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Tips For Fighting Condi Revs


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@wevh.2903 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:What you need to know is that you basicly have to burst them twice and you have to control it. When they start healing their "normal" heal ie regen on hit which almost everybody use to get a second wind, dont hit them. Pause for 4s or however long it lasts, check your own cds and then burst again. Just like with thief tp, you also want to pay attention to them doing the sword bounce because thats 99% likely to be followed up by a heavy hitter. If they run mace, then immobilization is often similar tell - be prepared to bunker down with blocks/cleanses cause you're about to get 20+ torment stacks.

They are incredibly hard targets and one of if not the best condi build in the game when played by someone good.

Another obvious tip is bring more people. No shame in that if you cant beat them - they know exactly what they run and what they are no matter how much they rage whisper you. If you can get them down to 50% hp and isnt unfortunate to have complete idiots with you, you've already won.

Yes ganking 1vX is a enjoyable experience for average wvw player xdIf you cant beat someone 1v1 its not ganking to beat them 2v1. And neither is 3v1 if you cant beat them 2v1. If thats your criteria, then
is a ganker. Which is fine by me, ganker. I'd love to see a hardcore fight guild of 25 people that totally steamroll any random zerg cry "buh buh they ganked us!" every time the enemy have to bring more people to beat them.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:What you need to know is that you basicly have to burst them twice and you have to control it. When they start healing their "normal" heal ie regen on hit which almost everybody use to get a second wind, dont hit them. Pause for 4s or however long it lasts, check your own cds and then burst again. Just like with thief tp, you also want to pay attention to them doing the sword bounce because thats 99% likely to be followed up by a heavy hitter. If they run mace, then immobilization is often similar tell - be prepared to bunker down with blocks/cleanses cause you're about to get 20+ torment stacks.

They are incredibly hard targets and one of if not the best condi build in the game when played by someone good.

Another obvious tip is bring more people. No shame in that if you cant beat them - they know exactly what they run and what they are no matter how much they rage whisper you. If you can get them down to 50% hp and isnt unfortunate to have complete idiots with you, you've already won.

Yes ganking 1vX is a enjoyable experience for average wvw player xdIf you cant beat someone 1v1 its not ganking to beat them 2v1. And neither is 3v1 if you cant beat them 2v1. If thats your criteria, then
is a ganker. Which is fine by me, ganker. I'd love to see a hardcore fight guild of 25 people that totally steamroll any random zerg cry "buh buh they ganked us!" every time the enemy have to bring more people to beat them.

You cant beat ppl 1v1?

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@wevh.2903 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:What you need to know is that you basicly have to burst them twice and you have to control it. When they start healing their "normal" heal ie regen on hit which almost everybody use to get a second wind, dont hit them. Pause for 4s or however long it lasts, check your own cds and then burst again. Just like with thief tp, you also want to pay attention to them doing the sword bounce because thats 99% likely to be followed up by a heavy hitter. If they run mace, then immobilization is often similar tell - be prepared to bunker down with blocks/cleanses cause you're about to get 20+ torment stacks.

They are incredibly hard targets and one of if not the best condi build in the game when played by someone good.

Another obvious tip is bring more people. No shame in that if you cant beat them - they know exactly what they run and what they are no matter how much they rage whisper you. If you can get them down to 50% hp and isnt unfortunate to have complete idiots with you, you've already won.

Yes ganking 1vX is a enjoyable experience for average wvw player xdDepends enemy spec. 3 vs 1 against condi reve is kind of balanced matchup if condi reve is below average player. good condireve never lose 3 vs 1.

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Depends on what you are playing as. Some random tips that can help you gain an advantage depending on what class you are on:

