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Is necromancer minion camping considered an offense?


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@Obtena.7952 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:You cannot say that Anet doesn't enforce their ToS. Players should report suspected AFKers and move on. After that, Anet will do whatever it is that they do. Anet does not publicly detail what actions are taken.

To say that Anet doesn't enforce their rules is inaccurate.

I think we wish you would just report and move on instead of harrass the posters instantly and then speak on anets behalf and then clarify you don't condone it in every thread like this. Report and move on is great advice

I'm not harassing anyone. I'm not speaking for Anet. Please do not make these types of statements.

Yeah you basically do.

You think his posts are harassing people? OK ... you should take your
advice then. Frankly your accusations of his posts don't make sense. He's not 'speaking' for Anet when he points out the obvious fact that no one can say Anet doesn't or does do something. No one should be concluding that Anet does 'nothing' about AFK farmers because they see AFK farmers. That's ridiculous.

Hi Obtena. Thanks for chiming in but I know how long of a commitment I need to argue with you and I'm afraid I just don't have the energy.

That's good because there is nothing to argue about ... there is a way for players to deal with AFK farmers, there is a way for players to use the search function or report harassing posts on the forum and there is no logical reason to conclude Anet does nothing about AFK farmers because people see them ingame.

If they did something they would be gone not there for months so I see it as a very easy conclusion. They get reported and are still there so why do you think they are still there then?

I guess it's easy to see whatever you want to see. The FACT is that you have no idea what Anet does or doesn't do in these situations.

That is a fact. It is also a fact you don't either. We making great progress today

Except unlike you ... I'm not making any conclusions based on what I do or don't know.

Yes a conclusion. Which is something you look at evidence like we report them and they are still here and conclude they don't do anything. My conclusion could be wrong. I did not state anet does nothing as fact it was a guess like in my first comment I say we can guess since they are still there so the whole premise of your issue with me was your misinterpretation of my original statement. No need to apologize. Just glad we cleared that up

You do remember that the ban in waves so bot etc dont know what they did to trigger the ban, any reason why they would not do the same to afk farmers?

Sure, It has been a long time tho but anything is possible. The one's in Istan alone is well past 6 months but hopefully a ban wave is forth coming

That does NOT mean Anet is not doing something about it. Just because you see them does not mean Anet has not done something.

If I tell my landlord the faucet is leaking and month's later it is still leaking I can conclude he didn't fix it. Again it can either be anet does nothing or anet investigated these reports and determined they aren't breaking the rules. I chose one. You haven't chose anything except that I can't conclude they do nothing. Again I have admitted my conclusion could be wrong. I don't know what more you want

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@Jilora.9524 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:You cannot say that Anet doesn't enforce their ToS. Players should report suspected AFKers and move on. After that, Anet will do whatever it is that they do. Anet does not publicly detail what actions are taken.

To say that Anet doesn't enforce their rules is inaccurate.

I think we wish you would just report and move on instead of harrass the posters instantly and then speak on anets behalf and then clarify you don't condone it in every thread like this. Report and move on is great advice

I'm not harassing anyone. I'm not speaking for Anet. Please do not make these types of statements.

Yeah you basically do.

You think his posts are harassing people? OK ... you should take your
advice then. Frankly your accusations of his posts don't make sense. He's not 'speaking' for Anet when he points out the obvious fact that no one can say Anet doesn't or does do something. No one should be concluding that Anet does 'nothing' about AFK farmers because they see AFK farmers. That's ridiculous.

Hi Obtena. Thanks for chiming in but I know how long of a commitment I need to argue with you and I'm afraid I just don't have the energy.

That's good because there is nothing to argue about ... there is a way for players to deal with AFK farmers, there is a way for players to use the search function or report harassing posts on the forum and there is no logical reason to conclude Anet does nothing about AFK farmers because people see them ingame.

If they did something they would be gone not there for months so I see it as a very easy conclusion. They get reported and are still there so why do you think they are still there then?

