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Ideas for the new especs based on icons showed

Grand Marshal.4098

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Just throw your ideas:




1st: It's the virtuoso, cause daggers

3rd: two swords, willing to say thief with assassin spec

4th: Ele cause of the flame. No idea on weapon


6th: Feels like a ranger symbol. Reminds me of an insect. Insect rangers?? lol

7th: Probably necro with a flying bullet icon since it's pretty evident you guys are getting pistols

9th: Engi with bombs ig. Looks like a bomb icon similar to core. Id imagine it's a fireworks related spec.


2nd and 8th: Guard and Rev remain. Not sure which is which. The 2nd icon reminds me of an arrowhead which we have seen similar shapes off with guardian b4 (DH, a bit similar to the triangle style of core guard and FB?) but it also looks like a face, probably a Legend to channel? At the same time the 8th icon feels like a legend too. I'd bet it looks like the head of an entity.



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2nd looks quite like an animal face, so I'd say ranger.

6th seems like an eye, just like the ritualist symbol in Cantha from GW1, so I'd say revenant.

9th could also be necro, looks like some sort of elixir, just like the one the asura is holding on that necro preview picture...


I agree with mesmer, thief, ele and warrior. I think 8th could be engineer, it looks quite 'technological' to me.

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3 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

Remember they may be "breaking the rules" so don't apply too many pre-conceived notions. Still, fun to speculate.



That is true ngl, but I understand the following:


Dual sword can only fit sword wielding specs, warrior can't be it cause it's since core, thief makes sense cause of assassin, guardian debatable cause of Almorra, mesmer no way, ranger feels unlikely. 


Elementalist having a flame icon makes sense cause of core and how tempest is  a whirlwind (something elemental, with weaver being an exception).


The speeding bullet signifying a pistol is most probably the teased necro spec, cause it makes sense.


The bomb most probably an evolution to core engi's icon.


Def not flame icon for warrior cause we got berserker already. 5 icons are out of the way so it boils down to 2, 5, 6, 8 and unless we get Kanaxai or some Oni for Revs (which were affiliated with Mallyx and Abaddon so probs no) I fail to see an Oni face suit ranger or guard. 


The rest can be debated ig.


I doubt that they will break the rules with icons. Gameplay and skills and mechanics? Sure. Icons? Not as much as someone may imagine imo.

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My guesses in order

1 - Mesmer/Virtuoso (obvs)

2 - Ranger - looks like an animal's head/mask

3 - Guardian - there aren't many options left for guardian re weapons, and the 3 dots suggest the 3 virtues to me

4 - Elementalist - could be a flaming arrow seen from the front (credit to lLobo.7960 for this idea)  or could also indicate a torch

5 - Thief - (not sure though) looks like a kabuki mask or perhaps a vampire or a shadowed face - seems ambiguous to me.  I'm really unsure re this one.

6 - Revenant - the classic revenant icon is sort of reversed with the shadow forming the central pillar and what look like daggers to me on either side.  The daggers plus reversal of light and dark suggests stealth to me.

7 - Warrior - Icon is of a bullet with a spiral (presumably indicating speed) and some linear shapes either side pointing upwards in the manner of directional arrows.  Suggests structure (and perhaps buffing given the upward directionality) and that the weapon is very important to the spec.  I'm going to go with a warrior spec that uses pistols and applies buffs.  Even though the new necro spec is getting a pistol, this icon doesn't scream necro to me.

8 - Engineer - icon looks like a golem or perhaps a Kurzick Juggernaut.  Maybe some dragonjade development?

9 - Necromancer - icon looks like a potion/elixir of some kind.  In the teaser silhouette it looks to me like the new necro spec has some potions or grenades or something like that.  I doubt this is engineer as engi already has an alchemy traitline.

