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Necro Lichform has got to go!

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@Fueki.4753 said:I don't think Lich Form should be removed entirely.But shifting damage from the AA to the other skills would be nice.

Shifting damage onto other skills might very well make things worse for the ones on the receving end (and better for the one that use lich form) simply because there is less counterplay to other skills and that would allow the necromancer to drop lich form faster, gaining back access to their defensive and sustain means. Imo, this would be an interesting change for PvE power damage rotations, but for PvP it would just make other professions complain and ask for damage nerfs (the only thing that would change would be the skill targeted by the complains).

Personally I think it would be better for PvP if Lich form was replaced by something else.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@CutesySylveon.8290 said:People trying to cite LoS as a measure against Lich AA when we all know good and well they will straight up follow you around structures.

How about Lich get shifted to not destroy anything without projectile denial but also not get completely shut down by them?

Its a joke just like all the other excuses, lich form, trapper rune and burn guard are need of some nerfs so the metal actually playable. Imagine if war rampage did 5k autos and a warrior said just kite rampage lmao.

The answer is to blind them :wink: Always was and always will be, but that didn't stop the CC nerf now did it?

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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:lich form is a skill that is favored by the best players, and the best players tend to win.

No, that is Revs.

Lich form is a skill favored the mechanically lacking, and the mechanically lacking with Lich tend to kill the mechanically lacking who don't LOS.

^ That's how this quote should go.

No thats not a very funny meme

Wasn't aiming at funny. Was aiming at true.

Here's another one for you:

"The best players don't care about Lich Form because the best players tend to dodge roll"

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"Brimstone Jack.3462" said:Ah, another edition of "If I Can't Facetank It Without Popping Defensive CDs, Nerf It."

Darn, it's a rerun.

Lmao yeah so let's five everyone 5k autos by ur logic and boost everyone's damage by 40%, its fine just burn some cds and dont face tank it :).

more like 7k and higher, record was about 11k on me.boo me for not playing perma-dodging/blocking/blinding bullshit classes.but if they gonna nerf lich for they need to nerf some of the sustain again

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:Lich auto attack coefficient is 2.34. Level 3 Warrior Eviscerate is 2.0, it’s just no excuse really, lich auto should be 1.6 at most.

I don't think many who seriously look at the skill would be opposed to a damage nerf on it to around those levels...but the problem is that even if it did it wouldn't prevent the complaints because the people who are dying to it will still die to it.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:Lich auto attack coefficient is 2.34. Level 3 Warrior Eviscerate is 2.0, it’s just no excuse really, lich auto should be 1.6 at most.

I don't think many who seriously look at the skill would be opposed to a damage nerf on it to around those levels...but the problem is that even if it did it wouldn't prevent the complaints because the people who are dying to it will still die to it.

I don’t think Lich is as oppressive as people are making it seem, there are ways to deal with it. I just think the coefficient needs to be pretty much halved. For example Rampage auto attacks are 130 range only and only have 1.3 coefficient even on the last attack in chain.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:Lich auto attack coefficient is 2.34. Level 3 Warrior Eviscerate is 2.0, it’s just no excuse really, lich auto should be 1.6 at most.

I don't think many who seriously look at the skill would be opposed to a damage nerf on it to around those levels...but the problem is that even if it did it wouldn't prevent the complaints because the people who are dying to it will still die to it.

I don’t think Lich is as oppressive as people are making it seem, there are ways to deal with it. I just think the coefficient needs to be pretty much halved. For example Rampage auto attacks are 130 range only and only have 1.3 coefficient even on the last attack in chain.

It really isn't but hey forums. True, but they are very different skills.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:lich form is a skill that is favored by the best players, and the best players tend to win.

No, that is Revs.

Lich form is a skill favored the mechanically lacking, and the mechanically lacking with Lich tend to kill the mechanically lacking who don't LOS.

^ That's how this quote should go.

No thats not a very funny meme

Wasn't aiming at funny. Was aiming at true.

Here's another one for you:

"The best players don't care about Lich Form because the best players tend to dodge roll"

Thank you that was very nice

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Since the Feb 2020 patch, I've only ever seen Shrouded Lich Form really gape people in spvp, and even then, it required max damage modifiers, zerker and I believe thief runes. But you'd have a better chance at running into Batman than SLF. Still super easy to counter, just watch for it as soon as any teammate goes down in a team fight or make sure you down the nec first if you believe they are running Lich.

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@"Clownmug.8357" said:This topic is confusing. Are people seriously giving the advice to dodge an auto-attack or are they being sarcastic?

On paper lich form sounds ridiculously op, but in real matches its a very situational skill which is why you have some people saying "just dodge and los lol". That being said, if the necro knows when it can be effective it is still very strong even among the bEsT plAYeRs.

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Again as i said any class had a transform or spamable skill that nets 5k+ damage the necro players would ALSO be in the nerf it line lmao yet they defend it on their class and call 4-5k burst on other classes crazy high damage, I remember post feb patch within a day some one made a "backstab still does 4k" thread asking for a nerf lol.The fact necros are coming up with these lame excuses to say 5k+ autos are OK is hilarious.

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Necro here, mostly in high platinum 1 (far from the best, but still semi-decent?) ;Lich form is definitely something I wish would be replaced.Sure, it is nice to have a "oh M E R D E" button that makes your victory so much more likely, but gameplay-wise I find it to be so bland (Plus, being on the receiving end of it is more annoying than anything. The first time, it's a slight moment of panic, but as you get used to it and just always expect it, it just goes from "Oh no what do I do!?" to "Oh boi time to hide behind a texture for 10 seconds...".)A massively powerful transformation like this feels out of place in a game that, in my experience, is more skill-based and reflex-based than purely stat-based (yes, your character' statistics such as power and vitality are important but not THE most important aspect).

I would personally repurpose some of the skills that are bound to it, for example ;Grim Specter could become the new spectral Elite skill. If its CD was changed to 60 or perhaps 75 seconds, I's say that wouldn't be too strong.Ripple of Horror could replace the (in my opinion) PvE-impotent Spectral Ring.Summon Madness could replace Bone Minions.

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