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Why Gift of Battle?

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Nilkemia.8507 said:There should be an option to get a Gift of Battle from SPvP as well, but that probably makes too much sense to be implemented.

How exactly would that make sense? People that complain about gob mostly complain because they're not interested in fighting other players -at which point implementing it to spvp while in wvw it can be done literally by just PvEing is the opposite of "making too much sense".

Gift of Battle. SPvP involves battles, correct? And I'm saying this as someone who cares not for PvP nor WvW. I'd rather see a PvE option, but I know that would make no sense and wouldn't happen, since it's part of how they try to draw people into WvW. That and the reward tracks. I'd also advocate for the option to buy it for 500 Badges of Honor being put back, but that's likely out too.

If that still doesn't make sense, oh well.

500 badges of honor is WAY too small amount for a legendary item. Most skins just cost around 250 or somethign, you can't expect them to make a legendary purcahseable for the cost of like 2-3 skins...

If they'd do it for badges of honor, then it would need to cost like 5000 minimum or even more. At which point - you'd need to be really actively participating in WvW more than you would with just dailies and potions. Even if it cost 500 badges, the reward track is still better because you don't really need to do much, whereas you need to play quite a while longer than the reward track lasts to get 500 badges drops (or more if it would cost more).

The reward track is better as you get free stuff along the way to completing Gift of Battle so i honestly think the reward track is the best option for obtaining it.But i wouldn't like it to be in PvE. If they do that, then they'd need to put a way for WvW people to obtain their legendaries without the insane grind and in WvW only. That would be only fair. To somehow balance how difficult it is to make to the PvE way so that WvW isn't like 10000 times slower and harder...

Honestly, just going into WvW and doing the reward track is the easiest part of this so i don't really think anything should change about that, it's not like it's hard to get it even if you don't like the mode, anything else would just complicate things for everyone.

I think it was to buy the gift of battle for 500 right?

Yes. Which i think won't happen really lol, i doubt anet will let people buy GoB with badges of honor.

There was that option, for a long time; it's really not that difficult to garner Badges of Honor.

The option was removed a couple of years ago, or so, much to the consternation of many players.

Ah i see. I didn't know about that. It's been a long time since i played, and back when i did, i didn't need GoB so i never checked lol.Still, it's better this way, pretty easy to obtain anyway.

Yeah back then badges were harder to get and most pvers resorted to doing the 3 wvw borderland jps to get badges.

Nowadays wvw map exploration is no longer needed and badges come thick and fast, so reverting back to badges would be too trivial

Yeah, that's why i said they'd never just sell GoB for 500 badges cause it would be too trivial.Didn't know how it was before though, i started playing WvW after HoT. Before that, it was just PvE.I did know that for the map completion you had to do the entire WvW too. Wonder why they removed that?

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Nilkemia.8507 said:There should be an option to get a Gift of Battle from SPvP as well, but that probably makes too much sense to be implemented.

How exactly would that make sense? People that complain about gob mostly complain because they're not interested in fighting other players -at which point implementing it to spvp while in wvw it can be done literally by just PvEing is the opposite of "making too much sense".

Gift of Battle. SPvP involves battles, correct? And I'm saying this as someone who cares not for PvP nor WvW. I'd rather see a PvE option, but I know that would make no sense and wouldn't happen, since it's part of how they try to draw people into WvW. That and the reward tracks. I'd also advocate for the option to buy it for 500 Badges of Honor being put back, but that's likely out too.

If that still doesn't make sense, oh well.

500 badges of honor is WAY too small amount for a legendary item. Most skins just cost around 250 or somethign, you can't expect them to make a legendary purcahseable for the cost of like 2-3 skins...

If they'd do it for badges of honor, then it would need to cost like 5000 minimum or even more. At which point - you'd need to be really actively participating in WvW more than you would with just dailies and potions. Even if it cost 500 badges, the reward track is still better because you don't really need to do much, whereas you need to play quite a while longer than the reward track lasts to get 500 badges drops (or more if it would cost more).

The reward track is better as you get free stuff along the way to completing Gift of Battle so i honestly think the reward track is the best option for obtaining it.But i wouldn't like it to be in PvE. If they do that, then they'd need to put a way for WvW people to obtain their legendaries without the insane grind and in WvW only. That would be only fair. To somehow balance how difficult it is to make to the PvE way so that WvW isn't like 10000 times slower and harder...

Honestly, just going into WvW and doing the reward track is the easiest part of this so i don't really think anything should change about that, it's not like it's hard to get it even if you don't like the mode, anything else would just complicate things for everyone.

I think it was to buy the gift of battle for 500 right?

Yes. Which i think won't happen really lol, i doubt anet will let people buy GoB with badges of honor.

There was that option, for a long time; it's really not that difficult to garner Badges of Honor.

The option was removed a couple of years ago, or so, much to the consternation of many players.

Ah i see. I didn't know about that. It's been a long time since i played, and back when i did, i didn't need GoB so i never checked lol.Still, it's better this way, pretty easy to obtain anyway.

Yeah back then badges were harder to get and most pvers resorted to doing the 3 wvw borderland jps to get badges.

