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Rev feels weak right now, is it?


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Title says it all. Fair warning. I'm a new player. Like brand new. I know how to switch stances, I know how to dodge-ish...

I use dual swords/bow or dual swords/staff simply because those are the weapons I like using. 

That said. Unless I rock dwarf stance for melee I feel like I'm  made of tissue. I see people (Guardians I think?) Walking through entire teams of people for like 10+ seconds while I get turned into dust before I can even cast my heal spell if I'm not careful. Dodging only prolongs for the duration of the dodge. Then I fold immediately after. 

Is anyone else facing this level of difficulty just living long enough to do anything or am I doing something terribly wrong? (Note: If dual swords/bow or staff is just trash then lemme know and I will legit just reroll. I like what I like and am not interested in using different weapons. :D)

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Depends on the content you're doing and the kind of build youre playing.


sw/sw-X as an alacrity support in PvE? incredibly strong. Meta in 5 and 10 man content.


Sw/Sw-X in sPvP? works ok, takes a lot more skill to pull off, not nearly as rewarding compared to some builds.


In WvW zerg-play (judging by your comment on guards)? sw/sw is extremely ineffective. Revs here are typically more glassy and run hammer for the CC and AoE skills.


Condi rev builds on the other hand, especially so in PvE is incredibly strong. Very high dps if you can pull off the rotation effectively (rotation changes dramatically based on alacrity and quickness uptime).


So yeah. Power rev builds aren't in a great spot. Condi rev builds are pretty strong.

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PvP : 
Revenant is pretty tame right now, but we're still open to lots of nerfs due to some stuff that certain builds are able to pull off. Usually the builds in question are heavily abusing the Elite Specs Herald and Renegade to do so, and Anet should definitely be targeting these two Especs, but for some reason they seem more content to hammer Core Revenant which is ticking me off. 

PvE : 
Where do I even start? Revenant is a very strong pick for DPS and Support DPS due to their Renegade Spec, but literally every other build that doesn't use Renegade isn't meta. Their "Healer" role is also as stretchy as it is sketchy due to how the Energy System works, so yu will straight up be better off using other Professions instead. Their "Support" role is just significantly outclassed by other Professions and struggles to compete with its own cousin, the Renegade. 

Overall : 
Revenant is in a pretty precarious spot of toppling out of the meta but clinging to it due to the Renegade Elite Spec. I much rather a Profession doesn't balance on the tip like this, but it is what it is. 

To answer your question : 
There are Condi Rev builds that uses Mace/Sword + Sword/Axe in this exact combo. 
The reason being : 
Sword 4 allows yu to lock someone down and force them to take the full effects of Mace 2 and 3. 
Sword 3 allows yu to stick to someone in order to pull off the Swap combo for a massive Condi burst. 


As such, Condi Rev using Swords treat them more like utility tools than actual damage dealers, unless they are intentionally using a Hybrid build to pull it off. 


Revenant right now is THE BEST Sw/Sw class atm due to how bad the other Sw/Sw are.

However, this means a Power build, and yu either run it as a Roamer/+1/Duelist or as a backup swap when in zergs to push with. 


Edited by Yasai.3549
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You see guardians doing that because they have invulnerability + an absurd amount of aegis and shielding. Guardians are overtuned, that's it.

As a revenant main I wouldn't say is a weak class.


In PVE you always have a spot as alacrity, and RR is being buffed with the torment changes.

In PVP you provide fair fights, you can go assassin for high burst or bunker for teamfighting. 

In zerg WvW revenant is highly desirable for ranged burst, 100% meta.

In solo WvW...

Condition Herald is about to receive a big nerf. It will remain "doable" but I don't think is worth anymore.

Power Herald is good as bunker and assassin, you just have to pick the right moments to move.


Edited by Telgum.6071
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18 hours ago, Syfer.5897 said:

Title says it all. Fair warning. I'm a new player. Like brand new. I know how to switch stances, I know how to dodge-ish...

