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How would you rate guild wars 2 ?

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@Vrath.1754 said:

The story however was really disappointing, would recommend ESO for a good and deep story, no other MMORPG come close to it.

I'd say SWTOR offers the best story out of the AAA MMOs.

Fair I guess, I didn't precise I was speaking about Fantasy universe game since that the only theme I enjoy.Never played SWTOR so can't tell about it.

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Guild Wars 2 is a fantastic game for many, and only "decent" for many as well.

I think it depends on how much you'll become invested in enjoying the fighting combat, grouping up with people, and exploring the world around you.

There are certainly problems every now and then, but I'll always be enamoured with Tyria until the game's time has come to pass, which for me will be years on from now.

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The poll is biased obviously.

These polls should matter on independent websites.

Posting it in the forum of gw2, which is read by the players currently playing it, won't give accurate results.

Because many of the players that have played it but don't play it anymore won't find themselves on the forum as much as the players that are currently playing the game.

And if you are currently playing the game you are supposed to like it.

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I think it's a fine game. It's far from being perfect, but it's okay.

There's a lot of things that GW2 did and still does better than many other MMOs out there (looking at you WoW) as it was quite innovative with its mechanics. It has a lot of activities that one can do (not so in the leveling part since it becomes quite repetitive after a while) an interesting story and a lot of strong areas, but i feel that the game lacks of two things that are preventing it from becoming greater: depth and more involvement from Anet.

In my personal opinion (You might disagree), the lore in general could be okay, but it has so many holes that maybe newbies would find hard to figure out what's going on. Other MMOs like SWTOR and ESO cover this really well, as in both games you don't actually need to play/read/watch other products to really understand the lore. Hearts for me was a nice deviation from the common MMO-fetch-questing, but they don't tell you much about the world you're walking in. That's to me a wasted potential. Central story (Campaign, character story or whatever) focuses so much in the dragons thing that it barely tells/explains to you more about the races, side-races, factions, side-conflicts and else that are happening in the game. This is the time i still don't get who are the Djinns and where they came from, and if they have any kind of purpose or what Centaurs really want besides their fight with humans (and to be honest, I thought LW3 - 4 episode was great but they didn't help too much in understanding centaurs' intentions). New Living Worlds are OK too, but again the same trouble: they lack depth (and length) and only repeat some of the same mistakes done in prior deliveries.

Regarding the involvement part, the fact that WvW is nearly dead and sPVP is going there isn't helping the game that much right now. WvW looks quite outdated and, as a newbie in the mode, it was quite hard to get to know what to do in it. It seems that there aren't new maps and/or new mechanics and many of its promised updates are quite delayed. sPvP struggles a lot in updates and balances as well, and its reward system is not creating incentives to play it seriously (not to mention quit-ragers and BOTs). In the rest, the game is poorly managed and there is no consistence. It seems like Arenanet wants to make everyone happy and it results in good but not great updates. And that dungeons are a forgotten mode is a huge letdown.

The combat system is one of the best out there with virtually many options and weapons that give you unique skills and spells. I've had a blast testing every single profession the game offers to you and seeing with joy how each weapon has a different gameplay from other. That is to me one of the greatest strengths of this game. Sadly, i don't like this "Meta" thing that reigns in the higher endgame fields... it ruins completely that freedom and immersement GW2 supposedly offers.

Nonetheless, after 7 (or 10, i'm not sure lol) years, I think GW2 still has a great potential to become one of the greatest (in size and in quality) MMOs. The declining market presents a huge oportunity for the devs to renew the genre, and I think if they focus better their resources and make the right choices, they'll can prevail. The next expansion is part of that huge oportunity i'm talking about.

The incoming MMOs (especially the Amazon ones) are a serious competition to GW2 and the other games of the genre. That Guild Wars 2 are one of the 5 best existing MMOs is a nice achievement, but Anet should involve more in their game and improve the areas that are neglected from quite some time.

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If I had seen this thread two years ago, I'd probably have recommended it.

But now, the single selling point of the game is the absence of an subscription.And all my RL friends have no problem paying for the FF14 subscription to keep their houses.

The story is between mediocre and bad, the content release are few and far between.Even if I dislike the FF14 cast more than the GW2 one (except for Haurchefant, who gets killed off and Karasu, who is only in the Ninja campaigns), the FF14 stories (starting with 3.0) are written far better.Sometimes I think WoW's story writing is on par with GW2, on rare occasions even better.

