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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. Either alone or with one friend usually. Mostly alone though. They're already very easy and they don't scale well (if at all). I usually also go for achievements and explore everything, which not everybody finds enjoyable.
  2. They gave it a reset. Arguably that's better. The reset is absolutely usess, hammer 2 has traited 3 1/4 sec.Hammer 5 has already 1s casttime, so even if you use 2 and then 5 immediately, land it AND actually cc someone with it you reset 2 seconds of cd. Well done, thats biiiig lol You are correct. But if you are bringing hammer now, you likely are bringing other CC skills on your tool bar. And that matters how, when talking about hammer? Wont make that 2 sec reset any better. They should just reset each other :trollface:, infinitely. I'd love if the 4 reset the 2, it's a fun combo and you have to be quick to actually hit it.
  3. The specs themselves? No.But the collections surrounding them should be more quest-like if you ask me. They're optional, but they're a really powerful story telling tool if done right. We've seen more elaborate collections/achievement chains recently and this would be a perfect way to apply all this stuff to a game mechanic. Ideally Masteries would work this way too. Instead of just magically acquiring the skills and knowledge to do some magic, explained away by our exp bar, they could also become the rewards for an achievement. Applying them, learning them. Won't happen though, because that's really niche and honestly too late for it now.
  4. You'll need "Mastery Points" and you earn them through various means. Usually completing the associated story chapter will start you at least out. Once you get to the Heart of Thorns expansion they will become a pretty big deal. Check your story journal and do the associated achievements to get more. Once on the maps, you will also find them at various, usually hard to reach, places.
  5. The fact that it is very likely going to be Cantha themed already answers your question. This in and of itself is a safe and boring choice. Who can blame them? Entertainment media companies these days rarely do anything original anymore. Why should features be unique and genre challenging when they can't even get out of the wayback machine plotwise. Here's to the next few years of going places we've already seen in GW1, more Star Wars and Marvel, and generally no new ideas. Hooray!! Considering there are still 2 thirds (or was it more like 3 quarters?) of that continent are unexplored it's far less of a boring choice imo Showing off the change in the last 250+ years is also something very interesting.
  6. As far as I know tooltips can't be split between modes, only the numbers.
  7. I mean, it's only natural to not be able to see the same things thousands of other players and theorycrafters can see so it will be very hard to balance that stuff beforehand. The recent balance patch addressed many of the issues, I think it is safe to assume their approach to what damage a skill should do at the very least would take over this time around.
  8. You're setting yourself up for disappointment. We probably won't get any legendary weapons again.
  9. What CC spam is there? Just throwing everything at once? That's genuinely awful because the CC overrides the previous one. Save the stunbreaks for the second time you get CC'd, then dodge a third one or whatever. Your proposal wouldn't make much sense unless you tank stuff from 3+ people at once, which is definitely a mistake and punished accordingly.
  10. I got accused of being one at some point, but I can confirm that I am in fact not one :) I wouldn't buy into that idea. It's too much of a conspiracy theory with 0 proof.
  11. I would love to keep previous progress and only reset next time once you get the repeating chests
  12. Each weapon for each class is unique though. Dagger on Ele is not the same as dagger on Thief or Warrior as Spellbreaker. It's fine because they are tied to the spec. The thing is they change the gameplay of a class, which is impossible otherwise, keeping the class and the game as a whole fresh.
  13. I was wondering, he's been rather quiet. Makes sense though. The general mood wasn't very great, if it was announced the doom and gloom would have taken over even more.
  14. Never retroactively change the droprate for something that is intentionally rare. Easy way to get people to get really mad because they dropped tens of thousands of gold on something just for other people to get it easier than them.
  15. That's actually a different keybind you can change. It's either "next enemy" which is very random or "closest target" afaik
  16. I wouldn't assume they will rush things. It's still a long way to go until expac.
  17. Not happening. The names of both the PvP amulet and the WvW ring are very much in line with that theme. The third one might look bad, but there's still a lot of room to have some really good 4th and 5th combinations.
  18. Absolutely no need to repeat the same thing over and over again. This was about new and upcoming stuff, not something we already knew about.
  19. Personally I don't think completely new weapons are off the table for a new expansion, the unidentified gear change probably made it very easy to retroactively add more and new items to their loot table, which was completely impossible before without going through every single one individually and one of the main arguments against it. In that case I'd love to see two-handed Axes or Spear/Halberd type weapons. I want to see a dual wielding Scepter for the Warrior. That is all.
  20. Very exciting stuff. I hope the legendary ring from WvW features many different tasks across the mode.
  21. Taimi has been a huge part of the story basically ever since her introduction. She's taking the backseat for now, but I think we can be sure that she will return. Maybe once we are onto actually dealing with the Dragon(s), she will reach out again.
  22. While losing time playing the game if you can ask the "knowledgeable community" what needs a nerf and what needs a buff. LMAO the pvp community has been shelling out information vehemently, non-stop, since the patch preview was shown with information and nothing can really come of it. I mean people called Necro and firebrand being OP BEFORE the new patch dropped and Anet did kitten about it. Plus the information on the forums paints a pretty different picture from what actually happens in practice when you pvp. So yeah, that is why. First hand knowledge > Second hand forum knowledge Plus I don't think it is outlandish to request that the people balancing the game actually play itPretty arrogant for you to assume they don't already do that & since you question it, that such a tiny amount of time would actually achieve anything.
  23. The stacks on it literally exist to keep you in combat for longer, so you don't have the same effect a Ballista shot has, which is to say that you will heal up all of the damage the shot dealt until the next one is off cooldown.
  24. How about using strategy and tactics to counter sieges? If you're attacking there are countless angles that completely favor the attacker over the defender. It's nearly if not entirely impossible to get AC fire on many very strong cata spots during a siege and if you already downed the wall, then mount up, dodge dodge and dismount to push through some AC fire. Even from multiple carts it won't one shot you. This is a learn to play issue. After such a long time of ACs being worthless they're not finally doing their job again. I can see them being nerfed a little, but not as much as you are asking for I am sure. Ballista have always dealt a ton of damage btw. But they have a 5 second cooldown between attacks. Any enemy will get out of combat and heal it all back up through regen before you can kill somebody with that.
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