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Everything posted by Saiyan.1704

  1. This thread is becoming a bigger meme than it original started, I'm about to ask what yalls ratings are. You're asking for nerfs towards a side-node duelist class that's not even meta in Plat1+, nor AT's unless people are memeing around, all because you can't beat a DH 1v1. 1 second worth of stealth on a single trap isn't what's beating yall... it's the fact you're being outplayed by a good DH that's clearly a higher rank than you. A good DE that stealths and CC every half second is eons more problematic that a DH with limited stealths.. all because you cant select a target that's right in front of you. If yall can't select a target At Will then how in the world do you guys select a target in mid fights..? Let alone selecting a target immediately when getting plus 1'd? Every single game I play, on every engagement, I'm clicking on targets left and right. It's second nature.
  2. Sorry but this is a huge L2P issue on your behalf... go to your keybinds and keybind Select Nearest Enemy to a key. One button press when he appears and you'll select him. Or just get good at left clicking like every other gamer... I don't mind the cut-back to stealth but you better give the 11k hp DH, double the Superspeed so they're not completely worthless in Ranked.. lol.
  3. The meta has, and WB has done better because of it even if it's slightly. I wouldn't call LB a fix to range, it's more like a QoL item that's only strong vs range classes or classes who are fleeing. LB won't change us in the meta but it will be fun to use for a lot of people including myself.
  4. If I have 3 glass af players on my team and we target a person at mid, some one is going to get blown up no doubt about it. Muk was running a Druid that I 'guess' is support, but he wasn't tanky and his team definitely wasn't doing anything to support that burst from 3 glass classes. Every single support class in the game is 100% dependent on their team to make pog plays. The first clip shows a core guard on his team... that core guard should have been support helping mid but I'm betting he was condi guard... which is (awkwardly) popular to use in Ranked but also a very bad spec. Burn guard doesn't work in Plat and he was probably Gold1 in a Plat game. Muk definitely got blown up quickly but I would argue that if Matchmaking did its job, it wouldn't have been that extreme. But matchmaking IS terrible and we ALL experience these kind of games. Muk should have gone LB soulbeast vs that comp and attempted to carry on side node. He would have farmed the Engi at the very least.
  5. The only thing I agree is your Crashing Courage bit. In fact, I wish all Willbender Flames was a fire field or at the very least add that effect to Searing Pact trait because.... that just makes the most sense. If we lay down fire and it burns foes, how is it not a Fire Field?
  6. Might was nerfed because of Engi and Ele's ability of stacking it with near 100% duration. This was back in 2015. Guard had nothing to do with it.
  7. They didn't take ANY of our suggestions during the stronghold beta so why would they start now? There is no character progression or map progression system similiar to LoL/Dota, which was what a lot of players wanted. There is no creature strategy, defense strategy, offense strategy, or rotation strategy. Stronghold doesn't hold any strat secrets so there's no need for "top teams" to play the map over and over to discover some magical strat. It's a dead gamemode because it isn't fun nor challenging and Anet hasn't even attempted to fix it.
  8. Guard traited Zealous Scepter in Zeal traitline can reach 25 Might stacks but it's generally garbage. There has never been an OP Might stacking Guard build. What other prerequisites do you need to be OP on a Might stacking build?
  9. WHY did you randomly dodge twice in a row as if you're a silver 1 player... and you did that WHILE blind-siding yourself with your own camera. That's how you royally ate that BS's Dragon Slash. There's ways to counter BS War but you did everything incorrectly.... that's why everyone's confused with your video.
  10. Am I missing something about Deathless Courage? I don't know a single guard that takes that trait over a 25% damage modifier and I certainly haven't come across any near invincible Willbenders in pvp o_o I'm not 100% convinced that DH is more impactful than WB but i'm also not gonna argue about it lol!! I agree with everything you said. It was worse pre-cata era... I guess it's a little better now. People are complaining about SB but I'm not having any issues with them unless they get the pounce on me first. What's going to be awkward is the next August expansion...... I don't see anything impactful for Guardian other than maybe quality of life items like... LB on Core/WB and the likes. Seeing how OP Vindi was with a shortbow on side-nodes was really discouraging for me. Vindi on shortbow could burst you down at medium range almost as fast as a chrono and there's very little counterplay to negate that damage. Pistols better give us 3 different ways to stealth away or something lol!! Please Anet make pistols be impactful......
