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Everything posted by Vancho.8750

  1. The only problem with reaper is the existence of scourge, hard counters it and it is in the same role. I wish it has shorted cd on shroud so you can flash it do soak some damage(since all the POF specks are spam heavy on short cd) when you need to and some get some shroud on demand button. Reaper is pretty good till first part of p2 at this point you have to play duo meta and maybe reroll scourge.I feel like Reaper could be their closest to "balanced" profession huge burst but with drawbacks (too many compared to everything else), wish they applied it to the rest of the professions and say this elite is good at this and bad at this, instead of pushing the one man army god levels on some stuff.
  2. Well NA has Naru, i don't know who is left on Eu last season Boyce was tryharding, so that is what is left i think.
  3. That is actually nice idea, you didn't get that high in the leaderboard but you are in top 10 of your class leaderboard since your class is not that META anymore but you are still good at it. WP made nice video about the leaderboard on how it is more about not playing the game and more about how you queue and when , class leaderboard might offset that somewhat . Before people were posting Best X players by profession in the forum which was nice as a pat on the back "You did good" kind of deal.
  4. Before there was Rune of Surging that stopped people from spamming back to back damage dodge abilities since the shock aura is undodgable but they removed them, so here we are. There is Rune of Air but the cd on the Aura is 60 seconds after healing so it is kinda eh. Maybe people should just play Ele bunkers in all games.
  5. Like breaking defiance bars and being faster when going vertically when there are ledges? I would like to see Springer and Skimmer to have their movement speed increased to be equal to Jackal or Raptor. Raptor and Jackal would still be faster since they have movement abilities. But Springer and Skimmer would get out of useless/niche tier. Skyscale will stay useful as a flying mount.If you bunny hop with the springer you are faster than the raptor and jackal without their movement abilities. For the skimmer i wish you could keep some momentum from the water with the special ability. Jump ability doesn't impact horizontal movement speed. Well, technically you're slower because you have to charge the jump.Not the ability normal jumps, hopity hop. Holding the forward key, holding the forward key and doing jumps, and doing the special jumps while going forward are not faster than raptor and jackal base speed.Try it it is faster but ultimately pointless cause the leaps are way better. I tried it and it's not. Those who did actual speed tests have found that it's not. https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/7381g5/research_indepth_mount_speed_tests/Don't seem to find hopping or jumping with springer it is an outrage not to test bunny hopping with the rabbit.
  6. Like breaking defiance bars and being faster when going vertically when there are ledges? I would like to see Springer and Skimmer to have their movement speed increased to be equal to Jackal or Raptor. Raptor and Jackal would still be faster since they have movement abilities. But Springer and Skimmer would get out of useless/niche tier. Skyscale will stay useful as a flying mount.If you bunny hop with the springer you are faster than the raptor and jackal without their movement abilities. For the skimmer i wish you could keep some momentum from the water with the special ability. Jump ability doesn't impact horizontal movement speed. Well, technically you're slower because you have to charge the jump.Not the ability normal jumps, hopity hop. Holding the forward key, holding the forward key and doing jumps, and doing the special jumps while going forward are not faster than raptor and jackal base speed.Try it it is faster but ultimately pointless cause the leaps are way better.
  7. I think it needs more Life force gain and short cd on shroud 10 seconds way too much these days and maybe an ability to sacrifice life to fill the LF bar and enter shroud ignoring the CD, maybe and elite that does that, should probably be on Reaper only cause it will break Scourge .
  8. Like breaking defiance bars and being faster when going vertically when there are ledges? I would like to see Springer and Skimmer to have their movement speed increased to be equal to Jackal or Raptor. Raptor and Jackal would still be faster since they have movement abilities. But Springer and Skimmer would get out of useless/niche tier. Skyscale will stay useful as a flying mount.If you bunny hop with the springer you are faster than the raptor and jackal without their movement abilities. For the skimmer i wish you could keep some momentum from the water with the special ability. Jump ability doesn't impact horizontal movement speed. Well, technically you're slower because you have to charge the jump.Not the ability normal jumps, hopity hop.
  9. I would like to see Springer and Skimmer to have their movement speed increased to be equal to Jackal or Raptor. Raptor and Jackal would still be faster since they have movement abilities. But Springer and Skimmer would get out of useless/niche tier. Skyscale will stay useful as a flying mount.If you bunny hop with the springer you are faster than the raptor and jackal without their movement abilities. For the skimmer i wish you could keep some momentum from the water with the special ability.
