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Guild Missions are Subpar now

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For anyone wanting valuable rewards all we get is a few silver, a few commendations which must be saved up for ascended vs going to laurels or doing fractals to get easier access to them.
there is a lack of incentive to do guild missions because the rewards are just not worth it anymore unless its for skins. can we increase incentive to want to do them?
its already a pain in the butt to get low level newbies introduced to the guild missions when they dont have access to the map were on for the missions...they want so dearly to help...THINK OF THE CHILDREN!

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I agree rewards are underwhelming. But remember the point of guild missions is more about leveling up the guild as a guild, the reward should be seen just as a small incentive. The commendations are used for skins exclusive to this activity, with the addition that can be traded for special items such as WvW Supplies and Bag of Educational Supplies.


If anything, they should add more activities, more challenges, races, puzzles.

Edited by Wolfb.7025
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Just another casualty of the 'let's make a new system!' mentality that ArenaNet has been operating on since.. well, ever. Given that 'Guild' is right in the name of the MMO, it's especially winceworthy that after HoT (and to a more noticeable degree after PoF) the focus on guild halls, missions, decorations, and other systems has all but vanished.


The most recent tune-up I can think of is that the 24-hour guild buffs were transitioned into permanent buffs. A good start, but I really do wish they'd go back in there and spruce things up, maybe finish the abandoned jumping puzzles and unused areas in the halls and give us a wider selection of mundane items and basic architecture with which to decorate. Also, given the limited nature of the decoration system, I wish they'd up the decoration limit full-stop or give us ways to circumvent it (give me a table with candles on it instead of a table deco and 6 separate candle decos jammed onto it). I appreciate that we get a new decoration every now and then, but I really wish they'd go the whole way to tidy things up.


As to missions specifically, adding new ones from time to time, adding guild mission rushes with bonus rewards, and periodically adding to the inventory of the guild vendors would be some very nice QoL.

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It would be nice to be able to buy things like Utility and Metabolic Primers or other boosters. We need things that are incentives for guildies to want to come and participate and feel rewarded for doing so.


The Guild Missions badly need a rework to make them more relevant. There should be a variety of activities that take in the fact that there are small, medium and large sized guilds. 

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I do dailies every day for 2 gold.  I do guild missions for half an hour for a lot more than 2 gold.  It's not t4 fractal level rewards obviously but it's not t4 fractals either. They're relatively fast and easy.  I wouldn't complain about making them more rewarding but I honestly think they're more rewarding than most people think. Certainly we have people doing them every week for years now, because they are rewarding and they get to hang out together.  


The reward for a guild mission isn't 70 or 80 silver.  It's 70 or 80 silver plus loot, plus commendations.  But who does one guild mission? I don't.  And when you add it up, you're walking away with 4 or 5 gold. The equivalent of running 8 different dungeon paths.  I'm not thinking the rewards are that far off for the difficulty.

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Yea but the OP is right. The rewards suck. Most players cannot be bothered to do Missions. Its common for guild leaders and officers to solo the Missions needed to level the guild cause even before the hall is maxed most people don't like doing Missions because many of the events are WAY WAY too hard for the proposed reward with Zero reward for failure. Example: Any Med-Hard-Bonus Bounty is going to be harder to locate and kill targets in mulitple maps with little time to locate them all unless you have like 10+ players (we usually have 1-5 at best on Missions since rewards suck so people dont bother) You are then left with easy Missions + Treks (cause u can cheese and just take chest) and Races (same reason).


Also banners are kitten these days cause they despawn if you swap characters or reload the map. Even if you just placed it like 5 minutes ago. Banners since the "Fix" dont always even stay the 30 minutes they are rated to stay for (if you leave the map at all).


I offer weekly Missions and I do them for the crappy banners. If anyone comes to do Missions its literal new players who have zero ascended and no LW3/4 yet. Otherwise even the core stat only twinkets are mostly useless these days due to the super limited stat options. 


Yea I guess some people collect those skins but TBH I think 95% of the player base dislikes both of those skin sets which is why its so rare. Its ugly.

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12 hours ago, Bristingr.5034 said:

Yep, just see everything else in the past such as Dungeons, WvW, etc.

WvW gets modified rarely but when they do several people complain about the changes.
Players: We want new game mode!

Players: How dare you create EoTM:? Are you trying to kill WvW?

Players: How dare you remove the Karma train from EoTM, are you trying to kill EoTM? I'll have to play WvW again sheesh.


Players: Gives us new items to use in WvW!



Players: We want gliding in WvW!
Players: Gliding is runing the game mode! Why did you add it?? People are exploiting like crazy, don't you have quality control?

Players: Why can we only glide in our areas?? Lame!

Players: We want mounts in WvW!

Players: How dare you give us a mount it makes an unfair advantage!

Players: Why you nerf Warclaw Anet?? Sheesh why don't you listen to us!

Players: So, you gave nearby players a speed buff being by a Warclaw? What's the point of me having a Warclaw then, lame mount.


Expansion will probably have a new WvW Map or changes.
Players: Why won't you leave us alone?! 

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6 hours ago, reapex.8546 said:

Expansion will probably have a new WvW Map or changes.
Players: Why won't you leave us alone?! 

No it won't. We haven't gotten a new map since HoT, and people whined about the desert map because iT's ToO BiG. (I honestly love RBL, as does several guilds on TC).


Anet will never make another map because it seems most entitled WvWers think that nothing exist outside of EBG.

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On 6/18/2021 at 12:51 PM, Lithril Ashwalker.6230 said:

For anyone wanting valuable rewards all we get is a few silver, a few commendations which must be saved up for ascended vs going to laurels or doing fractals to get easier access to them.
there is a lack of incentive to do guild missions because the rewards are just not worth it anymore unless its for skins. can we increase incentive to want to do them?
its already a pain in the butt to get low level newbies introduced to the guild missions when they dont have access to the map were on for the missions...they want so dearly to help...THINK OF THE CHILDREN!

How much do you think you should be rewarded for a trek or doing a "race" as a quagaan, or dogpiling 30 people on Trillia in front of the crafting stations in Ebonhawke?

The quality of the content is the issue, not the rewards.

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On 6/20/2021 at 12:52 PM, Bristingr.5034 said:

No it won't. We haven't gotten a new map since HoT, and people whined about the desert map because iT's ToO BiG. (I honestly love RBL, as does several guilds on TC)

No one knows and people didn't complain just because of size, there are various complaints for the borderland.

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On 6/22/2021 at 12:50 AM, mindcircus.1506 said:

How much do you think you should be rewarded for a trek or doing a "race" as a quagaan, or dogpiling 30 people on Trillia in front of the crafting stations in Ebonhawke?

At least as much as doing similar difficulty events on new LS maps, i'd say. Probably more if Anet is interested in promoting and helping guild cohesion and community building. Guild missions currently get the rewards that were quite average compared t the overall reward levels pre-HoT. Since that time what is considered the norm reward-wise has changed significantly.


But yes, quality of the guild content, and no updates to it since a long time (beyond new guilhall decos every now and then) are a problem as well.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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