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Mystic Coins - TP

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@Blocki.4931 said:Thanks, made 600 gold due to this post!

Sold my stock of MCs as well for more than 300 gold. Checking my g2effciency account value made me realise this and was the helpful trigger to use this opportunity for unlocking the Griphon mount :smile: As the normal farming by doing stuff over and over and over and over with all the same visual clutter is not fun for me.

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i can't finish xiuquatl because of this, we got a new map and gold from laurels dropped, the price to make something increased and the income of gold is going down :Sthis game you need to work harder then a real job to be able to get something nice. everything is so expensive. i like the new skyscale skin but no option to obtain it.weekly key run is useless and i never get a 5th slot, it only give me frustration and hate against the game. i don't go spend 20 euro for a skin.a guildy got the mount skin on his second key, he has 140+k gold, i see this often also on youtube etc rich ppl get everything with their keys and poor ppl have to spend real money to get it also, not that rich ppl spend much gold on keys, they are more lucky then ppl without gold, i think it is made this way so they trigger poor ppl to use their wallet. so rich players show off their loot to make poor ppl spend cash... fair game.

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Chances are high that the "new" Mystic Coin value coincides with the drop in remaining crafting materials. If one cross references the crafting cost for actual legendary items, one will realize that the cost has remained roughly the same with the new Mystic Coin high. With a new harsh market adjustment taking place at once and slightly delayed (see below).

Knowing this, one could speculate that this new price is being forced in order to maintain the legendary market. There has always been a correlation between Mystic Coin cost and remaining materials, which in the past was held by Globes of Ectoplasm.

The other aspect which might factor in, but this is pure speculation, is the poor handling of the duping of items during the EU server crash/rollback. Suffice to say, this would have caused massive inflation on some rare commodities and the developers inability to address this issue, after trading platforms closed down temporarily in anticipation of what might happen, has become apparent by now.

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For me it's good to make money. And once the prices goes up more people might farm those - I have a ton of them left only from daily logins. (But not even selling them now since I don't need the money.) I am not doing the daily anomaly. There might be more people doing the anomaly once the price goes up ... sellng more. Until it stabilizes. On the other hand people buying might finish their stuff and needing less ... buying less = sellers would need to lower the price.

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@titje.2745 said:

@titje.2745 said:i like the new skyscale skin but no option to obtain it.This is patently false. There are plenty of options. You seem to not want to choose them.

what are the options then?

Given your earlier replay, you are one of those hamsters who enjoys running and running hoping for that one big payoff hoping it will solve all your problems.

Here is a suggestion:Stop hoping to hit it big with that one thing, but rather adjust your spending of in game gold and save up. I doubt your 140k guild member won his entire gold amount. I'm quite sure he has a way different spending habit than you paired with better investments (which are not mandatory but can help grow in game wealth, or reduce it depending on how successful one is).

As far as BLC, pretty much everyone should know by now they are a net loss. If you had spent a fraction of time on these "rich" people getting everything on youtube, you would have known that most only upload the successful Black Lion Chest openings and often spend a huge amount more on keys than that one video.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@titje.2745 said:i like the new skyscale skin but no option to obtain it.This is patently false. There are plenty of options. You seem to not want to choose them.

what are the options then?Here are two:Convert gold -> gems, buy skinPay cash for gems, buy skin

lol, all my gold is in xiuquatl,second option never. i am loot player and ages i haven't got nice loot so i don't spend real cash on the game for a long time.it must come from both ways, if i enjoy something i want to spend cash but i dont want to be forced to spend cash.every weekly keyrun is a frustration (make me think negative about the game)every map completion is a transmute charge, also bad thinking.broken market if you are not rich at all so not much options for income if you dont spend 24/7 grinding.i feel i am forced to spend cash if i want something nice. its free to play sure but every nice thing you see if available with cash.like the OP metioned, nothing nice is behind progress, yes dhuum but its impossible.new strikes can give high worth gold items which i never get.daily mushroom kill never give the shoes box,all other bosses who can drop infusions never drop.tarir infusion never dropssilverwastes infusion never drops.if you want gold you have to give up everything to farm gold in this game.

1 item can change everything, if i get a item worth 1k gold or more then i think ohw nice, the game loves me and i get rewarded for the time spend.in dutch its called "iemand wat gunnen" i think its like "i deserve something nice" and that makes me happy.

right now its more like, you deserve nothing nice and if you want something nice then use your wallet.

if i get aurene outfit would also be nice, 1 key can change my mind. but i think i ask to much right now. streamers get everything, ofc its advertising.i often see gem giveaways, but why not give every player once 400 gems or something, just because it can. about the outfit, yes they give 5 away but they got 1 for themself.

this is my opinion. i insulted no one here.yes there are more games but this game is not bad but i need nice skins.i enjoyed it much in the beginning in 2016 but my loot drops got worse,

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I was only refuting the point that you made that there were no options. There are options, and as you've indicated you are not willing to use them. You make a lot of definitive statements which just aren't true. I understand your frustration, but it would help your argument if you didn't use falsehoods.