The continuously growing issue with the game's performance also is a reason not to recommend the game currently.

Also, let's not forget the absence of Arenanet even attempting to balance the game.

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At release this was an excellent game, easily 9/10 - 10/10, in its ability to both pay homage to the MMO genre (which was getting formulaeic with WoW clones and nay-sayers were heralding its demise) and innovate (fixing alot of the early 2000's issues that people had suggested could not be fixed with games like WoW copying GW2 on certain features). It also had good, lofty direction or talked about it as such. Open world bosses, dynamic events (Living World as first envisioned, as live-team implemented dynamic events, like the Karka lag-fest, heh, still a good vision) and the best team-play oriented combat system out there, still today. There may be better action-combat systems for solo stuff today but GW2 still shines once you get a few more players on screen.

Sadly, it only took them a year or two to venture off that path, to not iterate upon what they had innovated or said their entire game was all about and rather begin following other companies, trends and established popular norms (more instanced content, less open content, some modes left behind, etc.).

With that came worse communication, know-better attitude, echo-chambering and second-guessing or ignoring their playerbase (for example, getting Raids in was in my oppinion a cop-out but at least there was interest for that in the game, whereas no one asked for Moba before or have played it since). Alot of those issues laid the foundation to the problems that came later since they changed direction and began to convince- or fool themselves (or only listened to fawning voices that echoed that) that they themselves or their game excelled at other things than what the game was initially built for.

After that came even worse industry-chasing with unfinished content not being iterated upon or trends chased being abandoned even before implementation, things just got to a point where few things seemed to get off the drawing table or were botched in the implementation only to be left rotting like that. There were even big, highlighted stuff that worked pretty well and still has potential that has just been left in the dust (Guild halls etc.). This is also when they began abandoning the game itself with one industry norm of course being to have multiple games in the pipeline rather than expecting your flagship to improve (which is anathematic to having an MMO, at least if you lose focus on priority).

Then came the blowback after abandoning the game as a whole and since then we've mostly seen GW1 fan service and trying to lose slowly. Things seem both inapt and inept for anything else. At this point almost everything done seems more like caretaking or groundskeeping than it does development. I would not call GW2 a good game in 2020 because it isn't much better than it was in 2012 and most of the things it still does comparatively well are the same things it did well in 2012.

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I wouldn't give it a 10/10 but it's one of my favorite games ever,Ever since PoF beyond its been an 8.5/10 for me

I think one of the biggest benefits for GW2 is that it never gets worse. Both in the quality of the story telling as well as the fact that none of the end-game content is ever mad obsolete, so the best parts about GW2 will always be able to be experienced to an extent.

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It was pretty good at release, but I'd have a hard time recommending it now.

There are elements of GW2 that I still think are done really well. Creature art and combat animation are still top-notch among the RPG genre. But the core gameplay struggles to hold my interest now, as each of the main areas of content (PvE, PvP, WvW) does not stand out amongst competing games.

PvE isn't bad but classes struggle for identity in open-world, and the personal story has improved a lot but it can never compete with the single-player RPGs that give you more breadth of story branches to explore; PvP was a departure from the successful model of GW1 where it didn't need to be, and DotA/LoL continue to be much more engaging PvP games in this genre; WvW doesn't have much competition amongst released titles, but it has structural flaws that prevent fair competition, and the ongoing lack of new content has left it feeling very stale.

I could be more optimistic if it was clear that development steps were being taken to ensure the game remains relevant in the years to come, such as a rebuild of competitive game modes, updating the renderer to use more modern versions of DirectX and Vulkan, a review of the content production process to focus more on diverse and replayable content rather the single high-budget narrative path, and a replacement of the existing origin stories with more modern content.

It would be a huge undertaking, but the game is 8 years old now and the early content just doesn't hold up very well anymore. If I'm recommending the game to new players, I want to be confident there's something to look forward to beyond Cantha, and overhauling the problem parts to build towards the future would give me that confidence.

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@Fueki.4753 said:If I had seen this thread two years ago, I'd probably have recommended it.

But now, the single selling point of the game is the absence of an subscription.And all my RL friends have no problem paying for the FF14 subscription to keep their houses.

