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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. Chat tab shows the dps at certain intervals and also when u finish killing the golem and go out of combat... For in-depth data, open new chat tab enable combat logs in options for that specific tab and kill the golem
  2. This Princess weapon skin really looks legendary . (Don't get mad) (when compared to the EoD legendaries).
  3. Novelties on top of a chest is a kind of spice on otherwise a monotonous meta... Some ppl blow their top 🤯 Coz they don't like getting outsmarted or falling for a trap maybe it's a poor mental health thing or whatever... This could be an unique thing in gw2 when compared to other mmo out there... I wish gw2 has a lot of unique quirks like these . There's no bad publicity... There shd be a novelty to spawn a single hostile pocket raptor with 1hp with no loot drop. Can be activated anywhere even in cities. And the raptor shd grow in size indefinitely each time it kills a player but still have 1hp... Wish to see a Godzilla in the middle of divinity reach and go poof if someone hits it. Rangers and necros will not become prey to this raptor obviously😌
  4. u need 2n–1 basic Agony Infusions and 2n–1-1 Thermocatalytic Reagents for a +n agony infusion.. thats the limit of basic infusion and thermo reagents for the infusion u plan to craft... but for the max limit an agony infu can reach? may be sky is the limit or endless universe.. 🤭.jk or if anet doesnt wish to extend the limit from its api from +30 any further, then +30 is the limit
  5. so.. maybe legendary infusion is eligible for crafting only if the said infusion is +30... okay.. that shd be the norm..🤭 I couldnt find the max limit you mentioned for infusions +30 in wiki as confirmed... they only debate about it in the discussion section and not confirm it and post it on wiki officially. but they do discuss about it in the discussion section that the api includes upto +30 but are we sure thats the exact limit? maybe anet will extend it once a player makes the +30 version and anet would update their api to include +60 to accomodate future versions?idk
  6. ahhhhh! the entitled crowd 🥴. Now they want to know who reacted with confused emojis. while ure at it, demand their personal residence address so u can send them a mail explaining your post or go visit them and have a healthy discussion over a cup of coffee 😂🤣. or for whatever reason... Sry.. I just couldnt help it... I was so tempted to make this comment... please do not reply🤭
  7. is there a limit for agony infusion to make it legendary? example... we know that infusion can be upgraded to next level ie +9 infusion can be upgraded to +10 AR infusion... +11,+12,13,... and we dont even know if theres a limit to that... what version is eligible to become a legendary one? even though the side stats like might, condi damage limit is +5 , idk..
  8. toxic people are everywhere ... possible options and ideas to reduce toxic encounters and bad experience: group with friends and raid raid with your guildies choose a low kp, low li group maybe 50li - 100li if you feel that u need a successful kill with good experience dont ever choose 500+ li group... most ugly minded(not everyone but afaik) ppl would be waiting in that li range to kill other's game experience and also they wont be good in raiding either .. they greed dps and blow bombs on their team mates in sabetha and drop poison in slothasor, drop big aoe on the dead center platform in matthias and 500li groups would mostly be a clown fiesta and group would disband very quickly on a single failure/wipe blame everyone and leave and FC group would disband in first boss encounter. also my suggestion(not pointing at anyone), don't also delude yourself by thinking you're a good person and justify your toxicity. also be responsible. if u have 2li and don't demand to join 100+ li groups and don't call them toxic if they kick you.. but be grateful if they did allow you to join them and give you a chance. maybe if anet introduces some kind of lp system like in League of Legends for every encounter in raids, (keeping the current lfg intact as another way to group ppl) and automatically place ppl based on their lp and roles and put them in for an encounter, most toxicity would be reduced I guess. or not.. who knows
  9. Hey @Azure Prower.8701, I see that you feel so sad/bad/angry/whatever towards anet's current system of game... now... are you interested in making the game good? attract new players? make the game company sustain? with steady flow of revenue? please suggest some nice ideas that you feel that would improve the game... express your constructive feedback... what would make you happy and also would help the game sustain longer and also help keep the current playerbase and not shoo them away. but for some weird reason you keep comparing gw2 to WoW and praise WoW... do you want players to move to WoW from gw2? do you feel WoW is a better game when compared to gw2? If that's your opinion, directly post it.