  10. So, nothing would change in that matter, as we have these topics already... Balance in 2v2 is going to be waayyy worse than in 5v5.Not really most of it is balanced around the skirmishes of 2v2 3v3 anyway, the game breaks at 4v4 and 5v5. Most of the balance complaints come from 1v1 2v2 perspective cause no one knows what the F is going on in the Mid node teamfight, they know that scourge and fb are doing something under the flash bang animations that kills people.People complain about thieves, mesmers, revs, holo and spellbreaker most of these just run around the side nodes, spellbreaker basically is nailed to the sides cause it can't handle the heat in teamfights. The game is balanced around 5v5 conquest.I'm all for a 2v2 unranked but you can't have a ranked queue that is just going to be filled with Firebrand and Scourge.The cleanest fights come in lower numbers 5v5 is clown fiesta when i happens, and scourge FB won't be the best, they are good since there is a 3rd guy doing damage to finish off people.They are like a can opener removing the defense and overloading with conditions but if you run enough condi protection they can't do much. If there was a 2v2 the preferred professions will probably be Spellbreaker, Holosmith, Herald and Mirage basically anything that can be a sidenoder or roamer with enough damage.
  11. So, nothing would change in that matter, as we have these topics already... Balance in 2v2 is going to be waayyy worse than in 5v5.Not really most of it is balanced around the skirmishes of 2v2 3v3 anyway, the game breaks at 4v4 and 5v5. Most of the balance complaints come from 1v1 2v2 perspective cause no one knows what the F is going on in the Mid node teamfight, they know that scourge and fb are doing something under the flash bang animations that kills people.People complain about thieves, mesmers, revs, holo and spellbreaker most of these just run around the side nodes, spellbreaker basically is nailed to the sides cause it can't handle the heat in teamfights.
  12. The devs read the forums this guy is actively posting on the warrior forum to boost the thread if it was the usual PVP nerf thread it would be gone by now.The Bull rush might need just damage nerf in PVP, removing the mobility or dodge makes it bad, without the dodge it was not picked because it was interrupted by random cc flailing it needed Balanced stance to work.Remember Warrior doesn't have much space to work with and the good utilities are worth way more than other professions that have multiple. You have 3 slots and they make or break the build, usually the best defensive ones are taken.
  13. I was scrolling trough the GW 2 reddit and saw these threads https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/ctuyjp/this_game_has_real_gameplay_issues_for_pvp/https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/ctt8uf/how_to_evaluate_my_spvp_skill_level/ .When you think about it many people probably tried pvp and got rolled by someone who played it for far longer time and never tried again. I think they tried to simplify with the POF elites but in the end it ended up doing the opposite since the older players know how to abuse the specks to their limits and everything is supper charged and hard to follow. I've noticed that a lot of people are oblivious what their build is good for and what other people builds do and just run around to the battles and spam abilities .The game is missing the in between modes for learning and it is hard to learn everything on the go (don't pull the it has videos bullshit, people are not here to watch manuals how to drive a train). The hook is missing and no amount of armor and weapon skins will pull people into pvp.Some people say that conquest is the best and most skillful mode, might be but doesn't mean it is fun or easy to play and it can't be denied it has gotten way to stale after so many years.Last year when 2v2 came i was hoping there would be a queue for it for something lower scale help people easy in to the fast paced pvp .Also the FFA arena is cool and all but it is too small for duels, which is one of these no reward fun things people enjoy doing in MMOs.Do you have any ideas how to grow the mode?
  14. The map is not that bad for slow classes, but the bonus mechanic is worthless, the gained abilities are way too bad to warrant losing the caps. You gain nothing of it and if someone gets it it will be the winning team.
  15. If there were some place dedicated and obvious in the pvp lobby and if the pvp activities gave reward track progress.
  16. The char do need visual update the cow cats look somewhat blocky if you look at them in more revealing armor. Also the armors stretch and clip with the current posture.The fur also looks somewhat low res.
  17. Why a poll, everyone wants to color the backpack item, the problem is that for some reason the back item is coded differently and they are not willing to touch it since the whole thing is one giant bowl of spaghetti and you do that and somehow WvW walls are broken. Also they will have to redo every single backpack item.This thread pops up a lot and the answer why they haven't done it is herehttps://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Dye-backpacks-Shining-Blade-back-issue/first#post6267238 .There is the issue that most of the old Anet devs got laid off, quit or got swiped by Amazon or Microsoft, so probably they don't even know what kind of magic holds most of the game together.
  18. Permanent flying ruined WoW, it is the ultimate utility and the whole design will have to revolve around it.The griffon and the scyscale are legendary the long collections that are like crafting legendary.The best they could do as legendary is to add a skin tied to let say a ring since those don't have account cosmetic to them.
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