The story is between mediocre and bad, the content release are few and far between.Even if I dislike the FF14 cast more than the GW2 one (except for Haurchefant, who gets killed off and Karasu, who is only in the Ninja campaigns), the FF14 stories (starting with 3.0) are written far better.Sometimes I think WoW's story writing is on par with GW2, on rare occasions even better.

The continuously growing issue with the game's performance also is a reason not to recommend the game currently.

Also, let's not forget the absence of Arenanet even attempting to balance the game.

You know, when i played FFXIV most people in dungeons seemed to be distracted, not playing properly or just being a nuisance with a group of 3 friends (distracted, not playing properly = watching netflix). Made me wonder why they are even paying to play, if the game is too boring. Maybe they wanted to keep their houses too, which means the seemingly fool desicions SE made were actually on purpose and are working beautifully.

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@Orack.9756 said:

The story however was really disappointing, would recommend ESO for a good and deep story, no other MMORPG come close to it.

I'd say SWTOR offers the best story out of the AAA MMOs.

Fair I guess, I didn't precise I was speaking about Fantasy universe game since that the only theme I enjoy.Never played SWTOR so can't tell about it.

For me SWTOR lay below GW2 when it come to the story or the PvE overall. It's to the point that I spent more time in PvP than PvE. I'd say that PvP in SWTOR is superior to GW2's, thought.

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  • Game engine was nearly obsolete at release eight years ago, and is certainly so now.
  • Servers can't support nearly the number of people on one map that a MMO should. "Full map" for a meta should be a rare problem, not the norm as it is in HoT.
  • Combat is too fast, particularly given the game's technical issues.
  • Too much reliance on massive overlapping "bullet hell" bombing runs of AOE as a cheap combat mechanic, compounded by points above. Too often, by the time you see the AOE render on your screen, it's either already damaging you or the lead time is too short to avoid damage. And its damage may or may not actually match the visible area on the screen.
  • Too much emphasis on solo or competitive play, not nearly enough on basic cooperative PVE building a strong self-policing community. EverQuest had that much right 20 years ago.
  • Too many different game modes, jumping puzzles, races, etc. This game tries way too hard to be everything to everyone. Pick something to be good at and be GOOD at it.
  • Too many things that are obviously and deliberately designed to be spiteful to players, HoT and Chrono nerfs being the largest examples.
  • Class balance is a joke, in great part because of GW2's silly resistance to class roles. Mesmers of all kinds and Chronos especially have been nerfed to near extinction. Meanwhile, Revenants got buffed and Firebrands are OP for every role in the game; same problem of "meta" still exists, just shifted to other classes and builds.
  • The crazy fast combat system encourages glass cannon builds, but then turns around and punishes players for using those builds with massive AOE, one-shotting attacks, and timers too fast to dodge. If you want an active combat system built on player avoidance of damage, you have to give people time to actually see, react and do that. The whole combat system needs slowed down by at least a quarter second.
  • Cast times on EVERYTHING.
  • Too many little rocks and ledges and things to trip you up and slow you down. There is such a thing as too much detail. Especially sucks in jumping puzzles when a crease in the terrain that shouldn't even be there steers you over the edge. Nothing small enough to be simply stepped on by a normal person should be rendered separately.
  • Mobs that chain long lasting CC's which you have no chance to escape.
  • Crafting system is too convoluted and expensive to be helpful to players as they level up. As a result, most players don't even bother with crafting until they're already at a level where 90% of what can be crafted is useless to them.
  • The "release and forget" paradigm. Any content older than the latest release is effectively forgotten when it comes to fixing bugs or the current status of the world. Too many events, auto targeting, and other things STILL broken after how many years of neglect. Mordrem still in Iron Marches, Fort Salma and Fort Concordia still not rebuilt after Mordy was killed years ago in both real and game time. Update and fix the game world already.

And you know what's REALLY sad? That despite all that, GW2 is still one of the best MMOs out there, which says a lot about the "strength" of its competition and the general state of MMOs today.

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@"Jimbru.6014" said:Mordrem still in Iron Marches, Fort Salma and Fort Concordia still not rebuilt after Mordy was killed years ago in both real and game time. Update and fix the game world already.

Technically, that's intentional.