  10. think you can extract the enrichment from the norn amulet and use it on any amulet even legendary ones to get the playful otter.. but if u like the otter to be made available for all the characters without transfer swapping on every characte before playing them, then... that's kinda complicated.. anet doesnt have a legendary enrichment or infusion at the moment
  11. Should rewards motivate ppl to do new type of content or .... Should any or all kind of reward be tied to one single form of content? Will ppl be happy if they get one legendary Armor piece every 30 days in the loyalty chest as reward? ... Or if ppl consider chopping 10000 wood nodes as hard grind hard mode since it involves mind numbing activity and consumes too much time, do ppl think it's okay to get a single legendary Armor piece as a reward for that activity? Will introducing these possible alternate ways to aquire legendary Armor , pose a negative effect on existing gamemode, playerbase? Will that inturn affect the existing community, content like SC,MB,LN and some other player improvement content invalid? And make them go out of existence... Slowly... Quickly? How will that decision affect the playerbase? Will the game survive? Just thinking out loud...
  12. Yeah yeah ofcourse... You can pay a guy to play the game for you and do cairn greens and deimos survive until the end, mo achievements in raids for the raid armor collection too.. we can pay someone to play the game for us, login everyday for us and it's a real pay to win game yes yes yes! Such a filthy game gw2... How dare these ppl could compare WoW and ff14 with gw2... WoW is so much better, best the god level game which is so ahead of all MMOs and ppl love playing WoW and WoW community is the best!
  13. No way! Tengus should have 0 fall damage... And some foods, feast, ascended foods with poultry meat shouldn't be consumed by tengus... Idk how griffons will accept tengu on their back while flying ... ExCssss DeEe 🤭.
  14. 🤣😂. Wow legendary weapon have more stats than ascended weapons and cool looking gen2 weapons like Exordium can be bought in gemstore and trading post. legendary armors sure have +100 stats from ascended armors and sure it can be bought in gemstore... Gw2 is just a pay 2 win game yesyesyes! Absolutely truly true! 😂.
  15. This could be absolutely true if gw2 implementation of fishing goes sideways, could happen... Or maybe gw2 decision makers took this leap of faith to retain playerbase from leaving gw2 and jumping onto ff14 for silly reasons like fishing hope it pays dividends
  16. Then, 🤔 I want a blastoise version from Pokemon.... Or... Donatello version from TMNT with deathrays and cup holders... 🤭
  17. Would the game spoil immersion if, tengus don't drown and die when swimming underwater? And they have talons to swim? Lol🥴. And when they come out of the water, all drenched, will they do a wet doggy shake?😂🤣..
  18. When I commented about instanced content being partied, I implied story mode challenges... I didn't think of 10 man content .. but ppl do afk in 10 man content too... Just pay the commander and die in the beginning and afk, collect rewards except few raid achievements where you can't pay your way and afk... Like cairn green, deimos I guess... And sunqua 100cm title achie
  19. Anything in open world can be accomplished with items like friendly Mesmer portals , tp to friend, zerg a boss and smash away... One specifically need not earn something valuable in pve... Except for super rare random drops but, that too can be bought for gold... Others, friends, strangers can do 100% of the work and the player can still get what they want with a single click... Single click could be a single auto attack on a monster or a single click on Mesmer portal or single click on tp to friend popup. Even instanced content won't pose any form of difficulty whatsoever when partied... U can just stand idle and get what u want...