Nowadays wvw map exploration is no longer needed and badges come thick and fast, so reverting back to badges would be too trivial

Yeah, that's why i said they'd never just sell GoB for 500 badges cause it would be too trivial.Didn't know how it was before though, i started playing WvW after HoT. Before that, it was just PvE.I did know that for the map completion you had to do the entire WvW too. Wonder why they removed that?

The issue with map completing WvW is that you had to often wait for the map to rotate to get certain POI's and vistas or getting decent match ups. I mean Stonemist alone was a pain for many. Ultimately this took things out of your hands and meant players were gated too much by logging in at the right time, rather than being able to work on it as and when. It also meant wvw ended up with too many people ignoring the content and just running around for map expl,oration stuff which really defeated the point of the game mode

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Nilkemia.8507 said:There should be an option to get a Gift of Battle from SPvP as well, but that probably makes too much sense to be implemented.

How exactly would that make sense? People that complain about gob mostly complain because they're not interested in fighting other players -at which point implementing it to spvp while in wvw it can be done literally by just PvEing is the opposite of "making too much sense".

Gift of Battle. SPvP involves battles, correct? And I'm saying this as someone who cares not for PvP nor WvW. I'd rather see a PvE option, but I know that would make no sense and wouldn't happen, since it's part of how they try to draw people into WvW. That and the reward tracks. I'd also advocate for the option to buy it for 500 Badges of Honor being put back, but that's likely out too.

If that still doesn't make sense, oh well.

500 badges of honor is WAY too small amount for a legendary item. Most skins just cost around 250 or somethign, you can't expect them to make a legendary purcahseable for the cost of like 2-3 skins...

If they'd do it for badges of honor, then it would need to cost like 5000 minimum or even more. At which point - you'd need to be really actively participating in WvW more than you would with just dailies and potions. Even if it cost 500 badges, the reward track is still better because you don't really need to do much, whereas you need to play quite a while longer than the reward track lasts to get 500 badges drops (or more if it would cost more).

The reward track is better as you get free stuff along the way to completing Gift of Battle so i honestly think the reward track is the best option for obtaining it.But i wouldn't like it to be in PvE. If they do that, then they'd need to put a way for WvW people to obtain their legendaries without the insane grind and in WvW only. That would be only fair. To somehow balance how difficult it is to make to the PvE way so that WvW isn't like 10000 times slower and harder...

Honestly, just going into WvW and doing the reward track is the easiest part of this so i don't really think anything should change about that, it's not like it's hard to get it even if you don't like the mode, anything else would just complicate things for everyone.

I think it was to buy the gift of battle for 500 right?

Yes. Which i think won't happen really lol, i doubt anet will let people buy GoB with badges of honor.

There was that option, for a long time; it's really not that difficult to garner Badges of Honor.

The option was removed a couple of years ago, or so, much to the consternation of many players.

Ah i see. I didn't know about that. It's been a long time since i played, and back when i did, i didn't need GoB so i never checked lol.Still, it's better this way, pretty easy to obtain anyway.

Yeah back then badges were harder to get and most pvers resorted to doing the 3 wvw borderland jps to get badges.

Nowadays wvw map exploration is no longer needed and badges come thick and fast, so reverting back to badges would be too trivial

Yeah, that's why i said they'd never just sell GoB for 500 badges cause it would be too trivial.Didn't know how it was before though, i started playing WvW after HoT. Before that, it was just PvE.I did know that for the map completion you had to do the entire WvW too. Wonder why they removed that?

The issue with map completing WvW is that you had to often wait for the map to rotate to get certain POI's and vistas or getting decent match ups. I mean Stonemist alone was a pain for many. Ultimately this took things out of your hands and meant players were gated too much by logging in at the right time, rather than being able to work on it as and when. It also meant wvw ended up with too many people ignoring the content and just running around for map expl,oration stuff which really defeated the point of the game mode

Ah, that makes sense yeah. But then when you did a legendary, it was even more legendary because of the work put into it! :wink:

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Nilkemia.8507 said:There should be an option to get a Gift of Battle from SPvP as well, but that probably makes too much sense to be implemented.

How exactly would that make sense? People that complain about gob mostly complain because they're not interested in fighting other players -at which point implementing it to spvp while in wvw it can be done literally by just PvEing is the opposite of "making too much sense".

Gift of Battle. SPvP involves battles, correct? And I'm saying this as someone who cares not for PvP nor WvW. I'd rather see a PvE option, but I know that would make no sense and wouldn't happen, since it's part of how they try to draw people into WvW. That and the reward tracks. I'd also advocate for the option to buy it for 500 Badges of Honor being put back, but that's likely out too.

If that still doesn't make sense, oh well.

500 badges of honor is WAY too small amount for a legendary item. Most skins just cost around 250 or somethign, you can't expect them to make a legendary purcahseable for the cost of like 2-3 skins...

If they'd do it for badges of honor, then it would need to cost like 5000 minimum or even more. At which point - you'd need to be really actively participating in WvW more than you would with just dailies and potions. Even if it cost 500 badges, the reward track is still better because you don't really need to do much, whereas you need to play quite a while longer than the reward track lasts to get 500 badges drops (or more if it would cost more).

