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Everything posted by Edelweiss.4261

  1. Once upon a time, I was a clicker. Now I only do it when I'm taking a drink or petting my cat. Unfortunately, I get tremors fairly often, so my mouse accuracy is...bad.
  2. Naval combat or new weapons are the only ideas I've seen that interest me. Player housing does less than nothing for me and adding a new race means a ton of work for little substantial change. Imagining being able to kit out your very own navel ship reminds me of my favorite part of SWtOR, space combat.What about a champion system? A system that lets you further customize how your character plays by allowing adjustments like skill x goes from doing burning to doing chill. Like, I think it'd be interesting to have a way to make a Guardian that works around chill or a Reaper that focuses on burning. I imagine this system would not looked fondly on by people overly concerned with balance or power creep, though. :/
  3. I did a couple of meta events(Path of Ascenscion, doppleganger, casino, pinata), but I didn't get any boxes or see any sign of progress so I just dropped it. No point going out of my way for events when I don't get the bonus. :/
  4. I primarily want new mechanics. New mounts, new weapon types, new elite specs. I like things that actually affect how I play the game. This is probably why I vastly prefer the idea of an expansion to another living story season(5 mounts and 8 elite specs vs 2/3 mounts). As for the story, I've mostly lost interest. Elder dragons are no longer mysterious forces of nature. They're just powerful and very human. Humans as villains can be interesting but seldom actually are interesting. With how GW2 has handled most of its villains, we spent too little time getting to know them and their goals aren't sympathetic or relatable. Joko wants to keep being god-king and expand his power, Balthazar wants to regain his power, EDs(which I consider human characters as much as I consider Charr human characters) are having magic corrupting their personalities. None of these things make them compelling to me. There was a moment in season 3 that I found surprisingly compelling. When we first confront Balthazar as Balthazar, Kasmeer hesitates when Marjory's life is on the line. Afterwards, Marjory has this to say, "She just left? She left me..." In a way, she felt that her love put Balthazar before her. I think that such an incident must have been emotionally devastating to Marjory. According to the wiki, that's the last involvement she has until the epilogue of PoF. I'd be super on board if we could get something interesting like that out of a villain. For some reason, I've really wanted to have an Innsmouth-esque town or plot come about. I think maybe that's because it leans a little into a more horror tone(and I like horror).
  5. It would be interesting if skyscale were like seahorses or earthworms. These are brand new creatures made outside of evolution, so they could have all sorts of weird methods of reproduction and sexual morphism. You can literally believe whatever you want about them until the devs say otherwise(and, even then, that's just a minor deterrent). I'm going to choose to believe that they reproduce asexually purely through manipulation of their magic because that's more interesting than two dragons boning.
  6. I don't know. Elder dragons became substantially less interesting over the course of HoT and season 4 because they weren't utilized in an interesting way. They were essentially ultra powerful humans in dragon bodies. Balthazar and Joko weren't "a break" for me as they were pretty much the same. I'd like to face a threat that doesn't think like a person would. Do we even need a villain? Why not just have negative things happen and deal with the fallout? Maybe a cult that worships a dragon without actually having any connection to the dragon. Preferably make the cult leaderless. We don't need a Big Bad.
  7. In light of this post, can we also get a regular marshmallow skin. Floating into the air on a giant marshmallow sounds really amusing. If not that, then I would also like it as a glider skin(similar to the bubble skin). Edit: Also a seahorse skin would be cool.
  8. Would you be okay with a jungle spider mount, for instance? I checked and neither the cave, forest nor jungle spiders have either pedipalps nor hair. I would love to have one of these for a mount! :3 There could be mech skins or even non-spider skins available for the mount as well. It took me many years, but I’m a former arachnophobe now arachnophile! I’m sure the nature of the fear is different for everyone and it helped that I came to have a cerebral appreciation of them, but it took time and exposure to eliminate the more visceral reaction. I tried to conquer it in therapy for a while. I even made a "friend" that lived in the garage of my apartment complex. Learning about them was super neat. Instead of overcoming my phobia, it made it into a weird mix of fear/appreciation. It did make it clear to me, however, why I fear them. A spider without pedipalps(I always forget the term) or hair is already 10x easier to handle. I'll have to actually go find a spider in the jungle.
