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Legendary Armory compensation for duplicate items

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10 minutes ago, Jong.5937 said:

Surely it must only be people that had 2 Conflux AND Slumbering or PvE ring? In which case 1 is genuinely redundant. Makes no sense to offer compensation for just 2 Conflux as you can now store and equip both.

that's how it should be ... but apparently not

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Yeah that does suck for the people who already have all of those skins unlocked and I am not liking how they handled this.


0.008% still seems inaccurate. Anet only counted duplicate legendary skins up to the skin item caps, but not duplicate armor sets by weight class which affects the PVP/WVW armor sets. So if you crafted a Light Mistforged Triumphant Hero's and Triumphant Hero's armor, both of them get stuck in the armory and no refunds. 😞


I feel like that is also unfair because they are essentially ascended skins. Not true legendaries like the PVE sets.


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11 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

It is really generous to offer one legendary armor piece per spare upgrade. However, if you don't need any more armor (or upgrades for that matter), getting an option to select a Gen1 legendary weapon instead (let's say 1 per 5 trunks) would make a lot more sense, no?

Compared to the current system? Certainly.

Though I expect there to be people complaining that their 18 trunks resulted in them getting 3 gen1 weapons and still having 3 useless trunks left. New solutions, new problems.

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10 minutes ago, Katary.7096 said:

Compared to the current system? Certainly.

Though I expect there to be people complaining that their 18 trunks resulted in them getting 3 gen1 weapons and still having 3 useless trunks left. New solutions, new problems.


I would gladly delete my 10 (truly) useless trunks for a chance on another legendary weapon or trinket. :classic_love:


I doubt anyone else in the same shoes would complain about deleting spare trunks they have no use of anyway. :classic_wink:


Edited by Ashantara.8731
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The only skins argument is so lame. People who actually made the effort in pve wvw or pvp for their respective items now will see people who went for the lesser diff road just to get them anyway. I assume the ppl that raid are not to happy about this after putting in the weekly grinds for Li.

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58 minutes ago, Necro mej.2679 said:

The only skins argument is so lame. People who actually made the effort in pve wvw or pvp for their respective items now will see people who went for the lesser diff road just to get them anyway. I assume the ppl that raid are not to happy about this after putting in the weekly grinds for Li.


35 minutes ago, SirTomato.3627 said:

If you can make 4 sets of legendary armor like nothing i doubt that some sort of compensation will make difference for your wallet


Both truly lame responses.


1. Yes, "only skins", because I for instance don't care for any of the legendary armor skins, they are all super ugly (including the raid ones, which are the worst because they look like from outer space). I reskinned my three sets of WvW armor, and even if I unlocked the PvP or Raid ones now (for no logical reason whatsoever) via these trunks I received, I would never use those skins. *shudders*


2. People who got the PvP or WvW sets did not put any less effort into their legendary armor sets than those raid players. Stop acting elitist there.


3. If someone made four sets of legendary armor but still has not all weapon types unlocked as legendaries, it would make a huge difference to them to be gifted a Gen1 weapon from any of those weapon types. So what nonsense are you talking about? Are you insinuating that, just because people put time and effort into what they already have, they are not entitled to a compensation? That sounds pitifully envious.



P.S. Also, quite interesting how this topic keeps showing up below threads with older replies. I guess someone does not want it to be on top and seen from the forum's starting page. They did the same thing with the thread full of criticism about their Template System that quickly filled up with comments back then.



Edited by Ashantara.8731
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7 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:


No, sorry, doesn't make any sense.


I already had 2 Legendary Armors sets (heavy and medium), had spent tons of materials to craft those 31 Legendary Upgrades, and the same for my 3rd Legendary Armor set (light), for which I already had all the items ready (minus the Skirimish Claim Tickets) ... and I am receiving 16 Legendary Trunks instead of, let's say, 2 Legendary Reliquaries?? :classic_blink:


What am I supposed to do with those? How is this logical (or fair)?


Be glad you received anything at all to be honest. People with WVW + PVP legendary armor on top of PVE sets received nothing.

It's rather clear that the criteria for trunks is duplicate armors, if you were to contact support and ask for reliquaries instead of 5 trunks it means that it would be a manual operation rather than a script/query. The trunk happens to contain legendary rune and sigil so if you have those as well as PVP set you are truly a special case.

It is quite obvious you are thinking only in terms of value and not how someone would code such a thing.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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Isn't it way easier to get a 2nd set of wvw then a gen 1 legendary like don't you need gift of exploration and other pita stuff so I can see why these aren't included in the extra armor stuff. Ya you got screwed if you are some crazy hardcore or converted tons of gems to gold or however you found a way to need/afford 6 legendary armor sets so they tried to give you some compensation which they didn't have too. Stop trying to get extra stuff that is just skins you didn't like enough to make anyway but now want because they 2k gold each which is more then a full set of wvw most likely. Even if a 6 for 1 trade someone still going to complain i had 10 extra now I have 4 extra I want compensation for those 4. It'll just keep going so take what you got and realize you now can equip every single character you have with legendary up to the 69 char cap which is much better then the 6 chars you had in legendary before.

