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Legendary armor by pve exploration [Merged]

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6 hours ago, Tyncale.1629 said:

Strike Missions also have become Elitist content, with all the Li-req nonsense you see in LFG.  Maybe they could add a currency to the EoD Strike missions, needed for Leggy Armor, where you earn 5x as much when you do them on the hardest setting. I could live with that.  


So it would take me 5x as much time as someone who "learned to play" but somehow I think some of those  Elitists  would still not be content, they would rather see a majority of people being completely barred from certain rewards.  

I regularly see non LI requirement  strike missions.   At this point, I see this LFG argument so much I'm half tempted to buy two more accounts, park them perpetually someplace, and set up a script to record a screenshot of every LFG for Raids & Strikes, just to get some hard data on t his instead of this prattle on about "Oh there's only LFGs with LI requirements, I can't play the content now!" (Despite the make own group button being right there for anyone to use.)

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3 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Anet also admits that aspirational content is desirable in the game.

For inspirational content to work, it needs to be able to truly motivate players. A content that a player will not do, is not inspirational, because for that player it at best might not exist, and at worst it only works  in demoralizing way.


That's why good inspirational rewards are generally placed well ahead of the player, but on the road the player is likely to take. Not in something that is niche and be avoided by a huge majority of players.



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11 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

For inspirational content to work, it needs to be able to truly motivate players. A content that a player will not do, is not inspirational, because for that player it at best might not exist, and at worst it only works  in demoralizing way.


That's why good inspirational rewards are generally placed well ahead of the player, but on the road the player is likely to take. Not in something that is niche and be avoided by a huge majority of players.



How can you predict what players will and won't do?

Aren't there popular quotes by inventors and such that say something along the lines of  "If I asked what the people wanted, they'd just want more of what they already have but better"?

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26 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

For inspirational content to work, it needs to be able to truly motivate players. A content that a player will not do, is not inspirational, because for that player it at best might not exist, and at worst it only works  in demoralizing way.

It's aspirational content, not inspirational. And what's there to motivate players towards it is, for example, getting better at the game itself, as well as the rewards that are earned for completing it. Something that some people on this forum try to go around, by creating a threads like this one, where there's an effort to turn "I earn rewards by completing content available in the game" into "I want every reward available to me for whatever I do in the game".

If a player chooses to not do something, it's just that -their choice. And as I already said, it's ok exactly because they don't lose any power by not doing it. They can skip that content and stick to the gear they have. Playing in ascended gear is perfectly fine in literally any part of this game.


26 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

That's why good inspirational rewards are generally placed well ahead of the player, but on the road the player is likely to take.

Group content in mmorpgs is pretty much always "on the road the player is likely to take". And that's also what raids are.


Edited by Sobx.1758
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3 minutes ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

How can you predict what players will and won't do?

Aren't there popular quotes by inventors and such that say something along the lines of  "If I asked what the people wanted, they'd just want more of what they already have but better"?

Well, we know ANET has metrics on how many players do X content, so for them, it would be vastly easier than for you or i to guess what content players are doing.  We know anet wasnt happy with how few players did raids(one of the reasons they made strikes, and i doubt it worked the way they wanted also, which is why we arent getting more raids, and instead more strikes.), we also know that due to how few players did raids(and how difficult and long Envoy armor was to make) that they didnt make PVP and WVW have unique armor skins for their legendary armors.


Its also not like they dont constantly get feedback on what players do an dont like, which is why they made changes to HOT. To this day HOT and Raids get the most negative feedback in the game, and they have gotten the most since they went live. Not from the same people over and over either, though most of the people who defend "X content" -are- the same every single time(not an issue, if you think its fine, its fine and i get why you defend it.).

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19 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

So you expect people who cant be bothered to do even the easiest raid boss for li to somehow be able to do CM strikes?

I expect them to still do challenging content for the LI, yes.  I said to give them more options.  I didn't say to make it easier.  If they can only clear the easiest raids that's only like 1-4 LI per week maybe.  It would take a very long time, longer if working on your 2nd or 3rd set of armor.  This at least gives people options without cheapening it by making it super easy.

