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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. Considering I don't invest anything and getting an average of 70 lootbags every time I do play I probably earn a couple of gold just from those materials alone, not counting any possible gear + salvage drops and the flat gold reward from leveling and potential profit from Skirmish Chests and reward tracks. It's not as bad as everybody believes. Lot of the "reward" simply comes from 'invisible' loot and flat rewards that you can't really cash in, thus making them far less noticable.
  2. The only thing that annoys me is that the Warclaw isn't at the bottom of the list, but wedged between the others. This way it will take a bit of getting used to when using the menu. I highly prefer this over using keybinds for each mount, because I never remember which one is what anyway.
  3. The issue is its marketed as it being a unique mount when its not and then releasing a 2000 recolor skin pack a week later. "Issue" indeed. So it has..a unique design, outside of the basic skeletonunique animationa unique engage ability with its own effect (bleed) and finishing downstates in WvWit's own mobility skill, though that is basically just the Jackal (makes sense since other things would break the WvW even more)ability to attack gates in WvWability to sniff out enemies in a large radius in WvW But yes, the fact it uses the skeleton that already exists is a big issue that makes the entire mount not unique in any way, shape or form.
  4. So what? Where's the issue? Saving work to remodel the exact same thing so what gives
  5. This is false. If believing 819,120k (at the time of writing) gold can be achieved by flipping TP (without insider trading) and no real money makes you feel better, by all means, keep on doing that.note: no clue if gw2efficiency lists only their registered accounts or all guild wars 2 accounts.Only registered ones. It can't read info from accounts that aren't connected via API key as far as I know.
  6. Exactly and Istan was a mess. Couldn’t even see what was going on so if nerfing it means a better playing experience then fantastic. There is zero link between the nerf and the business model though OH I agree, zones for farming have zero relation to game revenue ... though some people don't understand that. yea, you totally cant convert the gold to premium currency, and use it on cashshop itemsthe idea is ludicrousThose are gems come from a pool of gems that have been "sold" for gold already, so no revenue is lost.
  7. While most people are confused at "solo content" in an MMO, we have to remember that GW2 is essentially a single player MMO. You never have to group up with anybody to do a large majority of the content and that is one of the main reasons why I have been playing it for the past 6 years. While you have the downsides of a rather "anti-social" experience that doesn't encourage doing group content it is also a neat thing to be able to achieve basically everything on your own.
  8. Everytime the "but muh expansions are p2w!!!" argument comes up I just want to bite into my keyboard. You can't prove them wrong because to them the mere fact that you had to invest a single real world currency unit proves them right and there is absolutely nothing you can do. Only thing I can say is that it's beyond silly to assume you will stay100% on top of things if you willingly choose to not partake in contemporary content. You just shouldn't be able to expect that. New specs have new mechanics that completely change how a class plays/works??? Imagine my shock.
  9. To further iterate on the point I have made in my previous post: Mount packs release on sale for 1600 gems, that is 20€. If they were to increase the price to 2800 this would mean I would have to pay 35€. That's a huge difference, because no matter if they release those packs on sale, I would have to pay the extra since there is no other option inbetween.
  10. Maybe if EVERYTHING we have earned carried over. I don't want to lose several hundred euros worth of skins and items I have purchased to lose their value instantly.
  11. Besides that 2800 is too expensive. Doesn't matter if it follows the same scheme of 400 gems per skin.
  12. Many people aren't willing to pay for them though. especially if they don't own the beetle.
  13. We don't know any timespan. When 2018? December? We still have one episode of Season 4, then Season 5 starts 3ish months after that. Assuming it will be another 6 episode season that is another year and a half of content to be released this way. An expansion would be 2020 earliest. So 2 years after that comment was made. Big nothingburger. We'll see about the scope of Season 5 soon enough. Season 4 has already given us a taste of "expansion scale" content. New armor sets, new weapon sets. We will get the Season 4 legendary trinket (most likely) and another legendary ring from raids. If anything needs to change they have to absolutely drop the episodes being contained in themselves. Make content/abilities from Ep 1 of a season relevant in the future as well. Do not worry about people missing out if they skipped an episode, they can easily buy them if they care for the story. If they didn't bother logging in even once during that time they don't have a right to complain about missing out, or claiming it's unfair to them. If they are late, give us bundles with reduced prices or big sales on full season "passes" for lack of a better term. Edit: I also want to add that the recent layoffs do not have me worried about this whatsoever. They admitted that GW2 wasn't their main focus. The layoffs mean that it will be back in that position. This should speed things up a little, quality and content wise. That would be the most reasonable plan forward anyway.
  14. That would be the case if it didn't destroy all projectiles. Also if you have to use your utility skills to bubble then you're doing something seriously wrong right now. At most it's Balanced Stance you use to not get interrupted. You are a moving, boon destroying aoe field that blocks projectiles for your own zerg while you move together in a push not alot of attacks are projectile . do you even play sb?Nope. Stopped after the latest nerfs to the bubble, the delay moreso than the duration being cut in half being the reason. Sure, the AoE fields and Scourge in particular will still be an issue, but let's not pretend there aren't any projectiles. Didn't people complain about "omg projectile hate" all the time? Why would they do that if there weren't many projectiles that could get blocked in the first place? That's been the bigger part of the bubble for a while now. Nobody loses boons inside of it because all it takes is a second to get out and even if you don't leave it, you're not going to lose all of your boons instantly anyway.
  15. That would be the case if it didn't destroy all projectiles. Also if you have to use your utility skills to bubble then you're doing something seriously wrong right now. At most it's Balanced Stance you use to not get interrupted. You are a moving, boon destroying aoe field that blocks projectiles for your own zerg while you move together in a push
  16. Just pick your Banner up before it runs out and you'll get 60 seconds off the cooldown. Will be the new micro management for the class.
  17. Your world map should show you the progress. Something must be missing still. Potentially a PoI that was added in the recent past. Most recently that would be the office of Ellen Kiel in Lion's Arch, which was added with the introduction of Path of Fire.
  18. Banners had their nerf coming for a VERY long time, come on. Multiple thousands of free stats just for being in an area? Come on. When many other traits and abilities like this got changed Banners were the ones that remained untouched. Now they got their update. It's still going to be useful for the DPS increase alone. Again, free stats are just that good.
  19. Enemies just walk back to their spawn point to prevent them from being leashed across the map. It hardly matters imo
  20. Since you have the option to do it yourself I don't think it needs to be added. Just make different tabs or click on a different one and perhaps disable chat altogether with a press of the # or the icon on the chatbox.
  21. Weren't the expansions just on sale a couple weeks ago? :anguished: :D Path of Fire was 50% off until the 14th and I cashed in to buy two more copies for myself :pensive: Then I accidentally registered and email for those accounts that doesn't exist and now I have to wait for support to change it xD What I'm saying is: 15 bucks will pay for itself within a couple of months and I will be swimming in everything I could ever need material wise :)
  22. They applied the same filter as for names. Cumulus contains.. well, the first letters. And Gmork has "GM" in it, of which any combination is disallowed due to scam prevention from people who pretend to be "GM"s ingame
  23. holding down both mouse buttons that also counts as walking forward and allows you to move. holding down rightclick allows you to move the camera only, very helpful and it's how i move around in battle where i need my key presses on time
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