  20. I kinda guess/hope/believe that siege turtles come with customisable weaponry.... Example there could be 3 types of weaponry that can be mount on a siege turtle 1) aoe based ammunition weaponry, 2) harpoons and single target weaponry, 3) healing, energy barrier and support weaponry. So... When allied siege turtle and enemy turtles Duke it out with eachother, various types of weaponry might come in handy... Or I could be wrong entirely🥴😌
  21. no... before 6 years ppl in this game asked anet to nerf most content to make it easy... Now they improved themselves and are willing t oimprove themselves atleast step by step and new player influx is increasing... what's your motive here? only difference between easily aquired wvw legy armo and raid armor is stow and draw animation effect in the raid armor... why not leave it as it is to let it have its own chance to attract new players if u plan on improving the content why try to kill it? try your best to include new content that might attract the kind of players into raids that you feel like... why kill the opportunity for like minded ppl for the existing raid system? you do realize you are posting these comments on a thread where the focus is directed towards the single tiny aspect that raid legy has animation effect.. tahts the only thing thats different.. all other convenience of legendary armor are available in 2 other game modes as well where theres no stress involved.. all it takes is daily contribution in those game modes towards the legendary armor goal. with all these things you try to imply that ppl who raid are not staying there .. idk where and how u derived these percentage numbers... but lemme give a few simple more straightforward numbers.. ppl who engage in raids are mostly who are determined to achieve the goal and ther ecould be a few deviations but mostly determined players step into that content... tahts why the percentage could be low but in reality actual number of ppl who do raids just for doing raids could be way more .. some ppl might not even care about the armor or consider it an extra cost of gold and stick to their ascended gears... stats: Armor skin unlocked by player base | percentage of playerbase(a single weight class would always have equal more close pecentage to the weight) legendary armor: Experimental envoy heavy 8% Experimental envoy light 7% Experimental envoy medium 5% Perfected Envoy Heavy 5% Perfected Envoy light 4% Perfected Envoy medium 2-3% determined ppl started raiding and unlocked experimental armor and ppl who had resources and are attracted to raid mode for the armor complted crafting those experimental armors.. and 2% of ppl include the ppl who deviated due to cost reasons and ppl who are not interested in armors and the ppl who despise it an left(see where the % of ppl like you really are falling in? less than 2% maybe 0.1% who knows) thus the ppl who are interested in game mode in other words, tried the gamemode unlocked upto the experimental sets, are focussed on completing the set and getting the perfected armor so they aren't despised by the gamemode deviation between experimental and perfected sets could be because they dont have the resources, mats to complete the set and left it since they can enjoy the game mode with asc sets and thats enough for the deviated % of playerbase and some wouldve left the gamemode or the game itself and for n number of reasons.. deviatons lie within 2-3% ... now lets look at ppl who are determined to craft legendaries in open world pve legendary weapons: kudzu (precursor: 6% legendary: 4%) 2% deviation Exordium (legendary:2%) sunrise (precursor:15% legendary: 13%) twilight (precursor: 17% legendary: 16%) eternity (legendary: 6%) Ad infinitum (precursor:16% legendary: 10%) 6% deviation look at the percentage of dedicated ppl in open world pve who are willing t ocraft or aquire legendary weapons... and u want the raid armor to be made avaialble to open world pve even if there are already 2 more legy armors easily aquirable out there... i couldnt understand your judgement and decision making at all... legendary pve trinkets: note: check the playerbase percentage who unlocked mistshard armor and check the lowest percentage among all of the mist shard armor skin which is a mandate achievement unlock to unlock amd craft vision vision (less than 5%) note: check all the relic of the gods backpack skins unlocked by player base aurora(less than 9%) your so called open world pve enthusiasts are not focussed or dedicated to craft legendary items.. they are so casual such that they are waiting to get some legendary item for free if thats possible... so called majority of the ppl 92% majority of players... but only less than 5% even bothered to craft vision what a joke! Idk about whetehr its abandoned yearsago or not