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First impression of MOTA

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If you stand on the cart you can't be knocked back so if your strategy relies on knocking the enemy off the node to decap(which was their strategy) your strategy is invalidated just because someone is exploiting terrain.

It's essentially perma-stab for free vs knockbacks.

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@Shiyo.3578 said:If you stand on the cart you can't be knocked back so if your strategy relies on knocking the enemy off the node to decap(which was their strategy) your strategy is invalidated just because someone is exploiting terrain.

It's essentially perma-stab for free vs knockbacks.

Its also been in the game for 8 years...

Its also only viable vs a build that does so little damage you can survive against it by standing still...

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No, LOSing is not an exploit. Sitting on a cart to be immune to knockbacks is.

Sadly, nothing will happen and people will continue to find more things to exploit until something finally happens. No reason to take these tournaments seriously until then.

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@Shiyo.3578 said:No, LOSing is not an exploit. Sitting on a cart to be immune to knockbacks is.

Sadly, nothing will happen and people will continue to find more things to exploit until something finally happens. No reason to take these tournaments seriously until then.

You going to answer my question or not? Which match at which stage of the tournament was this at?

Can't find this match and any of the VoDs

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@Shiyo.3578 said:No, LOSing is not an exploit. Sitting on a cart to be immune to knockbacks is.

Sadly, nothing will happen and people will continue to find more things to exploit until something finally happens. No reason to take these tournaments seriously until then.

it's there for that purpose, it's not an exploitthere is many other spots on other maps to use to your advantage as well

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:wait so enemy sits in a cart to not be knocked back by druid and thats the exploit? xd

I mean, shadowfall knew they were going to do that again but didn't switch to a dps build.

Bunkering with burst weapon is also something only ranger can do, imagine greatsword bunker mesmer actually working.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@"Shiyo.3578" said:No, LOSing is not an exploit. Sitting on a cart to be immune to knockbacks is.

Sadly, nothing will happen and people will continue to find more things to exploit until something finally happens. No reason to take these tournaments seriously until then.

You going to answer my question or not? Which match at which stage of the tournament was this at?

Can't find this match and any of the VoDs

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/641997262 at 5h46min48s or 7h31min33s - 7h32min30s. And this is pretty stupid.

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@"Shiyo.3578" said:My first impression is that blatant exploits are allowed and no punishments are given.https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/663499079803863071/718688444012036116/unknown.png

It's a joke to consider this a "tournament".

I have followed that part on Teapot stream and I really could not figure out what they were so upset against.Plenty of other nodes have fences you can be projected against without the point getting uncapped. This cart is a bit more extreme as it prevents the knockback from 3 directions, but it also forces you to remain in a tiny spot. Any player would just dps him the hell out of that area.

If you play a build that has the sole purpose of exploiting its CC output to uncap/cap a point and to bunker it, yes it can be infuriating to be countered as easily. But you are the idiot trying to abuse the system at the first place.

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@aymnad.9023 said:

@"Shiyo.3578" said:No, LOSing is not an exploit. Sitting on a cart to be immune to knockbacks is.

Sadly, nothing will happen and people will continue to find more things to exploit until something finally happens. No reason to take these tournaments seriously until then.

You going to answer my question or not? Which match at which stage of the tournament was this at?

Can't find this match and any of the VoDs

at 5h46min48s or 7h31min33s - 7h32min30s. And this is pretty stupid.

Thank you!! ?

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To the few claiming that sitting in cart is an exploit, if you hadnt noticed on most nodes theres a spot you can stand where knockback wont push you off node. 80% of the nodes have this and its very much intended as a counterplay by using environement, which is a big part of gw2 pvp.

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@youle.5824 said:To the few claiming that sitting in cart is an exploit, if you hadnt noticed on most nodes theres a spot you can stand where knockback wont push you off node. 80% of the nodes have this and its very much intended as a counterplay by using environement, which is a big part of gw2 pvp.Not really? Those spots are not present on every node + they just prevent you from being pushed too far away from the node in one direction, not from moving at all. Saying this is fine and the same would be lying.

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@hotte in space.2158 said:Yeah Roy and Teapot were great. Most frequent sentence in their commentaries : . . . . and here comes the glyph !

Often followed by it being interrupted and some hype around that. It became apparent the longer the MOTA went on how important interrupting it was and how teams would pivot someone to do this. Especially in the final match. Its interesting to watch for me. Also the pre-casting of a 2s cast time skill to get the instant res is pretty entertaining and I felt showed skill and coordination. There were also a lot of times that even getting the glyph res didnt change the outcome of the engagement.

Also i understand why CMC doesn't hate them. You're technically fighting a utility down the entire time until someone goes down. If you don't get value from the skill then the opportunity cost is completely wasted and you're not at full capacity for the entire match.

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