Things change. New qol things are added you can't get perfectly compensated for every single thing.

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7 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

Be glad you received anything at all to be honest.


Something with zero use to you equals "nothing at all."


6 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

It's rather clear that the criteria for trunks is duplicate armors


Yes, and that is rather short-sighted.


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5 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:


Something with zero use to you equals "nothing at all."



Yes, and that is rather short-sighted.


How would you expect them to have a script that converts 5-6 legendaries to 1 container and works for the majority of cases? Your best option here is not to make a complaint thread on the forum and contact support if you can't make use of legendary runes or sigils and have all the PVP/WVW skins in the boxes.

I understand that people like to complain, but this isn't reasonable in the context of code or logic (in the mathematical/ engineering sense of the word).

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37 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

How would you expect them to have a script that converts 5-6 legendaries to 1 container?


Since it affects only 0.008% of the player base, I expect no script at all. Now support (the poor folks there!) is flooded with requests or complaints. Isn't that more time-consuming then thinking of a more individual solution from the start?


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4 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:


Since it affects only 0.008% of the player base, I expect no script at all. Now support (the poor folks there!) is flooded with requests or complaints. Isn't that more time-consuming then thinking of a more individual solution from the start?


Keep in mind yours is an edge case and maybe other people in your situation were going for mistforged sets and could use the PVP/WVW basic skins or PVE envoy skin. It's far better to have a script that covers the majority of cases and then deal with the outliers.

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4 hours ago, cgMatt.5162 said:

Yeah that does suck for the people who already have all of those skins unlocked and I am not liking how they handled this.


0.008% still seems inaccurate. Anet only counted duplicate legendary skins up to the skin item caps, but not duplicate armor sets by weight class which affects the PVP/WVW armor sets. So if you crafted a Light Mistforged Triumphant Hero's and Triumphant Hero's armor, both of them get stuck in the armory and no refunds. 😞


I feel like that is also unfair because they are essentially ascended skins. Not true legendaries like the PVE sets.


 Yes, this is the main issue I have with the compensation: they compensate based on Legendary Armory capacity rather than amount of obsolete legendaries. Someone who crafted 6x legendary armorsets (3x T2 Triumphant and 3x T3 Triumphant) won't get compensated but someone who crafted 6x legendary armorsets (6x T2 Triumphant) will get compensated. It just makes zero sense.

Edited by Phobia.9651
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12 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

🤣🤣🤣🤣 Compares them all yet hasn't gotten or done the pve raid one. Kinda hard to kno how difficult something is if you haven't done it yourself huh? I got 2 wvw 1 pvp and 1 raid set. And raid is by far. More work and harder to obtain then wvw the afk pip meta or the PvP win or Lose pip gain. 

Edited by Necro mej.2679
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On 7/16/2021 at 4:05 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

I would gladly delete my 10 (truly) useless trunks for a chance on another legendary weapon or trinket. :classic_love:

Of course, it's a sensible thing to do. And it would have been better if something like that had been considered prior to this "compensation" being rolled out.

On 7/16/2021 at 4:05 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

I doubt anyone else in the same shoes would complain about deleting spare trunks they have no use of anyway. :classic_wink:

I expect you're right. I was thinking the complaining would be along the lines of "they went back to fix the problems but they only fixed some of them instead of all of them".


23 hours ago, Necro mej.2679 said:

The only skins argument is so lame. People who actually made the effort in pve wvw or pvp for their respective items now will see people who went for the lesser diff road just to get them anyway. I assume the ppl that raid are not to happy about this after putting in the weekly grinds for Li.

It's a messy situation in general. People who haven't spend skirmish claim tickets got access to skins which (normally) require spending skirmish claim tickets to unlock, same story with pvp league tickets and ascended shards of glory. It's not just PvE that is treated unfairly, unfortunately the Legendary Armory update does not seem to be about fairness.

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On 7/15/2021 at 11:51 PM, Spartacus.3192 said:

i agree how does replacing duplicates with essentially more duplicates since i cant wear 2 sets of armor at the same time. All we are getting is just skins


You get the option to choose armor for another class or a rune or sigil..  I did anyway and will probably pick one of the latter.

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On 7/16/2021 at 6:55 AM, Spartacus.3192 said:

Well the logic is the same as if people crafted Sunrise and Twilight. There is no build i know that requires you to wield 2 greatswords but Anet does not compensate you for that and i totally understand since its two unique legendaries. 
I had crafted some PVP legendary heavy armor and wvw legendary armor. I did not get compensated for those. I got trunks for the duplicate pieces of heavy wvw legendary armor i made

I thought double staff would never be meta, but now we have alacmirage. You honestly do not know what the future meta would be.

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12 minutes ago, Grunman.9176 said:

What if you craft 2x legendary weapons?

2x bifrost >_<

Congrats, you can now play mono staff! Swapping from staff to staff sounds weird though.
4 axes, that you could use of power BS (you need only 2 though) 😛

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