Edited by Jijimuge.4675
Crediting ILobo
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  1. Mesmer: Virtuoso - we all know this one...
  2. Warrior or Ranger - Not really sure what it is... but It's one of these two... The icon itself feels like a Paragon to me, but that's not a possibility for EoD since Paragon is an Elonian thing not Canthan... The icon could be connected in some way to the Kurzicks and Luxons though...
  3. Thief : Assassin - Thief will get Off-hand sword as their new weapon enabling duel swords. The three diamonds are reminiscent of the diamond shaped pips for the Thiefs initiative mechanic, but moreso than just that. GW1 assassins had a mechanic with their attacks of Lead Attack, Offhand Attack, and Dual attack that they had to perform in that order. The placement of those diamonds actually coincides with those 3 attacks. The left diamond represents Lead, the right is Offhand, while the central diamond is Dual. I have absolutely no doubt that that icon is for the Thief's new elite spec of Assassin. Not only does it re-imagine the Assassin's profession icon, but it expands upon it. Furthermore, they said they based the elite specializations for each class deep in Canthan lore, and lets not kid ourselves, Assassin is one of the most iconic aspects from Canthan lore and the ONLY tie-in that the Thief class even has to Canthan lore.
  4. Guardian: Monk - We were told way back during the GW2 Beta that the Guardian was the spiritual successor for the Monk class from GW1, and that all aspects of the Monk had been merged into the Guardian in Kyrta... however they did make that distinction... in Kryta, not in Tyria. If the core aspects of the Monk were to survive anywhere it would have been in Cantha. The monk practices in Cantha focused largely on on focusing ones self, the icon could represent a combination of all three Guardian Virtues into one. The diamond represents Resolve, as solid and unbreakable as a diamond. The space around it represents Courage, accepting the unknown and embracing it. The flames are Justice, a willingness to do what must to set wrongs right.
  5. Warrior or Ranger - As with #2 not really sure what it is... but It's one of these two... I'm leaning towards Warrior with this one, simply because that menacing face just doesn't feel right for Ranger...
  6. Revenant: Ritualist - Just like with the Assassin Icon, this icon is reminiscent of the Ritualist icon from GW1. While I would absolutely LOVE for the Ritualist to be an elite spec of the Guardian, the styling of this icon just screams Revenant. It's angular design as well as it's general composition goes back to the core Revenant icon.
  7. Elementalist: ??? - I know this might seem a little unorthodox, but I have no doubt that this icon is for some sort of firearm wielding Elementalist elite spec. Just look at that spiral effect around the bullet and tell me that doesn't look like crackling lightning. They made it quite clear that Canthan society has developed on a higher technological standpoint than most the rest of the world due in part to Dragonjade. Canthan elementalists would have taken to infusing magic and technology as a result.
  8. Engineer: Golemancer - That icon is without a doubt a golem, and you can't convince me otherwise... as to how this ties into Canthan lore however... well... as stated, Canthan technology is above the rest of the human worlds as a result of the unique properties of Dragonjade. We know that for a short period after the events of Factions and the Eye of the North expansion for GW1 there was some open trade between Cantha and the rest of the world, at which time Canthans would have become aware of Asura Golems. It would be of no surprise to find that they learnt to develop Golems of their own using Dragonjade.
  9. Necromancer: Alchemist - This is something that if you ever played GW:Factions and really payed attention to some of the background dialog about Canthan beliefs, it really fits. Necromancy is a skillset that was largely frowned upon by most cultures during GW1, however Canthans embraced it far more than any other culture. Necromancers in Factions weren't reguarded as outcasts or a dark but necessary profession to aid in uncertain times. In Factions, you are told by the necromancer trainer that necromancy isn't something to be feared, rather that it is simply misunderstood. With proper application, necromancy can be a boon to others. Several of the dialogs actual allude to Canthan Necromancy being the basis to Alchemy even. As for the icon itself... well that is clearly a vial of somekind, and while some might think "yup, that's engineer" I don't see that as possible. The icon has a very distinct magical aura around it, and the styling of the aura comes across as "sinister" suggesting it might be a necromantic aura.


