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Everything posted by RoseofGilead.8907

  1. I'm fairly certain the boots (and other pieces) will be available to buy after this round of rewards is done. As for what matches right now, I'm not sure.
  2. I'm having this issue now. Spent over an hour in one instance of the map waiting for it to pop. Hopped to a different IP, and now an hour and a half later, still no Galrath event.
  3. Same for me. Waited around an hour or so in one instance of the map. Joined a group to switch to a new instance, and still no event after another hour.
  4. I think OP is trying to say that the tooltip for the invisible bags should include that items in it won't show up on the Trading Post. They're just kinda phrasing things oddly. Edit: I'm slow before I have my coffee. Ignore me.
  5. "Rather than build its own real estate, it purchased leases on buildings that had belonged to Zellers, a “dying low-end retailer,” as Fortune puts it, whose locations were “dumpy, poorly configured for Target’s big-box layout, and were in areas not frequented by the middle class customers Target covets . . . But that wasn’t the real killer. Because it revved up so quickly, the company never had time to develop a working supply chain in Canada, which left its stores short on merchandise and full of empty shelves." That wasn't Target trying an artificial scarcity tactic and having it backfire. That was Target making poor choices (ie. opening too many stores without making sure supply can keep up with demand) and being unable to keep business going.
  6. Necros have Sand Swell (Scourge), Necrotic Transversal (second step in the Summon Flesh Wurm skill sequence), and Spectral Recall (second step in the Spectral Walk skill sequence; teleports you back to where you were when you used Spectral Walk).
  7. Yes, it does. You have to download the game launcher from the GW2 website, though.
  8. If you're starting the game via Steam now but didn't before, then you have created a whole new account. And no, you can't have two accounts under the same email address.
  9. All of the champion bandit bosses are on 10 minute respawn timers and aren't triggered by anything in your inventory or by interacting with the crates. The only bandit boss that is triggered by something in a player's inventory is the Legendary Bandit Executioner, who will spawn if you or others near you have the Bandit Death Mark in the inventory. So if you don't care about completing the achievements tied to defeating each bandit for the bounty, you can just delete them.
  10. Ok, I just took two of my toons on a run of each capital city. Toon A is the one that bought the node, and Toon B is an alt who hasn't touched the latest story stuff. Divinity's Reach - Toon A and Toon B could see the node, and it wasn't under anything.Rata Sum - Neither Toon A nor Toon B could find the node.Hoelbrak - Toon A and Toon B could see the node, and it wasn't under anything.Black Citadel - Toon A and Toon B could see the node, and it wasn't under anything. The mini map icon is slightly covered by the HoT chest icon.The Grove - Toon A and Toon B could see the node, and it wasn't under anything. So, Rata Sum definitely seems to still be bugged in some way. Edit: Both toons were finally able to find the Rata Sum node, but it's still under the Crystallized Cache chest and isn't really visible on the mini map.
  11. You can probably get your second 50g back by contacting support. Just be prepared for a bit of a wait, since they're backed up.
  12. It's only been about 10 minutes. It's never guaranteed to hit exactly on the hour.
  13. If I were new to the game, I wouldn't boost a character to 80. I would level a character the standard way so I can learn to play the game. That's how I play every game I've ever played. Obviously, not everyone will play that way, but choosing to jump right to 80 and right into a level 80 map without learning the game comes with drawbacks.
  14. The April Fool's event was yesterday, April 1st (at least April 1st here in the states). It ended at the end of April 1st.
  15. The Dark Horse page for it has this at the top now: "*Due to the ongoing situation with COVID-19, on sale dates are subject to change. New on sale dates will be determined soon. Please check back at a later time. Thank you for your patience. "
  16. Much love to you, as well! Try to take care of yourself as best you can during this extremely weird time.
  17. Anytime a name I've wanted has been taken, I just got creative and amended the name. Add a surname, add a title, change the spelling, or use accented characters. Players who have to take extended breaks from the game shouldn't have their character names revoked just because they haven't been able to log in, nor should the players who have low level characters that do nothing have their names revoked just because other players can't be a bit more creative.
  18. There's a Palawa Joko name plate floating around in northeast Bjora Marches that only appears during the Kodan banners trial.
  19. I encountered this bug four different times over the past few days. It's maddening.
  20. It should show an icon in the lower right corner. If you're training a Mastery that needs to have points put into it, it'll have the icon for that Mastery. If you're not training a Mastery, it should have the Spirit Shard icon there. If it never moves or changes, it might be waiting for you to spend Mastery points for that region (Central Tyria, if you're not playing in the HoT or PoF zones).
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