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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. I like the purple balls.... They look kinda nice and cool... It's the black blobby I hate
  2. One suggestion for you guys : you can add one more stacking buff for this new free legendary amulet that we're gonna get in future and either replace the black blobby with just the amulet's effect or use a nice effect as 4th stacking buff... That might satisfy this mob permanently without you guys ever have to do a checkbox effect disable for these 3 trinkets they'll forget all about it...
  3. are u serious? if shes reaching for her quiver... why isn't the fletching of arrows isnt visible? and moreover ppl who claim its a bow are totally wrong... noone holds a bow on their right hand.... every profession with bow hold it on their left hand(renegade, ranger....)... and i never watched anyone use a bow with right hand and draw an arrow from quiver with their left hand... so odd... also.. if new spec is just about new weapons, it'd be boring.. i believe anet has some nice idea up their sleeve... i acknowledge HOT and POF are distinguished by every profession getting a new weapon and elite spec designed around the weapon.. but i believe this espec gonna be different and out of the box...
  4. playerbase doesnt stay the same.. the game developers expect the players to get better in the game and enjoy all aspects as and when they improve.. some might struggle in jp when they are new to the game and when they spend enough time in the game, it becomes second nature to them... well almost.. similar content like raids, fractals, strikes and such are designed for everyone its just ppl shd try them out and they'll get interested in them and get comfortable in doing those content
  5. if u sell b4 update, nothing changes.. u get 0 legy gs on your armory if u sell after update(ie if u craft it in mystic forge), u get 0 legy gs in your armory (I believe the gs gets removed from armory) and if u craft eternity with the tokens after update, u get account bound legy that u cant sell and u get 3 skins for the legy gs and u get 2 legy gs in armory few details are still not yet released by anet.. we'll get to know them once we get the updates.. like will all legy in our inventory,bank tabs get bound automatically? or will it show popup to add to armory? or it gets added once we manually use it or rightclick add to wardrobe/addto armory or something like that... but its always clear, u can't trick the system to get unfair advantages over others ie b4 armory and after armory...
  6. Maybe gw2 is way ahead of its time with extensive resource consuming and breath taking graphics and scales interms of power only the future tech can handle as updates are released? okay... jk.. don't take it seriously
  7. U can create a separate thread about wvw infusions... I intend to know about agony +stat infusions in this thread... Or maybe... Idk... I shd treat both infusions the same way... Edit: Fixed the title
  8. Ummmm.... I think the OP's main concern in this thread is the recipe for eitrite ingots... He asks the readers that the recipe itself is obtained from achie after crafting 7 weapons and how he supposed to do that to complete the illuminated boreal weapon collection if the recipe itself is locked behind that collection.... So I mentioned that the items required to craft such weapons can be acquired from various sources and to know those source, Wiki explains a step by step approach... Either it is by listing event meta which drops those items(eitrite) or by buying the mats from somewhere like black lion(though I doubt this bl bjora March bag is available now) or strike mission vendor,....
  9. I never used stat specific infu on any of my characters... That being said, I wish to know the current situation based on this poll, so I can keep up with the crowd if the numbers in poll are significant... Also on a side note, is it possible to upgrade stat on infu above +5 ?
  10. What is the main thing u want? Achievements or weapon collections? U can't know about weapon collections unless u look at the achievs listing for that content first... Or u read an article about that weapon collection or someone mentioned it in guild/map chat... So your next step is to search for that weapon collection in Wiki... Every weapon in the collection mentions a recipe in the very beginning of the page... Then you know what you need and where / which NPC to get it from
  11. There's nothing called a bad publicity... Notice how many confused reactions the OP got? The post served its purpose even if the post is rude and ungrateful for the changes anet offered... Now anet will definitely look into the post and try to prioritise some valid points even if they are not relevant to the release objectives
  12. I would've felt relieved/ happy if this thread was titled "please make more jp like abbadon's ascent , searing ascent, not so secret jp" but idk why the OP chose to pick CoT... Guess he likes more vertical slanting slope 1pixel invisible footing spaces.... Which in no way improves your thinking/adventuring/mountain climbing skills in this mmo.... 😒
  13. I believe Wiki will be updated as soon as they release armory and as and when things get uncovered, bugs get discovered it gets documented in the Wiki... So.. it might not be a big issue I guess
  14. Woah woah woah... stop right there! 🤨 We can work something out can't we? 🤨
  15. Lot of duplicate posts in forums regarding armory, eternity, COT jp, legy trinkets some thread have a few info that other threads don't vice versa...
  16. Don't mind my comment... I had varying mixed thoughts about that post. I thought if anet made the gift sellable, a lot of casual ppl would sell the gift in tp and ppl buying those gifts would be mostly rich and their next step is to hoard or clean the market of t6 mats and hike the price of t6 mats... So ppl who like to craft their legendary would have to spend exorbitant price to buy t6 mats for the mystic tribute and gift of fortune... Ppl in forums would plainly dismiss that is just a supply demand thing and we would sit on our hands with mat prices soaring up to 1g, 1.5g ~ 2g reaching mystic coin prices or similar idk... It's possible
  17. Who enjoys map completion just for the sake of map completion and don't want gift of exploration? Maybe some ppl do love to complete those heart for no reason over and over... Different ppl, different mindset... Or.... A person who is in need of some quick gold now that legy armory is announced and is keen on making some legendary but need the mats and gold to craft one? Or.... A whale posing as a commoner to make even more money by convincing anet to make the gift of exploration sellable on tp?🤔
  18. okay.. clickbaity post detected.... theres almost 3-5 similar post regarding this jp.. cmon fill this thread with 10 pages of comments... this jp became so famous: within 24 hrs https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/97673-making-chalice-of-tears-a-requirement-for-completion-is-a-horrible-horrible-thing-to-do-to-players-with-disabilities https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/96947-few-years-ago-after-crafted-aurora-i-thought-i-wont-come-back-to-embers-bay-and-draconis-mons-jps https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/97766-please-make-more-content-like-chalice-of-tears https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/97753-please-remove-ember-bay-jp-from-returning-champion-achievements https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/97734-a-little-trick-for-chalice-of-tear-easy-to-reach-check-point-4-with-a-mesmer
  19. even mistlock sanctuary npcs near the bank npc occasionally says these lines.. idk if theres any relation between HOT and mistlock sanctuary... but it feels odd
  20. I would like some new recipes or gobbler that eats balls of dark energy that u get after salvaging ascended and give mystic coins or clovers or bundles of t6 crafting mats... Instead of selling ascended gears, I prefer gobbler
  21. Character model limit:lowest character model quality:lowest uncheck "show all player names" uncheck "show all npc names" limit fps to 30 at lobbies when u enter instanced content u love(fractals, raids, story), switch fps to unlimited and set character model quality:highest
  22. I like to know more about the exalted ppl.. some events and some stories about them... some fractals with exalted.. some raids with exalted.. would be nice
  23. or.. they could release "fall of abaddon" they previously had some idea to make based on the votes for "cutthroat politics" coz i never played gw1... some stuff linking to gods and abaddon would be interesting i guess
  24. this jp can be rated moderate hard not very hard.. but are u sure it felt pleasant to do? with invisible 1 pixel footing spots? u might've felt that u've accomplished something that most others couldn't but... idk if the journey was pleasant though... if u felt pleasant in doing something, u shd be tempted to do it over and over again.. do you still feel you like to do this jp again and again even if u wont get any rewards for completing it? if u felt tempted, then u might've felt pleasant in ddoing it... else, u shd rethink that. Raids on the other hand is really pleasant.. i am tempted to kill a raid boss twice even thrice continuously...
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