Added bonus... the preview silhouette for Necromancer.... clearly shows vials of something strung from his belt... we know the new weapon will be Pistol, and if those Vials are any indication the new utilities will be Elixers... which just puts the 9th Icon even more into the "necromancer" wheelhouse. https://i.imgur.com/iiU4upe.png

Edited by Panda.1967
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1 is obvious Virtuoso

2 is definitely Ranger. Warden?

3 I agree is guardian with OH sword due to the three diamonds, though it could be an assassin thief spec with OH sword

4 Absolutely has to be ele.

5 is Necro. No way is that a warrior. We can both have pistols right?

6 Could be either Warrior or Revenant. Some Samurai-esc thing. GS Revenant is my guess.

7 Could be warrior with pistols

8 could be warrior or Guardian if 3 is thief

9 That is a engineer spec. Toxin and poison themed


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My interpretation of the icons:


  1. Mesmer (virtuoso), this is basically free
  2. Ranger, I would guess that it is a pet based bruiser spec and most likely uses shield as a weapon (the icon, while being the head of an animal, kinda also resembles a shield)
  3. Thief, likely to be an assassin. Getting sword in the offhand, the diamonds represent initiative, so the system might get changed up a bit there
  4. Definitely Elementalist, my first guess for a weapon would be longbow (the diamond could be an arrow facing our direction)
  5. Warrior, likely samurai based. I think it is likely they get a staff with a spear skin, considering that many legendary samurai wielded spears (Yukimura Sanada and Tadakatsu Honda coming to my mind immediately)
  6. Literally has the Revenant's third eye icon in it, this is a dead give away. Hard to figure out a weapon it could use, so any guess is as good as the other. I go with mainhand axe.
  7. Shows a bullet and we know that Necromancer gets pistol
  8. By elimination, I go with Guardian here. Maybe they can infuse their body with magic to become some holy brawler? Seems like a very tanky spec in general. Hard to figure out a weapon, my guess is offhand mace.
  9. Engineer, this icon feels like an evolution of the core icon bomb. Looks like a bomb with a jade shard in it and either surrounded by flames or poisonous gas, so a condi spec for sure. Once again, hard to figure out a weapon. I personally hope it is at least mainhand mace, if not even dual wielded.
Edited by Kodama.6453
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I've got a bit of a wild take for #4: It looks like the artist decided to depict the surface with defined ridges, maybe a hint of a metallic sheen. So what if it's not a flame?


It kind of looks like the five pointed crests that adorn the helmets of the Ministry of Purity and some members of the Imperial Guard. And on the wiki page for the Imperial Guard, there's concept art of a samurai wearing a helmet with a different crest: one with a diamond shape. Maybe there's a new organization that combines both crests.



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6 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

1 is obvious Virtuoso

2 is definitely Ranger. Warden?

3 I agree is guardian with OH sword due to the three diamonds, though it could be an assassin thief spec with OH sword

4 Absolutely has to be ele.

5 is Necro. No way is that a warrior. We can both have pistols right?

6 Could be either Warrior or Revenant. Some Samurai-esc thing. GS Revenant is my guess.

7 Could be warrior with pistols

8 could be warrior or Guardian if 3 is thief

9 That is a engineer spec. Toxin and poison themed


Why shouldn't 5 be a warrior? It is a mempo, a traditional mask worn as part of the armor of samurai and samurai would be very fitting for warrior as an elite spec.


And it also fits considering that the core warrior icon is a helmet, with this here being another piece of protective headwear used by warriors.

Edited by Kodama.6453
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1. Virtuoso

2. That mask looks tribal/Naturalistic to me, so I think it's Ranger. Maybe they get a shield.

3. That looks like Thief finally get to dual-wield swords. I just hope that "breaking the rules" means that they lose access to Stealth.

4. That looks like Elementalist to me. It could be a cubic crystal inside a flame.

5. This would be Guardian. The grim face slightly resembling Japanese Oni masks could mean that Guardians trade their virtues for selfish, or even negative aspects

6. That definitely looks like Revenant to me. It's strongly reminiscent of the core Revenant and Renegade symbols, but with bug mandibles on the top and bottom.