Edited by Will.9785
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57 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

Well, we know ANET has metrics on how many players do X content, so for them, it would be vastly easier than for you or i to guess what content players are doing. 

No one was doing  raids before raids were even a thing in GW2 because raids didn't exist, though.  That's what I'm talking about.

People don't know what they want and they're apt to make one bad experience as the perceived norm and blow it out of proportion.

Edited by Sir Alymer.3406
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1 hour ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

How can you predict what players will and won't do?

Aren't there popular quotes by inventors and such that say something along the lines of  "If I asked what the people wanted, they'd just want more of what they already have but better"?

Henry Ford - If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.

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7 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

No one was doing  raids before raids were even a thing in GW2 because raids didn't exist, though.  That's what I'm talking about.

People don't know what they want and they're apt to make one bad experience as the perceived norm and blow it out of proportion.

Those bad expiriances where gathered after 6 year 😛

Oh well after the 5k AP only war/guardian in dungeons and then in Raids , i wonder i how long they will do the same in Strikes . After than more world open bose ?:P


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5 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Those bad expiriances where gathered after 6 year 😛

Oh well after the 5k AP only war/guardian in dungeons and then in Raids , i wonder i how long they will do the same in Strikes . After than more world open bose ?:P


Yeah, you know why you always see the "AP" or "KP" requirement groups on the LFG when you check?  Because any and all groups without those metrics for requirements fill up first.  You could easily make your own group for dungeons, fractals, raids, strikes, etc.  with your own requirements.  The only place this will be a struggle is in open world because you can't kick out people from the map, unfortunately.

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7 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

Yeah, you know why you always see the "AP" or "KP" requirement groups on the LFG when you check?  Because any and all groups without those metrics for requirements fill up first.  You could easily make your own group for dungeons, fractals, raids, strikes, etc.  with your own requirements.  The only place this will be a struggle is in open world because you can't kick out people from the map, unfortunately.

Or by doing asking those requirements , you infect more people about what is the proper way

Then you create a scenario where people who havent done it and the ones that farm it dont want to interact .



Its ok i think , it wont efect the participatio for future development , ot toxicity between the 2 different sided of the community  😛


I wonder how many are doing the BoneStrike boss after theLI group shows up

Did they stop doing too , because of lac of rewards? 😛

Here we comeeeeee Open Bosses 😛

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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29 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Or by doing asking those requirements , you infect more people about what is the proper way

Then you create a scenario where people who havent done it and the ones that farm it dont want to interact .



Its ok i think , it wont efect the participatio for future development , ot toxicity between the 2 different sided of the community  😛


I wonder how many are doing the BoneStrike boss after theLI group shows up

Did they stop doing too , because of lac of rewards? 😛

Here we comeeeeee Open Bosses 😛

This is some backwards logic.  LFGs are owned by the person who posted them.  The players who join those LFGs agree with the rules set out.  This is akin to going onto r/lfg  for D&D and complaining about how no groups cater to your exact needs while never making a post themselves about what sort of group they're seeking. Then making a post to complain about how no postings fit what they're after.

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7 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

This is some backwards logic.  LFGs are owned by the person who posted them.  The players who join those LFGs agree with the rules set out.  This is akin to going onto r/lfg  for D&D and complaining about how no groups cater to your exact needs while never making a post themselves about what sort of group they're seeking. Then making a post to complain about how no postings fit what they're after.

You can ask to the company to create a "Elite LFG section" , Or an Aerodrome LFG Section 😛

You dont want them , and they dont want you 😛


Or lest start using automatic LFG (for Raids/Strikes) , like other games , so this farcary ends.

While the company will double down in Open worlds scenarios

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1 hour ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

Yeah, you know why you always see the "AP" or "KP" requirement groups on the LFG when you check?  Because any and all groups without those metrics for requirements fill up first.  You could easily make your own group for dungeons, fractals, raids, strikes, etc.  with your own requirements.  The only place this will be a struggle is in open world because you can't kick out people from the map, unfortunately.