The reward track is better as you get free stuff along the way to completing Gift of Battle so i honestly think the reward track is the best option for obtaining it.But i wouldn't like it to be in PvE. If they do that, then they'd need to put a way for WvW people to obtain their legendaries without the insane grind and in WvW only. That would be only fair. To somehow balance how difficult it is to make to the PvE way so that WvW isn't like 10000 times slower and harder...

Honestly, just going into WvW and doing the reward track is the easiest part of this so i don't really think anything should change about that, it's not like it's hard to get it even if you don't like the mode, anything else would just complicate things for everyone.

I think it was to buy the gift of battle for 500 right?

Yes. Which i think won't happen really lol, i doubt anet will let people buy GoB with badges of honor.

There was that option, for a long time; it's really not that difficult to garner Badges of Honor.

The option was removed a couple of years ago, or so, much to the consternation of many players.

Ah i see. I didn't know about that. It's been a long time since i played, and back when i did, i didn't need GoB so i never checked lol.Still, it's better this way, pretty easy to obtain anyway.

Yeah back then badges were harder to get and most pvers resorted to doing the 3 wvw borderland jps to get badges.

Nowadays wvw map exploration is no longer needed and badges come thick and fast, so reverting back to badges would be too trivial

Yeah, that's why i said they'd never just sell GoB for 500 badges cause it would be too trivial.Didn't know how it was before though, i started playing WvW after HoT. Before that, it was just PvE.I did know that for the map completion you had to do the entire WvW too. Wonder why they removed that?

Threads like these were part of it.. also:

The matchups were more locked back then in tiers, so T1 was like BG, TC, JQ for months. And the winning server stayed on green... so it became very hard to get the points in the keeps on each BL unless you were that color for the week.

PvE primary players struggled mightily with this part.

And so did some WvWers.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@Nilkemia.8507 said:There should be an option to get a Gift of Battle from SPvP as well, but that probably makes too much sense to be implemented.

How exactly would that make sense? People that complain about gob mostly complain because they're not interested in fighting other players -at which point implementing it to spvp while in wvw it can be done literally by just PvEing is the opposite of "making too much sense".

Gift of Battle. SPvP involves battles, correct? And I'm saying this as someone who cares not for PvP nor WvW. I'd rather see a PvE option, but I know that would make no sense and wouldn't happen, since it's part of how they try to draw people into WvW. That and the reward tracks. I'd also advocate for the option to buy it for 500 Badges of Honor being put back, but that's likely out too.

If that still doesn't make sense, oh well.

500 badges of honor is WAY too small amount for a legendary item. Most skins just cost around 250 or somethign, you can't expect them to make a legendary purcahseable for the cost of like 2-3 skins...

If they'd do it for badges of honor, then it would need to cost like 5000 minimum or even more. At which point - you'd need to be really actively participating in WvW more than you would with just dailies and potions. Even if it cost 500 badges, the reward track is still better because you don't really need to do much, whereas you need to play quite a while longer than the reward track lasts to get 500 badges drops (or more if it would cost more).

The reward track is better as you get free stuff along the way to completing Gift of Battle so i honestly think the reward track is the best option for obtaining it.But i wouldn't like it to be in PvE. If they do that, then they'd need to put a way for WvW people to obtain their legendaries without the insane grind and in WvW only. That would be only fair. To somehow balance how difficult it is to make to the PvE way so that WvW isn't like 10000 times slower and harder...

Honestly, just going into WvW and doing the reward track is the easiest part of this so i don't really think anything should change about that, it's not like it's hard to get it even if you don't like the mode, anything else would just complicate things for everyone.

I think it was to buy the gift of battle for 500 right?

Yes. Which i think won't happen really lol, i doubt anet will let people buy GoB with badges of honor.

There was that option, for a long time; it's really not that difficult to garner Badges of Honor.

The option was removed a couple of years ago, or so, much to the consternation of many players.

Ah i see. I didn't know about that. It's been a long time since i played, and back when i did, i didn't need GoB so i never checked lol.Still, it's better this way, pretty easy to obtain anyway.

Yeah back then badges were harder to get and most pvers resorted to doing the 3 wvw borderland jps to get badges.

Nowadays wvw map exploration is no longer needed and badges come thick and fast, so reverting back to badges would be too trivial

Yeah, that's why i said they'd never just sell GoB for 500 badges cause it would be too trivial.Didn't know how it was before though, i started playing WvW after HoT. Before that, it was just PvE.I did know that for the map completion you had to do the entire WvW too. Wonder why they removed that?

Threads like these were part of it.. also:

The matchups were more locked back then in tiers, so T1 was like BG, TC, JQ for months. And the winning server stayed on green... so it became very hard to get the points in the keeps on each BL unless you were that color for the week.

PvE primary players struggled mightily with this part.

And so did some WvWers.

Yeah, it's better this way. Imagine being stuck on one server for months, never being able to get that juicy enemy POI lol. :tongue:I just wish the GoB would give more clovers. That would make the WvW less poor overall lol.

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Still waiting for a solution to this problem.
Oh wait, I have one: Make GoB sellable on the trading post.Low-reward WvW players (they complain about it all the time, really) get big chunks of cash for their fun time and PvE players don't have to bother with a lackluster game mode. Win-Win, QED, Boom Done.The other toxic-mode marks are already on the market, so do the same with GoB and let us play how we want.