7. I think this is for Necromancers, given the teaser image that looks like a Necromancer with a pistol.

8. That could be Warrior that dual wields foci (which would work as fist weapons). Given the blades on the shoulders, this specialization's weapon collection skins could be Tonfa-like with bladed ends.

9. That should be Engineer. To me, it looks like a bottle with an volatile substance inside.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Just to shake things a bit. The answers feel to homogenous.


1- Thief

2- Definitely a ranger vibe

3- I'll say it's virtuoso's because it look like 2 blades within 5 slots for blades.

4- Engineer: they found the recipe for a potion that trnaform them in super saiyan

5- Guardian focus on wrath

6- Revenant

7- Elementalist with lightning bullets!

8- Warrior

9- Necromancer, the aura is creepy.

Edited by Dadnir.5038
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4 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Why shouldn't 5 be a warrior? It is a mempo, a traditional mask worn as part of the armor of samurai and samurai would be very fitting for warrior as an elite spec.


And it also fits considering that the core warrior icon is a helmet, with this here being another piece of protective headwear used by warriors.

Then the actual helmet icon makes more sense then doesn't it?

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Just now, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Number 6. It is a stylized helmet. Icon 8 is as well.

Number 6 is so obviously revenant, it's laughable. It even features the third eye symbol of the revenant core icon, no way that this is anything else but revenant.


8, how I see it, isn't a helmet, but a stylised figure with big pauldronns and strong arms, the circle is supposed to be the head and the piece underneath it is the torso.


The design of pauldrons makes me believe that it is guardian, but it could potentially also be a warrior. I just personally think that the oni mask fits warrior better in this case and as explained, there is the relation to the core helmet icon of warrior.

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6 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Number 6 is so obviously revenant, it's laughable. It even features the third eye symbol of the revenant core icon, no way that this is anything else but revenant.


8, how I see it, isn't a helmet, but a stylised figure with big pauldronns and strong arms, the circle is supposed to be the head and the piece underneath it is the torso.


The design of pauldrons makes me believe that it is guardian, but it could potentially also be a warrior. I just personally think that the oni mask fits warrior better in this case and as explained, there is the relation to the core helmet icon of warrior.

Oni Mask would fit thief better in my opinion.

Both 6 and 8 screamed heavy armor classes to me. The lower half of Icon 8 looks like the typical Hoplite face guard hence why I see it as a helmet.

Icons 3 and 5 could be thief to me. 3 looks like dual wielding swords with the initiative symbol strewn about, but could also be indicative of Guardian's 3 virtues and them getting OH sword.

5 being an oni mask, could literally be any class though, so each of us are just projecting on it.


I think 4 of them are pretty obvious from what people have been pointing out:

1: mesmer (dagger)

2: ranger (definitely animal themed no clue on weapon)

4: Ele (its a fire blaze with an arrow tip flying through it, so bow of some sort. Arcane Archer spec)

6: Rev (Third eye and what not, could be GS, daggers, or Longbow. I bet GS)


The other five are really up in the air. Icon 7 being a bullet could be a pistol or a rifle spec, and that icon doesn't look like a necro themed icon to me, that and it is possible for several especs to get pistol at the same time.


Berserker Icon is a sword with fire around it, so icon 7 could just as well be for warrior with pistols and more of a elemental ammo theme (like I suggested years ago fwiw).


Icon 6 and 9 are more likely to be the necro icon. People in the necro forums are pointing out that the splat art they showed seems to be holding potion vials, so icon 9 may very well be the necro.


Icon 8 is either Guardian or Warrior since it is so obviously heavy armor class themed, but I could be wrong and it could be engineer with dual maces /shrug


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I just hope whatever icons the classes get, that all of them will have unique, fun and interesting game play. 


So far I personally like how the Virtuoso is behaving (although yes, it does seem to have a superior full counter and a superior exceed Holo elite) but hey, traits are usually the other half of the especs, so maybe it gets plenty of customization. 

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15 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

I just hope whatever icons the classes get, that all of them will have unique, fun and interesting game play. 


