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Za Shaloc.3908

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Everything posted by Za Shaloc.3908

  1. How does Ventari feel currently in WvW anyways? Haven't been playing much Rev post-patch but am curious to see how it is doing. I definitely see less of them than I did previously.
  2. First, let's get this out of the way bc you seem to misunderstand. WvW is NOT 1v1 duel zone. Second, and caps so you don't miss it... RUGGED GROWTH IS AFFECTED/MODIFIED BY HEALING POWER. 155 IS THE NEW "BASE", it's not the cap. TY And to be even more helpful... https://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rugged_Growth "Reduced base heal from 259 to 155." https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Healing_Power "Healing Power is a secondary attribute that improves all healing performed by the character, including healing from skills, traits, the regeneration boon, and certain other effects" He showed in his screenshot what the skill should be healing at with his current healing power. In case you didn't know, tooltips scale with healing power, so that is what he should be healing himself for. Also, take the time to look at the very link you provided. IT SHOWS THE HEALING MODIFIER. I put in caps for you so you don't miss it. It's the (0.122). Let's take a look at this screenshot that I just took. I am sitting at 1508 healing power. So at 1508 healing power, it would be an additional 183.976 healing value in addition to the baseline, making it 338.976. Tooltip shows 340 for me, so there is probably some sort of slight difference in what the Wiki provides. Yet I am healing for 969/tick. So yes, it is bugged. You might want to do a bit more research before you try to demean somebody. TY
  3. If it gets affected by alacrity, it gets affected by chill. I don't think any of us want to get countered by the condi like Ele does.
  4. I'm pretty sure this has been bugged since the skill was introduced, but post-balance patch Glyph of the Stars is still bugged and does not provide a water field for the non-CA version.
  5. A neat idea for increasing its appeal for a support choice, although I don't know how severely this would impact non-support Druids. Wondering what others think of this idea. Personally I find it fair that the lesser version only cleanses one condition considering it is a master and not a grandmaster trait, and the seeds still leave a light field. My idea would instead have the trait increase lesser and normal Seed of Life to 240 radius. I would also like the seeds to bloom ~0.25s faster, untraited. In general though, I agree with your direction of wanting to make the seeds become more reliable. I would say that is a problem for CA1 as well: numbers-wise I'd argue that it's fine considering it is a 1200 range heal, but it is extremely hard to actually land and get value from if the target is moving. Honestly I really like having regen on the skill considering how potent it can be for Druids while in CA. It is a nice way of diversifying access to the boon and a change that I really am happy that they made. I would really love for the skill to instead be a dome or ring effect in order to increase its versatility. As for the protection: well I'd like for Ancestral Grace to provide prot to allies (not self) affected by the heal. The removal of the evade was a huge blow to the skill, and having it only apply to allies would help keep its bunker potential in check. Your idea is much more elegant than the current implementation. Alternatively to a blind, I think this is the trait that could be made to ease access to Celestial Avatar, by perhaps increasing the astral force gain from healing allies (not self). This should be the CA trait. Otherwise, I have some ideas of my own. Perhaps I am thinking too far in the direction of powercreep, but there are still things that I find to be rather lackluster as far as its viability as a support spec: Staff is my biggest pain point with the spec. Staff 1, 2, and 4 are all awkward. More than anything I'd like to see this weapon improved upon (yes, buffed). I would 100% rather see it pushed in the direction of a strong standalone support weapon, rather than pushing it in the direction of it being a better power/condi weapon.Glyph of Unity feels too weak in comparison to the other glyphs, especially with its current cooldown. Without completely reworking its functionality, I think there are a few directions they could go for it. One idea for the CA version: Reduce its cooldown to 25 secondsHave it also increase incoming healing for tethered allies (not self) by 20% for its duration. (Bringing back the old CA Glyph of Empowerment in a way that makes the skill more impactful, versatile, and worthy of slotting) Perhaps the non-CA version could additionally reduce outgoing damage of tethered foes.Glyph of Alignment's non-CA version just feels like it suffers from both a lack of creativity and identity. I'd like to see the skill reworked more, perhaps to remove 2 boons and apply poison and weakness or something. We already have plenty of immob access without this skill. I'd like to see CA-Glyph of Equality get a radius increase to 360 in order to increase the reliability of the group stunbreak, which is the defining feature of the skill. I like slotting Protect Me in addition to GoE because the skill is much more reliable as a group stunbreak.Core pets in general have rather mediocre support capabilities. I was really hoping that Jacaranda would be the new shiny go-to support pet before PoF was playable, but alas.Certain aspects of the core class are a bit lackluster as well. Invigorating Bond and Spirits, for example. I'd like for the Nature Magic grandmaster choices to become more competitive for support in competitive modes, and frankly I'd like for a complete rework of Spirits. I liked the idea somebody here had of them becoming more like spirit weapons (with charges), but for Stone Spirit in particular to have a strong support emphasis rather than yet another immob skill for Ranger..