I use dual swords/bow or dual swords/staff simply because those are the weapons I like using. 

That said. Unless I rock dwarf stance for melee I feel like I'm  made of tissue. I see people (Guardians I think?) Walking through entire teams of people for like 10+ seconds while I get turned into dust before I can even cast my heal spell if I'm not careful. Dodging only prolongs for the duration of the dodge. Then I fold immediately after. 

Is anyone else facing this level of difficulty just living long enough to do anything or am I doing something terribly wrong? (Note: If dual swords/bow or staff is just trash then lemme know and I will legit just reroll. I like what I like and am not interested in using different weapons. :D)

   Guardian has a 3 secs invulnerabily elite with a 90" base cooldown in WvW, and a base 10 secs "Save Yourselves" with protection, regeneration and resistance wich has a 50" cooldown. After that is done, and the damage mitigation only works if isn't hit by a boon strip or boon corrupt effect. The guardians you saw surviving 10" inside a enemy zerg also are probably geared to sustain and support (minstrel or nomad stats) which means their damage output is low. Their function is to help their team to stay alive, giving boons and cleansings and things like aegis. Their mobility outside teams is also crap so they are essentially sitting ducks while moving alone in WvW.


   You can get similar results in terms of sustain with Revenant runing the same stats and Glint + Jalis with staff and either mace + shield or hammer. Your damage will also be poor except maybe if you're running a condi build with dire or trailblazer stats + tormenting runes. Jali's elite only lasts 5" but has a 50% damage reduction (which is stronger than protection, specially if traited with Versed in Stone) each 40".


   For PvP/roaming Rev has more build variety and better quality of life because you're not chained tyo use Traveler/Fireworks/Lynx runes for mobility or stats with vitality because your base 11k HP sucks.


   For PvE Guardian has bigger damage if you want 0 sustain and low mobility; as a Rev you get 80%-90% of that damage while having better mobility and much better sustain. Ther's no better class at PvE than Revenant, and by a large margin.

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1 hour ago, Uruk.3215 said:

Hello! Which spec and build would you recommend for the open world PvE? 🙂

Power. It does not matter renegade or herald. Use devastation, invocation and renegade/herald. Sword/sword. Short bow of using renegade.

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56 minutes ago, Virdo.1540 said:

did anyone know the reason why they nerfed core condi weapons & core traits, just to simply prevent Renegade having its massive damage after patch?

   The buffed torment damage vs stationary targets (most of PvE content if you tank them, and definitely Rev can tank) so they adjusted the stacks (while still thinking that the overall tresult will be a buff). Now, I have no clue why they think that one of the strongest condi damage dealers in the game (with the strongest damage/sustain ratio also) needs a buff in PvE. I get why they didn't buff power Rev: they are saving that card behind the paywall of the incoming expansion, but buffing Rev's condi PvE (while nerfing also the WvW/PvP condi variants) makes little sense to me.

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5 minutes ago, Buran.3796 said:

   The buffed torment damage vs stationary targets (most of PvE content if you tank them, and definitely Rev can tank) so they adjusted the stacks (while still thinking that the overall tresult will be a buff). Now, I have no clue why they think that one of the strongest condi damage dealers in the game (with the strongest damage/sustain ratio also) needs a buff in PvE. I get why they didn't buff power Rev: they are saving that card behind the paywall of the incoming expansion, but buffing Rev's condi PvE (while nerfing also the WvW/PvP condi variants) makes little sense to me.

i meant, if they know that Renegade will make absurd condi damage, shouldnt they nerf shortbow & renegade traits then?


Instead of killing the possibility for an condi herald or condi core build to come up? (damage builds)

Edited by Virdo.1540
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On 5/5/2021 at 4:17 PM, Syfer.5897 said:

Yeah I'm feeling that. Is there a better sw/sw class that is in a good spot?

