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What is going to be in game first?

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They recently were talking about alliance progress coming together. Mister E they sorta ruled out during a lore Q&A. Well they acknowledged dropped plotlines from S2 and indicated it was unlikely we'd see them returned to. There is a chance, but it feels like the opportunity has gone past the point of making sense to return out of the blue.

As for the DSD, I will be utterly surprised if it gets added to the game. I think it was just added to round out numbers and biomes and to give at least one of the Dragons a strong sense of mystery

Alliances might be a while off, but the others don't even appear to be on the horizon

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@Randulf.7614 said:Mister E they sorta ruled out during a lore Q&A. Well they acknowledged dropped plotlines from S2 and indicated it was unlikely we'd see them returned to. There is a chance, but it feels like the opportunity has gone past the point of making sense to return out of the blue.

Technically, Mister E is also a S3 plotline.

As Lake Doric has a collection of Mister E notes.

But since then, nada as far as I can remember... (There might have been some notes in the Shining Blade arc but nothing springs to mind if it was)

Which makes some sense, being that it seems that Mister E appears to be most concerned with Kryta, which hasn't been a focus since S3.

It is however suggested that Mister E has links to the Order of Whispers, so maybe a reappearance of the Order of Shadows could link back to him?

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Heck if I know really.

Deep Sea Dragon could be plausible. Depending on what direction they take with the next expansion.

There's technically room for the Sea dragon, an update to underwater combat and an underwater mount for notable additions to the game.

It's just a matter of if they plan to do that, if that would be a good financial move and how much work that'd take.

Given that they still haven't actually mentioned a name for the dragon (Only that it starts with the letter S... Mentioned by Taimi during HoT when she was listing off all the different dragons which also suggests its not unfounded knowledge just apparently no-one ever talks about it) it's probably unlikely they'll incorporate it, at least yet.

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@Taril.8619 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:Mister E they sorta ruled out during a lore Q&A. Well they acknowledged dropped plotlines from S2 and indicated it was unlikely we'd see them returned to. There is a chance, but it feels like the opportunity has gone past the point of making sense to return out of the blue.

Technically, Mister E is also a S3 plotline.

As Lake Doric has a collection of Mister E notes.

But since then, nada as far as I can remember... (There might have been some notes in the Shining Blade arc but nothing springs to mind if it was)

Which makes some sense, being that it seems that Mister E appears to be most concerned with Kryta, which hasn't been a focus since S3.

It is however suggested that Mister E has links to the Order of Whispers, so maybe a reappearance of the Order of Shadows could link back to him?

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Heck if I know really.

Deep Sea Dragon could be plausible. Depending on what direction they take with the next expansion.

There's technically room for the Sea dragon, an update to underwater combat and an underwater mount for notable additions to the game.

It's just a matter of if they plan to do that, if that would be a good financial move and how much work that'd take.

Given that they still haven't actually mentioned a name for the dragon (Only that it starts with the letter S... Mentioned by Taimi during HoT when she was listing off all the different dragons which also suggests its not unfounded knowledge just apparently no-one ever talks about it) it's probably unlikely they'll incorporate it, at least yet.

I think Mr E was more of a cameo than a plotline. They got a nod, but not any real involvement like in S1.

Even if the DSD is plausible (and it is plausible of course, I just don't personally believe it'll happen - happy to be proved wrong by the way!), the poll is what we will see in game first. For the DSD to enter the fray with the expansion, we are looking at either end of the Saga (which seems an awfully long way off and no sign we are leading into a Dragon thousands of miles away to the South) or the expansion itself which is at least a year away.

So it comes down to whether I think alliances or DSD is more likely in that time frame, so I am voting on alliances despite the long delays so far

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According to Mike Z before his departure, swiss had to happen for world restructuring to work. Swiss released earlier this year (February 2020).

According to the same interview „World restructuring is the paramount feature that the competitive team is working on right now.“, so unless the new director that hasn‘t been officially announced yet (speculated to be someone called John Taylor) says something different, WR is my guess.

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I voted for WvW alliances because it's the only one Anet have even claimed they're working on.

Mister E is an occasional Living World plot device, who I suspect will never get a definite identity. Partially because the character is likely to be much more interesting as a mysterious informant than a known individual, and partially because they appear in the story so rarely there's very little room to find out more about them.

The Deep Sea Dragon might come into the story at some point, but I can't see that being part of the Icebrood Saga. If a second dragon comes into it that's more likely to be Primordus because it's already been set up as a threat to Jormag in that their powers can harm each other. Also it's closer geographically. We don't even know where the DSD is, except it's far out into the ocean. The earliest it could come into the story is during the next expansion when we go to Cantha but that's not likely to be until 2021 at the earliest and there's absolutely no hint that the DSD will be involved except that there is some sea between Tyria/Elona and Cantha.

@neoteo.3975 said:Why people voting for another dragon? Alliances are much more needed

The question is which will be in the game first, not which one we want most or think is most needed.

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@Tommo Chocolate.5870 said:I'm quite surprised by the discussion about E, because I genuinely thought their identity had been revealed - not explicitly, but that it had been spelt out enough that it was quite obvious. So now I'm going to have to look back old dialogue, because presumably I'm quite wrong about that...

No, they hadn't come anywhere near exposing the identity of E - even on a subtle level. I don't even think Anet had decided on who it would be.

There's plenty of speculation, but never any real indication of who it was

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