I guess it's easy to see whatever you want to see. The FACT is that you have no idea what Anet does or doesn't do in these situations.

That is a fact. It is also a fact you don't either. We making great progress today

Except unlike you ... I'm not making any conclusions based on what I do or don't know.

Yes a conclusion. Which is something you look at evidence like we report them and they are still here and conclude they don't do anything. My conclusion could be wrong. I did not state anet does nothing as fact it was a guess like in my first comment I say we can guess since they are still there so the whole premise of your issue with me was your misinterpretation of my original statement. No need to apologize. Just glad we cleared that up

You do remember that the ban in waves so bot etc dont know what they did to trigger the ban, any reason why they would not do the same to afk farmers?

Sure, It has been a long time tho but anything is possible. The one's in Istan alone is well past 6 months but hopefully a ban wave is forth coming

That does NOT mean Anet is not doing something about it. Just because you see them does not mean Anet has not done something.

If I tell my landlord the faucet is leaking and month's later it is still leaking I can conclude he didn't fix it.

OK ... that doesn't change what I said. There are lots of ways Anet can fix this without making sure you don't see AFK farmers. Just because you SEE them does not mean Anet doesn't do anything about AFK farmers.

I only see the same afk necroes in the same spot for months and months.

And that doesn't tell you how Anet handles AFK farmers. You just don't know. Just because you see them does NOT mean you know what Anet does or doesn't do about AFK farming. I'm not looking for you to make me happy ... but if you want by not making conclusions based on not knowing what Anet does or doesn't do ... that would be a start.

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We have a suspision how Anet solves the problem: Not.When people report a botfarmer in a KNOWN spot, and you see that SAME botter the day after, and after, and after, and after...That says enough.

The ONLY solution is, if possible, push, pull or lure an Elite or Champ to that spot and watch those crooks DIE.

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@Kurrilino.2706 said:

@"Hashberry.4510" said:Yes it is offensive.

No it is not.The question was for minion camping and not unprovable AFK.According to A-Net's rule, Minion Camping is not offensive

Definitely is. The policy says:

"Idling in a city or even in the open world is not prohibited, though your character should not perform actions, participate in content, or otherwise engage with the world while you are away from your computer."

And the OP definitely stated while AFK

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"kharmin.7683" said:You cannot say that Anet doesn't enforce their ToS. Players should report suspected AFKers and move on. After that, Anet will do whatever it is that they do. Anet does not publicly detail what actions are taken.

To say that Anet doesn't enforce their rules is inaccurate.

Even if they are enforcing them, it's on the level of a "wrist slap" as Ygg said.Otherwise we wouldn't have afk farmers in so many maps.

  1. You don't know what Anet does
  2. You can't conclude it's 'nothing' because you see AFK farmers.

I never said it's nothing, I said it's a light punishment at best. You're twisting my words and claiming I said something I didn't.Also, I'm making conclusions based on what I do know and what I'm seeing in the game since Anet has no official stance on it:There is no clear rule on AFK farming. You can interpret the current rules as you see fit.All I've ever heard about are 3 day bans at most for any kind of offense tbh, hard to imagine it would be worse for catching an AFK farmer.There is no meaningful collective punishment for accounts running on the same IP address and AFK farming in the same spot. You often can't even select all the alts to make reports because they are STACKED.

If someone made disposable alt accounts for afk farming the only way to scare those people into not doing that again and again would be to publicly say that such behavior would result in a permanent ban for all accounts involved if observed repeatedly.Expansion is dirt cheap on 3rd party sites so people aren't risking much by afk farming with alts.

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@Friday.7864 said:You often can't even select all the alts to make reports because they are STACKED.

There is no doubt in my mind that if you report one, the GMs can come along and action the entire stack, possibly one at a time.

But more generally, there have, in other discussions of this subject, been descriptions of some things that GMs do to investigate: they whisper the character. If there's no response, they move the character somewhere nearby but away from the farming spot. If the player doesn't then move back to farm, the conclusion is that there's no player there, and they can action it further for AFK play.

