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New path to legendary armor?

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2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

So if you're done explaining to yourself and everyone else how fast and easy it is to acquire it through raiding, maybe you should stop crying on the forum about even easier mode and instead just go get it 🙃 

This is a personal attack. I've explained why I don't do this at least twice in this thread.

First when i told OP how to pull it off.

Second when I responded to someone else who insinuated the same thing and the quote you're quoting was in the same conversation with that person. This is a direct troll.

My conversations with you in previous threads made me realize how unfun the mode is, thanks! Sometimes when you talk to someone alot about something, they start thinking more about their experiences with it.

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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World PvE legendary armor wouldn't be a bad idea. However, I know that a ton of World PvEers will complain about having to do what they love the most. World PvE boss metas. It happened in Heart of Thorns. In HoT, you've got that really cool reward structure that required a ton of currency and time to get all of the sets. So many complaints were made that it ended up changing the landscape of World PvE rewards for the worst. We went from well designed boss mechanics to an RNG filled mystery soup of bounty champions, who I can't remember the names of, because people didn't want to do large metas that they sometimes would lose. If legendary armor is ever added for World PvE, I'd hope that they would aim to get people to doing each of those Heart of Thorns bosses a great number of times and not have them grinding Elegy Mosaics for all of eternity.

Edited by Quench.7091
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37 minutes ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

This is a personal attack.

No, it's not. You keep repeating it's easy and efficient, so it's obviously better to just do it instead of complaining. These are rather simple facts, nothing offensive about that.


Edited by Sobx.1758
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16 minutes ago, Quench.7091 said:

World PvE legendary armor wouldn't be a bad idea. However, I know that a ton of World PvEers will complain about having to do what they love the most. World PvE boss metas. It happened in Heart of Thorns. In HoT, you've got that really cool reward structure that required a ton of currency and time to get all of the sets. So many complaints were made that it ended up changing the landscape of World PvE rewards for the worst. We went from well designed boss mechanics to an RNG filled mystery soup of bounty champions, who I can't remember the names of, because people didn't want to do large metas that they sometimes would lose. If legendary armor is ever added for World PvE, I'd hope that they would aim to get people to doing each of those Heart of Thorns bosses a great number of times and not have them grinding Elegy Mosaics for all of eternity.


Honestly, I wouldn't mind if they do what they're doing with the return meta for leg armor, but with different achievements.


If the return meta is basically one huge world tour to get the leg amulet (admittedly behind 'paywall' of LWs for people who come later), then maybe a world boss tour could be for leg armor (or at least recipes for crafting precursor ascended with mystic forge upgrade) or something.



All the core world bosses. For maps like Auric Basin just have you do each pylons/paths of octovine, etc.

Some can be done in one go, some requires multiple clears, but if they add this it'd give people incentive to do those contents instead of just passing them because there's easier/better reward stuffs to do.


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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

No, it's not. These are facts, you keep repeating it's easy and efficient, then just do it instead of complaining. These are rather simple facts, nothing offensive about that.


I posted 3 other facts in the post proving this and you conveniently dodge them to say otherwise.

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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2 minutes ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

I posted 3 other facts in the post proving this and you conveniently dodge them to say otherwise.

So if you're done explaining to yourself and everyone else how fast and easy it is to acquire it through raiding, maybe you should stop crying on the forum about even easier mode and instead just go get it 🙃 


Nothing about this is a personal attack, no need to play a victim when you're not one.


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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

So if you're done explaining to yourself and everyone else how fast and easy it is to acquire it through raiding, maybe you should stop crying on the forum about even easier mode and instead just go get it 🙃 

This is spam, you literally just posted this at the top of this page.

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1 minute ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

This is spam, you literally just posted this at the top of this page.

I was just hoping this time you'll respond with something relevant or at least explain in what way this is a "personal attack", but I guess you won't.


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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I was just hoping this time you'll respond with something relevant or at least explain in what way this is a "personal attack", but I guess you won't.


I've already said why at least 3 times on this thread, unlike you, I won't spam. if you can't read it, that's your problem. Now shoo!

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2 minutes ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

I've already said why at least 3 times on this thread, unlike you, I won't spam. if you can't read it, that's your problem. Now shoo!