Though, to be fair, Gift of Exploration isn't a great one either, so I've also recommended an exchange, much like a Gold|Gem market, but for Gifts.That way, PvE players can hammer out Gifts of Exploration to trade in for GoB, and WvW players can skip the Gift of Exploration fuss while working in their game mode.Again, Win-Win.

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@Rauderi.8706 said:Still waiting for a solution to this problem.

Oh wait, I have one: Make GoB sellable on the trading post.Low-reward WvW players (they complain about it all the time, really) get big chunks of cash for their fun time and PvE players don't have to bother with a lackluster game mode. Win-Win, QED, Boom Done.The other toxic-mode marks are already on the market, so do the same with GoB and let us play how we want.

Though, to be fair, Gift of Exploration isn't a great one either, so I've also recommended an exchange, much like a Gold|Gem market, but for Gifts.That way, PvE players can hammer out Gifts of Exploration to trade in for GoB, and WvW players can skip the Gift of Exploration fuss while working in their game mode.Again, Win-Win.

Gift of Battle is used to create legendary weapons. It's not a problem for ANet to require players to play multiple aspects of the game in order to get a legendary weapon.

Also, it's not hard to get through the Gift of Battle Reward track by doing the PvE style dailies. It will take you longer, but that's the trade off. It takes about 8 hours to get the track done if you actually play the game mode. 1 hour for 8 weeks and you've got it. Likely well before you've finished the other parts of the legendary.

Just be glad you no longer have to do WvW maps for the Gift of Exploration. It used to be required.

And I am someone who does not like WvW. The mode gives me anxiety.

I've used reward tracks to get the Gift of Battle and the Dungeon tokens for one of the other Gifts because I'd rather slowly progress a reward track than deal with PUGing a dungeon.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:The issue with map completing WvW is that you had to often wait for the map to rotate to get certain POI's and vistas or getting decent match ups. I mean Stonemist alone was a pain for many. Ultimately this took things out of your hands and meant players were gated too much by logging in at the right time, rather than being able to work on it as and when. It also meant wvw ended up with too many people ignoring the content and just running around for map expl,oration stuff which really defeated the point of the game mode

Ah, that makes sense yeah. But then when you did a legendary, it was even
legendary because of the work put into it! :wink:There was nothing legendary about it. You just waited till your server happened to be the right color. Or moved to a server with bigger population/better coverage.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@"Randulf.7614" said:The issue with map completing WvW is that you had to often wait for the map to rotate to get certain POI's and vistas or getting decent match ups. I mean Stonemist alone was a pain for many. Ultimately this took things out of your hands and meant players were gated too much by logging in at the right time, rather than being able to work on it as and when. It also meant wvw ended up with too many people ignoring the content and just running around for map expl,oration stuff which really defeated the point of the game mode

Ah, that makes sense yeah. But then when you did a legendary, it was even
legendary because of the work put into it! :wink:There was nothing legendary about it. You just waited till your server happened to be the right color. Or moved to a server with bigger population/better coverage.

I know but since it would take more time than it does now, i meant the "effort" (even if it is just waiting) involved would make it "more legendary". :tongue:But it's better they removed it anyway because the map thing was probably extremely inconsistent.

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I see your ranger tag, I main ranger. In order to deal with these thieves that camp spawn you can build to counter them. My suggestion to cheese them, run soulbeast + black raven - taking one wolf pack, and sic em quickening zephyr, and signet of stone. Bring along some stealth removal traps as well. This build mind you, is specifically just to counter thieves and to deny them the ability to disengage. When you have see that thief, drop your stealth removal traps and range him so that's he's forced to fight near your trap if he wants to melee. Keep pressure on, if he tries to disengage or reaches 50%~ health, use sic em so he can't stealth and the bird swoop to keep on him in melee. Then rapid fire his kitten down. Throw a ram on his body after you let your bird slowly auto attack him to death. Cap the camp you want then change maps. Do the same thing to all thieves you fight.

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@Rauderi.8706 said:Still waiting for a solution to this problem.

Oh wait, I have one: Make GoB sellable on the trading post.Low-reward WvW players (they complain about it all the time, really) get big chunks of cash for their fun time and PvE players don't have to bother with a lackluster game mode. Win-Win, QED, Boom Done.The other toxic-mode marks are already on the market, so do the same with GoB and let us play how we want.

Though, to be fair, Gift of Exploration isn't a great one either, so I've also recommended an exchange, much like a Gold|Gem market, but for Gifts.That way, PvE players can hammer out Gifts of Exploration to trade in for GoB, and WvW players can skip the Gift of Exploration fuss while working in their game mode.Again, Win-Win.

I don't see this as a problem that requires a solution. Perhaps it is your preference, but it's not a problem.

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The requirements for legendary weapons have been discussed since release. Since gift of battle is still necessary, some tips from a pve player who also needs to play wvw from time to time:

  • If the maps are completely empty, you are probably playing in a time away from the peak time of your server. Try another daytime. Each server has different peak times during the day.
  • If maps are still empty, your server is probably in a bad link. In this case, the better solution is to wait until the next link reset.
  • You still can solo doing small objectives: camps, doyaks, veterans, etc. Try using a roaming build (check metabattle). If an enemy roamer (thief, engineer, etc.) is camping, ignore him and go somewhere else (or another map).
  • Remember: you only need to stay on level 3 participation or above. It means after capping a camp, tower or killing an enemy, you can sit at some safe place and wait about 10 min still earning credits toward the reward track. If you really don´t like wvw, go to youtube, netflix, etc. in meantime (just don't do it on queued map so not disturb other players).
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I love the comments on the gift of battle track and the complaining about WvW. As if the gift of battle is the only reward you get from it. You get at least 2 laurels out of it and a X amount of obsidian shards and other materials.