There may be other things they do, but I haven't seen descriptions.

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@"knite.1542" said:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65548/policy-unattended-gameplay#latest

I'm surprised Kharmin didn't tell you to use the search function instead of making this thread.

So, based on this post, AFKers using minions doesn't fit into the prohibited list. They aren't using macros to autocast, there isn't any autocasting going on at all, and there is no botting. As far as I can tell, unless there's been an updated statement from Anet, AFK necro minion/engi turrets are perfectly okay.

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@misterman.1530 said:

@"knite.1542" said:

I'm surprised Kharmin didn't tell you to use the search function instead of making this thread.

So, based on this post, AFKers using minions doesn't fit into the prohibited list. They aren't using macros to autocast, there isn't any autocasting going on at all, and there is no botting. As far as I can tell, unless there's been an updated statement from Anet, AFK necro minion/engi turrets are perfectly okay.

Technically, no, from my understanding. One cannot be truly "AFK". A player must be at the computer. If the player responds to a GM, then they are not considered AFK (even if they are watching Netflix on another device or whatever).

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@misterman.1530 said:

@"knite.1542" said:

I'm surprised Kharmin didn't tell you to use the search function instead of making this thread.

So, based on this post, AFKers using minions doesn't fit into the prohibited list. They aren't using macros to autocast, there isn't any autocasting going on at all, and there is no botting. As far as I can tell, unless there's been an updated statement from Anet, AFK necro minion/engi turrets are perfectly okay.

"Idling in a city or even in the open world is not prohibited, though your character should not perform actions, participate in content, or otherwise engage with the world while you are away from your computer."

From the same post.

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@Friday.7864 said:

@"kharmin.7683" said:You cannot say that Anet doesn't enforce their ToS. Players should report suspected AFKers and move on. After that, Anet will do whatever it is that they do. Anet does not publicly detail what actions are taken.

To say that Anet doesn't enforce their rules is inaccurate.

Even if they are enforcing them, it's on the level of a "wrist slap" as Ygg said.Otherwise we wouldn't have afk farmers in so many maps.

  1. You don't know what Anet does
  2. You can't conclude it's 'nothing' because you see AFK farmers.

I never said it's nothing, I said it's a light punishment at best. You're twisting my words and claiming I said something I didn't.

NO .. that's why I put it in quotes. No words are twisted here. IF there is a light punishment at best, then that's what it is ... and what's the problem there? Expecting an execution?

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"kharmin.7683" said:You cannot say that Anet doesn't enforce their ToS. Players should report suspected AFKers and move on. After that, Anet will do whatever it is that they do. Anet does not publicly detail what actions are taken.

To say that Anet doesn't enforce their rules is inaccurate.

Even if they are enforcing them, it's on the level of a "wrist slap" as Ygg said.Otherwise we wouldn't have afk farmers in so many maps.

  1. You don't know what Anet does
  2. You can't conclude it's 'nothing' because you see AFK farmers.

I never said it's nothing, I said it's a light punishment at best. You're twisting my words and claiming I said something I didn't.

NO .. that's why I put it in quotes. No words are twisted here. IF there is a light punishment at best, then that's what it is ... and what's the problem there? Expecting an execution?

If I mentioned light punishment it's not "nothing" in quotes as you said.If you quote others or refer to what others said quote exactly what has been said. Enough of this, we're getting off topic.

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@Friday.7864 said:

@"kharmin.7683" said:You cannot say that Anet doesn't enforce their ToS. Players should report suspected AFKers and move on. After that, Anet will do whatever it is that they do. Anet does not publicly detail what actions are taken.

To say that Anet doesn't enforce their rules is inaccurate.

Even if they are enforcing them, it's on the level of a "wrist slap" as Ygg said.Otherwise we wouldn't have afk farmers in so many maps.

  1. You don't know what Anet does
  2. You can't conclude it's 'nothing' because you see AFK farmers.

I never said it's nothing, I said it's a light punishment at best. You're twisting my words and claiming I said something I didn't.