  6. Downstate 3 is the only one that is bad and could use tweaking. If the damage hit more reliably, it would be fine. Permaslowing a target via the AA is very powerful, and the knockback on downstate 2 is potent in smallscale as well. Also why would you use downstate 3 after using the knockback? That is not a fault in the skill design, that is a fault in your decisionmaking. "Way below any other class in all aspects" is a totally biased and false exaggeration. Let's not try to raise the bar of downstate balance to the cancer that is Ranger's and Necromancer's. Downstate in general is already currently overtuned post-patch.
  7. Different meta, different issues. Give it more time. Not saying there isn't overlap, just saying that the changes for WvW should be made less reactively to a predominantly PvP-specific issue. Edit: somehow quoted myself in that. Also, why are all of your posts so melodramatic? 8 days after what is arguably the biggest balance patch in the game's history, and somehow it is a sign that "history repeats itself" because most of these changes were PvP-specific. I am far form an ANet apologist, but my god... Edit again because I can't count.
  8. PvP ≠ WvW ANet was right in only applying 90% of these changes to PvP. I mean, what exactly is an immortal signet Necro going to do in WvW? Win duels? Get ping ponged in a zerg for an extra 10 seconds while forgoing almost all of its corrupts? Sure, WvW balance is questionable, but like @lodjur.1284 said, symbolbrands and signet Necros are not exactly the most glaring issues, and they did actually target a very relevant skill for Firebrand in WvW.. This was more of a hotfix than anything for three specs that were clearly dominating the current meta in PvP. Give the WvW balance some more time; it has been 8 days.
  9. Yeah, Battle Scars feels pretty nuts in PvE. With all the vuln application available to the class, sustain feels godly. Honestly it makes me enjoy playing power Rev a lot more in OW. I think they kinda shot themselves in the foot by balancing it around a mechanic that has so much variation in its application. Dance of Death in particular is what "breaks" the balance for the trait. I imagine it would be hard to balance around a condition that has such a giant discrepancy between its application minimum and maximum potentials. I dunno, I imagine they had to balance Dance of Death as if people are optimizing for maximum vuln application potential, but that makes the trait lackluster in every other application.
  10. That might've been me to tbh. I've been running full support Druid in WvW since the patch, with Staff and Sw/Wh. Did you fight that guy in WvW? And if so what server was he on and what server were you on? To answer the OP's question, I've been running full support Druid in WvW. It feels pretty good. It definitely has some very potent healing abilities. Condi clear is alright if you use Glyph of Alignment and Glyph of Equality while in CA mode, as well as Verdant Etching. Seed of Life in CA mode was buffed in the patch; it now removes two condis. Glyph of the Stars is actually a phenomenal skill. Possibly the ultimate counter to conditions and it affects 10 targets. You can furthermore use the Brown Bear pet, as I do, to cure an additional two condi's, and you can grab Signet of Renewal to fully clear allies. So the condi clear actually isn't all that bad if you build it right. I do not know how dedicated WvW guilds feel about healing Druid. I would assume much the same way as they did before the patch, as in, not preferring them over Firebrand and/or healing Scrapper. I prefer using Cleric's gear on my support Druid, as the Druid doesn't provide many boons to its' allies like the Firebrand does, and so I find maxing my healing output to be more optimal. As the poster above stated, 14k healing on Glyph of Rejuvenation in CA mode is absolutely possible. Combine this with Cultivated Synergy (which you absolutely should) and you're looking at ~18-20k healing in CA mode. I also run Superior Runes of the Flock in addition to Verdant Etching, which means that every time I use Glyph of Rejuvenation, I can potentially heal up to 25 allies for differing amounts of healing (5 allies from Glyph of Rejuvenation, 10 allies from Cultivated Synergy because it activates on both you and your pet, 5 allies from Flock Runes which usually heal around 2.5k, and 5 allies from Verdant Etching if the seed heals them). Give it a try if you'd like OP. Sounds like you have had a very similar experience to my own, so it's good to see that it seems to be working for others. Out of curiosity, mind linking your build? Seems like we have a lot of overlap in what we decided on, but I'd like to see how you're approaching it.Also, how do you feel survivability is on full Cleric's? I have myself a full set of Cleric's that I was using pre-patch but I felt too squishy at the time so went back to full Minstrel's. I imagine now it feels a bit better? You are right though: other than regen, it doesn't provide many boons.
