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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. I have yet to see less than 7 tails in a fight. Have done the fight more than 10 times, including 3 today. Seeing 3+ CC per fight, and the boss just keeps flipping sides, 10+ times per fight. Seeing more and more 2-3 thornhearts appear at the same time. Have seen more than a few double whirlpools. The mechanics are pretty simple. The DPS check really isn't that bad, you just have to actually do damage. Every meta seems to be 1 of 2 things that happens: the group had too few people/or dps OR the meta falls to RNG and fails. RNG seems to be the cause of more failures than dps as of late.
  2. But it isn't locked behind "harder" content...it's locked behind "I got lucky with rng or didn't".
  3. For the curious, it is still possible to get 8+ tails and have 0% chance to succeed, regardless of how great your dps is or how quickly you get the tails down.
  4. How is that prestige or effort? When your meta ends up being, tail, tail, tail, tail, tail, tail, tail, tail, oh we failed...bummer. Or, you get 1 tail, and prevail, nothing the successful group did made them better or more skilled. Do you see the problem here? This is like asking for titles for everything in the game earned before mounts or gliders were introduced, because it was just easier to do with them. The rest of us "earned it", but new folks with mounts didn't. /smh
  5. Even if you have the trait, that says you cannot be removed, you get removed. It's a broken wvw trait, and it's been broken for 5 years, been reporting it for 5 years, Anet doesn't care.
  6. OP is specifically referring to harbinger shroud 3, but doesn't give us any more information, like traits. Core shroud 3, reaper shroud 3, and desert shroud 3 do not have this problem. I have not been able to reproduce what was shown in the video open world yet on harbinger.
  7. And, broken already after one fight, post patch. Broken on every map.
  8. The golems are not a problem. Even if it was a small problem, it's not as bad as superblobs trebbing everything from SMC for no effort tower captures.
  9. The most expensive item in wvw is memories of battle. Which, the gift of battle track gives the most of them.
  10. Pretty much this. People already stack and map hop to avoid fights, so their ktrain isn't slowed down. Last thing we need is to just let the ktrain go straight to lord everywhere.
  11. People need to understand that wvw isn't a balanced match. Anet wants large groups easily winning matches. They nerf anything that even remotely made defense possible with smaller numbers. Even things like shield gens and downstate, fully support the larger groups. Ignoring Anet's choices, players want easy wins because it means fast wxp and loot. So, what you see in game now, is huge groups of comp'd players, only fighting when they don't have to fight one of the other huge groups of comp'd players. All these blobs, avoid each other so they only have to face outnumbered servers and pugs, because it's the easiest way to win. So, they have banded together, stacked and transferred to places where no other large comp plays against them during their play hours. If, by mistake, another comp'd blob plays where and when they play, one of them will transfer or stay on opposite maps, so they never have to fight. Occasionally, bored comps will try and fend off another one, but usually say "I can't get on the map with all of my blob" so they don't bother to defend. Which is good, I guess, cause Anet has shown they don't really want people defending anyway.
  12. People need to understand that wvw isn't a balanced match. Anet wants large groups easily winning matches. They nerf anything that even remotely made defense possible with smaller numbers. Even things like shield gens and downstate, fully support the larger groups. Ignoring Anet's choices, players want easy wins because it means fast wxp and loot. So, what you see in game now, is huge groups of comp'd players, only fighting when they don't have to fight one of the other huge groups of comp'd players. All these blobs, avoid each other so they only have to face outnumbered servers and pugs, because it's the easiest way to win. So, they have banded together, stacked and transferred to places where no other large comp plays against them during their play hours. If, by mistake, another comp'd blob plays where and when they play, one of them will transfer or stay on opposite maps, so they never have to fight.
  13. Sort of though. Most classes in an even fight, make 1 mistake and the fight is over. Player stomped. Thief can make 1 mistake, then another, then another, ad infinitum, and reset any time they want. The only doom is that they had to leave, not that they died.
  14. Thief is the most forgiving class in the game. You can make the most mistakes of any class and still just walk away from a fight. As the above poster said, duel = it's bad form, other than that, every one expects a thief to just blow cd's and when they don't win because the other player is better, they just run away.
  15. I spent the entire last beta on a server that had no alliances, of any kind. We must have been pug overflow or something. Needless to say, we did not do well.
  16. There is still a permaroot bug. Happens sometimes when you get hit with tons of CC and conditions at once, get the immobilized removed, but can never move again. The oil trait is still broken. You can still be pulled from the bottom of the stairs up and over the wall in lots of places, Klovan being one of the worst offenders. I'll have to spend time rewatching old videos, I know there are a ton more.
  17. All I see in every tier, for years now, is comp'd groups fighting pugs. When they have to face an equal size comp they change maps or transfer. Occasionally, you will see a small 10-20 man guild, try to do quick pushes for some kills on the stack, get a few, die and then repeat. But that doesn't happen a lot. Alliances do nothing to change this mentality.
  18. Average player in the community = stealth and mobility on thief is a problem. Anet = yeah, let's give classes without a reveal a trap/trick to reveal stealthers. Anet later that day = let's give thief a way to remove reveal. (makes DE elite) Also Anet that night = while we're at it, give thieves a portal that can instantly be placed again if timed ok so thieves can abuse hiding in structures. The biggest problem with stealth isn't the Guild Wars version of "perma". Stealth needs a huge rework, as do all the skills surrounding it and any class with access. 1. Thief stealth should be a toggle on and off, not skill cast over and over. 2. Non-thief classes should continue to have timed stealth skills. 3. Players should never be able to move faster than 80% run speed while stealthed, regardless of class. 4. Attacks should prevent restealthing, with the exception of the DE elite, and it should only have a single use. This would require Anet to fix a bunch of things they don't want to, including class design for some. The other things that would need to change. 5. Sentries and watchtower reveals. 6. Reveal traps/tricks. 7. Thief skills/traits would need to be redone. 8. Mobility on most classes would need to be addressed. Far too many skills allow endless runaways and resets, including on thief. None of this will ever happen. Maybe these aren't the best ideas, but it would be a start to slowly fixing a number of things that need to be fixed. Maybe later they will look at why they designed walls to make it easier for attackers to kill defenders.
  19. I have been waiting since PoF launch for them to fix the oil trait. Bugs, videos, etc, sent it all. Still, you can be removed from oil. It's wvw, they almost never fix anything. If it affected raids or fractals, it would have been fixed long ago.
  20. I have used multiple Corsair mice, every single one (5 now) has double clicked out of the box. So I would steer clear unless you are the chosen one.
  21. SMC has 2 major flaws. It has up to 1800 supply, and it can treb all the outer towers. This means that the blob server that owns SMC can take the 6 outer towers with 0 effort (and usually no time as they just wait for the tower walls to be down to push it). Which then allows them to take the rest of the map when they want, with almost 0 effort. There are other issues, like siege itself, guild aura buff, and tactics but those are unlikely to be fixed. A good start would be to remove the supply huts from the castle, and prevent trebs from being placed in a radius around it. It's not gonna stop people from setting up catas outside the castle walls, but at least they would be outside where a good defender has a small chance.
  22. Yes, but I added the part where they get to do it for no gem cost.
  23. I have both, and although it may be my settings, I see no difference on Asuran characters with both showing. Just looks like 1 orb.
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