NO .. that's why I put it in quotes. No words are twisted here. IF there is a light punishment at best, then that's what it is ... and what's the problem there? Expecting an execution?

If I mentioned light punishment it's not "nothing" in quotes as you said.If you quote others or refer to what others said quote exactly what has been said. Enough of this, we're getting off topic.

Still the question remains ... if light punishment is what's happening, what's the problem here? Let's not dance around this hang up you have on my wording ... clearly you don't think whatever Anet is doing is enough, so what do you think Anet should do about it?

Frankly, the whole AFK farming thing is overblown and whatever Anet is doing likely fits the impact these farmers have on the game ... which is 'nothing'. Most of you people don't even know what AFK farming yields.

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@Kurowolfe.7396 said:The one where you have that thing where you autosummon minions and park somewhere with a high monster respawn rate, letting the minions kill things for exp and farming while you AFK?

I remember some discussion saying that it is, but since I WvW more than I PvE, that info is blurry for me. Any clarification is appreciated!

Welp with bots existing in every game mode, and being untouched and hackers running rampant Id say no! If they cared they'd do something about it and since nothing has been done, nothing will be done and no need to worry friend. Play the game the way you want~ Forget the rest..

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@Friday.7864 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:I fail to see how the rules are unclear. What is it about them that is unclear to you? Specifically?

Would we be discussing this topic every month in a new thread if things were clear and/or taken care of properly?No. End of discussion.

End of discussion? Hardly. People continue to assume that Anet is not managing this issue but are ignorant (meaning ill-informed) of what it is that ANet is actually doing. This topic comes up because people are frustrated and, in some cases believe that other players are somehow cheating the system. For all that we know, each and every reported player suspected of AFK farming has responded to a GM in which case they are playing within the current rules.

Anet has given players the means to report suspects bots and AFKers. Report and move on. These discussions shouldn't even come into the forums because there is nothing anyone here can do about the situation. So, the end of the discussion is that this discussion should not have been started in the first place.

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@Friday.7864 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:I fail to see how the rules are unclear. What is it about them that is unclear to you? Specifically?

Would we be discussing this topic every month in a new thread if things were clear and/or taken care of properly?No. End of discussion.

That's just not true ... most of the threads aren't even ABOUT clarifying the rules or what players should do ... most of them are just complaints from people who see AFK farmers and ranting about how Anet doesn't care or do anything. The rules ARE clear and so is the action that players should take if they want to CONTRIBUTE to addressing the problem. The majority of these threads exist because people want Anet to do more ... except the majority of those people (including you) have no idea what Anet are doing to address the problem in the first place.

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@Friday.7864 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:I fail to see how the rules are unclear. What is it about them that is unclear to you? Specifically?

Would we be discussing this topic every month in a new thread if things were clear and/or taken care of properly?No. End of discussion.

Considering the topics are usually started by 1 person over and over...and repeatedly get closed because they have been answered....yes.

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What is considered afk anyway? I mean how long is someone afk to be a problem? A few minutes like taking the garbage out or going to the restroom? Or is afk 45 minute or more? By that time any of my characters automatically log out, even if minions or pets kill things in my absence. Sounds a bit jealous to me if I'm there i can kill it all pretty well because my toon is strong, but if I have to afk for a few my toon usually ends up dead. That is not always the case with toons that use pets, because the pets will do their job and protect the toon up to a short distance.

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@"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:What is considered afk anyway? I mean how long is someone afk to be a problem? A few minutes like taking the garbage out or going to the restroom? Or is afk 45 minute or more? By that time any of my characters automatically log out, even if minions or pets kill things in my absence. Sounds a bit jealous to me if I'm there i can kill it all pretty well because my toon is strong, but if I have to afk for a few my toon usually ends up dead. That is not always the case with toons that use pets, because the pets will do their job and protect the toon up to a short distance.

You can find the policy here https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65548/policy-unattended-gameplay

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