Each part of the world is in a "Time Bubble" so that everything makes sense to new players still going through the story (The only exception was the mistake that was LW1 which cannot be replayed as a result)

Core Tyria is still pre-Zhaitan's death/pre-Morty's death depending on the zone (I.e. The Pact are still fighting off Risen and trying to establish footholds in Orr and surrounding areas. While Mordremoth's influence lingers in Forts Salma/Concordia and Iron Marches)

Just like HoT is pre-Morty's death, PoF is pre-Balthazar's death, LW4 is pre-Joko's death etc

@"Jimbru.6014" said:And you know what's REALLY sad? That despite all that, GW2 is still one of the best MMOs out there, which says a lot about the "strength" of its competition and the general state of MMOs today.

Sad but true...

My rating of 38/100 for GW2 is most likely still one of, if not the highest score for MMO's on the market right now if I were to compare them...


Western release of Blue Protocol can't come fast enough... What with already proving to be pretty good, with Devs that actively listen to their playerbase (Meanwhile that Amazon MMO that's coming out next month looks like poop)

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I've played 6 MMORPGs so far. Based on my experience I think GW2 is one of the best that I have played, largely due to the open world and wvw. The open world in the other games are mostly stale and become boring after a short while.

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@Taril.8619 said:Western release of Blue Protocol can't come fast enough... What with already proving to be pretty good, with Devs that actively listen to their playerbase (Meanwhile that Amazon MMO that's coming out next month looks like poop)

I had hopes for That Amazon MMO, until its development changed direction multiple times and the pandemic wreaked havoc. Now it'll be a mild surprise when/if that game comes out at all, and a bigger surprise if it's actually worth a Skritt.

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GW2 is the best MMO for casual players and players who want immersion. Maps look good and the world is quite large though most of maps lack any incentive to revisit them unless you need something specificly from there. HoT maps are kinda best replayability-wise as the metas are rewarding enough. Leveling is quite fast and story is...well, the quality varies. Crafting, except for cooking if more foods were useful at 80, is mindnumbingly boring.Graphics are a bit dated, especially when it comes to faces, and default shaders hide a lot but with ReShade that gets fixed and GW2 becomes very detailed. Audio is really good and there's insane amounts of (ambient) dialogue in the game.

Gameplay is something Kitty can highly recommend as it rewards good positioning and well-timed evades and unlike in bunch of other MMOs, you don't get rooted in place when using skills. Skilled gameplay can be quite rewarding against more difficult enemies, to the point that skilled player with effective build can kill veteran mobs in 3 seconds while not-so-efficient players would take over half a minute.

The build system is also extremely versatile, especially IF you know what you want to do with the build, know how to do it and gear it properly for the purpose. To be frank, that's some big if's and since there's scary many decent possibilities (and many more bad ones), people often go to some website with more-or-less good advice and then stick to it, like most people do. (and then whine about "play how you want isn't true" while never exploring outside the meta variations, as snarky remark. )One somewhat limiting factor is balance as currently some weapons and classes are in really bad spot as a result of certain low-end/mid-tier classes/builds not getting any boost while others got unnecessarily huge. Kitty still can't comprehend why they did that when classes were mostly within 15% difference dps-wise. There's also still some weapons that do abysmally low damage in PVE and some that are some distance below best choices and simple co-efficient change would turn them from "not even meme" to "not the most optimal but fun and gets the job done in skilled hands" without breaking the balance. And current stale PVE support meta would become way more versatile if quickness and alacrity weren't locked behind 2 specs each and druid's Frost Spirit didn't give that 5% power damage boost for 10.

For people interested in endgame stuffs, Kitty can recommend GW2 to go through raids and fractals 'til they get bored as GW2 raid experience is quite different from other MMOs though sadly rather abandoned now. Strike Missions are there kinda to create a bridge but they need hard modes for experienced players. Dungeons need increased rewards so Kitty could recommend them.Kitty can' t really say anything about WvW.PvP used to be fun but Kitty has no clue about it now as she moved from PvP to fractals in early 2017.

So generally Kitty recommends if the person is looking for those stuffs.

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Not only would i recommend it, i already have recommended it to friends who now play. However I recommend this game with the fyi that this is a game for casuals. GW2 is mainly about Open World PVE (exploration, jumping puzzles, secret zones, events, world bosses, racing ...) and Story.

I do NOT recommend GW2 for raids and PvP (which are compared to other games, putting it mildly, subpar).

T4 Fractals and Organised WvW (Meta classes + TS + if possible for you guild) are also very fun and worth mentioning. I enjoy these however i have to warn you that getting your characters ready will take time and resources, and because of the game balance you'll be expected to play certain build combinations. T4 Fractal and organized WvW are a little less casual than Open World PVE but are not "hardcore" by a long shot.