  11. NA Plat1+ is basically Legendary and G3 is basically Plat. Saying that there are only 100 plat accounts in NA, isn't exactly accurate. The 300 - 500 players who are actually decent at PvP are saturated with the absurd amount of Bronze and Silvers... there's almost never a game filled with your skill rating if you are Gold 1 through Gold3... and just forget about any kind of fair matchmaking balance if you are Plat1 - Plat3+ trying to queue with other Plats (never happens unless they make new accounts... once went up against a full team of Plat3+ players all on alt accounts. We basically went up against a full team that won Monthly in Ranked queue). Ranked has become a game of "farm or troll the lowest rating players better than the other team" gamemode, with an absurd amount of match manipulation in Plat3+, and has been for a long while.
  12. Roll a WB. Seriously. (I'm 60% memeing but there's only a 10% chance of that) Ima' say something that'll make all my Guardian brothers hot-n-bothered... but in a good way. WB/WB/X/X/X owns SB/SB/X/X/X and Scrapper/Scrapper/X/X/X. At the very least we wouldn't be seeing these threads about how difficult SB is in ranked queue. Us guard mains were born with blessed loins of steel, immune to the QQ salts of others.
  13. I'll continue to say it... this sentence right here is the reason why Ranger is OP/Annoying to go up against. The stealth strat they have is just toxic to play against.
  14. Was waiting for someone to finally say it... Anyways. They need to tune down Stealth across the board, the same way they toned down stealth on DH 😕 No class should be able to stealth for 10 seconds mid fight and basically restart. It was toxic on DH pre Trap rune nerf (even if it wasn't op to begin with) and it's currently toxic on DE and Soulbeast.
  15. What does a cat in a box have to do with this?
  16. u no get perma prot only cata get perma prot
  17. You right. Was immediately thinking of Daze on hit but forgot it was specifically for the symbol only.
  18. Things can do damage but still exist, i.e, power chrono -- they technically burst much quicker. The key word is "broken damage". To be fair I feel the damage on SB is fine... but what's annoying is the CC, stealth and blocks a SB can have. As a burst WB I can usually melt them or at the very least pressure them away... but good players on Soulbeasts seem to never die. I don't like chasing a class for 10 seconds trying to get in a single hit...
  19. *jumps in a crowd, spins around with pistol#5* "BOONS... BOONS... BOONS!"
  20. Honestly, Condi Signet Cata is still pretty darn strong on 1v1 sidenoding in fact the only thing that rivals it is maybe Spellbreaker if that... They mostly nerfed their efficiency when roaming/engaging multiple people at once, which was needed. There should never be a jack-of-all-trade class and cata was exactly that. A lot of classes need help in PvP. I would rather buff WB instead of your Ele Weaver or Tempest.....
  21. [spvp] I can tell you what I hate about DH lol. I hate how a good DH can kite and bait my WB bursts, then wait until I have no Stability to CC me into their 7k+ ToF, then ping-pong me out with Shield#5. Fighting a good DH is such a hassle. When you place a trap, it is always under the character. Not too sure how better you would want that to be.
  22. I don't think it's THAT bad but it is indeed pretty bad lol. If we can't blow up a single person when we +1 or at the very least, do enough damage for our team to clean up, then we ain't getting value on the map. I had a G3 - Plat+ thief shut me down completely because I couldn't reach him at all and he wasn't even DE nor P/P... I felt pretty useless and I'm a solid G3 Guard player 😕 Having a LB would help come expansion but not by much. WB is in an awkward spot rn in sPvP....
  23. As awesome as that would be, it would be impossible to balance. Can you imagine Untelenting Criticism on Greatsword#2!? Immediate stun on Whirling Wrath lol. Honestly I rather have the ability to mix & match Elite spec's Elites with one another such as using Dragon's Maw for Willbender :3 Or something similiar that's utility related. Perhaps only 1 trap/physical/mantra skill? That would open up a huge can of worms regarding build diversity.
  24. The only use of Axe was pulling people into DH traps which is just slightly more efficient than GS#5.... but without FB's quickness and specific axe traits like others have said, axe is just a meme and a bad one at that. I reeaallyyy hope Pistol/Pistol can trigger virtues better than sword/sword...
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