As an advice to pve-ers that "have to get this" Most people do not like the red borderland since that started as a mostly PVE based map even with some pve content like capturing a laser in the middle of the map (oasis) that blew open every door of every tower in the map. Luckily Anet saw that the pve content was not appreceiated in WvW and took that away.However the red borderland map is still easiest to get stuff done, camps/shrines/guards/even daily veteran creatures. If you do not want to fight, just don't fight, yes you get killed, respawn and go in another direction and start over again. If you do the dailies which you can do alone, you progress faster through the track but do not forget the boosters for it like the wvw reward booster from the guildhall and for 5 laurels and 125 badges of honor you can get an enrichment that gives you another boost of 5% and using the birthday boosters gives another boost. Often there are banners placed in spawn or you can bring your own one, really appreciated by the wvw players too.

Just why complain about doing some other content in game? Giving it a proper chance might open a new enjoyable game mode that can be challenging or fun but like in all game modes a basic knowledge is requiered. One does not start fractals on T4, no raids without training. So why complain about going into WvW without a clue what to do?

If you do not want to put effort in it, do not make a legendary and just buy the thing.

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@"Dhonti.5162" said:I love the comments on the gift of battle track and the complaining about WvW. As if the gift of battle is the only reward you get from it. You get at least 2 laurels out of it and a X amount of obsidian shards and other materials.

You mean Mystic Clovers, not laurels right? But yeah, the point is, you get neat legendary materials out of it as well. Tomes of knowledge that you can use to get spirit shards, obsidian and Clovers. Pretty handy stuff! Especially clovers. I just wish they'd give more than 2, but whatever, it's still useful.

(now no longer quoting)

I don't get why people complain so much. I used to farm pips by literally just circling around the map in desert borderlands capping camps and shrines. It's not as fast to reach T6 as you would with a raid group or zerg, but for a reward track, you don't need T6 anyway (though it's preferable to speed it up).

And after that, just find the best route, circle around the map and PvE til you're bored, then return another day with your T6 participation still on (because it doesn't decay outside of WvW anymore). With boosters you can do that in 1 day, especially if you complete dailies and use reward track jugs.

If you get killed, you literally lost nothing, so just rinse and repeat. The participation will still be on.

Besides, and maybe that's just me, but in WvW all the people are so helpful and chill! Best poeple honestly!

The only times i saw someone being anything else than helpful and chill was when someone comes to WvW and announces in team chat that they're only here for the gift of battle, that this mode sucks and then proceed to ask what's the best way to get it. And even then, people are mostly just teasing that person and joking around (cause we get some people like this from time to time). That's not toxic because, why would you announce "this mode sucks" in team chat and state that you're intent is to grind your gift and leave. Nobody likes that, but still they don't insult, they just tease people for it. They're still wellcome to join a zerg, nothing is lost, they just got a little teased, that's all.

One time i saw chat joking, people who i know play WvW constantly, that each time someone completed their reward track they'd announce it in team chat with "I got my [reward track] by WvW see you never again!" lol.... :tongue: Everyone was doing it haha, it's just taking the piss out of someone who does that.

WvW is not for people who can't take a joke. :tongue:Just don't announce "i'm just here for GoB and i hate this mode, i'm leaving as soon as i get it". Cause then you're sending a wrong message.

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@"Veprovina.4876" said:If you get killed, you literally lost nothing, so just rinse and repeat. The participation will still be on.Here's the thing though....The people who start threads like this or make comments about how they "loathe any form of pvp" ect?They lose quite a bit.

These people have their power fantasy shattered every time they are downed in a competitive environment. That feeling that they are "good at the game", that their build is strong, that they are properly geared, that is fed to them after countless hours of a personal story without challenge and an open world that puts them in a bubble being carried is gone.One has to look no further than the delusion feeding the hyperbole in this thread. The overblown comments about gankers at every exit, and a toxic environment (that is simply far less prevalent than it is in PvE) should show you that a significant number of players cannot accept a single loss. Rather than improving their game they will instead argue for rule changes or invent problems that aren't there just to soothe their egos and get their shinies.

It's the exact same hubris that powers the "HoT is too hard" threads, the weak complaints about aggro ranges on PoF maps and the majority of "balance" posts in the PvP forum.Some people experience significant distress when confronted by their own lack of skill. It makes them do and say plenty of irrational things.

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@Rauderi.8706 said:Still waiting for a solution to this problem.

Oh wait, I have one: Make GoB sellable on the trading post.so preliminary price will be 1-5 gold .. no, bad ideaWe need prevent people come on wvw and be nice meat for true wvw players. This i part of fun. Yes, it is not for all fun. But for wvw players it is part of content,. and for pve player this is short non long some action. Also it way to atract people and shoe more that they think want.For weapon we need one (1) ONE GoB. Not 250 GoB.

