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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. You should be able to copy your build template from the game and then paste the code here.
  2. I've done some of the side story content. It's been fun and a good way to have some direction toward something that isn't necessarily story-related.
  3. I keep seeing people wanting re-playability for new maps. If each new map has re-playability, then everyone will move to the new map and leave older ones unpopulated where other players will then complain about the lack of re-playability on those maps. How can Anet win?
  4. White Mantle are some of the worst offenders for me when it comes to aggro. Ooh, I'll take on this guy right here with the nearest enemy being some distance away! Wait, where the hell did these 3 other WM come from????Add to this: ok, fine I'll fight them too -- oh, wait now they're invulnerable because they're at the edge of their tether. (sigh)
  5. There is also a thread in the Bugs/Support forum about the lag. You may want to post there instead of General Discussion: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/108240/pof-lws4-maps-are-still-lagging-during-meta-events
  6. Problem with this idea is that it is totally subjective. What you believe are the best parts of the previous expansions may not be what I believe. How would Anet appeal to both?
  7. Maybe because the dev time has been moved to player housing instead? Or fishing I hope we're both wrong. ;) Me too. The only thing worth spending resources on are playable Tengu as we both know ;)Yeah, no. haha!
  8. Maybe because the dev time has been moved to player housing instead? Or fishingI hope we're both wrong. ;)
  9. Maybe because the dev time has been moved to player housing instead?
  10. Might try this forum instead of General Discussion: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/account-technical-support
  11. For the existing skins, I think that this might make the mounts appear too bulky; however, if new skins were to include some of these features then it might not be too bad.
  12. You might consider detailing the type of content that you prefer to play: Open World, PvP, WvW, Raids, etc...
  13. Thanks for the advice. Some of that I knew, some I didn't or at least never remember.
  14. LoL Thanks! I forgot to mention the other nice thing about downed players on this boss is that when he whirls to a downed player to execute them, he doesn't do the big area stun + damage + 5 stack bleed that ends up killing so many people! So yes, thanks for taking one for the team!I often take more than one. haha
  15. Adding my vote to the "keep things as they are" side. I would not like to see this suggestion implemented.
  16. It could be interesting, if developers and writers tried something original for once, but it's so easy to just recycle old BS. It's instantly successful too. It's pretty sad really. So asura, sylvari, charr and to some extent Norn aren't original? What other MMO has them? I'm not understanding your point. What do those have to do with elves? I was responding to your point about the developers not doing anything original "for once". Creating and implementing these races are original, so I didn't understand how you could say that the developers haven't done anything original. I assume the statement wasn't directed towards GW2 developers, but developers in general recycling the same fantasy races over and over through multiple games.Ah. That makes sense. ;)
  17. It could be interesting, if developers and writers tried something original for once, but it's so easy to just recycle old BS. It's instantly successful too. It's pretty sad really. So asura, sylvari, charr and to some extent Norn aren't original? What other MMO has them? I'm not understanding your point. What do those have to do with elves?I was responding to your point about the developers not doing anything original "for once". Creating and implementing these races are original, so I didn't understand how you could say that the developers haven't done anything original.
  18. It could be interesting, if developers and writers tried something original for once, but it's so easy to just recycle old BS. It's instantly successful too. It's pretty sad really. So asura, sylvari, charr and to some extent Norn aren't original? What other MMO has them? I'm not understanding your point.
  19. But all spell casting weapons are used for implement their magic, even some physical weapon do, no reason they can’t bring high dps.I think it's because of game balance, but I'm just a very casual player and don't really know much about such things. If every weapon was high DPS, I would think that power creep would soon follow.
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