  9. I can't speak for other arachnophobes, but making it a mech spider without the mouth hands would probably be ok with my phobia. The things that scare me about spiders are their unpredictable/twitchy movements, their mouth hands, their hairiness, and their eyes in that order. Mech-spiders would presumably not have most of these qualities(I think). I also think a bat-like mount could be nice. It would climb along ceilings and hover for (very)short distances. This would make it significantly less useful outside, but specialized for caves/rooms.
  10. New weapon types is where it's at. I can't see any other option being as big of a game changer as new weapon types.
  11. To go to GW3, I would need to be convinced it is an improvement over GW2. This would mean it would need to show additions and convince me that what we would lose would be worth it. LWS5 wouldn't really need to do this.
  12. I prefer variety. I like playing dress up in gw2 because it is difficult to find nice looking clothing in my weird body proportions.I actually really like the skins added in PoF. The problem is that the costs of obtaining many of them are kind of high compared to HoT armor. Still, I'll get around to it eventually. As a result of this, I am super looking forward to a Shiverpeaks expansion because of all of the possible fashion! I imagine OP might like that as well.
  13. I spend a lot of time going through old areas map completing for keys. Happening upon a world boss is a delightful reprieve! I love the feeling of everybody working together for a common goal.
  14. I tend to think most things should be tradeable. However, I'm the type that would be more than happy if everyone could have whatever they want.
  15. I only have 13 characters at the moment, but fixed positioning wouldn't work well for me. I tend to play with one character for an extended period of time before switching to a different character for an extended period of time. I do this as moving my gathering equipment and salvaging equipment requires multiple switches between characters. As such, fixed position would be really annoying for me.
  16. I'm a firm believer that you can't have character choices and voice acting. Voice acting shoehorns too much personality into a character to allow room for player agency.
  17. While I'm quite grateful for this thread, I notice that it is already becoming messy and repetitive. Perhaps, creating a Google Doc like this one and including it in the first post would allow these suggestions to be a bit more organized. Google Docs can be edited by anyone, so anyone can add their idea to the relevant section. It also includes history on the off-chance someone decides to delete things they shouldn't. This would also allow people to more easily check if their suggestion has been raised before.
  18. I have a lot of norns and humans. My sylvari and asura are both necromancers. My charr is a warrior. I don't enjoy playing my charr, but I'm not sure if it is the race, class, or a mix of the two. I had created a sylvari mesmer, but I haven't decided if I'm keeping her yet.
  19. I don't think I'll ever do "legendary" content. Getting people to try other modes of play is fine, but the current extent is excessive. Why should people waste time with something they don't enjoy? As it stands, I consider legendary items to be a mistake.
  20. No matter how "top notch" the voice actors are, they can't voice a gamut of different characters with each line. Being able to mute your character at least gives the appearance of player agency.
  21. I really don't care. Can't vote for option 3, though, as I also don't really care about emotes/idles. If they don't add substantial dev time, then I don't care. If I'm idling, I'm on a mount.
  22. If we do go for Bubbles, I'd prefer an oceanic expansion over an underwater expansion. Focus on coastal cities(Innsmouth please), sailing, and ship defense. Underwater can be included without being the focus.
  23. I would like to see a sentient snowball skin for the roller beetle. It could be small when at low speed and get bigger(to a certain extent) as you go faster. Might not be doable based on how skins work, though(ie I read the armadillo was changed slightly to fit the beetle model). Still, a snowball would be cool. I don't remember if I saw this anywhere, but why not implement an item similar to Maple Story's Scissors of Karma. This item would allow an account-bound item to change hands once. Say I get a baby griffon item from a lucky blc. I don't really care for the skin. I'd then buy this item and place it on the bltc. Someone would buy it and it'd bind to them.
  24. I prefer Jormag's theme of ice and corrupting influence on its enemies. Mordremoth was too human for my tastes. Mordremoth was basically what a human would expect a dragon to be like. I expected elder dragons to be more in line with forces of nature and to be, ultimately, incomprehensible to humans. It really makes me miss Zhaitan.
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