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Ability to Hide All Armor

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@"Witch of Doom.5739" said:Saying "um, it's mostly about the footwear" when someone is asking for characters to run around in underwear or with no clothes at all is the "I look at XXX magazines for... uh, the articles. Yeah, that's it. The well-written articles..." line of reasoning. And similarly unbelievable.

I mean... okay? The footwear was my main focus, and was mainly cause I think shoes look strange sometimes on Charr, but I brought the rest up cause I didn’t see the point in not having a toggle as long as there’s a an option for other players to switch on if they can see other players toggled clothes or not.

(Side note: Accusing someone you don’t know is an adult or not of reading that kind of stuff isn’t the best use of time.)

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@ChampionMasquerade.5283 said:

@"Witch of Doom.5739" said:Saying "um, it's mostly about the footwear" when someone is asking for characters to run around in underwear or with no clothes at all is the
"I look at XXX magazines for... uh, the articles. Yeah, that's it. The well-written articles...
" line of reasoning. And similarly unbelievable.

I mean... okay? The footwear was my main focus, and was mainly cause I think shoes look strange sometimes on Charr, but I brought the rest up cause I didn’t see the point in not having a toggle as long as there’s a an option for other players to switch on if they can see other players toggled clothes or not.

(Side note: Accusing someone you don’t know is an adult or not of reading that kind of stuff isn’t the best use of time.)

I'm not accusing anyone of certain reading habits. What a said was a figure of speech, a comparison to a similar line of reasoning, which I can see would go over the heads of any children (if any) reading that. And someone telling me what's the best use of my time is laughable. Thanks for the chuckles.

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@Witch of Doom.5739 said:

@Witch of Doom.5739 said:Saying "um, it's mostly about the footwear" when someone is asking for characters to run around in underwear or with no clothes at all is the
"I look at XXX magazines for... uh, the articles. Yeah, that's it. The well-written articles...
" line of reasoning. And similarly unbelievable.

I mean... okay? The footwear was my main focus, and was mainly cause I think shoes look strange sometimes on Charr, but I brought the rest up cause I didn’t see the point in not having a toggle as long as there’s a an option for other players to switch on if they can see other players toggled clothes or not.

(Side note: Accusing someone you don’t know is an adult or not of reading that kind of stuff isn’t the best use of time.)

I'm not accusing anyone of certain reading habits. What a said was a figure of speech, a comparison to a similar
line of reasoning
, which I can see would go over the heads of any children (if any) reading that. And someone telling me what's the best use of my time is laughable. Thanks for the chuckles.


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at least give the males an option to show off their chest. I am desperately trying to compensate in virtual life and I can't even bask in the glory of my masculine musculature. Either give us revealing armors or make all armor pieces toggleable. PLEASE ANET. I NEED THIS. Especially considering how ALL medium armors have pathetic flappy skirts for rogues. Whoever is in the design team needs to be fired. >__>

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@Zeesh.7286 said:Especially considering how ALL medium armors have pathetic flappy skirts for rogues. Whoever is in the design team needs to be fired. >__>

Chances are they're already long gone.

That said, the game has a huge obsession with hiding butts.

It's led to an extreme overpopularity of the very few armor items that show pants... There's a tiny selection of medium armor tops for females that let whatever bottom they have on show - so you can then wear your choice of either loose or tight fitting pants, and I think one extremely hard to get mini-skirt.

For men... it's as you say... it's like they're afraid insecure males will question their life choices if forced to stare at a man's behind while playing a video game... what other possible reason could exist for working so hard to hide men's butts...

It's just... bad...

We need more options in regular tops. Shirts to vests, fine tops with flourish to them on over to rugged peasant wear. Maybe a necklace top for men. Some harness tops (there's one or two in heavy armor). but just a bunch of tops that don't cover below the belt so that below the belt is then dictated by the bottom you pick...

  • Most games handle this just fine, letting people choose a wide variety of 'in genre' choices... Most games don't seem to have been led by a graphic design team with male 'identity crisis' issues...
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For those of you who don't want buttcapes on medium armor, the PVP chest piece does not have flaps of any kind. It's what I use on my Daredevil since it makes the most sense to me with a character constantly flipping around like that.

I'd like to hide any piece of armor as well, so this is not advocating against the idea. Just informing with the current state of the game, for those who might want to know.

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@lokh.2695 said:

@DeanBB.4268 said:I would rather see skimpier outfits offered than have people running around in their underwear. Shrug.

A good two thirds of the internet is devoted to people in skimpy outfits and less, do you actually need this in a game that's sold to kids?

I'll be honest, I just checked and I didn't think this would be twelve plus. I assumed PG 13 at best

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@ChampionMasquerade.5283 said:

@"DeanBB.4268" said:I would rather see skimpier outfits offered than have people running around in their underwear. Shrug.

A good two thirds of the internet is devoted to people in skimpy outfits and less, do you actually need this in a game that's sold to kids?

I'll be honest, I just checked and I didn't think this would be twelve plus. I assumed PG 13 at best

It's not that I mind the human form, but with all the images, videos, VR stuff and games available that show lots of skin, I just don't get why "skimpy" has to be a thing everywhere.

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@Kichwas.7152 said:

@Zeesh.7286 said:Especially considering how ALL medium armors have pathetic flappy skirts for rogues. Whoever is in the design team needs to be fired. >__>

Chances are they're already long gone.

That said, the game has a huge obsession with hiding butts.

