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How about we get the pre February Meta back and call it a day?


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yeah, i'd love to play hammer warrior again, if anything it was in need of some small buffs, noone ever played hammer.instead it pretty much got deleted from the game.also the 300 second cooldowns are just absolutely lazy.if you need to change the skills/traits, change the skills/traits, don't just smite-boon them.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@"darren.1064" said:This poll isn't even close.

Ah yes. The ever indicative, conslusive, and comprehensive, at cutrent time of posting, 56 vote poll.


Here's one with 208 votes, and unlike this one, actually has the option to vote for the other side.

It looks a lot better to include the "I like it option" and to see that get outnumbered by the "I don't like it" option by 5 to 1.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@darren.1064 said:This poll isn't even close.

Ah yes. The ever indicative, conslusive, and comprehensive, at cutrent time of posting, 56 vote poll.

There are multiple polls. One had over 300 votes. It surely is not a absolutely accurate, but the margin of error is going to be very small. So far, all these polls had a 40/60 approval/disapproval. While 60% disapproval may seem not that bad, if you are going to remake sPvP you better provide the players something better than what they had. And this clearly is not the case. For a game, the worst thing you can possibly do, as devs, is taking away something the players liked and implement something the do not like.

And all this was unnecessary. The damage at Jan 2020 was on the lower side to begin with. The high damage meta was in 2018. It was long gone. all what needed to change is removing damage from some CCs, nerfing might stacking, so that no class can maintain more than ~10 stacks and nerfing quickness access for some classes. Everything else was flat out wrong. In fact, most builds that were out of the meta, were out cuz the lacked damage.

I do not see a point of listing again why the current sPvP is a shit show. But if you like mindless aoe spam + CC spam, enjoy. I do not.

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Big balance patch was the foundation for a structure they almost completely abandoned. I don't really want to return to pre-Feb balance patch, but it's insulting of ANet to lay the groundwork for an entire shift in philosophy only to then say loljk. The balance patch was honestly done with such little nuance that it makes me wonder why even that took so long to release. That approach only makes sense if you are going to quickly follow up with rebalancing afterwards.

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@otto.5684 said:

@darren.1064 said:This poll isn't even close.

Ah yes. The ever indicative, conslusive, and comprehensive, at cutrent time of posting, 56 vote poll.

There are multiple polls. One had over 300 votes. It surely is not a absolutely accurate, but the margin of error is going to be very small. So far, all these polls had a 40/60 approval/disapproval. While 60% disapproval may seem not that bad, if you are going to remake sPvP you better provide the players something better than what they had. And this clearly is not the case. For a game, the worst thing you can possibly do, as devs, is taking away something the players liked and implement something the do not like.

And all this was unnecessary. The damage at Jan 2020 was on the lower side to begin with. The high damage meta was in 2018. It was long gone. all what needed to change is removing damage from some CCs, nerfing might stacking, so that no class can maintain more than ~10 stacks and nerfing quickness access for some classes. Everything else was flat out wrong. In fact, most builds that were out of the meta, were out cuz the lacked damage.

I do not see a point of listing again why the current sPvP is a kitten show. But if you like mindless aoe spam + CC spam, enjoy. I do not.

So much all of this^

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@otto.5684 said:

@"darren.1064" said:This poll isn't even close.

Ah yes. The ever indicative, conslusive, and comprehensive, at cutrent time of posting, 56 vote poll.

There are multiple polls.

Still not really indicative of anything for me besides vocal players are angry/upset. Also considering who comes to the forums, how biased polls tend to be, and how universally people who are unhappy are more likely to speak out, is always the case.

Since playing from release I have never really seen a poll for "Do you like the meta" return with the answer yes. I think there may have been one...but the countless others are all negative. Then you get the people who vote negatively, not because of the meta, but because of the lack of follow up patches. Which, regardless of if they undid everything meta, would still be an issue.

The grass is always greener. I honestly feel you could revert everything, wait 6 months, run the same poll and get the same "no" answer to "do you like the meta".

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@"darren.1064" said:This poll isn't even close.

Ah yes. The ever indicative, conslusive, and comprehensive, at cutrent time of posting, 56 vote poll.

There are multiple polls.

Still not really indicative of anything for me besides vocal players are angry/upset. Also considering who comes to the forums, how biased polls tend to be, and how universally people who are unhappy are more likely to speak out, is always the case.

Since playing from release I have never really seen a poll for "Do you like the meta" return with the answer yes. I think there may have been one...but the countless others are all negative. Then you get the people who vote negatively, not because of the meta, but because of the lack of follow up patches. Which, regardless of if they undid everything meta, would still be an issue.

