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Out of the minis you have, what is your favourite mini, and why?

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Not a huge fan of minis and pets in general. The only allied NPCs I ever liked in an MMORPG were my Cubics, small glowing orbs levitating behind my shoulders (Lineage II). They did not require me to do something, but assisted me in combat by cleansing my debuffs, debuffing enemies or draining HP from them. So I tried to find something similar in GW2 ...

At first, I used the Mini Toy Golem, when its texture was bugged for a couple of months. It had a special glow and looked like the lost cousin of GL-XC S7M-B you fight in the Shattered Observatory. Currently I am using the Mini Inquest Assault Cube. With its red & black texture and rotating animations it suits quite well to my Scrapper/Engineer.

Both can rotate rather quickly and you never really know what side you are truly facing. It looks both intimidating and relaxing. Like the Function Gyro floating over my right shoulder, it gives me a feeling of peace and balance. They may not be as helpful as my old pets, but they make for some good companions. Especially when I get myself lost somewhere once again. When I see the cube rotating, I know the game is still running. I just move on and see where that new path leads or if I manage to unstuck myself without a waypoint.

During Wintersday I use Foostivoo the Merry. I like Quaggans in general, with that hat Foostivoo is quite adorable. But the most important reason: He sings wintersday songs! What makes him one of the most useful minis in the entire game, as the majority of minis are only visual decorations.

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For many years it was my Mini Karka due to it's rarity (and one of the rarest drops I ever had in Gw2) but once it was re-introduced to the game it got a lot more common so I stopped using it as much.

I quite like my Mini Bioluminescent Skyscale Hatchling and Mini Ember Skyscale Hatchling and use them oftenI get a lot of use from Bonskinner on my Necros too.

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Mini Trahearne, he's my favorite character and I really wanted a mini of him since a month or so after launch, so I was happy when one was finally released 5 years later. He stays permanently equipped on a couple of my characters now. For minis not based on named npcs, my faves are probably the mini mounts (not the shrunk down 2k gem models, but the series that look like babies of their species), especially the raptor hatchlings.

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Thanks everyone for sharing both their favourite mini(s) and the story(ies) associated with. There are some minis there I hadn't heard of, so the thread has been fun and informative to me. I'm interested to hear from more players, if you're wanting to post!

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All my chars have their own mini they use but as favorites, my mini Rock with its googly eyes as it brings back memories of when the Pet Rock craze happened and my mini Princess Doll, as I have (sort of) fond memories of it being a Wintersday mob that comes out of presents. There’s something about being murdered by a horde of giggling, faceless dolls that makes a lasting impression on you.

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There's no way I could choose just one. I love mini pets in a way even I don't fully understand - the first time I saw my brother's mini kirin in GW1 I was fascinated and when I found out there were loads of them I wanted as many as I could get. I've been collecting minis ever since in both GW1 and 2 and I have literally hundreds of them (although I'm a bit behind on the newer ones due to making some time for other things).

One favourite though is the Mini Helmed Moa Racer, it just looks so silly in its over-sized helmet. I also like the mini Gwynefyrdd even though it was an absolute nightmare to get (the first year it was RNG only with an absurdly low drop rate), and Oxidecimus the Shadow Raven. Which is somewhat surprising because normally I'm not a big fan of Halloween stuff, but I think both are not that overtly halloween themed. I often use Gwynefyrdd on my Wolf-follower norn, along with the primeval jackal mount.

On temporary characters I usually try to choose minis which fit their theme, but on my main characters I'm more likely to cycle through lots of them or pick something random because otherwise there's so many I wouldn't use.

The one with the best story behind it, for me, has to be the original mini llama. I love llamas at least as much as mini pets, so I had to have it but originally it was only available from tournaments and having never played PvP my chances were pretty much zero. Then the Tournament of Legends II was announced - anyone who got through the first round would get a mini llama. Even I was in with a shot right? But how would I find a team? As it turns out that was easy thanks to some wonderful, crazy friends who were more than willing to humiliate themselves alongside me. We had maybe 8 or 9 practice matches, then signed up for the tournament under the name Llamas on Edge (a reference to our shared [Edge] guild) and probably the worst team in the history of PvP was born. We got utterly, unbelievably lucky: we won our first match by default because the other team didn't show up. We lost spectacularly in the second match, I don't think we even killed anyone, but that didn't matter because we had our llamas. :D

@"Witch of Doom.5739" said:Mini Springer Ramona -- kind of looks like a chinchilla.

I really like this one too, both because of the story behind it and because I got to participate in a small way in the community effort to figure out how to make it, which was a really fun experience with everyone sharing ideas and experimenting. For a while I had my springer mount dyed to look like it as well.

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I have 2 favourites.

  1. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Dwayna%27s_MessengerI often use it on my human mesmer. It flies, looks elegant and it shows off my character religion and race. I also always liked in-game characters like Cleric, Priest, Favourite Soul, the holy laser beam from the sky, pure. It fit's that vibe.

  2. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Golden_PigI mean it's a pig, and it's golden. What more do you want? It's also cute, chubby and funny ^^.

I used to sometimes also use any kind of mini Moa (Halloween one, chick one etc.) for me mesmer when I used to run Moa as an ultimate. I liked to imagine my moa mini is one of my pitiful enemies that are now transformed into my moa friend (ekhem... slave) and have to live waiting for me to undo the spell. It was a way to warn off other enemies about their future fate!My other less used favourites are: mini ley line spark, mini panda and mini ram.

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