past. The phant could do more damage too. Overall its better kit than scepter right now, Axe is only decent now n Mirage because staff and scepter got nerfed so much, otherwise Axe wouldnt see much use either. Basically every mesmer weapon, skill and trait have been over nerfed.

no lol, torch and pistol are much better utility weapons, heck even sword has better utility then staff, staff is just bad all around, the only good thing about the weapon is passive condi damage from clone autoattacks.@Merrex.5384 you can use autoattack again before it reaches the target.

No I guess you dont understand, but no Staff isnt comparable to pistol or torch as utility. That is a poor comparison. The utility that phase retreat provides is mobility and staff gives aegis, retaliation, combo field, etc. Torch is stealth and daze, pistol is cc. Staff does all of that minus stealth, but in wvw the 3 sec stealth is much less useful than the mobility. The damage from staff is slow its not the reason people use it.

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For isntance in WvW the auto attack off clones is mostly useless because clones dont live. but the mobility allows for various play options that wouldnt otherwise be available. Mostly staff is good to swap to for utility then to swap back to axe for axtual damage. I think you know that too.

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Swapping to torch would give stealth and no mobility or combo field, hence not comparable replacement in any way. Stealth != mobility doesnt get you out of mele range. Pistol would give a rupt but staff also has a rupt on 5 but also has mobility. Nuff said. Staff obviously adds more than either and mesmer doesnt get other main hand with utility unless you talk about using sword ambush which then really you are talking about mirage ambush and not sword at all. So in the end, no real way what you said is accurate at all.

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Also staff is the fastes 1st clone out weapon available to Mesmer which adds even more utility. Sword 3 has animation delay, axe 2 has animation delay and some times isnt safe ( like on a ledge), scepter clones take some time, all off hand are either phant before clone or you use up cc like sword 4.

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If we consider Staff to be thematically a "chaos" weapon (as in unpredictable) yet still usable, I would go for 2 changes.Staff #3: functionality unchanged, but instead of procing Vulnerability, the beam applies Confusion AND one additional non-damaging condition, Cripple, Weakness, Chill at random.Staff #4: Protection baseline; Chaos Aura instead of procing random boons and conditions, it trades them between the Mesmer and the attacker (like Arcane thievery)

Chaotic Dampening: Remove Protection on acquiring Aura, instead extend the duration of Chaos Aura by X. Retain the CD reduction.

This would retain the overall "feel" of the staff, increase it's power and still provide counterplay.An argument can be also made for increasing #1 projectile speed and/or making it unblockable, but staff AA is hardly the problem.

edit: The change to the Chaos Aura (and not Chaos Armor) would also indirectly buff Chrono wells as long as there are blast finishers around.

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@"kraven.9578" said:If we consider Staff to be thematically a "chaos" weapon (as in unpredictable) yet still usable, I would go for 2 changes.Staff #3: functionality unchanged, but instead of procing Vulnerability, the beam applies Confusion AND one additional non-damaging condition, Cripple, Weakness, Chill at random.Staff #4: Protection baseline; Chaos Aura instead of procing random boons and conditions, it trades them between the Mesmer and the attacker (like Arcane thievery)

Chaotic Dampening: Remove Protection on acquiring Aura, instead extend the duration of Chaos Aura by X. Retain the CD reduction.

This would retain the overall "feel" of the staff, increase it's power and still provide counterplay.An argument can be also made for increasing #1 projectile speed and/or making it unblockable, but staff AA is hardly the problem.

edit: The change to the Chaos Aura (and not Chaos Armor) would also indirectly buff Chrono wells as long as there are blast finishers around.

good suggestion, the reason staff used to be used is due to perma protection and good chance at landing weakness to deal with power damage.remove that and staff can be safely buffed.Nerf clone aa btw, and buff mesmer aa. make staff 3 deal actual dmg.

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Staff could do with some tweaks to its support.

Since, it's literally Mesmer's only core support focused weapon. (While there's only 1 Condi MH weapon, Mesmer plays a lot around their OH weapon being the only thing swapped between weapon sets due to Clone AA's and short CD skills... I.e. Scepter + Pistol/Torch, Axe + Pistol/Torch, Sword + Sword/Focus. With PvP caring more about the utility of a MH weapon rather than its damage type)

I'd personally suggest something like:

Skill 3: To go with the Chaos theme, the Duality of Staff (Skills provide both Boons to allies and condi's to enemies) and the fact that the skill uniquely creates 2 Phantasms... I'd say something like 1 Phantasm damages foes and either inflicts some random conditions or rips boons, while t'other Phantasm farts random boons to nearby allies.

Skill 4: I'd just suggest it apply Chaos Aura to allies in an area around you.

Chaos Aura: I'd probably adjust the effects it utilizes in its pools away from Prot/Reg/Swift + Weak/Conf/Crip. Not sure exactly what, but maybe something like:

Boons: Prot/Vig/ResCondis: Weak/Blind/Crip

Something a bit on the defensive, similar to Frost Aura/Light Aura/Shocking Aura/Magnetic Aura with the caveat of being random. If balance ends up being a concern, could do something like slightly weight the RNG towards Vig/Blind.

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  • 1 month later...

Staff auto attack needs one more bounce. Staff 3 needs a meaningful change/buff. Chaos armor needs protection & weakness at 100% chance and retaliation & slow as a 33% chance or something along those line to become better imo.

But the biggest problem for mirage in PvP/WvW is the loss of the dodge. Who the kitten decided this was a fix for something???

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@"gousgou.5438" said:Staff auto attack needs one more bounce. Staff 3 needs a meaningful change/buff. Chaos armor needs protection & weakness at 100% chance and retaliation & slow as a 33% chance or something along those line to become better imo.

But the biggest problem for mirage in PvP/WvW is the loss of the dodge. Who the kitten decided this was a fix for something???

our lord and savior CMC.from watching him talk on the matter his stance is more or less" I know its stupid change but i dont feel like doing the good change so whatever "

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@aaron.7850 said:Only reason to use staff is to level alts if you want to play it safely.

wvw'ers never use it because its too slow and unimpactful

spvpers use axe and sword, a POWER WEAPON... how embarrassing

raiders only use axe and forget about staff entirely, how scandalous

Its just sad, because I like the feel of it and the way spells look, but in most case scenarios it is outclassed by all the other weapons

I used to use Staff quite a lot for Open World Content, before the Shattering change, but now that it's back you could use it again.Staff scales really well with chaos traitline and a bit of boon duraiton. You're pretty much perma boons all the time.

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@MidJuly.1839 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:In PvP and WvW staff phantasm has to be a top 5 worst weapon skill in the entire game. Thing literally does like 50 damage when it should be the weapon kit's heavy hitter.

Staff 3 as it is right now, is arguably the WORST Phant skill in the game. It's only purpose is to generate a clone on delay. Biased much CMC?

Oh it's 100% the worst phantasm. But it actually might be the single worst weapon skill across literally all the professions. No damage, no survivability, barely any utility, its basically JUST a clone generator and it takes like 7 seconds to get that clone.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:In PvP and WvW staff phantasm has to be a top 5 worst weapon skill in the entire game. Thing literally does like 50 damage when it should be the weapon kit's heavy hitter.

Staff 3 as it is right now, is arguably the WORST Phant skill in the game. It's only purpose is to generate a clone on delay. Biased much CMC?

Oh it's 100% the worst phantasm. But it actually might be the single worst weapon skill across literally all the professions. No damage, no survivability, barely any utility, its basically JUST a clone generator and it takes like 7 seconds to get that clone.

It does nothing. It's very weird.

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