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Everything posted by Boh.4568

  1. With the new updates they increased a LOT how fast you can finish a reward track, plus you can stack boosters from various source (guild, items, etc.) The easy way is this one: wait for reset night (friday), be ready to enter EBG before the big queue ramps up, and then stack all your boosters and spend the night in EBG. You either: are part of a big zerg, take stonemist and spend the night defending it from the other zergs same as above but the matchup is balanced (even better), you spend the night fighting your server is low rank and you get farmed, but you can spend the night defending your towers from the big zergs EBG on reset night + boosters will give you your precious gift in a few hours. Remember to use a DPS build which can tag as many enemies as possible.
  2. But everyone has chosen scholar as meta up till now. What changed?
  3. WSR has a guild that does morning ppt raids on saturday and sunday morning only. The rest of the week you can get your stonemist back
  4. just give me back my corrupts in (WvW only), then you can continue gutting scourge in pve I don't care
  5. So they not only gutted boon corrupt in WvW and PvP reverting it to an inferior boonrip without any decent compensation, but also added 1 (one) random boonrip as a compensation for destroying signets too? Maybe locust will be good with 1 additional rip, oh wait no they removed 1 rip from the locust active to compensate the compensation.
  6. real reapers don't use blood magic, they go full big pp damage with spite and soul reaping with PvE gear and no stunbreaks. Anyway just cc the reaper as soon as they enter shroud.
  7. oh no please don't transfer here, we are toxic, go to AG they are nice and always put ascended food at their keep
  8. Everyone is happy for the reaper buff, meanwhile I only read (PvE only)(PvE only)(PvE only)(PvE only)(PvE only)(PvE only)(PvE only)(PvE only)(PvE only)(PvE only)(PvE only)(PvE only)(PvE only)(PvE only)
  9. I'm usually on the ganking side but if we need 5 people to kill 1 I give them the due respect, by not jumping on their corpse.
  10. I just tank the gunflame hit with my celestial protection bunker kitten build (TM) while my teammates gank the glass warrior.
  11. GS1, 2 and 3 are only effective with quickness, which is fine in a PvE party with support, but terrible in PvP and WvW. You either use them immediately after shroud, while the last couple of seconds of reaper onslaught are still active, or you are forced to use CTTB, an elite skill, just to make standard weapon skills usable for a few seconds. GS4 and 5 are great.
  12. If you see a group you can still follow them even if the tag requires an invite to join. A fully hidden tag is usually a guild or a small group of friends. I you want to join a private tag without voice or without a meta build, think about why you want to join the squad. Is it for boonshare? Then you are the one requiring a FB and a tempest/scrapper in your party, they must play meta and give you stab, cleanse and heal, why shouldn't you play meta to give them boonrip and DPS? If it's not for boonshare you can still follow the squad from outside. Once the parties are made, due to the target cap, you wouldn't get stab anyway, if you are in the "hub" party1.
  13. +1 to this, but you can only fish in the stealth pool in SMC, and only enabled for the team currently holding SMC, and only if SMC is tier 3. Drops of course only legendary fish. Top tier EBG content ensured.
  14. Necros' only usefulness in WvW is repairing walls.
  15. The willbender example is not a testament to necro being unusable, but rather a reminder that no class should be able to dive 1v30 in a zerg and have up to 10 seconds of various invulns and anti-CC while they simply walk back to their zerg, untouchable. Any 1v30 should end in a brutal and bloody mess for the 1, instead you can see pug squads having eles/willis waltzing into enemies and teleporting back just to bait cooldowns, unable to kill anyone and unable to be killed, while rangers pewpew from behind. And if you down someone by chance, it's always an ele who mists back to the group for the ress.
  16. Lately the party meta seems to be 1 FB, 3 eles and 1 DPS, so whatever comp you have you will just see enemy downed eles mistsliding around in a sea of INVULN INVULN INVULN
  17. I knew I wasn't crazy (maybe). Deez force balls have stopped working since at least the latest patch, maybe when they reworked siege.
  18. Shout heal and shout elite are in 100% of my builds. I usually slot NCSY! in group fights, along with a well or two, depending if I have party stab, else just well of corruption and a stunbreak for pugging. I rarely roam but I would need two stunbreaks at least, and then well of darkness or spectral ring or poison cloud. I don't like the shout stunbreak and wurm is too janky, I prefer spectral walk + speed runes + speed of shadows trait, and spectral armor.
  19. I was a shout trait enjoyer on my corrupt-power-havoc reaper, used NCSY way more than wells for quick uncoordinated attacks. Nice to see it readjusted, I guess the negligible heal I lost from untraiting augury becomes a buff with chilling nova. All 3 trait choices for that node are underwhelming anyway. Heal shout and elite CTTB becoming better and better, love them. Now if only they reverted the crit chance on death perception..........
  20. You can still do the dailies in the weekend, they will just be the previous week's dailies.
  21. I like to afk on SMC wall with the toy soldier tonic and a mini toy soldier bro next to me. This update destroyed my WvW experience and ruined my entire life.
  22. Unfortunately there's no workaround for "I don't know what other classes do" and "I don't know when to dodge". You have to fight those classes, get stomped the first 50 times until you start to see their patterns, when they are CCing, why they are CCing, is it time for burst, are they disengaging, etc. Then you ask yourself, how do I counter their CC before i must waste a stunbreak? Can I interrupt this long cast skill? Did he use both dodges? is the big invuln/stab on CD? That's when you start filling these spaces with your own skills, not as a rotation but as a reaction. You are an elementalist so you still need some fixed rotations for certain effects, but everything else comes from reading the foe, knowing their class, reading their dodges/stuns/stunbreaks/bursts/teleports and trying to be in a position where they are on full CDs and you can burst or safely disengage. The gear is important, as others said. Celestial ascended is great for ele, effective runes and sigils are crucial for both attack and mobility/evasion.
  23. I'd like a simple conversion of skirmish tickets to aurora/vision achievements. I would be happy even with 10.000 tickets > 1 achievement.
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