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@GummyBearSummoner.7941 said:I’ve been playing since I was a teenager . I’ve done all the content that has come & seen many changes/improvements over the years. Some things I like & some stuff I don’t . But After 8 long years , how would you rate guild wars ? Would you recommend it to new players?

It's as boring as dishwater. It took me just over a year to get to the point where I was totally maxed out in equipment and convenience items. From that point forward, I kept logging in (with a heavy sense of sunk-cost-fallacy) trying to figure out what the heck was left to do. Again and again, I would log out within 45 minutes, because I couldn't think of anything. I've never played another MMO in my life (going all the way back to UO in the late '90s) where I hit the wall so hard and had such a sense of purposelessness.

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  1. Story: 3/10.. Its not good by any stretch, and the lore has been pulled apart. But if you like story games you wouldn't be playing an MMO... the lore however is an issue..
  2. Combat 5/10 as it was good once and is still pretty good considering its age, the balance issues are what hurt it most.
  3. Build diversity: 1/10 ... there was once, but is no longer.
  4. Character customization: 3/10 its not great, never was great and they adamantly REFUSE to add anything to it. Other games do it better.
  5. Fashion: 2/10... You wana look good? Play a human or a plant human, anything else looks wonky 9 times outta 10
  6. Monetization: 8/10 as its a buy to play model it is pretty accessible in that regard. That said their idea of worthwhile content is lacking, mount skins that are twentyish bucks when an expansion at base is 30? Hmm...
  7. Content Cadence: 1/10 they hardly EVER add anything to anything outside of open world PvE which is fun for a while but grows stale. Its rinse repeat, zerg this and zerg that and hit the boxes for rewards. Done deal.
  8. Communication: 0/10 over the years they have lied openly and promised things they can't deliver, rule a thumb is always assume they don't know what they are talking about and expect them to fail in delivering the things they do talk about.
  9. Community: 2/10 .. people like to tell you "Oh its soooo nice here" but then you get to see in map chat, people ripping into everyone. PvE players are toxic and the few top players in Spvp are as well. Even players in WvW have their moments so this community is like most, except because of its dwindling population you see these people a lot more. I've met some of the worst people in this game, and honestly I can't stand dealing with a good chunk of the community but play the game because I played the original as a kid. My love of the world is all that holds me and even that is being tested and has been tested on numerous occasions.
  10. Rewards: 1/10 if it ain't legendary, or an infusion then it don't matter.
  11. Mounts: 10/10 ... they really feel great, the best thing they added to this game thus far were these. But they will add no more so it is a ribbon of achievement for a deed in the past...
  12. Mastery system: 1/10 ... you grind to unlock them for the benefits but they are region locked, and usually only good in one part of the world. Then when the next one comes out they become obsolete and the process repeats for bloated "Character Progression" that means next to nothing.

Bonus round: Living world Vs Expansions.Living world is a HORRIBLE method in delivering content, it takes too long for the content to get out and it builds up to luke warm endings and basic plot points. Id rather wait for an expansion with the occasional content patch between them leading to the next than this. (WoW does this, there are patches between the expansions that are not as big but the expansion launch is always a huge drop of content.) Guild wars 2's expansions have really been nothing to write home about, HoT was cool because it was fresh but PoF sucked hard. The only reason we all like them so much and want them is due to E-specs and potential of what else could come, but over the years we've learned that just because there is potential here does not mean we shall see it become a fruitful aspect of the game.

At this stage, I wouldn't recommend this game in current time. It has a lot if you're new but the cons out-weight the pro's when other new games are on the horizon and this one seems to be content with stagnation. You will learn very quickly that this game becomes a collection simulator and the weight of combat, the thrill of PvP or even raiding isn't there and you will be walled off by the community. This happens all the time, even the new mode strikes is gated by people trying to be "Elite Casuals" in a game that doesn't provide you the E-peen material to really show off over. There is NOTHING this game does better outside of mounts, the mounts are the best part about this game right now and that is it.

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GW2 scratches a Grindy collectors itch in me without (mostly) going too far. It's also fun to explore, and I appreciate meta events mean it's easy to leap on and do a quicky, not too difficult event for decent rewards. I'd recommend it to people with similar itches to scratch

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