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Only lesbians, AGAIN?!?!

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@OtakuModeEngage.8679 said:

@"Chicken Fro.6953" said:I'd honestly prefer they just keep it all out of the
:) Too many fires get started between people. Honestly, no offense to
I would truly just rather leave this content in the real world.

But media reflects the culture and culture reflectd the media, it is unavoidable. This happeness for two reasons: If media is to be taken seriously and have a lot of depth and realness to it, it must reflect real life events and culture trends. Not only that, but the LGBT community has been ranting for years about being unrepresented in media, and so now game developers, film makers, and even novalist are attempting to ammed that to keep and/or grow their audience.

As a bisexual myself however, I say kitten it. Dont lose sight of whats truly important: telling a good story. If diversly sexual characters have a pivitol role in the plot, and are needed to drive the story; they should be in. But if they add nothing to the natural deveopment of the story and are placed there just for the sake of having them there, then they become no more than paper place holders. Characters should be created for the sake of the story, and not the sake of the audience. If its a good story, people will read it without you attempting to crowd please.

I would generally agree with this except for the fact that if a straight couple is added, but has no value to the story. No one cares or complains.

This is never the case with a gay couple.

Until this is no longer the case, the ''just tell a good story" argument falls on its face as cowardly.

Also, I am also Bi-. Bi-High Five.

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@Ayumi Spender.1082 said:

@crewthief.8649 said:

@Deihnyx.6318 said:

@Ayakaru.6583 said:Aren't like a third of the sylvari male-gay?But why do you want gay couples so badly?Would it affect your gameplay. Can't you RP as a gay player instead? I fail to see how sexual orientation is relevant in a game where mighty warriors duke with dragons and liches

It's not just a game where warriors fight gods and dragons, there's a lot of casualization in this game, therefore, it kind of make sense.And being a mighty warrior being necessarily straight is kind of a cliche, that some people could get offended by. I know at least of one book with dragons where one of the dragon knight is gay (one of the dragonriders of Pern)

I don't think it's a priority, but I would love for example to have a marriage feature that would serve for sharing account bound stuff between two characters.

Yeah, I really don't think it belongs in the game. Any of it, to be honest. I honestly do not get why the sexual orientation of a pixelated character, in an MMO, is a valid concern.

I'll be okay with it as long as I can stay asexual. I don't think it would be fair to be forced into marriage in any way, shape, or form.

I'd prefer my characters to stay asexual too. Last thing I need to see is 2 gay Charr smoochin up a storm.

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@TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

@Emissary Vex.5690 said:You can't. I spent a good amount of time making sure I checked every NPC. ALL of the men asked to be matched with women; and one woman asked for another woman.

so if they have female faces they are females? Are you sure about that? i've seen a few transgender male to female conversions that was pretty convincing.

yeah, because those who dress up as a woman or surgically changed to a woman do that to become a lesbian. Very insightful

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@lorddarkflare.9186 said:

@OtakuModeEngage.8679 said:

@"Chicken Fro.6953" said:I'd honestly prefer they just keep it all out of the
:) Too many fires get started between people. Honestly, no offense to
I would truly just rather leave this content in the real world.

But media reflects the culture and culture reflectd the media, it is unavoidable. This happeness for two reasons: If media is to be taken seriously and have a lot of depth and realness to it, it must reflect real life events and culture trends. Not only that, but the LGBT community has been ranting for years about being unrepresented in media, and so now game developers, film makers, and even novalist are attempting to ammed that to keep and/or grow their audience.

As a bisexual myself however, I say kitten it. Dont lose sight of whats truly important: telling a good story. If diversly sexual characters have a pivitol role in the plot, and are needed to drive the story; they should be in. But if they add nothing to the natural deveopment of the story and are placed there just for the sake of having them there, then they become no more than paper place holders. Characters should be created for the sake of the story, and not the sake of the audience. If its a good story, people will read it without you attempting to crowd please.

I would generally agree with this except for the fact that if a straight couple is added, but has no value to the story. No one cares or complains.

This is never the case with a gay couple.

Until this is no longer the case, the ''just tell a good story" argument falls on its face as cowardly.

Also, I am also Bi-.
Bi-High Five.

This is a huge factor, but there's also another one, in that non-heteronormative people have traditionally been the butt of jokes, used as a punchline or a gag in media, having lgbt characters as a weapon to ridicule them and delegitimize them. By having lgbt characters that aren't such, there's an air of legitimacy to them, that they can simply exist within the world and not directly impact it, or be at the forefront without their status as LGBT impacting or hindering their ability to perform heroic feats. In the end, representation matters, everyone deserves to see themselves exist within a fictional universe in a well written way. Everyone deserves to know they aren't invisible.

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@Chickenooble.5014 said:King Joko doesn't look highly on the gays?

in case you haven't been to joko's secret room in desolation, all his bethroted live there and they are male, female, harpy, ogre, choya (because the devs obviously can't build a realistic world and have to contaminate it with silliness where it's inappropriate).

"we are placing gay reference here, let's add choyas and harpies to make it a joke and avoid possible negative feedback"

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It's clear there's no gender checks at all. Absolutely random. You talk with an NPC, start the minigame, another random NPC from the same set of NPCs participating in the activity is used, as long as it isn't too far from the one that started it.

My guess is that the NPC uses some kind of large area skill that marks another random NPC within that area.

