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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. I agree that the cost should equal the host cost, if people bandwagon to a link, it should cost them.That said, there should be no transfers for at least 2 weeks after relinking. It is ridiculous the way it is now.
  2. Pretty much. I remember before launch, the devs talking about character creation and the way the game looked. The comment was along the lines of "there would be no ugly characters in GW2". They mentioned how beautiful the game world looked, how UI mods weren't allowed (because the game was unique and beautiful and people would instantly know it was GW2 if everyone's screen looked the same). And then, we add horrible looking, completely obnoxious and out of place mounts to the "real" game world (outside SAB).
  3. We have reached the 2.5 year mark on this trait being broken. You can still be knocked off the oil. The damage reduction fails often vs spirit weapons. Can we please get this fixed?
  4. It just looks so horrible and out of place on non-SAB maps.
  5. I want them to finally fix the wvw oil trait that has been broken since the launch of Path of Fire...2.5 years ago.Not even being sarcastic. Despite reporting it for years, I have 0 hope of it being done "while" they are working on the expac, so maybe it will be a feature of the next one.
  6. Yep. This should apply to pretty much all weapon skills. If you don't have line of sight to the target, you can't cast. It would require people to actually target, be in range and have LOS to the target. It would stop weapon skills from being used to just run away.
  7. I would say no until they put active hacking checks on the servers. Right now they wait for tons of players to submit video before doing anything, and even then, you see players who previously have been flying around the map in golems still log in.
  8. Heal? It's actually what the spec was designed to do. If pet coefficients are nerfed again and the -20% pet attribute is not lifted, Druid will officially have achieved an even lower tier of uselessness than even Renegade had ever touched. At that point, Druid will become the weakest class/specialization that we've seen in this game's history.Druid is in a weird place. The class design was taken from chloromancer in Rift (mage class that could raid heal or single target heal, not both at the same time). Druid was put in the game to be a raid healer (like chloro), beyond that, it's kind of in an awkward place, especially in places like pvp. Not sure how they can fix it and balance the others out at the same time.
  9. Heal? It's actually what the spec was designed to do.
  10. well, following that logic, meteors fall from the sky. Shouldn't Meteor Showera) have a greater rangeandb) utterly ignore line of sight, walls, even hills? Every time an ele casts a meteor shower in the desert borderland the sky should go dark and all the dinosaurs should die.OMG, this gets my vote 10x over.
  11. idk m8 I just hold 1 and W So do all the other bandwagon blobs. Enemy commanders make them hit a second or third skill, and it makes them uncomfortable. It's why you see 60 man blobs pin snipe the tag on the maybe 25 size squad over and over. They want to fight doors, and the enemy tag is making them actually have to wait to take things.
  12. Because players don't want "fights". They want their bandwagon blob to roll over randoms and structures with no resistance. Don't get me wrong, they want enemies to kill, but they want to only fight unorganized numbers half the blobs size. This is why wvw is as bad as it is. Players do whatever it takes for quick, easy loot and ranks. They aren't looking for a challenge, they want to run around the map winning everything by pressing 1. It's why they all stack on servers where they never have to face another blob in their playtime. If another blob plays when they do, they transfer to find a server where they won't face another blob or change maps to avoid them. It's why they troll tactics right before they attack anything, because waiting the extra 45 seconds is too hard (requires too much strategy). It's why if they lose a fight they immediately map hop to find doors somewhere else to fight. It's why servers with blobs hide in fortified smc while letting their borderland get completely flipped. It allows them to run around EB fighting outnumbered servers AND lose the match despite being the biggest server. Avoiding ppt to stay in a lower tier to keep fighting outnumbered servers and doors.
  13. Honestly, the npcs (at least the guards), should hit 3-5x harder. They should also use the better AI the game has and move with superspeed all the time. No, this isn't sarcasm. The fact that I can run up to a T3 camp, aggro and LOS them, and cast a few aoes while they melt standing in it is ridiculous.