Though, to be fair, Gift of Exploration isn't a great one either, so I've also recommended an exchange, much like a Gold|Gem market, but for Gifts.on start I think same about GoE, but after first 6 gifts I was think that I like in this Gift of Exploration. Nice balanced maps, nice heart and normal HP. So chill and good. One of best gifts for me.

Again, Win-Win.no, I see on you solution lose-lose

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@"Veprovina.4876" said:If you get killed, you literally lost nothing, so just rinse and repeat. The participation will still be on.Here's the thing though....The people who start threads like this or make comments about how they "loathe any form of pvp" ect?They lose quite a bit.

These people have their power fantasy shattered every time they are downed in a competitive environment. That feeling that they are "good at the game", that their build is strong, that they are properly geared, that is fed to them after countless hours of a personal story without challenge and an open world that puts them in a bubble being carried is gone.One has to look no further than the delusion feeding the hyperbole in this thread. The overblown comments about gankers at every exit, and a toxic environment (that is simply far less prevalent than it is in PvE) should show you that a significant number of players cannot accept a single loss. Rather than improving their game they will instead argue for rule changes or invent problems that aren't there just to soothe their egos and get their shinies.

It's the exact same hubris that powers the "HoT is too hard" threads, the weak complaints about aggro ranges on PoF maps and the majority of "balance" posts in the PvP forum.Some people experience significant distress when confronted by their own lack of skill. It makes them do and say plenty of irrational things.

I agree! That's a good point.Like i said in my previous post, but it also applies to this - it's all about your own view on things.

If someone (like most PvE players like you said), has their power fantasy shattered by getting killed by another player, that angers them as they're no longer "in control".Experiencing downed state angrily of course leads to someone not liking the game mode as they can't deal with it.

But the thing is - downed state in WvW or getting killed has no real effect on getting GoB, it's just all in their heads. Which of course leads to "WvW is toxic, there's spawncampers everywhere, you can't leave starting camp, etc." exaggerations when, in reality, those players probably spent 15 minutes in WvW, got killed 3 times and ragequit.

When i die in WvW instead of getting angry, it's fun for me. Makes me learn some thing maybe, how i did wrong, etc.But in the end, it's all good. Whenever i'm downed, i just think to myself "this fight was fun" or if i'm playing a support role and i hit like a wet noodle, i run from people going lolololololo why didn't i slot blilnk lolololololol. :smiley: It's all about the perspective. Why would i be angry or whatever if someone downs me, or worse - consider those people toxic. That's the game mode, they're supposed to down me, and i them, it's unfair to paint someone as toxic for just doing their job in the game mode. People that call others "toxic" for playing the game mode and kiling them are usually the toxic ones themselves because they can't deal with it and as a result of that, start calling everyone else toxic when in reality, they're just playing the game.

Maybe that's why WvW people are so chill. No one takes the downed state as a bad thing, rather a learning opportunity, and more often than not i see people congratulating others for good fights, contacting each others via whispers or out of game means to say "good fight" etc. I even participated in a pretty one sided fights with an enemy guild where we would fight until downed, res back up, then fight again. Did that a few times, and while the other team was clearly better, after the fights we all stood in a line and /bowed to each other, then went our separate ways. No one can tell me that the WvW community is toxic.

There's even "unwritten rules" that - if you're in a small scale group or something, you don't chase single players, you leave them to their business. Because no one likes getting stomped by 20 players, and when you're in that group, you wanna fight other groups anyway, not steamroll single players.Unless it's a public zerg, then you can't really control people, and public zerg's objectives are different from fighting group's objectives. For example, fighting groups will sometimes not stand in lord circles, but will go out to fight other groups trying to get in, and leave the capping to roamers and public groups. While public groups will always go lord and cap objectives, and chase everyone in the vicinity to stop them from capping the objective back 5 minutes later.But none of that is what i would consider toxic.

So yeah. PvE players should stop expecting other game modes to cater to their power fantasy or to them, and embrace and learn what the mode actually is, rather than seeing it from just their own limited perspective, and judging it by what they wish it to be.

WvW is the best!

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@lare.5129 said:

@Rauderi.8706 said:Still waiting for a solution to this problem.

Oh wait, I have one: Make GoB sellable on the trading post.so preliminary price will be 1-5 gold .. no, bad idea

Well, if someone would rather pay me 7750 gold for gift of battle rather than play WvW for 8 hours, i'd be happy to sell mine. ;)But not below that price haha. :tongue:

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@"Veprovina.4876" said:Just don't announce "i'm just here for GoB and i hate this mode, i'm leaving as soon as i get it". Cause then you're sending a wrong message.So, you're saying they should lie?

@mindcircus.1506 said:

@"Veprovina.4876" said:If you get killed, you literally lost nothing, so just rinse and repeat. The participation will still be on.Here's the thing though....The people who start threads like this or make comments about how they "loathe any form of pvp" ect?They lose quite a bit.Yes, they do.

