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Mastery Points on open world maps that are not really there.

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I know by now that they belong to Dragon Response Missions - but I don't know which they all are. The new mastery points that are added to the maps but are NOT available outside of instances.

I just wanted to express my huge dismay with these points being there on the maps but NOT there in the game. There are dozens of locations in the world that are somewhat hidden, where the entrance is not obvious, and where you have to look for how to get there - and in almost all cases this is fun, challenging and a cool thing. The game loved to make you look for things, work for map completion, explore. When there was something on the map you didn't know how to get to - you needed to find the way because IT WAS THERE.

Until these mastery points were added. These are confusing even to veterans and totally go against everything you could rely on since the beginning of the game - that stuff on the map actually exists and you just need to find the way there. For ANYONE encountering these points that they cannot get to for the first time, this is a confusing/frustrating/annoying experience, and it will keep being that for years whenever someone starts with the game and encounters these things for the first time while leveling up to 80.

Please find a way to remove them from the map when inaccessible, or at least LABEL them with a description telling people that they are only relevant while inside an instance. It's just really bad game design to have something in the game knowingly that 100% will be a bad experience for everyone starting the game from now on.

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totally agreed.the DRMs implementations is extremely cheap(Copy-paste) and even the hearts are inside instance minimap lolz. these guys dont mind even to blur the weird ctrl+c ctrl+v.

i hope ANET learn the lesson that rushed content hurts the game. would be better take a more time to lauch last episode.

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I'm on two legs here.

I agree that it is not nice to go and look for a MP that isn't to be found unless it is an instance. But on the other hand. In the first DRM's I failed to do these MP's as you are in the heat of a mission and assume you got all exploration in those maps.

I would suggest to overhaul the MP icons. We allready have a colour for each type of MP you mastered, make a different icon for the unmastered version as well.This would mean that you can see if it is core tyria or content added later to an instance. It also makes it easier to find all MP's for the mastery track you are currently on.

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I agree they should either remove them from the open-world version of the maps or do something to make it clear which are Central Tyria masteries that can be obtained in the open world version of the map and which are Icebrood Saga ones that are only in the DRMs.

It wouldn't surprise me if whoever designed the system thought it was a great way of advertising them and making sure players notice the new masteries even if they're in a hurry to finish when doing the missions, but it is also really confusing because there's no way to tell between them when they're unclaimed.

Until Anet do something about it the only way I can think of to tell the difference is to check the Mastery Insights achievement category, which lists all of the Central Tyria ones (and none of the IBS ones). It's not ideal because there's at least one map which has both (Bloodtide Coast) but it helps with the others: if it's not listed there it's only available in a DRM.

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I remember that mastery point in the Desert Highlands where you run there only to find the hero point is some 10,000 units above you... somehow. Mysteries like those are fun to ponder and solve, so I could imagine why people could be upset with the lack of mystery behind the new DRM mastery points.

I remember visiting the Fireheart Rise overworld mastery, and saw some people persistantly trying to find a hidden alchove in the hillspike, so there were clearly some people with high expectations for IBS.

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@Westenev.5289 said:I remember that mastery point in the Desert Highlands where you run there only to find the hero point is some 10,000 units above you... somehow. Mysteries like those are fun to ponder and solve, so I could imagine why people could be upset with the lack of mystery behind the new DRM mastery points.

I remember visiting the Fireheart Rise overworld mastery, and saw some people persistantly trying to find a hidden alchove in the hillspike, so there were clearly some people with high expectations for IBS.

The problem isn't a lack of mystery, the problem is the unclaimed mastery point icons show up on the open-world version of the map but the mastery points are not there at all. It's impossible to get them unless you're inside the corresponding Dragon Response Mission, so the icon on the open-world map is pointing you to something that effectively does not exist. It would be like if all events showed up at all times, even when they're not active, making it impossible to tell which events you can do and which are unavailable.

They have actually started making the DRM masteries a bit harder to find. The first few were right along the path of the event so it was possible you'd see them (or see other players claiming them) while doing the event itself, probably another way of trying to make sure players knew they existed. The newest ones are further out and above or below the ground level so you have to do a bit more hunting around to find them.