"The 3 things" you mentioned above might be related to "why you don't want to do the content" and it's your choice to not do it, while it doesn't change anything about what I said in my post. It also does literally nothing to explain your weird claim about "So if you're done explaining to yourself and everyone else how fast and easy it is to acquire it through raiding, maybe you should stop crying on the forum about even easier mode and instead just go get it" being a personal attack. Because it's not and you're just playing a victim from lack of having anything relvant to respond. "shoo", right, such a wholesome person you are 🙄

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5 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

"The 3 things" you mentioned above might be related to "why you don't want to do the content" and it's your choice to not do it, while it doesn't change anything about what I said in my post. It also does literally nothing to explain your weird claim about "So if you're done explaining to yourself and everyone else how fast and easy it is to acquire it through raiding, maybe you should stop crying on the forum about even easier mode and instead just go get it" being a personal attack. Because it's not and you're just playing a victim from lack of having anything relvant to respond. "shoo", right, such a wholesome person you are 🙄

So you're arguing I should do something unenjoyable. Sounds really healthy for a game. At the very least it's still spam as someone already said the same thing, in that very conversation you quoted initially.

Do you think protrarying someone as crying is respectful?

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3 minutes ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

So you're arguing I should do something unenjoyable. Sounds really healthy for a game. At the very least it's still spam as someone already said the same thing, when I responded, the first time.

You make your own choices, buddy. You don't need to play through any content and get any rewards, that's ok if you make that choice.

And I guess you're still dodging how that was a personal attack, oh well, not that I'm surprised. Because it wasn't 😄


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4 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You make your own choices, buddy. You don't need to play through any content and get any rewards, that's ok if you make that choice.

And if I stop playing because arenanet doesn't provide a method for acquiring armor that I enjoy, that's their choice as well. Given they have so many legendaries that can be obtained rather flexibly, it's in their best interest to provide armor from a variety of modes as well to keep those players engaged.


And I guess you're still dodging how that was a personal attack, oh well, not that I'm surprised. Because it wasn't 😄

I took you protraying me as crying as one. It's far from respectful.

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Just now, Firebeard.1746 said:

And if I stop playing

This doesn't change anything I said. You make your own choices. If lack of legendary armor suddenly makes the game unenjoyable for you, then maybe you don't enjoy it anyways. Or maybe you're just trying to get a leverage by saying "DO/GIVE ME THIS OR I QUIT" like some people semi-regularly try doing on this (and not only this) forum. 🤔

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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

This doesn't change anything I said. You make your own choices. If lack of legendary armor suddenly makes the game unenjoyable for you, then maybe you don't enjoy it anyways. Or maybe you're just trying to get a leverage by saying "DO/GIVE ME THIS OR I QUIT" like some people semi-regularly try doing on this (and not only this) forum. 🤔

Honestly alternative Leggie armor isn't the make or break for me personally, as I do engage WvW and PVP regularly, but I'm sure it will be for many players moving forward who can't stand PVP and WvW given the LA release and that's why I made that hypothetical post. It still doesn't match the rest of the games' legendary design, so a large portion of the player base will lose engagement after they hit their other goals, and that's the main point of that post.

I've thrown my weight behind the OP because I think it's a good suggestion. I'd be having more fun if there was an alternative method. I'd actually like a game mode agnostic one because I enjoy the game the most when i'm just doing what I want in the moment.

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23 minutes ago, RoflCat.9827 said:


Honestly, I wouldn't mind if they do what they're doing with the return meta for leg armor, but with different achievements.


If the return meta is basically one huge world tour to get the leg amulet (admittedly behind 'paywall' of LWs for people who come later), then maybe a world boss tour could be for leg armor (or at least recipes for crafting precursor ascended with mystic forge upgrade) or something.



All the core world bosses. For maps like Auric Basin just have you do each pylons/paths of octovine, etc.

Some can be done in one go, some requires multiple clears, but if they add this it'd give people incentive to do those contents instead of just passing them because there's easier/better reward stuffs to do.


I'd go further. Legendary armor so far has been about long-term commitment and a gauge of personal interest. It can't just be about doing the octovine once. It has to be about keeping the octovine populated with people who enjoy that content and giving those same people a long-term goal. It can't just be a tour. That would just be tourism! It has to be a show of commitment.

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4 minutes ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

Honestly alternative Leggie armor isn't the make or break for me personally,

Oh look, so not quitting because of armor, almost fooled me with that threat. (because yes, that's exactly what it was -"give or I quit")


4 minutes ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

as I do engage WvW and PVP regularly,

So what's your problem? Just get it that way.


