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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Yeah, the results will be skewed probably by quite a bit. I don't think that many PvP players who do visit the forum come to the General section; rather they hang out in the PvP forum. Same with WvW.
  2. You can use the report function on the first post and request the mods to delete it.
  3. Please check the forum search function on "heroes". This has been discussed a bit already. EDIT: See here --> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search/?q=heroes&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=11&search_in=titles
  4. If you have the shrines open, sometimes you can teleport closer without having to use a skyscale.
  5. Please stop with the layoffs excuse. The layoffs had nothing to do with GW2.
  6. Because an enemy's pet is still an enemy to you. If it is the closest enemy, then this is working as intended.
  7. It's a good thing that GW2 allows you to earn gold while playing the game which you can convert to gems and then purchase from the gemstore without using real cash.
  8. I felt the same as well. Also, it seemed to encourage attunement swapping through the jade orb field. I can see some appeal to some players but for me it required too much focus on key smashing and hoping I hit things in the right sequence to have any effectiveness.
  9. QoL Suggestions should go here where the Devs are much more likely to see them https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/96299-suggestionsqol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged/?do=getNewComment
  10. There's a place for QoL Suggestions: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/96299-suggestionsqol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged/?do=getNewComment
  11. Thank you. To me, it seems that some simply refuse to understand this concept. This is why I've decided to stop arguing in this thread. It's willful ignorance, and I don't mean that in a condescending way.
  12. Would this suggestion then lend to even less players for the event?
  13. And there is nothing wrong with that preference. It doesn't happen to be mine, though.
  14. So if "we don't know" what is your supporting evidence that mount skins should cost less?
  15. So a cosmetic item that in all probability requires less resources than a mount skin should reduce the price of the mount skin to match it because some people on the forum believe that mount skins should only cost $5 ? And we all know better than Anet?
  16. I agree! So is legendary gear. It is not required to complete content. Let's give it away for free, too.
  17. You assume that all cosmetics are equal in the resources and developer time/effort required to make them. That is a fallacy.
  18. There is no assuming that they know their optimal price point. It is evidenced in the actual pricing of items that exists today.
  19. Don't you think that Anet would price these at $5-$7 if it would make more profit for them? Honestly.
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