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Mastery point

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I'm now going to find all the mastery points in central tyria that doesnt request a flying mount to get to. I found the one in harathi hinterland by mistake while exploring but this time I'll get to the master points on purpose.https://photos.app.goo.gl/VxWwoc6xR1Kw2ymM7

Then I found two mastery points in the place with the pineapple trees and waterfalls. It looks like a combination of Amani forest of eversong woods and summoners rift. I dont know the name of the zone.https://photos.app.goo.gl/7vP5TTzQKXEhqWo76

I had another screenshot of my character on the cliffs but I havent uploaded it yet. Oh yea, I'll take a screenshot of my character doing a random emote on the mastery points I find while exploring.

Which mastery points dont require flying mounts to get to them?

funny question. is it possible to eat mastery points?

There is so much things for me to do in this game so why not do everything. I like pvp, creating characters, exploring, dungeons, fractals, world vs world, trading stuff, quest, mastery points, random achievements, and posting on the forums. What ever happened to raids. I want to see how those are like.

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The central tyria masteries are all reachable without any mount.I strongly suggest using Sobx's suggestion and look under (I think) achievements - general - mastery insights.Or here is a list of all of them: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery_Insights_(Central_Tyria)

Do not look at the map only. Reason being there are some masteries added in Icebrood Saga's Dragon Responce Missions that are related to instances played in core map.

These masteries cannot be reached in open world, but unfortunately do show on the open world map.They are reachable from within the Dragon Responce Mission instance only - and are Icebrood Saga masteries (the blue ones)

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Yes. The mastery "insights" (the ones on the map to "commune" with) in the core maps can be accessed without glider and without mount. Did all of them directly after buying the expansions and unlocking the mastery stuff in core Tyria before I even really got into gliding and mounts.

Also there are other mastery "points" from achievements and stuff.And you need to be careful: Afaik the dragon response missions (only added with the recent story stuff - Icebrood Saga) have their own mastery points system and some points where a few appear as grey symbol on core maps. (If such a "mission" takfes place in one of the core maps.)

Tuna Bandit gave you the correct wiki link for the stuff you are probably looking for - insights (to commune with) in centryl tyria. Only the few listed there. Other mastery icons on core maps are for dragon response missions.

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@Joote.4081 said:I see quite a few mastery points while traveling overland that seem impossible to get to or are just not there. Are they for the story seasons?

Currently there are 10 mastery points shown on the core maps, which are actually in the DRM-instances of the the current living story chapters.So if a mastery point on the core maps isn't listed as an achievment under General - Mastery Insights, it's one of them.

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@Schimmi.6872 said:

@Joote.4081 said:I see quite a few mastery points while traveling overland that seem impossible to get to or are just not there. Are they for the story seasons?

Currently there are 10 mastery points shown on the core maps, which are actually in the DRM-instances of the the current living story chapters.So if a mastery point on the core maps isn't listed as an achievment under General - Mastery Insights, it's one of them.

There are also some core Tyria mastery points where the route to them is hidden or not at all obvious. At least one is at the end of a jumping puzzle and one is in what appears at first to be an area of inaccessible terrain. It actually just requires walking up, but the path isn't straight and may take some trial and error to find if you're not the type of person to try getting into areas you don't think you're supposed to be in on a regular basis.

But I can confirm they can all be reached without using any mounts, because I've done it.

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If you see a blue mastery point, they are inside DRMs. These are Dragon Response Missions from the icebrood saga and gaining a blue mastery point will have nothing to do with core masteries at all

Having said that, they might be greyed out so might be causing the confusion. They still won’t unlock anything for core masteries

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