These people have their power fantasy shattered every time they are downed in a competitive environment. That feeling that they are "good at the game", that their build is strong, that they are properly geared, that is fed to them after countless hours of a personal story without challenge and an open world that puts them in a bubble being carried is gone.One has to look no further than the delusion feeding the hyperbole in this thread. The overblown comments about gankers at every exit, and a toxic environment (that is simply far less prevalent than it is in PvE) should show you that a significant number of players cannot accept a single loss. Rather than improving their game they will instead argue for rule changes or invent problems that aren't there just to soothe their egos and get their shinies.

It's the exact same hubris that powers the "HoT is too hard" threads, the weak complaints about aggro ranges on PoF maps and the majority of "balance" posts in the PvP forum.Some people experience significant distress when confronted by their own lack of skill. It makes them do and say plenty of irrational things.Bullkitten. Sorry, i can't really sum it up in any nicer way. You are significantly messing up things here.

I know personally players that are completely fine with raiding (at any level), but are unable to take the stress of a PvP encounter of any kind. Even when they end up winning, btw. I also know some players that very much like SPvP, that absolutely angry with the difficulty of raid encounters.

Players that are completely okay with often-seen SPvP flaming reacting like someone killed their dog when someone nicely explains a specific raid mechanic to them. And those that feel that it's perfectly okay to use some less than nice words when talking about less than perfect raid performance frothing at the mouth after the person that killed them in a PvP mode danced on their corpse.

Every game mode requires (or just favours) a certain mindset. If you don't have it, it can easily diminish your enjoyment of said mode, or even make you angry at things other players might not even notice. And even if sometimes it may seem that some modes have similar mindsets attached to them, the differences can sometimes be very important and impactful as them.

So, don't just generalize stuff like that, because all it does is talk a lot about you, personally.

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I was a hard core open world dungeon running fractal pushing PvEr. Then I wanted a GoB and Warclaw. Here I am 3,600+ levels later with 96 GoB's in the bank. Give it a chance actually put your heart into it. What was stopping me was an ignorant fear of failure. It is okay to fail. It is okay to die. It is okay to ask questions. Didn't take me long to figure out there was no one with a counter keeping track of my deaths! :skull:

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@"Veprovina.4876" said:Just don't announce "i'm just here for GoB and i hate this mode, i'm leaving as soon as i get it". Cause then you're sending a wrong message.So, you're saying they should lie?

@"Veprovina.4876" said:If you get killed, you literally lost nothing, so just rinse and repeat. The participation will still be on.Here's the thing though....The people who start threads like this or make comments about how they "loathe any form of pvp" ect?They lose quite a bit.Yes, they do.

These people have their power fantasy shattered every time they are downed in a competitive environment. That feeling that they are "good at the game", that their build is strong, that they are properly geared, that is fed to them after countless hours of a personal story without challenge and an open world that puts them in a bubble being carried is gone.One has to look no further than the delusion feeding the hyperbole in this thread. The overblown comments about gankers at every exit, and a toxic environment (that is simply far less prevalent than it is in PvE) should show you that a significant number of players cannot accept a single loss. Rather than improving their game they will instead argue for rule changes or invent problems that aren't there just to soothe their egos and get their shinies.

It's the exact same hubris that powers the "HoT is too hard" threads, the weak complaints about aggro ranges on PoF maps and the majority of "balance" posts in the PvP forum.Some people experience significant distress when confronted by their own lack of skill. It makes them do and say plenty of irrational things.Bullkitten. Sorry, i can't really sum it up in any nicer way. You are significantly messing up things here.

I know personally players that are completely fine with raiding (at any level), but are unable to take the stress of a PvP encounter of any kind. Even when they end up winning, btw. I also know some players that very much like SPvP, that absolutely angry with the difficulty of raid encounters.

Players that are completely okay with often-seen SPvP flaming reacting like someone killed their dog when someone nicely explains a specific raid mechanic to them. And those that feel that it's perfectly okay to use some less than nice words when talking about less than perfect raid performance frothing at the mouth after the person that killed them in a PvP mode danced on their corpse.

Every game mode requires (or just favours) a certain mindset. If you don't have it, it can easily diminish your enjoyment of said mode, or even make you angry at things other players might not even notice. And even if sometimes it may seem that some modes have similar mindsets attached to them, the differences can sometimes be very important and impactful as them.

So, don't just generalize stuff like that, because all it does is talk a lot about you, personally.

Not lie, just it doesn't make sense to announce it like that. If someone asks you, then yeah, respond that you're doing GoB and you don't really do much WvW or at all. But to come into WvW announcing it like everyone has to know why you're here sends a different message than being honest about it if asked. Nobody really minds people that do WvW only for GoB, they need the item, and people i've seen always say, "cool, good luck on your legendary" etc. But team chat announcement is just funny and people laugh at that.

Also, i don't think the poster before was generalizing, to me it looked more like an example. Of course people are more complicated than this. But i think he was referring specifically to people who are then toxic towards the mode and start overexaggerating. That those people have their power fantasy shattered. Not all people that are for example anxious even when winning, because at least those people are trying and probably aren't spamming "this mode is spawncamping toxic kitten".

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@"Veprovina.4876" said:Also, i don't think the poster before was generalizing, to me it looked more like an example. Of course people are more complicated than this. But i think he was referring specifically to people who are then toxic towards the mode and start overexaggerating. That those people have their power fantasy shattered. Not all people that are for example anxious even when winning, because at least those people are trying and probably aren't spamming "this mode is spawncamping toxic kitten".Except that this is a generalization as well.