  • Avoid their swap burst. Between sigil procs, Song of the Mists, and Invoke Torment, the swap burst can be stupidly strong. Invoke Torment has a delay after swap that you can more easily dodge. If they are running the transfer GM trait this is really important to dodge. Although legend swapping is instant, the more you fight (or play) a Rev, the more intuitive it becomes to feel the swap coming. I have found on multiple occasions when fighting them that even if I feel I am winning the fight, it can be totally swung in the opposite direction if I recklessly eat all the swap burst: I am forced to disengage and recover which allows them to resustain and regain the advantage.
  • Like many others have mentioned, CC chain them. Remember that if you force them to spend a lot of their energy on stunbreaking, they will have considerably less pressure. IMO, it is best to CC them right after they swap into Mallyx. If you can deny them Embrace the Darkness uptime, this is really good because the skill is just insane, as well as its synergy with Tormenting Runes which gives them a ton of sustain. Most Revs now run Glaring Resolve which will give them stability after stunbreaking, so don't waste your CC into that.
  • Corrupting and stripping them is not as effective now because of Fiendish Tenacity, but if you rip their resistance at the right time, it can be very effective still if you are playing a condi build. If you put CC pressure on them in Mallyx they are forced to use Pain Absorption for their stunbreak, which gives them resistance. I have found that alternating strips and CCs can be really effective. If you strip them and they have a condi bomb on them, they may have to use PA, which you can then follow up with a CC. This works vice versa too. The key is starving them of their energy in Mallyx. This is one of the risks in kiting them: the more you kite them while they are in Mallyx, the more energy they will have pooled up and the easier it will be for them to not only recover, but also counterpressure. Most condi Revs I have come across don't actually run Cleansing Sigil, so this can be of big benefit when fighting them.
  • If you are not familiar with fighting Heralds, learn to quickly recognize the Glint heal. Respect this. If you see the cross facet icon on their bar, be prudent with your damage because that means that they can instantly activate their heal while about to eat your burst. Unfortunately in anything that is not a 1v1, there is a big chance that they will full heal from your allies. However, one of the benefits to CC having no damage is that it makes CC locking them during the heal a good strategy. For example I will try to CC them while their Glint heal is up so that as soon as it expires, I can burst them. Good Revs will oftentimes try to hard pressure you while they pop their heal because it makes it dangerous to counterpressure them, so CC effectively shuts this down.
  • Like others have also mentioned, cleansing/generosity/purity sigils are a blessing. Condis are busted right now in small-scale right now so there is no shame in running a higher than usual amount of cleanses. I just recently swapped out air for generosity on my power Rev. If you are fighting one with multiple allies, beware of the Facet of Nature swap. Have your cleanses ready for a big condi bomb (generally high stacks of something like burning or torment as most run without Core Value).
  • Understand that the build is totally busted in small-scale right now and there is no shame in losing to it on most builds. There is a huuuuuge disparity between a PvP condi Rev and a WvW condi Rev. WvW cRev has access to significantly cheaper Mallyx skills, 25 might (via Incensed Response), Tormenting Runes, broken condi sigils, and condi tank gear (Dire/Trailblazer). Its weaknesses are much less glaring in WvW.

That's all for now since I have to start work. I used to roam on condi Rev a ton before and after Mallyx's rework so I know the spec pretty well.

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@wevh.2903 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:What you need to know is that you basicly have to burst them twice and you have to control it. When they start healing their "normal" heal ie regen on hit which almost everybody use to get a second wind, dont hit them. Pause for 4s or however long it lasts, check your own cds and then burst again. Just like with thief tp, you also want to pay attention to them doing the sword bounce because thats 99% likely to be followed up by a heavy hitter. If they run mace, then immobilization is often similar tell - be prepared to bunker down with blocks/cleanses cause you're about to get 20+ torment stacks.

They are incredibly hard targets and one of if not the best condi build in the game when played by someone good.

Another obvious tip is bring more people. No shame in that if you cant beat them - they know exactly what they run and what they are no matter how much they rage whisper you. If you can get them down to 50% hp and isnt unfortunate to have complete idiots with you, you've already won.

Yes ganking 1vX is a enjoyable experience for average wvw player xdIf you cant beat someone 1v1 its not ganking to beat them 2v1. And neither is 3v1 if you cant beat them 2v1. If thats your criteria, then
is a ganker. Which is fine by me, ganker. I'd love to see a hardcore fight guild of 25 people that totally steamroll any random zerg cry "buh buh they ganked us!" every time the enemy have to bring more people to beat them.

You cant beat ppl 1v1?You really read posts as whatever you want, do you...

It doesnt matter whether you can beat someone 1v1 or not. Yesterday I met two spellbreakers. Same guild. I am on my core engineer. And guess what? They got curbstomped. I dont think I went below 90% hp. They didnt stand a chance. Now, sometimes you may encounter a situation where you think "well it was a 50/50 chance because I got a good first engagement, maybe next time they could have gotten me". Uhm no. I highly doubt that.

I wouldnt blaim them if they 3v1 me. Or 4v1. Or even more. At what point does it go from we need this many to fight that enemy to this is ganking?