Skins are not needed to complete content in GW2. They are cosmetic only. You don't need them; you want them. And if you want them badly enough, then you will find a way to do those things which will allow you to obtain them.

Good luck.

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@kharmin.7683 said:I was only refuting the point that you made that there were no options. There are options, and as you've indicated you are not willing to use them. You make a lot of definitive statements which just aren't true. I understand your frustration, but it would help your argument if you didn't use falsehoods.

Skins are not needed to complete content in GW2. They are cosmetic only. You don't need them; you want them. And if you want them badly enough, then you will find a way to do those things which will allow you to obtain them.

Good luck.

thanks but thats what i like in gw2, skins and dyes, nothing more. i enjoy playing dyes and armors, further i only kill mobs if i want to do them for fun. and further i am only trying to make gold, i need 600 gold for xiuquatl to finish so you know how much i have spend in it already, i am not a person who want to achieve everything. only if it gives a title like kingslayer or something thats worth it, but not just achievement points that dont give anything (what i like)

and there is nothing to complete for me in this game, all i want is nice skins and dyes. yes and dhuum helm but i haven't even tried the raid or watching tactics.nice loot is prio. i have created nevermore, bolt, the binding of ipos, en the scepter is next. but i am not much motivated at the moment, i just logged in because of dragon bash, i need the helm skin only. :)

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@titje.2745 said:i can't finish xiuquatl because of this, we got a new map and gold from laurels dropped, the price to make something increased and the income of gold is going down :Sthis game you need to work harder then a real job to be able to get something nice. everything is so expensive. i like the new skyscale skin but no option to obtain it.weekly key run is useless and i never get a 5th slot, it only give me frustration and hate against the game. i don't go spend 20 euro for a skin.a guildy got the mount skin on his second key, he has 140+k gold, i see this often also on youtube etc rich ppl get everything with their keys and poor ppl have to spend real money to get it also, not that rich ppl spend much gold on keys, they are more lucky then ppl without gold, i think it is made this way so they trigger poor ppl to use their wallet. so rich players show off their loot to make poor ppl spend cash... fair game.

let me get this straight: So you claim the game features some kind of conspiratory algorithm that adjusts loot drops depending on the in-game wealth of players, is that correct?

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@titje.2745 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:I was only refuting the point that you made that there were no options. There are options, and as you've indicated you are not willing to use them. You make a lot of definitive statements which just aren't true. I understand your frustration, but it would help your argument if you didn't use falsehoods.

Skins are not needed to complete content in GW2. They are cosmetic only. You don't need them; you want them. And if you want them badly enough, then you will find a way to do those things which will allow you to obtain them.

Good luck.

thanks but thats what i like in gw2, skins and dyes, nothing more. i enjoy playing dyes and armors, further i only kill mobs if i want to do them for fun. and further i am only trying to make gold, i need 600 gold for xiuquatl to finish so you know how much i have spend in it already, i am not a person who want to achieve everything. only if it gives a title like kingslayer or something thats worth it, but not just achievement points that dont give anything (what i like)

and there is nothing to complete for me in this game, all i want is nice skins and dyes. yes and dhuum helm but i haven't even tried the raid or watching tactics.nice loot is prio. i have created nevermore, bolt, the binding of ipos, en the scepter is next. but i am not much motivated at the moment, i just logged in because of dragon bash, i need the helm skin only. :)

What about the new shoulder skin from dragon bash?

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@Luc de Lanzac.2160 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:Thanks, made 600 gold due to this post!

i have to thank you! people selling right now is exactly what the market needs for normal regulation :D

The price most probably will retain for a period. Any MC bought at 1.9g order price can be re-sold at 2g+ buyout/purchasing price. As long as the return tied even and not making lost after tax, its possible to circulate the gold back to maintain the wall/order price.

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You all know what is more interesting than market speculation? Conspiracy theories!

This might be legit, but also might not be, only time will tell. What I heard from a friend (who has friends among some TP Barons) is that someone from ANET leaked info to the TP barons about what they could expect from the upcoming release, and what they could expect is something Mystic Coin intensive.

Again, might be, but also it might not.

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@Friday.7864 said:Anet refusing to remove the 10k gold TP limit and then even supporting people who got scammed in high value trades is part of the reason why MC is so expensive - it's used as a currency in trades. That being said, people crafting a lot of legendary items in anticipation of the Lege armory and people stocking up on Mystic coins for the actual release of the feature is also part of it I guess.Then the easy way to drop the price of MCs is to increase drop rates for the items that are currrently being sold for over 10k.

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Must have been a short spike. I just saw this and checked the trading post. They are selling for 1.6. Bummer. I was hoping it was higher, I have a bunch to sell. I will keep an eye on it... my fault for not logging in this week. I lose track of time in the lockdown ha ha B)

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