It's led to an extreme overpopularity of the very few armor items that show pants... There's a tiny selection of medium armor tops for females that let whatever bottom they have on show - so you can then wear your choice of either loose or tight fitting pants, and I think one extremely hard to get mini-skirt.

For men... it's as you say... it's like they're afraid insecure males will question their life choices if forced to stare at a man's behind while playing a video game... what other possible reason could exist for working so hard to hide men's butts...

It's just... bad...

We need more options in regular tops. Shirts to vests, fine tops with flourish to them on over to rugged peasant wear. Maybe a necklace top for men. Some harness tops (there's one or two in heavy armor). but just a bunch of tops that don't cover below the belt so that below the belt is then dictated by the bottom you pick...
  • Most games handle this just fine, letting people choose a wide variety of 'in genre' choices... Most games don't seem to have been led by a graphic design team with male 'identity crisis' issues...

For the Charr at least there is only one lightweight armor that is pants without some sort of covering on top. The Ascalonian Performers Pants are my savior.

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@lokh.2695 said:

@"DeanBB.4268" said:I would rather see skimpier outfits offered than have people running around in their underwear. Shrug.

A good two thirds of the internet is devoted to people in skimpy outfits and less, do you actually need this in a game that's sold to kids?

I'll be honest, I just checked and I didn't think this would be twelve plus. I assumed PG 13 at best

It's not that I mind the human form, but with all the images, videos, VR stuff and games available that show lots of skin, I just don't get why "skimpy" has to be a thing everywhere.

Hmm, it seems you misunderstood the intention of my post. I don't specifically want skimpy stuff, I just figure if we can already take it off anyway there might as well be a toggle

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@ChampionMasquerade.5283 said:

@"DeanBB.4268" said:I would rather see skimpier outfits offered than have people running around in their underwear. Shrug.

A good two thirds of the internet is devoted to people in skimpy outfits and less, do you actually need this in a game that's sold to kids?

I'll be honest, I just checked and I didn't think this would be twelve plus. I assumed PG 13 at best

It's not that I mind the human form, but with all the images, videos, VR stuff and games available that show lots of skin, I just don't get why "skimpy" has to be a thing everywhere.

Hmm, it seems you misunderstood the intention of my post. I don't specifically want skimpy stuff, I just figure if we can already take it off anyway there might as well be a toggle

I got your intention, that's why I replied to the guy/gal that asked for skimpier stuff below your initial post and not you directly.Your about charr-feet, that's fine by me, to each their own.

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The game has absurd armor designs. Almost every light armor pant skin for men has flaps or skirts or sashes or even frigging tails except maybe a few exceptions like Ascalonian performer pants which are clean form fitting pants that don't resemble skirts. I mean at least light armor has 2-3 chest options that show your abs and arms. Medium armor chests have absolutely nothing of the sort. The medium armor pants are form fitting but hidden by ugly ass trenchcoat like chests! I thank God everyday that we have at least 2 sets in heavy armors that at least show skin.

What's amazing is the fact that Anet still hasn't even made attractive revealing armor skins for the gem store. They could've made SO much money selling invisible armor skins in gem stores or skimpier selections for men and women but nooooooo. NOTHING ! I mean are they this detached from their horny and thirsty player base?????? Anet pls also fire the team incharge of developing gem store skin sets. >___>

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@lokh.2695 said:

@"DeanBB.4268" said:I would rather see skimpier outfits offered than have people running around in their underwear. Shrug.

A good two thirds of the internet is devoted to people in skimpy outfits and less, do you actually need this in a game that's sold to kids?

I'll be honest, I just checked and I didn't think this would be twelve plus. I assumed PG 13 at best

It's not that I mind the human form, but with all the images, videos, VR stuff and games available that show lots of skin, I just don't get why "skimpy" has to be a thing everywhere.

It's about choice. I want the liberty to run in diving goggles and undies in spvp arena or wvw. I wear dignified armors in story mode because I want to role play that little bit as a honorable commander during cutscenes. Similarly when I'm out having fun I want to look at my bootiful booty jumping up and down smashing champion mobs like a naked raving lunatic. It's a choice. I want that choice. The fact that I have to wear armor to survive and gain armor rune bonuses ruins it for me. So gimme a toggle or turn the looks on/off or skimpier clothing >_>

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ppl complain for about 6 years to get less skimpy armor and we have way to many fully covered armor and outfits already.also, ppl should know the difference between skimpy and seductive, i don't specifically want skimpy stuff but seductive is something i see nowhere. (which is just sad TBH)

at least allow us to hide the chest area, bare chest warriors actually exist you know.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:at least allow us to hide the chest area, bare chest warriors actually exist you know.Have you tried the Gladiator Chest armour skin?That one is rather bare.

Pit Fighter is somewhat bare too, but less than Gladiator.

ok, ill try that on my ranger.....ohhh, i can't now can i....

You were specifically referring to Warriors.

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@lokh.2695 said:

@DeanBB.4268 said:I would rather see skimpier outfits offered than have people running around in their underwear. Shrug.

A good two thirds of the internet is devoted to people in skimpy outfits and less, do you actually need this in a game that's sold to kids?

What? Are you saying this will offend kids, or make them believe that this sort of armour (clothing) is what needs to be worn irl? Remember that film - kick ass? Yeah hit girl was around 7/8? And said all sorts of words and infront of a lady showing some cleverage. I dont understand why people hate the idea of showing some skin.

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