  14. To be sure of what? Go watch the movie Aliens...come back when you have done so. It will then make sense.
  15. This is great news. It would be nice to also see vendors allow for exchanges. For example, I have medium and light legendary armor crafted already for wvw. Recently, I decided to make a second light armor set, so I have already purchased all the ascended light precursors again. Figured I would craft the 2nd light set before making a heavy legendary set. It would be nice with this new legendary armory, to be able to do a 1 time trade at the vendor so time and tickets aren't wasted. I could trade the 2nd light precursor set for a heavy precursor set. Just food for thought. I also don't see a reason why you couldn't allow players a 1 time trade of 1 legendary set for a set of a different armor weight. I know several people who have multiple legendary wvw armor sets of the same weight. They could do a 1 time account trade of one of the second sets to a different weight. It would go a long way to appeasing people who have dedicated their time/effort/money to not feel slighted.
  16. They need to just change the skill so it hits once (so a well timed evade evades the skill and not just a fraction of it) and make it apply a flat vuln %. 16 hits is just silly.
  17. Holy thread necro. But seriously, this is what we DO know. The hurdles talked about in the original post are NOT related to actual development of wvw (or alliances), it was server related stuff. They have now told us the stuff they are working on both through Q1 and Q2 of 2020, none of it includes alliances. So, in the 2.5 years since alliances were announced, we have 0 work done on it. Even if they do manage to get us alliances when the next expansion comes out, which seems like the earliest it could happen, it's not going to solve any of the issues that plague wvw, from mass transfers to the timezone imbalances of blobs making sure they never have to face other blobs in their play time. People are still going to game the system so that they can win every fight by sheer numbers and continue the endless challenge of hitting doors of houses where no one is home.
  18. Or better yet, they should just remove the depots altogether. SMC is always owned by the stronger server (varies by time of day). No reason to give the bigger server that much more supply to ktrain with. It should require yaks to upgrade, but it shouldn't have supply in it. It would make fights better and it would flip more often. Meaning more actual fights and hopefully lead to less people fighting doors.
  19. Before the patch I've literally chased a firebrand from SE tower (as we killed their zerg there and they scattered) all the way up to garrison, while he did nothing to me. Just chasing and trying to damage as he ran straight forward cycling all defenses and heals. I could not kill him before he got to safety. That's how it should be. A player spec'd full heals should be able to match a player spec'd full dps. HPS should equal DPS. SO, all things being equal, they should be able to survive forever. It's when it's multiple players chasing said healer that you find out what is overtuned. Given equal skill, 2 players spec'd full dps should be enough to kill a player spec'd full heal. I get that this game doesn't understand that, and that isn't what is, or even was, happening.
  20. They didn't nerf burn guard at all either. Give them time to sort out things that are outliers. Not saying they will ever get around to it, but it's only been 3 days.
  21. It is supposed to prevent you from being removed from the oil, the trait does not always work. This bug has been reported numerous times, by tons of people since PoF was released.Not sure what else we can do but report it every few months in hopes that it will be fixed for the game's 10th anniversary.
  22. If you can't deliver 2 ccs within 35s, you need to replace your build. Sure, let me mist away into a portal and it's a deal. Stand your ground gives you 5 stacks of stab so some one needs to deliver 6 hard cc with in 35 sec and that not the issue the issue is that stand your ground is much stronger then self stab skills and that not good for the game. In a lot of ways stand your ground is the example of what wvw is so messed up in making required classes for groups. If you gave every support class a stand your ground you would see far less gurds because its a boring class to play to start with. If gurd cant stand with out stab boons in wvw then other effects needs to be updated for sure but making a class a one trick effect that is required to play is bad for your team and for the person playing that one class. Stand your ground needs to be balanced by making it 60 sec cd OR making it into a stun brake aoe with some other def boons not stab.Pretty much this.
  23. I'm on NA here, met like 5 Condi Revenants, 2 Condi Firebrands, bunch of Scourges, 5 Condi Deadeyes. Only Power builds I met are 10 Warriors. That pretty much describes it. Also, huge uptick in burn guards (DH and Core), since none of their burning was even touched.
  24. That is only a small part of it.Scepter 2 got a 2 sec cd increase and 10% power reduction, no change to burnStaff 3, power reduced 20% but no change to burn.Sword of Justice, ammo skill with 4 casts, removed some invul, no change to burnShield of the avenger, ammo skill, no change at all I can drop scepter 2 and 1 sword of justice in half a sec, and down anyone standing there before they can cleanse, because you get a burn tick before the animation happens. Targetting wisely, you kill tons of people with literally no effort. And while organized zergs can deal with most of the damage, it's still overperforming.
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