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Mad King Labyrinth bosses changed?


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Were they made stronger? I know the Candy Corn Viscount you stand in the syrup, he becomes easy. I know the Skeleton with the Chainsaw has always been hard. So yeah no complaints with those two. A group of us went to go do the Legendary Skeletal Lich, it just kept downing people like they were flies. I don't remember that one being that crazy last year. Someone said we needed boon stripping to beat him, was doing fine on my thief but ultimately he just whomped us all.

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I think it's probably just that relatively few people know/remember how to fight him.

I did all 3 bosses earlier today and in my group a lot of people were getting downed during the Candy Corn boss fight too. I did explain about standing in the candy pools to be immune to the ranged attack, in both say and map chat but I know not everyone reads it (especially during a fight) and they may well not know English. (And I'm way too tired to attempt to explain in French or German and wouldn't know where to start with Spanish.) I'm expecting it to get 'easier' as the festival goes on and people learn what to do, but also expecting some groups to declare it 'inefficient' and demand that everyone skips it like last year.

To be honest I've never fully understood the Lich fight, but thankfully the entire group doesn't need to understand it. I know it helps to push him back into the little house where the chest spawns (but not why), and that reflects help block some of his attacks, but that's it. Again I expect it to get easier as more people learn the fight.

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The lich was changed last year to spawn less adds, whereas previously it could continue infinitely. They then buffed all of them to compensate for players dealing higher damage overall due to HoT.

The lich has always been overpowered due to its numerous adds having relation, which can instantly kill you if you're using AoEs. If there's enough AoE however, you can kill the adds in the few seconds before they gain retaliation.

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I was fighting the lich earlier with my scourge, and I couldn't strip its boon away... I may have been a little too far, but even with traited shades, and punishements, it didn't work. Has anyone got the same issue ?

By the way, I don't know if they've been made stronger than last year, but I've been hit by 12500 up to 24000 dmg blows. That just shouldn't exist.

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@ThomasC.1056 said:By the way, I don't know if they've been made stronger than last year, but I've been hit by 12500 up to 24000 dmg blows. That just shouldn't exist.

This. Both the Candy Corn Viscount (know when to get in and out of those puddles!) and the Labyrinthine Horror were about as expected, but I got repeatedly one-shot downed during the Lich fight. I'm almost 100% certain that those damage spikes didn't come from retaliation (which in previous years was what made the fight hard and which could quickly down you, but which generally didn't one-shot my grenade engineer).

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@Jinroh.4251 said:Were they made stronger? I know the Candy Corn Viscount you stand in the syrup, he becomes easy. I know the Skeleton with the Chainsaw has always been hard. So yeah no complaints with those two. A group of us went to go do the Legendary Skeletal Lich, it just kept downing people like they were flies. I don't remember that one being that crazy last year. Someone said we needed boon stripping to beat him, was doing fine on my thief but ultimately he just whomped us all.

Yeah that's just classic Lich. Condi is your friend. Stack it on and try not to hit his minions. The retaliation will be your undoing.

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@moonstarmac.4603 said:Stack it on and try not to hit his minions. The retaliation will be your undoing.

The adds gain retaliation after like 3 seconds and can easily be killed before that as they spawn. Not AoEing initially is only going to make it harder. The bigger problem is the 1 shot (11k health) attack with a ~1s animation, which can be very hard to see when it's inside or hidden by the door.

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I just did all 3 bosses today in a single session, several times, and the people there had no issue with any of the bosses. Sure some people get downed, but you res them and keep attacking, CC when it's available, and dps again. Each boss was down in like 1-2 minutes, i wouldn't call that hard, and i've never seen any of them down every player. Around 5 players each strong attack or something, and they're back on their feet soon after... Are you sure you had enough people with you? You can't do this with a single party, you need a squad at least.

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They definitely did something to change the lich. I used to be able to solo him pretty easily on most professions, since his autos did very little damage, and he only had two attacks that definitely needed evading. Tried again this year with a number of professions. His auto attacks hit much harder, he siphons more health, and his giant fear AoE is an instant down on some specs. None of the classes I tried could get his health below 99%, even with poison. Then he just beats out my sustain with his auto attacks, or I screw up a dodge and die. My reaper could tank him forever, but couldn't kill him either.

PoF power creep has certainly made fighting him in a group much easier.

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