You know what's funny about that. I always thought that players who don't have a commi are kept away because a commander tag is absolutely not cheap.
The thing is, I learned last week that there are some who open LFG's who don't have a commie themselves and then depending on whether one still joins or not they still get it all organized somehow as long as not some total idiots joining.


I have last week through a new contact, with friends just randomly started a raid with someone who had aCommie, but had zero idea and was super slow and did absolute zero dmg as engie. And in the end people are joined with whom we have laid 3 bosses with a training raid where half of them did not even know what they were doing and I had to explain, to a friend partly during the boss-fight things via whisper.
Sure, that was Wing 4 and the first 3 bosses, but I mean hello ... what do people want more?


Also, I learned last week that there are raiders out there who have their full-clear already behind them(inclusive cap of course) and just join out of fun and helpfulness training raids.


But hey, the raid community is so extremely toxic and the access to raids is so immensly hard :''D.


At the same time, look at the people who always write this. Gleiches gesellt sich gerne, wie wir in Deutschland gerne sagen.(Birds of a feather flock together)

Edited by Fuchslein.8639
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7 hours ago, Zalavaaris.5329 said:

No... just no.... not again... I will NOT be sucked into this one again.... I have restraint and discipline... I can do this... I can do this....

Why not ?

Immagine it like a minigame , where your goal is to euxast the enemy and the winner will have the rights to "write historical books" .

Just like casual didnt do raids , because they where hard , or didnt offer the same rewards as zergs ,or easy raids would use resources fromthe Raid release 😛

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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18 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Why not ?

Immagine it like a minigame , where your goal is to euxast the enemy and the winner will have the rights to "write historical books" .

Just like casual didnt do raids , because they where hard , or didnt offer the same rewards as zergs ,or easy raids would use resources fromthe Raid release 😛

Nope nope nope, not today!!! I will not tilt.... not on here anyway

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4 hours ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

You can ask to the company to create a "Elite LFG section" , Or an Aerodrome LFG Section 😛

You dont want them , and they dont want you 😛


Or lest start using automatic LFG (for Raids/Strikes) , like other games , so this farcary ends.

While the company will double down in Open worlds scenarios

There's no need for more list bloat.  Just make your own group.  I did it two years ago and now I'm almost done with every raid achievement and every raid skin (Including  legendary armor).  And 3 years ago I used to be the biggest casual ever.  You make your own groups, you make a list of people who are okay at the game and chill friends.  Invite these people when making groups and it snowballs from there until you have so many friends or a consistent group that you can get consistent parties  for the content you want to progress.

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7 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

Well, we know ANET has metrics on how many players do X content, so for them, it would be vastly easier than for you or i to guess what content players are doing.  We know anet wasnt happy with how few players did raids(one of the reasons they made strikes, and i doubt it worked the way they wanted also, which is why we arent getting more raids, and instead more strikes.), we also know that due to how few players did raids(and how difficult and long Envoy armor was to make) that they didnt make PVP and WVW have unique armor skins for their legendary armors.

Thats not really true, as far as we know the problem was that making the skin was extremely intensive.

7 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

Its also not like they dont constantly get feedback on what players do an dont like, which is why they made changes to HOT. To this day HOT and Raids get the most negative feedback in the game, and they have gotten the most since they went live. Not from the same people over and over either, though most of the people who defend "X content" -are- the same every single time(not an issue, if you think its fine, its fine and i get why you defend it.).


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6 hours ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Those bad expiriances where gathered after 6 year 😛

Oh well after the 5k AP only war/guardian in dungeons and then in Raids , i wonder i how long they will do the same in Strikes . After than more world open bose ?:P


Honestly,  no these bad experiences where gathered mostly before raids whee even in the game. Otherwise you would not have ngative experiences of people who did not play raids at all.

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4 hours ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

You can ask to the company to create a "Elite LFG section" , Or an Aerodrome LFG Section 😛

You dont want them , and they dont want you 😛

Why not a separate Elite server with not a single interaction (TP included) with normal ones? 

That would be fun to test.

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