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GvG open world war


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Ít would be nice to have the option to set guild into war mode. Like it works in WoW but instead of your character the whole guild is at war and you gain bonus xp, gold and karma while its active.

GUILD WARS last for 1 month and at the end of the month guilds are ranked and gain guild rewards and better reward higher the rank.

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@Zoid.2568 said:

@Antycypator.9874 said:Do you mean GvG Open World war when we have to complete and farm guild events, so guild with most dedicated farmers will probably win?

Kills etc.

Do you understand how damage against players would work in such unbalanced gamemode? Literally everything could one-shot you. This isn't fun, it's just annoying. Just try your PvP arena in Guild Hall. As a deadeye main, I could kill everyone with 2x three round burst. Its 8-10k crit per use.You want GvG, do it in WvW or make another gamemode for it.

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@Antycypator.9874 said:

@Antycypator.9874 said:Do you mean GvG Open World war when we have to complete and farm guild events, so guild with most dedicated farmers will probably win?

Kills etc.

Do you understand how damage against players would work in such unbalanced gamemode? Literally everything could one-shot you. This isn't fun, it's just annoying.
Just try your PvP arena in Guild Hall
. As a deadeye main, I could kill everyone with 2x three round burst. Its 8-10k crit per use.You want GvG, do it in WvW or make another gamemode for it.

this. also i don't want arenanet implementing any of the pvp and wvw balancing (nerfs) and change my pve e-specs. just no. i dont want 1 endurance bar for mirage on pve for example.

make a gamemode for it or stay in wvw.

that said if it's another form of Guild vs Guild competition such as guild event leaderboards that's ok -or- fine let's say, maybe a special type of instance where it's like a guild challenge mission but it's also guild vs guild pvp as well where 2 guilds compete for the mission objective, i'll be fine with that as long as it's instanced and isolated where the PvP/WvW balancing can come into effect just for that.

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@Antycypator.9874 said:

@Antycypator.9874 said:Do you mean GvG Open World war when we have to complete and farm guild events, so guild with most dedicated farmers will probably win?

Kills etc.

Do you understand how damage against players would work in such unbalanced gamemode? Literally everything could one-shot you. This isn't fun, it's just annoying.
Just try your PvP arena in Guild Hall
. As a deadeye main, I could kill everyone with 2x three round burst. Its 8-10k crit per use.You want GvG, do it in WvW or make another gamemode for it.i'm also not sure what he means. Wvw was played before dmg nerfs just alike tho, it'd be not a problem. just, i don't really see there he wants to have this "open world" for gvg'ing.

upgrading rewards for guilds within Wvw maybe would be an idea.

and finally releasing alliances in wvw (we wait since like 2016/17 when it was first hinted) would be a thing. currently the link system as it is now is just unhealty for the gamemode... and lacking rewards make any effort not worth putting into tryharding from players' side.

and yeah, a new, bigger Wvw map that's not having a billion of NPC animals and trees and heights so nobody can move would be cute to get. also EotM dead since years, being a non-active map, unless for once a week every some months some minutes of blobfights....

i do like the idea of a more openworldish Wvw map, but idk if that'd be really doable in the end. technically it could surely work.

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No thanks. GW2 isn't that kind of game. You wanna have guild versus guild, start rivalries with the common guilds from other servers in WvW, or go play WoW.Also, I really don't want events and farming to be ruined by guilds battling each other.

Oh and it needs to be mentioned that the game is balanced around PvE and PvP seperately. Skills do different numbers in PvP. This change would require a massive re-balance. No thanks.

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@Zoid.2568 said:Pvp in pve like in WoW.

You mean the reason I stopped playing WoW? Speaking strictly for myself here, but if that ever became a thing I would uninstall the game. I know no one would care because I'm just one person...still, this has been discussed before and has been shot down every time. Every. Time. Also, how hard is it to do a search in this search engine or any search engine for that matter? I mean, this has been discussed before.

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If you mean enable PvP in PvE open world then haaard no.

For the first week or so it would probably be a novelty, but very soon PvE players would be annoyed to see guilds fighting each other and PvP players would be annoyed of all the PvE players and mobs getting in the way.

Also, you said a guild war would last 1 month, that would mean, for 1 month, no player that is in a war can casually just farm winterberries or something because some other player might come and they'd have to start fighting in the middle of everyone elses thing?

Just no. We have WvW for guild fights, it works fine, if anything needs to change, it needs to change in WvW from the ground up, not mix PvE and PvP.