People can get uncomfortable and angry for a kittenton of reasons. For example, I have personally seen, in times past, a lot of cases of WvW "duelists" that went totally crazy (including sending flamebombs at everyone around, including those not involved) when their duels were interfered with (usually by accident, by the way). There were also cases when angry WvW players went on forums and reddit in order to protest when someone interfered in their GvG match (this happens less now, with the arena in Obsidian Sanctum, but was a lot more common when those matches were held in the Borderlands). There were also cases of other WvW players getting angry at seeing a number of people occupying a map for a GvG match, ignoring everything else, when their side was losing. Compared to some of those cases, the posts about GoB here are really tame in comparison. And those were all veteran WvW players, completely fine with fighting, losing and not anxious about it at all. But each of them was playing with a specific mindset that wasn't 100% compatible with this gamemode.

Generally, the main problem with GoB is that people that get into WvW for it are usually in a mindset of farming GoB. Not of playing WvW. Anything else is a distraction at best, an active hindrance (and something they hate to see) at worst.

It's a case as if you were asked to make an obstacle course when you went out to your local market. You'd be unlikely to acknowledge the fact that obstacle courses can be fun. And if part of that obstacle course would be other people actively trying to prevent you from reaching the goal... well, you get the picture?

That person might not even be bad at all this, but that doesn't mean they'd want to see it on their way to the market.

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WvW is very relax,,, u just started it wrong(roaming) roaming(solo fights) in wvw is almost for experienced players, avoid duels, this is toxic per nature, and here in forums dont mind with roamers in forum, they are almost over-passionate with this gamestyle and think this is best thing on the world.

just figure out was best timezone to try zerging,, wvw is all about timezone and zerging, my serve is completely dead on some dayhours and others timezones have lots of guilds and people running.

But if u server is dead anyway, try pay attention to scouts alerts on chat, people scouting always call help for stuff. so is here where u try engage.

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@"DanielKingston.3947" said:I understand the idea of "Legendary Items" being harder to obtain but we hear about it all the time, WvW players don't want to do PvE content to get Legendary Equipment, nor do PvP players and vise versa from PvE->WvW/PvP. It just doesn't make any sense as to why there are still WvW requirements on any Legendary Weapon or even PvP when they're all tied to the PvE gameplay... why not just make them all PvE obtainable without having to endure days of dailies/or/camping WvW with trash talking teams and it's got nothing to do with changing my mindset, it has something to do with players putting in so much effort to make WvW unbearable for players like me who actually come in to try make progress.

Is there a particular time of day when it gets that bad?I am absolute crap at PvP/WvW stuff so I don't go in often, but when I have done it, I can't ever remember it being unbearable or toxic. I think the couple of times that map chat annoyed me I just muted it and went about my business.Now I'm curious. If it really is getting bad then that's really sad because GW 2 tends to pride itself on being a fairly decent community of folks, and that has been my personal experience.Ohhhh, ok. I reread that and realized you are talking about teams. My main is Necro. We tend to not play well with others to begin with. I mostly solo, or roll with people I know. Try finding a like minded guild to roll with. It's way more fun that way.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@"Veprovina.4876" said:Also, i don't think the poster before was generalizing, to me it looked more like an example. Of course people are more complicated than this. But i think he was referring specifically to people who are then toxic towards the mode and start overexaggerating. That
people have their power fantasy shattered. Not all people that are for example anxious even when winning, because at least those people are trying and probably aren't spamming "this mode is spawncamping toxic kitten".Except that this is a generalization as well.

People can get uncomfortable and angry for a kittenton of reasons. For example, I have personally seen, in times past, a lot of cases of WvW "duelists" that went totally crazy (including sending flamebombs at everyone around, including those not involved) when their duels were interfered with (usually by accident, by the way). There were also cases when angry WvW players went on forums and reddit in order to protest when someone interfered in their GvG match (this happens less now, with the arena in Obsidian Sanctum, but was a
more common when those matches were held in the Borderlands). There were also cases of
WvW players getting angry at seeing a number of people occupying a map for a GvG match, ignoring everything else, when their side was losing. Compared to some of those cases, the posts about GoB here are really tame in comparison. And those were all veteran WvW players, completely fine with fighting, losing and not anxious about it at all. But each of them was playing with a specific mindset that wasn't 100% compatible with this gamemode.

And if you had burned down one of the sides of AB too fast?

Or interfered with Triple trouble?

Yeah... You’d get a slew of complaints as well.

Generally, the main problem with GoB is that people that get into WvW for it are usually in a mindset of farming GoB. Not of playing WvW. Anything else is a distraction at best, an active hindrance (and something they hate to see) at worst.

It's a case as if you were asked to make an obstacle course when you went out to your local market. You'd be unlikely to acknowledge the fact that obstacle courses can be fun. And if part of that obstacle course would be other people actively trying to prevent you from reaching the goal... well, you get the picture?

It really isn’t the same thing. It would be like complaining that there were red lights on the route you took. And you think they should be removed because it’s faster without them.

That person might not even be bad at all this, but that doesn't mean they'd want to see it on their way to the market.

Because the red lights are PART of the route.

Just like.., you know, other players in WvW

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