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@Sublimatio.6981 said:

@Chickenooble.5014 said:King Joko doesn't look highly on the gays?

in case you haven't been to joko's secret room in desolation, all his bethroted live there and they are male, female, harpy, ogre, choya (because the devs obviously can't build a realistic world and have to contaminate it with silliness where it's inappropriate).

"we are placing gay reference here, let's add choyas and harpies to make it a joke and avoid possible negative feedback"Haven't seen this place yet. Hook me up with a POI or picture on a map?

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This heart just seems weighted randomly generated pairings, though I haven't repeated it enough to know if certain characters have permanent preferences. I have had gay, straight and lesbian couples.

There is a bias towards lesbians in media though, I think because gay men conjure thoughts of penetration and lesbians you can pretend just braid hair.

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@Sublimatio.6981 said:

@Chickenooble.5014 said:King Joko doesn't look highly on the gays?

in case you haven't been to joko's secret room in desolation, all his bethroted live there and they are male, female, harpy, ogre, choya (because the devs obviously can't build a realistic world and have to contaminate it with silliness where it's inappropriate).

"we are placing gay reference here, let's add choyas and harpies to make it a joke and avoid possible negative feedback"

It's not a joke. Joko is pansexual. Or omnisexual perhaps.

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@Panda.1967 said:They may have a history of putting lesbian couples more in the front line of things (Caithe & Faolin, Marjory & Kasmeer)... but there actually are quite a few gay couples throughout the game. As someone already mentioned, there is in fact a gay Sylvari couple in the Sylvari Personal Story, there are also a few gay Sylvari couples that can be located in The Grove by anyone. I don't remember which settlement it was in, but in one of the human towns you can overhear a conversation where a male proudly proclaims "I'm glad I married my husband". In fact, there are actually more gay couples located throughout the world in open areas of the map than there are lesbian couples, you just have to explore and find them.

Interesting point. Thank you. I was not aware of the sylvari personal story (Ive not done it since shortly after launch).

Still, among major recurring characters, lesbian relationships are the most common. Im not sure if there are any gay or straight couples among major characters in the game.

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@"Chicken Fro.6953" said:^ On top of that, I don't see why this adds anything to the game. Please, just tell a good story. I'm trying to escape the hyper-sexualized world, not come here for more of it.

I'm not sure how romance is "hyper-sexualised". I'm not sure how ANYTHING in GW2 is hyper sexualised. There's implications, sure (Joko's harem), but there's nothing hyper-sexualised within the game's storytelling (armour is a different deal however...). And part of telling a good story is having representation for all, including the LGBT community.

@Zoltar MacRoth.7146 said:

@Sublimatio.6981 said:

@Chickenooble.5014 said:King Joko doesn't look highly on the gays?

in case you haven't been to joko's secret room in desolation, all his bethroted live there and they are male, female, harpy, ogre, choya (because the devs obviously can't build a realistic world and have to contaminate it with silliness where it's inappropriate).

"we are placing gay reference here, let's add choyas and harpies to make it a joke and avoid possible negative feedback"

It's not a joke. Joko is pansexual. Or omnisexual perhaps.

Aren't pan and omni the same in meaning but from different linguistic roots?

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:Aren't like a third of the sylvari male-gay?But why do you want gay couples so badly?Would it affect your gameplay. Can't you RP as a gay player instead? I fail to see how sexual orientation is relevant in a game where mighty warriors duke with dragons and liches

Well, to your last point, having a gay character that happens to be a "mighty warrior" in a sense helps redefine stereotypes.

I guess it's rather hard to explain if your sexual orientation doesn't make you a minority, but it is nice to have some relational material in media that you enjoy. If you've ever felt alone, or different than a majority of the people around you, having material that seems inclusive to that aspect of your life in a video game, film, or show, can have an oddly alleviating effect on those feelings.

As to my initial point, it's another reason why the lgbt community is sometimes seemingly "too invested" in celebrities, sports figures, politics, or military. It's reassuring to see that these people are willing to risk their careers, not to push some agenda, but to bush the boundaries of understanding of orientation and create more widespread acceptance.

It's arbitrary even attempting to make this point because those who do not understand and insist that it's unnecessary most likely never will understand or simply refuse to try.

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@Coulter.2315 said:This heart just seems weighted randomly generated pairings, though I haven't repeated it enough to know if certain characters have permanent preferences. I have had gay, straight and lesbian couples.

There is a bias towards lesbians in media though, I think because gay men conjure thoughts of penetration and lesbians you can pretend just braid hair.

Lesbians are more widely represented because we still live in a male-oriented heterocentric society in which it's more acceptable to see two women, who men might find attractive or simply excuse simply because they're "just emotional women," than two men who in general just aren't supposed to show emotion.

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@Chicken Fro.6953 said:^ On top of that, I don't see why this adds anything to the game. Please, just tell a good story. I'm trying to escape the hyper-sexualized world, not come here for more of it.

And as my final post in here for the night. Majory and Kasmeer's relationship does nothing for the story. It's especially odd given that it's the only recent romantic relationship I can recall having direct attention drawn to it in the personal story. But a dev or writer somewhere wanted it in, so it's in. I'm not saying that's bad, but I find it humorous that some people seem upset that part of the community wants a male couple relationship with a little spotlight but don't seem to have an issue with the fact that Marjory and Kas's relationship is seemingly only relevant because a writer or dev wanted it to be relevant. (For probably similar reasons certain people want a gay couple represented.)

Anyway, it's refreshing to see any representation as abundantly as we see throughout the Guild Wars franchise.

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