But if the only problem was that the path to reach them isn't obvious I doubt anyone would be complaining or asking for it to be changed. The problem is that most of the time when you see the icon on the map the actual mastery point is not there to be claimed.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Westenev.5289 said:I remember that mastery point in the Desert Highlands where you run there only to find the hero point is some 10,000 units above you... somehow. Mysteries like those are fun to ponder and solve, so I could imagine why people could be upset with the lack of mystery behind the new DRM mastery points.

I remember visiting the Fireheart Rise overworld mastery, and saw some people persistantly trying to find a hidden alchove in the hillspike, so there were clearly some people with high expectations for IBS.

The problem isn't a lack of mystery, the problem is the unclaimed mastery point icons show up on the open-world version of the map but the mastery points are not there at all. It's impossible to get them unless you're inside the corresponding Dragon Response Mission, so the icon on the open-world map is pointing you to something that effectively does not exist. It would be like if all events showed up at all times, even when they're not active, making it impossible to tell which events you can do and which are unavailable.

They have actually started making the DRM masteries a bit harder to find. The first few were right along the path of the event so it was possible you'd see them (or see other players claiming them) while doing the event itself, probably another way of trying to make sure players knew they existed. The newest ones are further out and above or below the ground level so you have to do a bit more hunting around to find them.

But if the only problem was that the path to reach them isn't obvious I doubt anyone would be complaining or asking for it to be changed. The problem is that most of the time when you see the icon on the map the actual mastery point is not there to be claimed.

The problem isn't if they're hard to reach. The problem is the fact they appear in the overworld map yet aren't available in the overworld, while there are mastery points that are in the overworld that are genuinely hard to find. I feel bad for anyone who wasted their time trying to find these mastery points before their corresponding DRM was released.

That's what I was saying.

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  • 4 months later...

Sorry to necro this thread, I just came back to the game and just got scammed by one of these mastery points. No lie I had to do a bit of digging to even find this thread and to figure out what was going on. Honestly, just a big annoyance, if it's on the map I should be able to get it, otherwise it needs to have a different icon or indicate how it's not available unless through DRM... DRM I didn't even know about until this thread either. I think this was handled a little poorly from a UI sense and should be put on a low priority to fix or make more understandable.

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^ You're better off in the long run Googling the location and the thing you want to get to. For example, "Transcendent Bay PoI" will give me the wiki page for the Discarded Vessels point of interest in that labelled part of the map.


I wasted a few minutes trying to find one of those DRM mastery points, and then Googled its area to find a wiki page that said what they were. Dumb implementation, but at this point i'm used to Googling every aspect of the game. I can't imagine playing without having to alt-tab and figure out some other opaque bit of information, and i can't imagine the disappointment for anyone who wasted large amounts of time trying to get to them on their own...

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2 hours ago, LSD.4673 said:

^ You're better off in the long run Googling the location and the thing you want to get to. For example, "Transcendent Bay PoI" will give me the wiki page for the Discarded Vessels point of interest in that labelled part of the map.


I wasted a few minutes trying to find one of those DRM mastery points, and then Googled its area to find a wiki page that said what they were. Dumb implementation, but at this point i'm used to Googling every aspect of the game. I can't imagine playing without having to alt-tab and figure out some other opaque bit of information, and i can't imagine the disappointment for anyone who wasted large amounts of time trying to get to them on their own...

you can type /wiki objectofsearch within the game to open the gw2 wiki on the topic

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2 hours ago, neekaneeks.3865 said:

Sorry to necro this thread, I just came back to the game and just got scammed by one of these mastery points. No lie I had to do a bit of digging to even find this thread and to figure out what was going on. Honestly, just a big annoyance, if it's on the map I should be able to get it, otherwise it needs to have a different icon or indicate how it's not available unless through DRM... DRM I didn't even know about until this thread either. I think this was handled a little poorly from a UI sense and should be put on a low priority to fix or make more understandable.

Pretty much what happened to me, really frustrating seeing em on the map and not knowing they are in a separate instance entirely 😕

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