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A Steve game mode


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I've made comments about this idea. I figure it would be best to voice this in a post.

I love the Labyrinthine Horror aka Steve. I think that Steve has the potential to have one of the best, and truly heart pounding experiences in the game. He is scary when you're roaming the labyrinth by yourself. However the fear factor he is meant to present, is lost with zergs, and his overall low health. It would be so much better imo if Steve was unkillable. If a zerg had to run and or hide from him instead of just facing him down.

What would also be amazing is if Steve got his own "horror" game mode. Where your fov is low, kind of like the CM 100 dark phase. The minimap is turned off, or at least doesn't have any indiators on it so you can't see Steve coming. The only indicator you would have that Steve is approaching, is the buzzing of his greatsaw, and maybe an occasional cackle. It would be so invigorating. I would also imagine that the game mode is like the slenderman 8 pages game, where you have to find a certain amount of items to escape Steve's version of the labyrinth, and the items have different spawn locations. It could also be kind of like dead by daylight. Steve would run around the labyrinth, but his view range could detect through walls, and has a much bigger radius. There could be speed boost mushrooms that allow you to outrun him, or hiding places where Steve can't detect the player.

These are just some ideas I've wanted since first encountering the Labyrinthine Horror. Its one of if not my favorite boss in the game, because of the potential it has, to have an entire theme revolve around it, Its GW2's version of a slasher villain.

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Since it would be optional I wouldn't mind it being in the game, but I also would never enter that game mode, no part of that sounds like fun to me.

Being chased by something I can't see and can't stop is literally my worst nightmare, as in the one where I wake up in the middle of the night and have to get up and turn all the lights on because there's no way I'm sleeping again that night. I imagine it wouldn't be as bad in a game since it's obviously not real, but it's still not an experience I'd choose to have if I can possibly avoid it.

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@"coso.9173" said:never heard of steve or the horror? what is it?


It's a boss which appears semi-randomly in the Mad King's Labyrinth (the main Halloween event map) and then roams around the whole map. It's fast and does very high damage so it's very dangerous for solo players or small groups but relatively easy to take down in a large group.

I'm not sure why players nicknamed it Steve, but that seems to be the default nickname for enemies among some parts of this community, since it's also what the Deep Sea Dragon, Stavemaster Adryn and some raid bosses get called.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:I would rather development resources be spent on content that is more appealing to a larger portion of the player base.

Of course, you're right. Unfortunately, I agree even though I would love the mode.

I mean, if it were done off dev time, like SAB was, then sure.

You bring me hope. Very kind ?

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Ohh man I would LOVE it if there were a GW2 equivalent of Fel Reavers. Enormous but slow; can somehow sneak up on you despite walking a set path in a loop, being 8 stories tall and making the ground shake with every step; and the most important part: it needs to make a deeply weird, haunting cry every so often.

Ok Burning Crusade nostalgia time over lol.

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It doesn't sound the least bit intriguing or interesting to me. I wouldn't go anywhere near it if this were added to the game. Still, I don't expect the entire game to be built around my own personal likes and dislikes so I wouldn't be upset if it were added to the game for those who like that kind of thing. As long as it stays optional that is.

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@kharmin.7683 said:I would rather development resources be spent on content that is more appealing to a larger portion of the player base.most of the update are for the larger portion of the plyaer base, in 1 year, we only got one content that is not for the larger portion of the player base (aka cm 100, and that just a mode for a content (new fractal) that is played by a big part of the playerbase), even if i'm not playing it i'm not against, this kind of logic will make wvw, pvp, raids, cm or others thing like that where most of dedicated players of the game stay, dead. Without speaking about new stuff like SAB that will never exist with this logic.

(not that i'm for a or against the gamemode op propose)

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A cool mode, imo, would be when it's about time for one to spawn have a player in the instance get killed by the Mad King and raised as the Labyrinthine Horror, running about and trying to defeat the other players with its skillset and health.

I don't know that GW2 has anything in the engine/existing code to allow for this kind of a mode, though.

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