GW2 fights isnt as simple as "you had more people than us, you're ganking!". That's just stupid. Any good player will know this... even if they refuse to admit it.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:What you need to know is that you basicly have to burst them twice and you have to control it. When they start healing their "normal" heal ie regen on hit which almost everybody use to get a second wind, dont hit them. Pause for 4s or however long it lasts, check your own cds and then burst again. Just like with thief tp, you also want to pay attention to them doing the sword bounce because thats 99% likely to be followed up by a heavy hitter. If they run mace, then immobilization is often similar tell - be prepared to bunker down with blocks/cleanses cause you're about to get 20+ torment stacks.

They are incredibly hard targets and one of if not the best condi build in the game when played by someone good.

Another obvious tip is bring more people. No shame in that if you cant beat them - they know exactly what they run and what they are no matter how much they rage whisper you. If you can get them down to 50% hp and isnt unfortunate to have complete idiots with you, you've already won.

Yes ganking 1vX is a enjoyable experience for average wvw player xdIf you cant beat someone 1v1 its not ganking to beat them 2v1. And neither is 3v1 if you cant beat them 2v1. If thats your criteria, then
is a ganker. Which is fine by me, ganker. I'd love to see a hardcore fight guild of 25 people that totally steamroll any random zerg cry "buh buh they ganked us!" every time the enemy have to bring more people to beat them.

You cant beat ppl 1v1?You really read posts as whatever you want, do you...

It doesnt matter whether you can beat someone 1v1 or not. Yesterday I met two spellbreakers. Same guild. I am on my core engineer. And guess what? They got curbstomped. I dont think I went below 90% hp. They didnt stand a chance. Now, sometimes you may encounter a situation where you think "well it was a 50/50 chance because I got a good first engagement, maybe next time they could have gotten me". Uhm no. I highly doubt that.

I wouldnt blaim them if they 3v1 me. Or 4v1. Or even more. At what point does it go from
we need this many to fight that enemy
this is ganking

GW2 fights isnt as simple as "you had more people than us, you're ganking!". That's just stupid. Any
player will know this... even if they refuse to admit it.

If u r a decent (veteran) player and u search for a 1v1 u lose and then u wait to 2v1 that person ur simple a rat . That two guys r prob pve players .

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@wevh.2903 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:What you need to know is that you basicly have to burst them twice and you have to control it. When they start healing their "normal" heal ie regen on hit which almost everybody use to get a second wind, dont hit them. Pause for 4s or however long it lasts, check your own cds and then burst again. Just like with thief tp, you also want to pay attention to them doing the sword bounce because thats 99% likely to be followed up by a heavy hitter. If they run mace, then immobilization is often similar tell - be prepared to bunker down with blocks/cleanses cause you're about to get 20+ torment stacks.

They are incredibly hard targets and one of if not the best condi build in the game when played by someone good.

Another obvious tip is bring more people. No shame in that if you cant beat them - they know exactly what they run and what they are no matter how much they rage whisper you. If you can get them down to 50% hp and isnt unfortunate to have complete idiots with you, you've already won.

Yes ganking 1vX is a enjoyable experience for average wvw player xdIf you cant beat someone 1v1 its not ganking to beat them 2v1. And neither is 3v1 if you cant beat them 2v1. If thats your criteria, then
is a ganker. Which is fine by me, ganker. I'd love to see a hardcore fight guild of 25 people that totally steamroll any random zerg cry "buh buh they ganked us!" every time the enemy have to bring more people to beat them.

You cant beat ppl 1v1?You really read posts as whatever you want, do you...

It doesnt matter whether you can beat someone 1v1 or not. Yesterday I met two spellbreakers. Same guild. I am on my core engineer. And guess what? They got curbstomped. I dont think I went below 90% hp. They didnt stand a chance. Now, sometimes you may encounter a situation where you think "well it was a 50/50 chance because I got a good first engagement, maybe next time they could have gotten me". Uhm no. I highly doubt that.

I wouldnt blaim them if they 3v1 me. Or 4v1. Or even more. At what point does it go from
we need this many to fight that enemy
this is ganking

GW2 fights isnt as simple as "you had more people than us, you're ganking!". That's just stupid. Any
player will know this... even if they refuse to admit it.

If u r a decent (veteran) player and u search for a 1v1 u lose and then u wait to 2v1 that person ur simple a rat . That two guys r prob pve players .So you want a world where no one fights better players because their enemies arent
to bring more in order to beat them. Ok. Got it.

I'll stick to being a rat then. At least this rat will get fights, defeat the enemy and protect the objectives.

Also love how you somehow got "search for a 1v1" into this, as if we're talking intentional dueling. I will restate my initial impression then: You really read posts as whatever you want, do you...

