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"Bag-Slot limit increased": Why not the Bank-Tab limit as well?

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I am a bit disappointed with ANet's decision to increase the maximum of bag slots you can activate. After all, now that we can craft even bigger bags, I don't see the point.

What I really need is an increase of the possible number of Bank-Tabs, which is much more needed! Why has that not been introduced?

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Your question is confusingly worded: no one needs more bank tabs, since changing one's inventory management practices will address the same issue. Please rephrase to something more neutral:

  • I am maxed out & I would buy more bank tabs if they were available.
  • I am maxed out, but I would not buy more tabs even if they were available.
  • I haven't maxed out on bank tabs yet.

People could then comment about their own personal struggles with inventory management, without skewing the results of the poll (even for an informal one, it's not very useful to start off discussion).

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+10!!!I chuckled as guildies asked me if I was excited about more bag slots. I OFC bought some more, but with 31 character slots that doesn't make sense. Bank tabs, give us more and I will max those without thinking twice. And at the same time have had requests from various people, how about another 6 shared inventory slots please!

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@Ashantara.8731 said:I am a bit disappointed with ANet's decision to increase the maximum of bag slots you can activate. After all, now that we can craft even bigger bags, I don't see the point.

What I really need is an uncrease of the possible number of Bank-Tabs, which is much more needed! Why has that not been introduced?

Haha, I was bitching about this in guild chat the other day. :)

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:Actually, I agree with your typo: what people really need is fewer bank tabs and to work instead of learning new ways to deal with inventory.

Thanks for pointing it out. That's what happens when you type while in the Mad King's Labyrinth. ;)

As for your argument: "learning new ways to deal with inventory" - well, personally, I believe people are insane if they really need 32-slot bags. But apparently, everyone has their own way of dealing with inventory. And just because you might prefer to cram everything in your characters' inventory, then waste time looking through all your characters, doesn't automatically mean that new bag sizes and and an increase of bag slots are more legit to ask for than more bank space.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:Actually, I agree with your typo: what people really need is fewer bank tabs and to work instead of learning new ways to deal with inventory.

Thanks for pointing it out. That's what happens when you type while in the Mad King's Labyrinth. ;)

As for your argument: "learning new ways to deal with inventory" - well, personally, I believe people are insane if they really
32-slot bags. But apparently, everyone has their own way of dealing with inventory. And just because
might prefer to cram everything in your characters' inventory, then waste time looking through all your characters, doesn't automatically mean that new bag sizes and and an increase of bag slots are more legit to ask for than more bank space.

You've missed my point entirely. Yes everyone has their own way of dealing with inventory. Everyone can also adjust how they go about doing it. How does it make sense to accuse people of insanity to claim they "need" 32-slot bags if you are yourself claiming that you "need" more bank space? I can see why you prefer bank storage, but that doesn't mean that everyone else has to. Alternatively, folks can adapt using the tools already provided in game (and via 3rd-party sites like GW2 Efficiency)

You also misrepresented my preferences. I do not like cramming everything in to character inventory (makes it hard to find stuff). But I also prefer not to have to sort through a ton of stuff in the bank. Accordingly, I try not to buy more inventory space of any kind because I need it. I find it far more helpful to spend small amounts of time reducing the amount of skritt I keep & arranging stuff (each item a place, each place for a certain item) so that I won't need the space. For me, adding space is solely about convenience. If I run out of room, it means I'm doing something wrong.

Be careful of phrasing your suggestion — and subsequent defense of your idea — as if the only solution is increasing storage.

This is one of those "a dime of reduced spending is worth a dollar invested" situations. Everyone welcomes more room, because it's easier. However, in the long run, adjusting how and what we store ends up being of greater benefit in the long run. And doing so also multiplies the benefits of more storage, if ANet provides it (whether via inventory or bank or material storage).

So again, if you rewrote your opener to be more neutral, I think you'd generate a more useful discussion with more creative ideas. Instead of telling us the solution in the poll, neutrally ask what people need.

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To be honest, I find having characters to act as mules provide infinitely more value than bank slots. You get so much more slots from a character than you do with a bank slot add-on. It's also more cost effective to get new characters. There are also website which help manage inventory so you know where things are if you don't have a system down for organizing.

I personally only see a bank as something that I'd need for things that I would commonly use across all of my characters. Someone needing more than 420 slots for that purpose just seems like a bit of a stretch.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:To be honest, I find having characters to act as mules provide infinitely more value than bank slots.

I stopped using characters as mules when I stopped playing GW1. It was a horrible mechanic, really, and I do not want to have to create mule characters only to increase my storage space.

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:You've missed my point entirely. [...]

Okay, but maybe you should watch your phrasing as well, because pointing out my typo like that sounded a bit passive-aggressive (and this was not the first time).

@Khisanth.2948 said:Bank tabs have been increased once or twice already.

Really? I am certain they have not within the past two years.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:To be honest, I find having characters to act as mules provide infinitely more value than bank slots.

I stopped using characters as mules when I stopped playing GW1. It was a horrible mechanic, really, and I do not want to have to create mule characters only to increase my storage space.

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:You've missed my point entirely. [...]

Okay, but maybe you should watch your phrasing as well, because pointing out my typo like that sounded a bit passive-aggressive (and this was not the first time).

@Khisanth.2948 said:Bank tabs have been increased once or twice already.

Really? I am certain they have not within the past two years.

The September 17, 2013 update increased the maximum number of bank tabs from 8 to 12.The May 22, 2016 update increased the maximum number of bank tabs from 12 to 14.

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@"A State of Trance.3675" said:I dont know if we need more bank tabs but I would love more functionality with the bank, for example having a tabbed view similar to how browsers fuction, and being able to name them, EG 'guardian stuff', 'ranger stuff' that way I could keep better track of all my characters' equipment and organise things better in general.

That, too! :) Also, I always find it annoying how you cannot re-order the bank tabs but have to drag & drop every single item from one tab into the other (and vice versa) if you want some stuff "further up". There isn't much QoL to the bank tabs management, really.

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