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Everything posted by Westenev.5289

  1. If you're hunting and gathering, you'll be better off using firebrand guardian over dragonhunter guardian. Firebrand has on demand access to quickness, which can make your gathering faster.
  2. I wonder if the steam sales encouraged people to take a look. I certainly did.
  3. I've only ever blocked one person, and that's only because he spammed me for literal hours demanding a 1v1 after a pvp match. I've never seen someone so dedicated to a kill.
  4. I was watching twitch yesterday, and wandered over to the gw2 section. The livestreams consisted of woodenpotatoes doing long live the lich achievements while talking about the game, and a bunch of other people doing achievements and whatnot with 0 to 10 views. Compare it to something like League of Legends, which was streaming esports at the same time. There was some hype easy to follow gameplay, decent commentary and 100k views. I think what seperates gw2 from lol is that you see a dude get a pentakill in lol, it all seems possible. When you see a dude 1v50 in gw2 wvw, it's in the realm of fantasy - there's nothing a gw2 casual player can learn from watching high tier play.
  5. My friends list is full of people I don't talk to, but rather people I am sworn to join if I ever spot them on the lfg (basically marking them as players who are cool to be around). As it's not hard to find a cool person in this community, I'm not reserved in adding players - leading to many inactive names.
  6. I'm glad we both agree. The thing is, if you don't have the experience in your party, then Sirens Reef is hell. Hense the term, "noob trap".
  7. Murder is a crime. Best to do that kinda stuff while nobody's watching - aka. the mists.
  8. I mean, to be fair, Anet does tend to release new music with Expansions/Living World - although much of their ost appears once or twice in the personal story and never appears again. I much prefered their "overture" theme to their current lobby music though It was just... stronger. The current lobby music is too slow.
  9. T1 Sirens is a noob trap. It's not impossible for new players, just very difficult since people lack gaming experience or the mechanics aren't inherently obvious. People in T1 tend to... ... Split up faster than you can say "let's split up, gang!". Not great for boon sharing or stacking aoe damage since the boss is constantly on the move.... Ignore the cannons, despite being the most telegraphed mechanic of the fractal. Since when was siege equipment ever useful in the open world anyway?... Not throw the pirate treasure, or ignoring it altogether.... Ignore floor cues, so they will ignore red circles and run away from the team when given a green circle. Sometimes there isn't even a group to help you disperse the green. They won't or can't react to the wind mechanic. All of these problems can be fixed after a few dry runs with a casual group, or with a more experienced player carrying dps or explaining mechanics.
  10. I heard one person still plays thief in pvp. Please nerf. This thread kind of lacks credibility. Perhaps if someone were to stream or take a video while playing these "problem classes" (and gain imediate success), then we might have some grounds to complain.
  11. If I may pull numbers from your department of fake statistics, 90.8% of people would swoon over a norns elaborate mustashe.
  12. I mean, as a consumer not on a first name basis with any of the developers, why should I make up stories and assumptions about the inner workings of Anet, simply because some dude throws the games name around in a potentially unrelated rant about what happens in other companies? TL;DR; I'm here for the game, which I enjoy. If I have to rethink that relationship, or be a little more considerate of anets situation, that position had better come with a paycheck.
  13. Wait, so having muscle decreases physical performance and duration, and prevents one from using a snare or a bow and arrow? My whole life feels like a lie.
  14. Neither. I'll be waiting for Woodenpotatoes to shorten the livestream into a 30 minute hypewheel. That's not to say I wouldn't watch it; I've just never had the attention span for livestreams!
  15. By skimming this thread, I wonder what people mean when they say they want more communication. Do we want more beta's? How many players even take the time to give good, valid advice? I imagine Anet would be in a position to know, considering they have held a HoT and PoF beta, and leave pvp maps in beta for months at a time.
  16. Wouldn't it be a swell world if even the racist villains were tollerant of other races feelings while they were trespassing on the villain's personal residence?
  17. Sure, let's make a set that has +1% this year, another that has +1% next year, and +10% the year after that (because the high level players don't feel rewarded enough). I also petition for this game to be named World of Wars 2.
  18. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Samhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pendant_of_Arahhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Precursor_weaponhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Berserker%27s_Lightward%27s_Battlestaffhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Category:Dungeon_trinkets I mean, it's not like drops that reward persistance don't exist. They're just extremely rare. And if every player got this sort of loot, then it would cease to be special - putting us back on square one.
  19. I only found out about this game from a friend of a friend, and many of my friends who don't play have never heard of the game. :# Compare this to something like Maple Story, WoW or Runescape - brand names any mmorpg noob will have heard at least once. Don't get me wrong, GW2 is a fun game, but I feel like the brand name is about as obscure as the many korean mmo's on the market.
  20. Personally, I have trouble physically picking up the orbs of light, which makes the first part difficult. I think I prefer a straight up fight. :s
  21. How so? I have a few ideas of what you mean but some clarification will be appreciated. My guildhall houses my pride and joy - an annually growing snowfort surrounding the guild crystal. If Anet chose to use this area as a pre defined route, or drops a node within the walls, it's very possible I would need to take it down... otherwise it wouldn't be fair on the other members of my guild.
  22. A lot of your ideas sound fun, but could become an issue depending on how you have decorated your guildhall!
  23. I'd vote norn, but their personal story was a drunken barrel of laughs! I miss the (yet to be) commander who could get drunk and somehow lose a tank... Sylvari have a few moral dilemmas, and kinda feel like the cannon playthrough with character intro's for many key players in the vanilla story. I kinda liked the human quinn storyline - being forced to choose between self destructive friends or a bunch of random bystanders was unexpectedly dark. The missing sibbling plot wasn't all that much on its own, but definately paid off when deborah joins you on the vigil tank charge in orr. I'm not fond of mice or cats, mainly because it paints the commander as some brilliant mary sue inventor which never really comes up again. Their early personal story kinda feels like a lorebreak when you hit the generalised personal story where your backstory and choices don't matter.
  24. I don't feel comfortable leaving anet to balance this idea, or alowing players to optimise it...
  25. New experiment: Try not dodging a few VG portals, die one or two times while "improving" and see how quickly pugs quit.
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