The grass is always greener. I honestly feel you could revert everything, wait 6 months, run the same poll and get the same "no" answer to "do you like the meta".

First, there are poll with 300+ and multiple polls. Is it pin point accurate? no, but saying it is not indicative is either hypocrisy or idiocy. Take your pick.

Second, this poll, and the similar polls to it, are not asking if you like the current meta. It is a specific question regarding the February 2020 patch. Saying “people always hate the current meta” has nothing to do with this.

And you know what, if Anet sPvP are so mucho they can do an official poll and encourage players to post. I dare them.

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@Mogwai.4015 said:I don't really want to return to pre-Feb balance patch, but it's insulting of ANet to lay the groundwork for an entire shift in philosophy only to then say loljk.

I agree 200000% with this.

I think I overall had much more fun in the pre-Feb balance, but I still appreciate that lower damage across the board gives more builds the opportunity to compete. That being said, ANet has again just abandoned this project. Abandonment is a huge problem for this studio, and I have no clue why they so consistently do this.

I guess we should have seen this coming with what they did with the Canthan district in DR. Instead of reworking it or sticking to their guns... they literally replaced it with a giant hole in the ground. Just kind of letting projects slide out of their hands onto the ground, to lay there untouched forever, seems to be standard fare.

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@otto.5684 said:

@"darren.1064" said:This poll isn't even close.

Ah yes. The ever indicative, conslusive, and comprehensive, at cutrent time of posting, 56 vote poll.

There are multiple polls.

Still not really indicative of anything for me besides vocal players are angry/upset. Also considering who comes to the forums, how biased polls tend to be, and how universally people who are unhappy are more likely to speak out, is always the case.

Since playing from release I have never really seen a poll for "Do you like the meta" return with the answer yes. I think there may have been one...but the countless others are all negative. Then you get the people who vote negatively, not because of the meta, but because of the lack of follow up patches. Which, regardless of if they undid everything meta, would still be an issue.

The grass is always greener. I honestly feel you could revert everything, wait 6 months, run the same poll and get the same "no" answer to "do you like the meta".

First, there are poll with 300+ and multiple polls. Is it pin point accurate? no, but saying it is not indicative is either hypocrisy or idiocy. Take your pick.

Its actually neither but if you need to attack me that's ok. You could have 50 polls all with 300 votes each but of that 300 how many are the same people? How was the question asked? Of those times how many times has the same person cast a vote? etc etc. There are a whole bunch of questions along that line of thinking that you can ask.

Along with quality of the poll, which 9/10 times on the forum is questionable since they are almost all inherently biased, you need volume of answers.

Also I did say its indicative...that "vocal players are angry/upset" nothing more to me.

Second, this poll, and the similar polls to it, are not asking if you like the current meta. It is a specific question regarding the February 2020 patch. Saying “people always hate the current meta” has nothing to do with this.

It has everything to do with this. It doesn't matter if you label the two points in time you're asking if someone likes an old meta compared to the current, to which like likely polled answer will almost always be no.

Said it before but the grass is always greener. Especially when viewed through rose tinted glasses. If they reverted everything people would soon remember the things they didn't like about it and start remembering the things they liked about the current meta. Eventually leading to a poll "do you like this meta" / "do you like the current meta compared to the last", again , to which the answer on the forum is almost always going to be no.

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@TeqkOneStylez.8047 said:

@darren.1064 said:This poll isn't even close.

Ah yes. The ever indicative, conslusive, and comprehensive, at cutrent time of posting, 56 vote poll.

There's only 58 people left playing this game !

Kinda accurate, once you get past 1300 you start being placed with top 50 ppl. So i don't doubt you have like 60 ppl playing on prime time

40 ppl -1300

2 plat duos

2 solo plats dodging the duos and complete it with ppl from 1300-1500.

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The funny thing is they nerfed the damage and will have to nerf now sustain as well, which basically will create a meta similar to how it was before, just with more HP, logically seen. They could have simply put HP up in February or drop the effectiveness of EVERY skill by a set percentage amount and it would have resulted in the same scenario as they are currently trying to create. Instead they messed up the damage output of every class, kept sustain up for some and nerfed it for others as an answer to this chaotic meta and created a giant mess in the process.

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The only thing I have to say on this is that getting our proper use of shatters back as mesmers and shades back as scourges has been a godsend. I am glad we aren't in the Feb. meta where I couldn't even properly play these classes in raids to appropriate effect. Say what you will about competitive game modes, but the meta change has been great for the PVE hard mode content.

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