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Willbender is OP


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This thread just goes to show you how dumb people can be and how jumping to conclusions based off of a video can be so problematic. Willbender is the worst and weakest of the three elite specs shown so far now that we’ve been able to get our hands on it and test it.


It’s so bad that I will not be playing it on my guardian when EOD arrives. I’ll be sticking to DH with FB mixed in occasionally like I’ve been doing since PoF launched. Sad day…..

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18 minutes ago, Zeph.5927 said:

This thread just goes to show you how dumb people can be and how jumping to conclusions based off of a video can be so problematic. Willbender is the worst and weakest of the three elite specs shown so far now that we’ve been able to get our hands on it and test it.


It’s so bad that I will not be playing it on my guardian when EOD arrives. I’ll be sticking to DH with FB mixed in occasionally like I’ve been doing since PoF launched. Sad day…..

But you just insulted those 9 golems that got beaten up in video showcase 😞 how rude 😞 

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Yeah in playing Willbender as a Guardian main since launch (mostly play DH now), gotta say very underwhelmed. A lot of the mechanics just straight up don't work, have lousy synergies to core specs or straight up don't work, the off-hand sword is pointless, and frankly my DH build does much better offensively. This new E-spec needs a lot of work.

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8 hours ago, Zeph.5927 said:

This thread just goes to show you how dumb people can be and how jumping to conclusions based off of a video can be so problematic. Willbender is the worst and weakest of the three elite specs shown so far now that we’ve been able to get our hands on it and test it.


It’s so bad that I will not be playing it on my guardian when EOD arrives. I’ll be sticking to DH with FB mixed in occasionally like I’ve been doing since PoF launched. Sad day…..


Tbh all 3 are massively outclassed by pof options. Which does make me wonder if this is a hint at a major tune down. 


I'm curious to weather we see a major nerf to everything we have so far when closer to EoD to make the other speccs at a similar power level to the EoDs. 


And this is simply a new standard rather then a misjudgement


The power creep has been a problem lately. So the dials do need defintly turning back. I am hopeful this is what's happening here. I don't want this speccs being dialled upwards massively. Rather the games dialled downwards. 




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Now I know why that dude spent half of the stream drinking water showing Willbender, I was in the same situation when I was copying homework the night before from my friend and when I needed to give that same homework to my teacher. 


This spec feels like it was made 1 day before the stream, with lack of synergies with core guard, with bad afteruse animations, clunky in every aspect, very undeveloped traits, bad elite skill, no defensives, bad heals....



For this company this elite spec is plain B-.  Cmon guys you had time for brainstorming,  this spec feels like someone did it in 10 mins and did a bad job. You simply can and need to do better job. 

Edited by Ragnarox.9601
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58 minutes ago, Gwaihir.1745 said:

Congratulations to OP for being the reason things don't get the balance tuning they need. Well done, you are the problem not the solution.


In all honesty.. i hope WB actually gets good and some changes.. like its unbelievably fun to play imho... It'd be sad if this thing gets benched for a Expansion because it simply cannot do anything better then FB or DH

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I didn't read the entire thread, but I guess the OP must feel really silly right now for having made this thread before the actual beta test. So confident he was that the willbender would be OP.


Well, what do you say now OP? Still think the willbender is OP? Didn't think so. It's in fact criminally underpowered.


I hope Anet will come to their senses and give the willbender some substantial buffs. But even that wouldn't be enough, I'm afraid. The very design of the willbender Skills and Traits are just very poorly thought out. We're gonna need to see some major overhauls for this class to see actual play when EoD goes live. Otherwise this spec is going to be dead on arrival in all 3 game modes.

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I think Anet deliberately undertuned willbender and overtuned Harbinger because they saw the reveal, people thought that willbender looks fun and exciting and harbinger looked boring chugging 5 different coloured bottles of rum that gives you different yellow icons atop your skill bar.

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52 minutes ago, Dracomet.3648 said:

I think Anet deliberately undertuned willbender and overtuned Harbinger because they saw the reveal, people thought that willbender looks fun and exciting and harbinger looked boring chugging 5 different coloured bottles of rum that gives you different yellow icons atop your skill bar.


Im not sure, I wouldnt call any of the speccs overtuned realistically, they both are shadows compared to PoF Strengths.. u take something like Firebrand or Scourge and compare then to these 2 and yeah these are just outright bad,  Power creep has erroded alot of the game itself.. so i wonder if this is mroe them trying to find a more suitable balancing line for the games health realistically.


Willbender defintly needs changes.. but i dont want to see EoD reaching the same hieghts PoF elites did.. i want PoF Elites brought downwards.


Harbingers Utilities are abit boring.. but its actual gameplay i've only heard good things about tbh.

Edited by Daddy.8125
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On 8/13/2021 at 3:53 PM, Aktium.9506 said:

Everything shown for Willbender was incredibly OP.


That level of mobility, damage, sustain and CC is just wrong. Rev and Thief are both just flat out replaced in PvP.


Harbinger is actually more mobile, does more damage, and sustains better than the willbender.


Willbender is actually clunky as hell, and deals less damage than core in exchange for mobility, which core was balanced around not having. Trading core for willbender is going to be a damage or sustain loss in exchange for mobility. 


Necromancer is blessed with having very good and synergistic trait lines. With the added mobility and sustain that Harbinger brings, as well as three great CC abilities (pistol and shroud 4+5), it easily outshines anything the willbender can bring to the table. Its probably even capable of more power damage.


Willbender traits just aren't impactful enough to create something powerful, same with virtuoso. Harbinger traits, by comparison, are all impactful and POWERFUL. 240 condi damage on a trait, plus an additional effect of torment in an aoe? thats huge.


The trait line has a LOT of damage baked into it.

Edited by Caine.8204
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Willbender is not undertuned or overtuned. It's -for once- a balanced spec.

The problem is that Willbender feels weak compared to FB or DH. But plenty of others profession specs feels weak compared to FB or DH.

So it's a good thing if willbender is not as strong as those ones. I really dont want to see full guardian squad in PvE or PvP content.

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7 minutes ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

Gonna need a lot more than polishing for this one since it gets easily outperformed by core Guardian, which many people have pointed out


In which gamemodes? It's pretty weak in PvP, but it's definitely good in WvW/PvE and worth playing over core.

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On 8/19/2021 at 1:22 PM, LucosTheDutch.4819 said:

I didn't read the entire thread, but I guess the OP must feel really silly right now for having made this thread before the actual beta test. So confident he was that the willbender would be OP.


Well, what do you say now OP? Still think the willbender is OP? Didn't think so. It's in fact criminally underpowered.


I hope Anet will come to their senses and give the willbender some substantial buffs. But even that wouldn't be enough, I'm afraid. The very design of the willbender Skills and Traits are just very poorly thought out. We're gonna need to see some major overhauls for this class to see actual play when EoD goes live. Otherwise this spec is going to be dead on arrival in all 3 game modes.

My view of willy right now is this. Design wise, i still think willbender has a lot of potential. The extra mobility is a very good tradeoff for the poorer defense of f2 and f3. The reason why it is so bad right now is the lack of damage, and clunky & slow animations, which are likely to get updated before launch.


Guardian already has a lot of weapon skills that slow or root themselves, so having slow restrictive animations on their mobility and teleports is unnecessary and should be removed. If that gets changed and there are some damage buffs to sword offhand, utilities, f1, and maybe reduce the 5 hit requirement to proc f2 and f3, then willbender could become a very strong class.

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