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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. You want to solve the SMC problem. 1. Remove all the supply depots. Yaks required to upgrade, but they have to get supply from their own keeps/tower/camps. 2. Remove all siege except rams and oil, and limit rams to 3 on a gate. 3. Remove bloodlust and make guild auras only apply when you are outnumbered. Start there.
  2. Most of our trolls aren't free to play on TC. They have multiple alt accts, and have been trolling us for 5-9 years. Most have 5-10k achievement points, and yes, they are troll alts. They show up and play to troll so often that a bunch are gold rank or so. This won't help.
  3. Unable to delete the beta character I made. Tried harbinger as an asura, and wanted to delete it to see how it looked as another race...but it does not delete.
  4. My best example of this is fear, which the selling point at launch was "a condition only necros have access to". And, then they gave better versions to thief and warrior.
  5. You're missing some of what is already happening using tactics. In a matchup, red is the stacked blob this week. Red flips green keep on EB. Then, the red guild uses an alt on green to claim the keep when it is retaken by green. Then, the next night when the red blob is doing their wvw run again, they turn off public tactics while attacking green keep again, so no one can use them. That's right, the attacker, can turn off the enemies tactics because the attacking guild is the one that owns the structure they are attacking. And yes, it happens.
  6. I will say this as clearly as possible: KDR IS NOT MEASURING SKILL. In this game, KDR is a representation of who had more people in a fight. The more times you fight larger groups (the smaller your server is) the lower your KDR is. Some servers lose a near even fight and log out. Some servers actually try and hold things, and fight regardless of how ridiculously outmanned they are. Those servers, that desperately try and fight stacked blobs despite being few in number, have a low KDR.
  7. I would rather they: 1. Remove all siege but rams and oil, limit rams to 3 per gate. 2. Remove all supply depots from SMC. Still have to upgrade it with yaks. 3. Make walls usable by defenders. One thought on this would require all skills to have a target and line of sight to use. So the blob trying to spam the walls with red, would get a lot of "no line of sight" instead of free kills. 4. Not allow server transfers 1 week before relinks and the first 3 weeks after relinks. This bandwagoning to stack and fight doors/outnumbered servers needs to stop. 5. Remove guild aura buffs during normal play, give the guild aura buff while outnumbered. Without the icon the enemy can see, since that isn't something to advertise, despite everyone already knowing it when you don't give wxp on death. 6. Remove the shrines and bloodlust. 7. Remove no downstate. I agree that all these servers that refuse to defend anything but T3, siege capped SMC so they can lose and stay in lower tiers needs to be prevented. But, that could be solved by just removing ppt and making ppk the only determinant in who wins. It would prevent full blob servers from hiding in lower tiers since the only way they could lose would be to feed kills to the other team over and over.
  8. Nothing about guild functionality is likely to change. Claiming structures will work exactly as it does now. Unless you are asking if Anet will allow alliances to have a name (5 guilds allign with one another and call themselves "Alliance Name (AN)") and now the alliance can claim a structure. Even if that feature is added, I doubt any changes will be made to how guild claiming currently works.
  9. The beta weekend is definitely for the first 3 elite specs. I don't recall any mention that it would include an alliance "test".
  10. After watching the video, it seemed like a viable aoe spec for open world pve...and that's about it.
  11. I have tons of video from this weeks match of mag players doing this, over and over. That said, it's not a mag problem, as I see this in every match. It's rampant in wvw. This is an Anet problem, because they refuse to turn on any anticheat software. I firmly believe, based on how often I catch third party program use on video, that a third of the wvw playerbase would be banned if they did.
  12. More than half the 10k ranks got it from keep and kill trading in eotm. Why should we raise the cap for them shortcutting the ranks and then complaining they have nothing to gain?
  13. It's not a flex. There are people in the game who actually think KDR is equated to skill, and not representative of what it actually is...a reference number for who had more in the fight.
  14. I have seen every class .1 sec res through an endless pile of red circles. More and more, I keep seeing .1 second resses in small fights, 2-3 v 1-3, where the resser is clearly interrupted (interrupts, knocked back or even downed) and the other player just gets up anyway, usually instantly ressing the original resser (regardless of class).
  15. I have seen every major NA guild exploit into keeps and SMC. Not the, we failed and left someone inside "sneaky" like. But, no one has been inside for 12+ hours, been uncontested for 30 minutes, and poof, they are on lord with no walls or gates taken down. Constantly see mithril and diamond ranks walk through walls or instantly port back to their spawn, while downed in combat, because...well, because Anet won't do crap about it. Sorry OP, nothing is going to happen about it. There are tons of "glitches" that have been reported and not fixed, but there are infinitely more people just using third party programs to cheat.
  16. I feel like it will be a new map too. But, somehow I feel like we will end up with Luxon vs Kurzick and only 2 sides to a match.
  17. The linking is useless though. Because the bandwagon blobs have already transferred to stack other servers.
  18. Remove ppt. Remove player drops. This removes most of the motivation for stacking. Whoever kills the most will win, and move up, making it very hard for blobs to hide in T4 to farm smaller servers. Removing player drops means that loot has to be tied to reward tracks, so fixed based on play time, not how fast your map que can kill 20 guys over and over. The goal of wvw was supposed to be playing to win (for server pride), but now people only play for loot, and do whatever leads to getting it the fastest is the meta. Which, at the moment, is server stacking facing outnumbered servers.
  19. This must be the "I don't get enough loot healing my map que while we farm 25 guys" thread. Players dropping loot is one of the biggest problems in wvw. Everyone just stacks to fight outnumbered servers for easy loot. How about we remove player drops and tie rewards to the individual reward tracks? Blobbing is far too profitable now as it is.
  20. Right, but the point is that large groups could map swap bypassing the que, otherwise it wouldn't be a "swap". Meaning, a large guild/alliance could make it so no one ever plays on the maps they want to control. Two friends and I are in que (you know, if I had friends). We have waited 20 minutes and are now in slots 1, 2, and 3 in que. Commanders just keep swapping people back and forth, 2 hours later, my friends and I log because we still can't get on the map due to "swapping". At least OP wanted it to be an opt-in feature, but it's a horrible suggestion.
  21. Anet actually said the first couple times they talked about alliances, that it would not address coverage or play time disparities. They literally admitted it would not address one of the biggest problems of wvw, which is, you go to bed with all your stuff, and wake to everything paper because no one played overnight. Alliances will NOT fix or change that.
  22. And when one alliance realizes they are going to be facing another specific alliance, they will transfer at first opportunity so they can avoid the other alliance, so their ktrain for easy loot isn't interrupted. Unless they remove transfers, a source of anet income from the game, which is unlikely, a bunch of the playerbase will continue to stack and transfer to avoid real competition so they can win 90% of their fights by pressing 1. On a side note, I find it interesting people just keep making the assumption that anet will limit alliances to the size of 1 guild or 20% of a world, because they "think" that makes sense. It's just guessing, but regardless, players will continue to exploit the system, whatever it's limits.
  23. Something cosmetic, that is acct bound that can't be sold. Half the problem in wvw right now is everyone is just playing for loot/ranks. So they only want to do whatever gets them the most money fastest. Which is why the meta is "fight 20 guys with a map que and transfer to another server if another map que plays when we do".
  24. Stacked alliances will remain. The OP is correct in what will almost certainly happen to wvw.
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