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Everything posted by Sindrener.1592

  1. https://youtu.be/c2bOE2gYgTg here is a video explaining it
  2. Silent scope is already at 1sec they wont touch that. The split nerf that most likely will come is the superspeed/shadow rejuv ini cost nerf
  3. The cleanse, the superspeed and new shadow rejuv makes DE extremely good in the current meta where you can pretty much farm harbingers/condi specters. Sword/Pistol acro DRD got absolutely murdered feb 2020 so idk what you are talking about regarding "huge changes" Competitive split: Reduced initial hit power coefficient from 0.37 to 0.01. Reduced stun duration from 0.75 seconds to 0.5 seconds. Reduced flurry hit power coefficients from 0.79 to 0.53. Increased initiative cost from 5 to 6. <---- this alone already makes PW dead in PvP Not to mention they killed off Pulmonary Impact at the same time (Competitive split) Reduced power coefficient from 2.0 to 0.75.
  4. This has been suggested so many times already and can be abused so easily to avoid better players 🤡
  5. You can stow your backstab to avoid the 1s cd if you see its about to miss
  6. Condi specter plays deadly arts but they dont use improv. power build uses crit strikes so no improv. However theres a variant with deadly arts improv power but dmg is significantly lower
  7. Fix 300sec icd traits and rework acro please
  8. Ofc your suggestion is literally continue down this path of overnerfing stuff first instead of tweaking slowly. Cus once overnerfed they never iterate stuff back ever. if it isnt enough of a nerf they can continue to look into further nerfing wb.
  9. No start small and then iterate further. All i hear from ppl is nerf dmg of harb,wb,untamed etc and we gonna go back to tanky snoozefest. stuff doesnt get blown up unless u dont press a single button and close ur eyes
  10. 100% only small tweaks id do is increase f1f2f3 virtues cd by 5-10sec on wb. harb just nerf death magic tankiness. then buff core/hot specs.
  11. Hopefully anet wont listen to u and for once stop nerfing stuff to the ground. Small tuning and buff/rework the dead stuff. thanks
  12. Either you play sword dagg/dagg pistol mara or do condi carrion amu scep/dagg + sword/pist, not as a bunker. mara build u run almost full wells and with sword you have plenty of mobility
  13. CS/TR/Specter mara chrono rune sd + dp gigaslayer
  14. Untamed had a tradeoff... that got removed😂
  15. just swap out some mara piece? twin fangs is like million times better than assasins fury Despite the description, this trait does not increase your critical damage stat, rather the damage dealt by critical hits by 7%, which makes the trait much stronger than described.
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