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Although I do agree that condi rev is borderline OP, I personally have very little issues with them as a melee soulbeast.CC them for days, also one well timed prelude lash into WD usually means GG.Don't attack them when they use infuse light (heal on received attack), just circle them with a CC skill ready.Also, don't panic cleanse 1-2 stacks, there's gonna be more coming :)

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@Swifteyes.6812 said:My main is a weaver. Obviously every class has a weakness and mine seems to be condi revs. I just can't kill them no matter what I do. The ones I encounter seem to take no damage and then if they do, they heal completely back up. There's no point in cleaning their condis. Every time you do, they just dump a ton more on you and you can't keep up with the cleansing. What can you do against tanky condi revs?Any tips would be appreciated.

Em, you know that decent Weaver shouldnt have much problems with condi rev, right? I mean, maybe not win, but at least stalemate. Just dont panic when you get 2 stacks of torment, wait abit and then cleanse. Also dodge all clearly visible mallyx-kind animations.In order to kill one, youd need to know when and how to put pressure, and even if, theres a high chance that still hes gonna regenerate from it. Read your skills again, check what deals the most damage, how to combo it with some CCs and just wisely facetank. Either you put enough pressure or fck up cleanse rotations.

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@Sovereign.1093 said:To think that this is THE nerfed condi rev. Before 1 condi rev can take out 3 Weaver's easy. :3

Very true, before big patch on 1vs1 the combat was very one sided, condi rev could deal and old and kill over time, 2-3 weavers, tempest and core would just be a few seconds match.

I always saw condi rev with boon removing stuff a counter to ele and its elites and any other class that expects to win figths by boon stacking.

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@MarzAttakz.9608 said:

> Condi transfers
Much cleansingPower
> High range
> Boon Removal

Pick two, OP is playing a weaver, a point missed by most responses...

u know, not every class is 100% equal to other classes.or can my warrior kill people with conditions in under 1sec too? No.Weaver is top in cleansing ,healing and stalling. Power is against CRev better than condi weaver, but condi weaver isnt unsubstantial either.

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Hard to fight a condi rev, particulary if you're dagger or sword.They can just run demon stance elite skill and you die or you're stuck in water/attunement swapping to cleanse condition. Won't lie, he has the advantage, condi rev is pur cancer against melee builds and weaver lack resistance, boon strip etc. But you have CC !With Weaver Dagger/dagger or Dagger/Focus, you have some leaps, some range, and not matter the build you can just CC lock (Schoking Aura, updraft, Gale, mud slide, katabatic wind, ... ) and burst with primordial stance + Plasma Burst, Convergence, Burning Speed, fire grab etc, as he has no stab and few and predictable BreakStun.With sword ... hmmmmmmmmm. Run ? :#But it can be very long as he often has +20k HP, 2.4k armor and a lot of sustain, worst if he is traiblazer cancer.

Otherwise you can easily kill him with freh air scepter, or weaver or tempest, he doesn't have many gap-closers, nor block/evade to avoid the burst , you should have more movement speed than him , you can easily identifie and avoid Facet of Light, legend swap, etc from rangeUnless he plays full heal like Herald 1-2-1 + rapid flow + friendish tenacity etc; but in that case the fight would be futile, just ignore him if you can't burst fast enough.

You should post your build, it's be easier to advise.

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@Scoobaniec.9561 said:I remember few months ago when ppl in my own servers were laughing at me for playing condi rev and how something like DH could beat me up easily (hello gunnar hold you brainlets).. Oh how the times have changed ???

Unless you are capable of 100-0 them or poke-kite them for days you aint beating one.

Few months ago power builds were broken everywhere so it was already easier to kill condi builds, even bunkers, with so few stab and BS.  + Corruption and herald Lanes were not that broken too. It farts heals, condi transfers ...

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@Zhaid Zhem.6508 said:

@"Scoobaniec.9561" said:I remember few months ago when ppl in my own servers were laughing at me for playing condi rev and how something like DH could beat me up easily (hello gunnar hold you brainlets).. Oh how the times have changed ???

Unless you are capable of 100-0 them or poke-kite them for days you aint beating one.

Few months ago power builds were broken everywhere so it was already easier to kill condi builds, even bunkers, with so few stab and BS.  + Corruption and herald Lanes were not that broken too. It farts heals, condi transfers ...

I never played with herald. It was core shiro/mallyx all the way. Even tho power damage was "broken" it was still not enough to take me down.

I guess in case of condi herald you can just keep em at range due to 0 mobility on their part and since everyone follows meta like braindead monkeys nobody will even think of slotting shiro in.

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