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Talking during match


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OK, I know this is a silly question, but how do people find time to type in the chat window during a match? If I'm not embroiled in battle, I'm moving towards the next one as fast as I can, paying attention to my CDs, checking out the map, etc. The only time I can chat is if after I die- and I try to keep those events to a minimum. Heck, I find it hard enough to pay attention to the chat window to see other people's messages, let alone add to it myself. Just trying to figure out how to improve my game. Thanks.

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Me for example, I do pings and calls, nobody looks at minimap. I DRAW, nobody looks at minimap. Then I type on chat.

You can try improve your game on unranked that doesnt really matters if u lose or not, when you master you gameplay, you go for ranked, otherwise you will keep seeing ppl blaming you for trash rotation or 1x1 loss to class that u shouldnt lose, and probably is ur fault.

Or you ignore them, or get better not speeding up your learning curve.

You can also read about PvP before jump on it: metabattle.com to learn about classes, specs and skills and godsofpvp.net to learn about rotations

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One common factor in the grand majority of losing sPvP battles is the amount of chat.The chat may not be always the cause of the losses, but it does not help to turn the tide.So, the less chat the better. Only exceptions are a making a strategy before the match starts or very short indications like: "The next bell should be ours" or "Go to tranquility"

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@"Dahkeus.8243" said:Pinging the map is generally a hell of a lot more effective and efficient than typing anything for many of the reasons mentioned already. Chat tends to be full of emotions, but the mini map cuts a lot of that out...aside from when people have a melt down and spam pings.

Minimap is not always too clear. What is the difference in an instruction of "I go to here", "You go there", "Warning, don't go here"?

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Rule of thumb for chat is keep it brief and to the point. No need for eloquent instructions. A simple "bell", "tranq" "thief inc home" ect. will suffice.

But there's also a second purpose to chat, one that any long time Lol player surely knows about. it's not for me personally, but if wielded under the correct circumstances, it can get you a win.

I'm talking about hurting people's pride. You don't need to be a jerk and insult their family. A simple "lol" or "?" after you kill someone is enough to make an egotistical player put a target on you for the rest of the game.

Want to really tick someone off, "lol" at them just before they die, let them know how futile their struggle is. Just make sure you win the fight, or you'll be on the unfortunate end of what we smashers like to call... the "Taunt to get bodied true combo". Trust me, you don't want to be that guy.

If done correctly, they'll be so caught up thinking useless thoughts like "wow did that guy really just disrespect me like that, he's so bad" or "He's acting like he wasn't on 1 hp there, that fight was much closer than he let on..." They won't have any mental resources left for strategy. In this small community, you may even know who these players are, and you can play off of that weakness.

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I type when i am capturing point and there is nobody around. I type when i am respawning (although, rather rarely due to nature of the class) or i am in the game where is nothing to do (500-17 says hello). Usually something along the lines: ranger inc home, ignore warrior, stillness in 30, "lol matchmaking". Sometimes it works and ppl get their kittens together. Never understood trashtalking though.

Oh and in rare occasions i just troll enemy team while camping stealth near their point - whatever keeps them from attacking my team. It actually works o.o You can keep 3 ppl on point without even fighting them like this (at least in lower ratings). Thief has best taunts in game xD

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@"Kuma.1503" said:(...)I'm talking about hurting people's pride. You don't need to be a jerk and insult their family. A simple "lol" or "?" after you kill someone is enough to make an egotistical player put a target on you for the rest of the game.(...)

In physical life, this is called "bad sportsmanship" and even punishable in some, depending on the severity of course. People should be better than that.

On the topic, I write short texts like "inc 2", "avoid team fights", ", leave far" and stuff. Quick information when I have the time, but I agree, during fights I often don't have the time and even miss messages from allies.Symbols on the minimap help too, they have sounds and there are variants - for example for "be careful" this exclamation mark - that can really help. Try it when you travel using - as someone already said - autorun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@TheQuickFox.3826 said:

@"Dahkeus.8243" said:Pinging the map is generally a hell of a lot more effective and efficient than typing anything for many of the reasons mentioned already. Chat tends to be full of emotions, but the mini map cuts a lot of that out...aside from when people have a melt down and spam pings.