4 minutes ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

but I'm sure it will be for many players moving forward who can't stand PVP and WvW given the LA release and that's why I made that hypothetical post.

Yes, you did it all for the other players. Seriously, that's such a bad lie. You've already tried to pretend you want to save raids by just making an easy mode to get armor. Your intentions are clearly about yourself, not about other players.


4 minutes ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

It still doesn't match the rest of the games' legendary design, so a large portion of the player base will lose engagement after they hit their other goals, and that's the main point of that post.

Then those players will be able to set new goals for themselves and play more of the content the game offers instead of limiting themselves for the same small % of it.



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14 hours ago, rrusse.7058 said:

This is correct. If not before, even more so with the Legendary Armory. There is quite a different play experience for a GW2 player that has full legendary gear and a player that does not. It’s part of the reason this thread even exists in the first place.


Players want the best possible experience and if GW2 is built on a foundation of giving players freedom to play the way they want to or “to swing a sword.” (Referring to the GW2 Manifesto) then wanting and making Legendary gear is part of that experience. Swapping builds on the fly, transmuting gear freely, swapping specializations, changing runes and sigils. Everyone is going to want in on that.


At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if this 27th at the EoD stream they reveal new ways of achieving legendary gear considering they are offering 2 pieces of equipment before it’s even out.


There is not a hugely different play experience unless you regularly use many stats. It's not like you get any stat bonus. Bosses will still  insta kill you if you fail mechanics; purple or pink gear is all the same. In certain cases, ascended weapons are more convenient than legendary weapons because of how templates work.


As for the rather outdated mainfesto, I would argue that legendary armor would not even exist if that were still in place.


As for wanting stuff; well everyone wants lots of stuff. That in of itself means nothing. A lot of people want stuff without really knowing why they really want it.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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8 minutes ago, Quench.7091 said:

I'd go further. Legendary armor so far has been about long-term commitment and a gauge of personal interest. It can't just be about doing the octovine once. It has to be about keeping the octovine populated with people who enjoy that content and giving those same people a long-term goal. It can't just be a tour. That would just be tourism! It has to be a show of commitment.


>. For maps like Auric Basin just have you do each pylons/paths of octovine, etc.


.- .

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5 minutes ago, Quench.7091 said:

I'd go further. Legendary armor so far has been about long-term commitment and a gauge of personal interest. It can't just be about doing the octovine once. It has to be about keeping the octovine populated with people who enjoy that content and giving those same people a long-term goal. It can't just be a tour. That would just be tourism! It has to be a show of commitment.

That's the issue. What about those that prefer, say, tarir to octovine?


The only way to do what you want would be to not put strict restrictions on farming specific bosses, but make a generic achieve (i.e. do X world bosses/Y mapwide metas) and let people do the ones they like.

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13 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

As for wanting stuff; well everyone wants lots of stuff. That in of itself means nothing.


And that's where you're wrong. What other people want doesn't mean anything to you but A-Net obviously has an interest to keep players engaged with the game and "listening to what players want" is something they highlighted in one of their recent press releases. So yes, according to A-Net a common "want" expressed within the community does mean something to those who ultimately have the biggest impact on the direction the game is taking.

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10 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:


And that's where you're wrong. What other people want doesn't mean anything to you but A-Net obviously has an interest to keep players engaged with the game and "listening to what players want" is something they highlighted in one of their recent press releases. So yes, according to A-Net a common "want" expressed within the community does mean something to those who ultimately have the biggest impact on the direction the game is taking.


I'm afraid the point flew over your head.


Yes, of course they want to cater to their player bases' needs and wants, but they can't please everyone.

I mean I want every legendary in the game. Does that mean they should cater to me, regardless of the effort I want to put in it?


That want needs to be based on reason, and grounded in reality. Not just "i want legendary gib me pls"

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18 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

That's the issue. What about those that prefer, say, tarir to octovine?


The only way to do what you want would be to not put strict restrictions on farming specific bosses, but make a generic achieve (i.e. do X world bosses/Y mapwide metas) and let people do the ones they like.

They could aim for the map currency system of HoT. The meta was good for chests, but the side events were great for keys to open those chests. Those chests contained the currency.

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18 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:

and "listening to what players want" is something they highlighted in one of their recent press releases. So yes, according to A-Net a common "want" expressed within the community does mean something to those who ultimately have the biggest impact on the direction the game is taking.

Yes, in the meaning of content releases, not "oh, you want easy rewards? Ok, here, take it all".

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