So far I personally like how the Virtuoso is behaving (although yes, it does seem to have a superior full counter and a superior exceed Holo elite) but hey, traits are usually the other half of the especs, so maybe it gets plenty of customization. 

EoD is striking me as the devs going full YOLO on PvE e-specs.


CMC must be pissed lol.


I highly suspect steep damage reductions on Virtuoso in competitive play.

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“Obvious / Easy” ones first

1: Mesmer, daggers are for the blade mechanic. No other icon comes close to representing what we were shown.

6: Revenant. Has the Revenant and Ritualist “eye”. Something that iconic for a class would (or at least *should*) never be used for another one.

9: I will say Necromancer. We know it has pistol, but in terms of a class mechanic, the potion icon seems related to the potion we saw on the necro’s belt area in the teaser image. Plus the border around the potion has a very “Magic” feel to it that looks fitting for a Necro.



2: I’m leaning toward Ranger. Many people pointed out that it looks like a beast’s face or a shield, I’m seeing more like a “tribal mask”. The “feel” of the icon just seems like it would fit Ranger.

3: Thief. Obviously dual-swords would be important, and Thief and Guardian are the only classes without one as an off-hand. The icon resembles that of the GW1 Assassin, which would align it more with Thief.

4: I want to say Elementalist. It looks like a flame, and bears a resemblance to the GW1 Ele icon. The gem in the center also reminds me of the Ele starter gem headpiece.

5: Probably Warrior. It bears a very obvious similarity to oni masks or samurai masks. Samurai would lean very heavily to a Warrior archetype.



7: Bullet traveling with very high speed and power. I can’t really see it being pistol so I’m leaning toward rifle. Only class left would be Guardian, but I feel like Rifle Guard would kind of suck lol. Mostly saying Guardian because it’s the only class left, but this spec will be heavily focused on Rifle I’m guessing and powerful Ranged damage.

8: I’m thinking Engineer. I can see the resemblance to a Golem with the small body and head in the middle and very stylized arms and shoulders. The “shoulders” remind me of the wings on scarab icons so I’m having trouble looking past that, but scarabs don’t seem fitting for this environment (would have been more so for Elona). Only saying Engi because it leans heavily into a golem-themed icon. Even if it’s not a golem in terms of a pet / companion, some kind of construct or mech is thematically fitting of an engineer.



Upon further research, I can see 4 and 7 swapped. Seeing the Ministry of Purity helmet pointed out to resemble icon 4, I can see that really befitting guardian. The bullet, icon 7, would then be Elementalist, which I can see getting Rifle far more than Guardian.

Edited by AlexndrTheGreat.8310
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For me I am thinking this:
Mesmer Dagger
Ranger Focus
Guardian OH Sword
Elementalist Rifle
Thief Greatsword
revenant Dagger
Necro Pistol
Engineer Mace
Warrior (I'm still commiting to this) Pistols

I am on the fence for the bottom middle icon, as this does look like a high defence spec or a golem spec.

The bullet however (bottom left) could be elementalist due to the fact that the bullet appears to have a swirling effect around it and lightning like sparks shooting either side.

Im confident on Ranger Thief Revenant and Guardian.

Please dont let me be wrong about warrior pistol though.. im H.O.P.E-ing i got my gamble right!

Didnt they say on stream that there may be a class to go with the Turtle, a Juggernaut like class? Possibly bottom middle (engineer)?

Edited by Smoosh.2718
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1 Mesmer, Dagger

2 Ranger, Shield (with the face of a tiger) 

3 Thief, Sword (with initiative points)

4 Elementalist, Short Bow (with the point of a flaming arrow)

5 Warrior (no clue of the weapon)

6 Revenant, Focus? The icon nails the Ritualist eye surrounded by what could be a focus.

7 Guardian, Rifle

8 Engineer (no clue of the weapon, but the icon resembles a golem or an exoeskeleton surrounding the character)

9 Necromancer, Pistol (with the flamming tip of the cannon)

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