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@Tsakhi.8124 said:

@Zoid.2568 said:Pvp in pve like in WoW.

You mean the reason I
playing WoW? Speaking strictly for myself here, but if that ever became a thing I would uninstall the game. I know no one would care because I'm just one person...still, this has been discussed before and has been shot down every time. Every. Time. Also, how hard is it to do a search in this search engine or
search engine for that matter? I mean, this has been discussed before.

Open world pvp is optional though. You need to be in war mode.

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@Oxstar.7643 said:No thanks. GW2 isn't that kind of game. You wanna have guild versus guild, start rivalries with the common guilds from other servers in WvW, or go play WoW.Also, I really don't want events and farming to be ruined by guilds battling each other.

Oh and it needs to be mentioned that the game is balanced around PvE and PvP seperately. Skills do different numbers in PvP. This change would require a massive re-balance. No thanks.

War mode is a toggle and optional. You dont need to have it on.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:If you mean enable PvP in PvE open world then haaard no.

For the first week or so it would probably be a novelty, but very soon PvE players would be annoyed to see guilds fighting each other and PvP players would be annoyed of all the PvE players and mobs getting in the way.

Also, you said a guild war would last 1 month, that would mean, for 1 month, no player that is in a war can casually just farm winterberries or something because some other player might come and they'd have to start fighting in the middle of everyone elses thing?

Just no. We have WvW for guild fights, it works fine, if anything needs to change, it needs to change in WvW from the ground up, not mix PvE and PvP.

War mode is a toggle and optional. You dont need to have it on.

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@Zoid.2568 said:

@Oxstar.7643 said:No thanks. GW2 isn't that kind of game. You wanna have guild versus guild, start rivalries with the common guilds from other servers in WvW, or go play WoW.Also, I really don't want events and farming to be ruined by guilds battling each other.

Oh and it needs to be mentioned that the game is balanced around PvE and PvP seperately. Skills do different numbers in PvP. This change would require a massive re-balance. No thanks.

War mode is a toggle and optional. You dont need to have it on.

You don't need to have it on for this game. Like we've pointed out, the balancing alone would be a nightmare. For a feature most seem to not want.

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@Zoid.2568 said:

@Zoid.2568 said:Pvp in pve like in WoW.

You mean the reason I
playing WoW? Speaking strictly for myself here, but if that ever became a thing I would uninstall the game. I know no one would care because I'm just one person...still, this has been discussed before and has been shot down every time. Every. Time. Also, how hard is it to do a search in this search engine or
search engine for that matter? I mean, this has been discussed before.

Open world pvp is optional though. You need to be in war mode.

So, if your Guild Leader puts the guild into War Mode, that means everyone in that guild will be flagged? I think that would cause some defection in the said guild, especially if it was done out of spite or in a moment of anger. I just think that it can be easily abused and in the long run won't really contribute much. It will satisfy a very small niche of people.

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@Zoid.2568 said:

@Zoid.2568 said:Pvp in pve like in WoW.

You mean the reason I
playing WoW? Speaking strictly for myself here, but if that ever became a thing I would uninstall the game. I know no one would care because I'm just one person...still, this has been discussed before and has been shot down every time. Every. Time. Also, how hard is it to do a search in this search engine or
search engine for that matter? I mean, this has been discussed before.

Open world pvp is optional though. You need to be in war mode.

Yes but, if my guild enters war mode, and that mode lasts for a month, then i can't do anything in PvE without watching my back if some other guild will gank me when i'm farming winterberries.

Even if i can disable war mode for myself regardless of my guild, you forgot that skills and traits are different in PvE and PvP/WvW. So while my guild is in war mode which version of those would be active? If PvP/WvW versions - that would mess with my PvE for a month. If PvE versions - that would be too OP and ganky for PvP.

Those modes are separate for a reason, and not to mention that PvE players would probably be annoyed at all the fighting going on.

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Here is a quote about open world pvp in gw2

“The overall design for Guild Wars 2 does not support fully open world PvP and it would take a prohibitive amount of work to even make it possible. World versus world is our version of open world PvP, and while it isn’t ‘true’ open world PvP for more PvP purists, it does contain many of the elements that make world PvP so exciting. Hopefully it will mostly satisfy people that want open world PvP.” — Mike Ferguson

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Zoid it's been discussed and rejected. Use the search please. !!!!!!!!! It's just a bad idea for this game. BTW , (IMHO), players that keep revisiting this idea could easily play a game that supports it and stop asking for something that Anet (and from what I have read most plyers) have said NO to.

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