Also, can condi rev be played with sw/sw?


I use sw/sw almost all the time on my rev.

- Power Renegade Sw/Sw + Staff for open world PvE (Kalla/Jalis) - only sometimes when I need tagging I switch to shortbow instead of Sw/Sw.

- Alacrity Renegade Sw/Sw + Staff for instanced PvE, meta build.

- Power Herald Sw/Sw + Staff for roaming around in WvW. 

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So I've got over 3k plus hours on just Rev alone and play all gamemodes. Rev is in a very solid spot right now, and has been for quite some time.


Power rev alacrity build is a must have for any group and does more than enough damage for open world encounters, while also being survivable as all hell. Battle scar life stealing alone is super powerful and most mobs die super fast. You also got a ton of CC.


Condi rev damage is super high, and got even higher with the recent patch. I am always top dps in groups, while also having very high survivability. 

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3 hours ago, Dragon.8762 said:



Power rev alacrity build is a must have for any group and does more than enough damage for open world encounters, while also being survivable as all hell. 


Condi rev damage is super high, and got even higher with the recent patch. I am always top dps in groups, while also having very high survivability. 

you mean Power RENE alacrity and Condi RENE  ,right?

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22 hours ago, Uruk.3215 said:

Hello! Which spec and build would you recommend for the open world PvE? 🙂

On YouTube there is power renegade by Paper Roll & a condi one by Lord Hizen.


Edit #1: Paper Roll also has a condi renegade OW built.

Edited by kenny.7236
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On 5/11/2021 at 5:00 PM, Dragon.8762 said:

So I've got over 3k plus hours on just Rev alone and play all gamemodes. Rev is in a very solid spot right now, and has been for quite some time.


Power rev alacrity build is a must have for any group and does more than enough damage for open world encounters, while also being survivable as all hell. Battle scar life stealing alone is super powerful and most mobs die super fast. You also got a ton of CC.


Condi rev damage is super high, and got even higher with the recent patch. I am always top dps in groups, while also having very high survivability. 

Agreed!  Over the last year I finally gave a Power Alacrity set up a try.  I feel like I never see people talk about how strong it is, but it is godly!  Between the absurd damage, Battle Scars sustain, blocks/evades, and all the CC, my Renegade is drastically stronger than all the rest of my characters.

Edited by Zethrul.5031
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On 5/5/2021 at 1:51 PM, Syfer.5897 said:

Title says it all. Fair warning. I'm a new player. Like brand new. I know how to switch stances, I know how to dodge-ish...

I use dual swords/bow or dual swords/staff simply because those are the weapons I like using. 

That said. Unless I rock dwarf stance for melee I feel like I'm  made of tissue. I see people (Guardians I think?) Walking through entire teams of people for like 10+ seconds while I get turned into dust before I can even cast my heal spell if I'm not careful. Dodging only prolongs for the duration of the dodge. Then I fold immediately after. 

Is anyone else facing this level of difficulty just living long enough to do anything or am I doing something terribly wrong? (Note: If dual swords/bow or staff is just trash then lemme know and I will legit just reroll. I like what I like and am not interested in using different weapons. :D)

Honestly it just takes getting used to the class, especially if you’re going full zerkers. Sw/sw - staff or hammer is mostly what you’d choose going power(zerker). So you’re set there with your weapon preferences. Some of it could come down to the traits you’re choosing, if you’re looking for a solo build devastation tree is amazing to pair with any elite spec, battle scars namely. Herald is great for open world, the heal makes you immune to dmg so if you know you’re going to take a lot in a window use it. Pair with Assassin (Shiro) and you’re good.


Just get used to the energy management and when to burn through it before you swap legends, not always the case, but typically if you’re going through longer fights and never dipping below 35ish energy try using more skills. You can stay in sw/sw for the most part, staffs mostly used for its utility, coni cleanse, huge break bar dmg, block.

Edited by Clex Mix.7624
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