Minimap is not always too clear. What is the difference in an instruction of "I go to here", "You go there", "Warning, don't go here"?

It's as clear as it can be. If you want to say "don't go here", then ping an x. If you want to warn someone, ping a yellow exclamation. If you want people to go somewhere, ping the red sword.

Or you could type in map chat and probably not even reach half the team since so many people just turn off map chat to avoid the toxicity.

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@TheQuickFox.3826 said:

@"Dahkeus.8243" said:Pinging the map is generally a hell of a lot more effective and efficient than typing anything for many of the reasons mentioned already. Chat tends to be full of emotions, but the mini map cuts a lot of that out...aside from when people have a melt down and spam pings.

Minimap is not always too clear. What is the difference in an instruction of "I go to here", "You go there", "Warning, don't go here"?

There is no "here" or "there".There is far, mid, close, beast, lord, bell, bottom (buff), upper (buff), treb, beach, buff (coliseum), > @Sibila.5463 said:

@Sibila.5463 said:I have about 7,000 pvp games and I know in my experience that only clowns who cannot control stress write during a fight.Do your best and ignore them

Not true at all.

I only mean people who write a long text of 2 lines and more. You don't need to write any more for coordination

The problem is that plat1< players doesnt even look minimap, even if you draw.

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I would say drawing only sometimes gets my attention. I mean, maybe it always does, but how would I know if I miss it or not? Alerts always get my attention because they trigger a sound so it's immediate. I would love to have party chat or team chat trigger a noise so when a new message comes in, I can glance at the chat window.

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I incurred anger directed at me many times for typing during fights, it's always done by players who literally stop playing the game for 15+ seconds to type out a 5 word sentence.

Whats funny is that most players who complain about my usage of teamchat don't read what I write, they only glance at chat to see that I typed at all. I often have oustanding discussions like:Me: "Playername don't go far you'll die!" - The necro goes far and dies.Me: "Stop going far" - Necro does it again.Me: "Nice meme" - Necro stops right after jumping down from the spawning platform, not moving for a good 20+ seconds, then this appears in the chat:Necro: "Stop typing and play noob classname. We're losing because you're typing instead of playing"

Which is entertaining, but also highlights that some people assume that just because they cannot type during gameplay, others can't either. Years of experience and superior mechanical skills let you type more often than not. A 3 word sentence takes 2 seconds to type out for me, its not that hard to find 2 seconds while autorunning or capping/decapping.

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@"Bazsi.2734" said:I incurred anger directed at me many times for typing during fights, it's always done by players who literally stop playing the game for 15+ seconds to type out a 5 word sentence.

Whats funny is that most players who complain about my usage of teamchat don't read what I write, they only glance at chat to see that I typed at all. I often have oustanding discussions like:Me: "Playername don't go far you'll die!" - The necro goes far and dies.Me: "Stop going far" - Necro does it again.Me: "Nice meme" - Necro stops right after jumping down from the spawning platform, not moving for a good 20+ seconds, then this appears in the chat:Necro: "Stop typing and play noob classname. We're losing because you're typing instead of playing"

Which is entertaining, but also highlights that some people assume that just because they cannot type during gameplay, others can't either. Years of experience and superior mechanical skills let you type more often than not. A 3 word sentence takes 2 seconds to type out for me, its not that hard to find 2 seconds while autorunning or capping/decapping.

lmao happened in my team. Core engi always went for far node, for the entire match. Our soulbeast called him out early on being a bot. He didnt answer. In the ending of the game I couldnt but notice that he did almost take the same path and always lost in far node. So I said "huh maybe they were a bot?", and then this comes up in team chat from them "yeah right, okay dudes, l2p first" needless to say with him losing far, our soulbeast stopping mid game and 3 of us left, we were decimated , just as I was about to his Plat 1 :'(

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