or whatever ure saying is true.. we dont have the clear numbers.. only anet knows that... we can only speculate and draw rough conclusions with meagre data from gw2 efficiency and otehr source if possible.. but... ppl are returning to try out the content and new raiders are even happy about the game mode coz i know firsthand about them in my guild and also in map chat and while talking to other ppl in raids... and yet you try your best to paint it black when ppl see a rainbow. If you feel teh content has problems and i dont feel the content has any major problems.. who is the one at fault here? problem lies in the eyes of the beholder perhaps? eitehr u have to fix yourself or.. "if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Leave something alone" if u still find areas of improvement, pls work on that aspect and raise your voice to improve it and dont try to kill it... can u please explain how you end up with those numbers u projected? take into acccount all factors, some ppl might not craft their armors even after unlocking them coz some are only interested i nraid mode and they have no other source of gold income.. some find it too costly after the first set... and majority of players are not dedicated to craft any legendary items even in pve... ok.. so what ure saying is... u despise the content after doing it.. and then continued to do the content even after you aquired your first set of legendary armor and then you still continued to do it and accumulated 750 li even though you dislike the medium armor and in no way motivated to craft the remaining 2 sets of leg yarmors..... which is 750 boss kills in raids... and still stand by what you are posting in this thread ... at this point, I feel like its a total waste of my time replying and checking out gw2 efficiency stats and stuff to post in this thread... Im positive in most if not all mmo the number of dedicated players who wish to achieve goals and dedicate themselves will always fall in minority... the % im referrring t oher is the percentage of players who wish to engage themselves in most or all gamemodes and get the most out of a game as a whole... and u'll always try to refer to that small number and paint it as dead, black, crumbled road whatever.. but in reality that % will always exist.. Please read this: U always divert from the point I'm trying to express in this thread... don't ignore this! dont drag the thread's focus to 90degree angle thread is about a cool skin that is locked behind raid content... the convenience of legendary armor is alread yavaialble by 3 means possible thru 3 game modes and u cant ask anything more than this... the only difference between the raid armor and otehr armors is the cool skin... that one tiny aspect is the only difference this game mode has when compared to all others.. what is your Main motive to argue in this thread to make the raid armor avaialble by some other means? the open world pve players are less than 5% dedicated in crafting legendary items.. i may be wrong there.. maybe open world pve playerbase is les sthan 1% in crafting legendary items.. maybe the 5% I listed above could be raiders who crafted that legy item who knows.. by introducing anotehr means to aquire raid armor for open world pve is not gonna make the players in pve to get dedicated at all coz they alread yhad an easy legy armor via wvw and only less % of player base craft legy items out of 92% playerbase but.. by introducing anotehr means of aquiring raid armor will reduce and eventually kill the player base in raid mode... why do you try to kill a game mode if your actions are not even gonna make a dent in the other game mode by killing raids? so pointless... also if you intend to improve the raid mode, please do it someother way... hope you read the last section in bold I certainly feel any further replies in this thread is pointless coz ppl drag it 90degree outward derail and confuse the entire focus.. I'm not gonna reply her eanymore.. ciao... have fun🥴 Edit(after looking at some extra stats in gw2 efficiency)(this is not a reply): filtering the veterans ie 4000+ hrs of gameplay ie atleast 2- 2.5 years loyal dedicated players 20% of the veteran playerbase has done 583 raid boss kills ie.. they didnt stop and run away from the content. and the numbers only continued to grow... it is clearly visible how dedicated veterans increased from 1% of veterans who has 3000+ li raid tokens to 20% of veterans who own 500+ li raid tokens... and the same 20% of playerbase who played more than 4000+ hrs have unlocked 9 legendary armor pieces meaning they got atleast a single complete set of raid armor and even though they didnt finish their raid armors all 3 set, they didnt abandon the content and they still do the content and they have enough raid tokens to craft anotehr set with 583 li raid tokens and 10% of dedicated players completed all 3 sets ( all weights)of raid armors and collected 1200 li raid tokens... meaning 10% of veterans 4000+ hrs playerbase is interested in the raid content.. 20% of veteran player base is the growing playerbase some ppl are paining some weird ridiculous ideas in this thread that dedicated veterans dislike raids which is absolutely false... reality: dedicated veterans will always be in low quantity in any game... and gw2 has 20% dedicated raid veterans and this 20% is what would stay here and maintain the influx of new raiders... ppl who disagree is not looking at the reality clearly
