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Everything posted by Josiah.2967

  1. Public Service Announcement. Wings do not touch Asura's back. This looks awful. Is this a bug that will be fixed?
  2. I would like one too. It is important that it flaps when you jump and is attached to your body. I don't like when wings hover over your body unattached. :-)
  3. This could be the start of Piece. Perhaps we find out that all dragons are human born. It takes very special circumstances to transcend. Maybe the old gods return and the only way to fight them is with the help of our dragons. :-) I am bad at fan-fiction.
  4. The upcoming Skyscale skins (with the possible exception being the Frost) one are incredibly disappointing. I will wait until the Primeval, Starlight, and Exalted are released. I'm not going to buy a one off when I can buy a whole set...
  5. SOLD! I might even buy the appearance pack just because I want another weapon.
  6. Just a few questions to decide if I will be purchasing this for my fiance and I. 1.) Can the backpack be dyed?2.) Does the backpack have a jump animation like the scaled dragon wings backpack?3.) Can the glider be dyed?4.) Does the glider flap? Thank you. Public Service Announcement: Asura Problems:
  7. Rift had my favorite playstyles of all time. The problem is I don't see this game being able to replicate it.Mage had Harbringer and Chronomancer.Harbringer was an epic melee mage. What made it different is that it was a mage. It's melee abilities just procced the ability for normal spells to bein instant. It was fun rotating the right spell in to your rotation for the given situation. It truly felt like a melee mage, while having ranged spells.Chloromancer was a healing specialist that healed by DPSing the enemy. You had flat AOE healing or TANK healing as an option. Tank healing required buffing the TANK and that person received significant more healing at the expense of everyone else receiving less healing. WOW tried to do some of this with DISC, but it was nowhere near as successful or engaging.Combining the two was my favorite. This allowed you to play support that heals the group with minor DPS loss. WOW:Death Knight (Frost or Unholy) and Hunter (Beast Master). I love minion based classes. I find the minions based builds in this game disappointing. Necromancers can't even direct their minions are enrage them... If there is a minion based spec that does competitive damage I will almost always take it. In D3 I play the necromancer all day.
  8. I am personally fine with all ascended gear having easily switchable stats like a legendary. The new Legendary templates will be more than enough to differentiate the two. It would really help newer player experiment with different builds. On the flip side. I believe we are dealing with a critical balancing issue at the moment for end game content. I also believe that meta shakeups help prevent things from getting stale. The same specs being in the top 5 for years is not what I would call fun or engaging. Then again, if endgame content was better balanced, maybe it wouldn't matter.
  9. I am optimistic that another balance patch is coming. I tried my best to raid as a Necro in a casual group this weekend. Even producing great numbers (for a necro) I was asked to switch toons for a few fights because the group needed that extra DPS to make the fights easier so they can down the bosses. I instantly did 9K more damage, while finding it easier to play... The problem for me (and others like me) is that people know I have other professions, they know the DPS (with bonuses buffs my necro doesn't provide) since they use ARC DPS. In this case, being a nice guys works to my disadvantage. As a result, even in a casual run I switch characters to appease the group. I would love a meta shakeup!
  10. They are both valid. The both have top tier open world, fractal, stike and raid builds. Firebrand is meta for everything right now.
  11. Firebrand is the problem. It will just become one of the other overly strong combinations with Firebrand from a different profession. Firebrand is the problem and needs heavy nerfs, that is why it is always included in the OP combination territory. The others have rotated.
  12. While we are at it can our Portals, Tomes, and Passes also have a new slot. That way we can't accidentally delete it and it can have an improved interface.
  13. You might want to check the Gem store. I remember seeing Jora's Cape.
  14. The current profession balance (or lack of) is causing a lot of issues.
  15. Anyone else worried that next Living Story episode will bring a new currency? Something like Cosmic Magic? It would be helpful if the developers just outright talked about their plans. Just tell us if this will get an update. That way we can get rid of this useless crap if it is not being updated. If they don't do this, I see old areas in this season being deserted relatively quickly.
  16. Why do you use Unbound Magic tools instead of Volatile Magic tools? It seems (sounded) like volatile magic is more profitable.
  17. Firebrand! If you enjoy the play-style, it is so far ahead it is the only thing I can recommend that meets your requirements.
  18. Forgot to beg for Skyscale skins.Starlight Skyscale, Primeval Skyscale, and Exo-Suite Skyscale. I will buy the Starlight and Primeval day 1.
  19. 1.) DX12 Ultimate or Vulkan support (We need to be able to use our CPU cores to improve performance)2.) Balanced DPS for end game content. (Each profession should have a spec in the same range)3.) Dungeon Finder (Que and port in) - Give buffs for each player outside of your party (Like WOW) -> First _ Randoms give achievement benefits4.) Fractal Finder - See Above (Option to select Difficulty)5.) Strike Finder6.) Raid Finder7.) Ability to unlock infusions to the wardrobe. That makes the item Bind on Account. Functions like normal before added to wardrobe.8.) Master Tome/Portal. New interfaces that doesn't take bag space. Having the item allows you to choose from the options in a new interface.Can't accidentally be deleted...9.) New Elite Specs10.) New Races. I would personally love to be a Skrit. :-)
  20. Please bring back the Choya and Unicorn finisher. Apparently we missed the one day in years they were brought back for the March sale and would like to buy them. Family emergency came first. We still are actively waiting for them. We would of bought them any other day, just bad timing.
  21. They would have to make it wardrobe related or a new infusion slot just for none stat items. Otherwise you lose out on whales like myself. Full of Agony + stat infusions. I like the idea though and would by effects.
  22. Please finish the Starlight collection. I would buy a Starsky (Starscale is already taken). I even have the outfit and backpack/glider.
  23. I miss these events. They are just rewarding enough to get us to experience content that is not part of a regular rotation. This keeps things fresh. I would love PoF, LS3. LS4, and HoTs week/weekend events as well.
  24. I appreciate this! All that person has been doing is belittling others (including myself) that are in non-casual guilds. He doesn't want necromancers to be competitive. If you participate in speed clears, carries, and more he will find a way to twist your words and call you toxic. If you try to help others or state facts, you somehow become the problem. I would love to see Necromancers included again in the main raid teams; however, to make fights quicker and easier (having the ability to skip mechanics), we are going to stack guardians (which are easy to learn) and mesmers with the necessary easy to play banner warrior that buffs others while providing incredible DPS all things considered. Beginner Necromancers (who apply for non-casual guilds) are now doing less DPS than beginner for other classes because the balance (spread) has become to great. Necromancers are not alone in this, they just get unfairly picked on for some reason. It almost feels like chauvinism.
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