  22. please think thru this with open mind.... Anet DID NOT BLOCK THE CONVENIENCE OF LEGENDARY ARMORS FROM ANYONE AND OPENED UP OPPORTUNITIES THRU WVW and PVP. this thread is all about SNINY ASPECT OF THE RAID ARMOR. WHY NOT DO THE GAME MODE FOR JUST THAT ONE SINGLE ITSY BITSY ASPECT AND LET NEW PLAYERS TASTE THE FUN the convenience of the legendary armor is already present by doing any of the available 3 gamemodes and u all know it well
  23. 😂🤣 whaat? I didnt say that.. ure saying that i did.. but i didnt.. I used the golem example to compare the kind of fun some ppl feel in gw2.... following the golem could be fun for some ppl.. I didnt say its wrong... why do u keep translating it that way? do you feel that finding fun by following golem is wrong in your inner mind? but are not willing t oaccept it in reality? idk... go figure Whatever floats your boat I guess.. I hope u get some kind of fun or atleast happiness once u realize ur dps got improved , ur reaction time got improved or you managed to transition from skill clicking to hotkey usage, maybe u find fun in exploring new roles and spec and builds and multi role/multiclass . I wish atleast some stuff that you grew in yourself by doing raids gave u a kind of fun experience... or if nothing of the above gave u fun... I dont know .. its something that is not revealed to me.. I dont and wont blame u.. dont think/guess I'm trying o belittle anyone who hates raids.. all i ask is for them to step away if they find it not fun in any way whatsoever.. its good ofr them to step away but dont drag others with you is all I ask few stuff I can understand from your comments is u find a group content to be unfun if it's success depends heavily on teamwork. example.. healers finding it fun to perform their role... dps depend on other dps and healers and boon supports for the success of the encounter and yet one thing that do bother me from your comment is.. u like doing fractals... which is a group content.. if the healer didnt heal you you cant succeed in the encounter... dps is less, you all get wiped soon and puts heavy pressure on those ppl who do try to dps the boss ppl with soldier stats gear might find it fun in fractals as they wont die/get downed/receive heavy damage when the encounter gets dragged on long enough... as fatigue sets in the players with glass builds will fail a few mechanics and few aoe fields and get downed as the encounter gets dragged on by low dps by soldier stats players... and on the other hand.. self sustained soldier stats players would find themselves standing alive even after their glass cannon counterparts died and they drag the fight long enough either they kill the boss after an hour or.. they die after 59mins 59 secs... or gg the encounter multiple times until they all push thru it together.... but in raids... if u fail a mecchanic, even if u have soldier stats, u wont survive lethal mechanics and die and wipe often gg often and that inturn would create a bad experience for ppl who use soldier stats and consider the gamemode unfun.... the soldier stats I mention here could be anything like celestial stats or any other stats which is highly survivable but puts a lot of pressure on other players in group content and fractal t4's are easily doable with celestial, trailblazer stats... but fractal cm's would definitely put heavy pressure on the healer and other dps players on the game modes. these high sustainable solo gears help us to solo champions in open world, dungeons and breeze thru some content... you do dungeons and find it fun even tho anet stopped any new content flow for that gamemode doing it over and over gives you fun.... but astral finds it boring to do the same stuff over and over again... even among ppl who find raids unfun have segregation among themselves... I'm not implicating that u have soldier stats/celestial/trailblazer stats gear... this could be a scenario where ppl compare fractals is fun and raids are not... so the term fun can be based on some other factors like gears, considering the pressure you place on your teammates and playstyle too...
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