  11. I've played support Druid in WvW 20+ hours since patch. I am a washed up Ranger player (mained it a while back, then abandoned it because I got tired of Soulbeast) so take my words with a grain of salt, but it has turned out pretty decent so far. It feels significantly better than it did pre-patch. I'm legitimately enjoying myself. Part of it is admittedly probably hype though because I have been wanting to actually play the role on Druid for so long now. Key thing is that Lingering Light did not get nerfed. Healing can be extremely potent. On full Minstrel/Monk/Life, 14.5k+ CA Glyph of Rejuvenations and 9k+ CA Glyph of Alignments. Cultivated Synergy is 2.8kish x2 in CA, regen rivals close to Ventari Rev's while in CA. In general, it feels pretty solid. No Firebrand by any means, but the healing is probably its biggest asset so far, which it does a superb job at. Also, Glyph of the Stars is amazing. Hands down my favorite skill currently, both in and out of CA. I have had some really clutch moments with it, although it can be hard to always find the perfect time to use it because it can be extremely versatile. Probably the strongest rez skill in the game right now (pls don't nerf Anet ;-;), and the condi denial is superb for denying bombs. Corrupts just strip the boon when in GotS' non-CA radius, so no stab corrupts feels especially good. With all that said, I mostly play in pug v pug fights (I am on a perma-cloud server), which doesn't really mean much as far as build viability goes. I play a lot, but I don't play super tryhard. Still though, there is a noticeable different between my performance pre- and post-patch. I am ultimately playing for fun, but I actually feel like I am making a positive impact now. Of course though, the kit is far from perfect and definitely needs some work. If you are curious, here are the two builds I have been bouncing back between. One is higher on cleanse, the other feels a bit more self-sufficient. You can make a bunch of adjustments to your liking (Celestial Shadow is still really good, but I am trying to break away from it) for traits and to a lesser extent, utilities. Both builds have really good celestial force generation, especially the Skirmishing variant. Pets can be flexible, but I take Ferny regardless for the regen uptime. Skirmishing variant. Solid cleanse potential, big regen uptime. Quickdraw is quickdraw.Beastmastery variant. 2 group stunbreaks, on demand quickness/superspeed for pulling off clutch skills and disengaging. Keep in mind, I am rusty on the class, and the builds I am running are not builds I would run smallscale because of the lack of self-survivability. If I was running that, I'd probably take WS and tweak a ton of stuff. These are meant more towards larger-scale support.
  12. If they touch them im uninstalling. Had them for a long time and i i rather keep it that way. Mace is already high risk due to a ...melee torment And they have been broken this whole time, people just haven't been privy to Mallyx so don't seem to realize or care yet about how dumb the runes are. Here, I even made a video for all the people who don't play Mallyx. Clip is short but gets the point across. Uninstall all you want, I'd rather have the spec not nerfed for the wrong reasons in WvW because of this dumb hard carry.
  13. I'm running sword main hand with sword and shield off hands now the two handers are so bad, and mace is completely useless in power builds so sword only mainhand it is now. Yeah, I was considering doing that on Herald, but I run mostly core so don't have that option. I suppose I could do sw/sw sw/axe but I would like some defensive utility. I may give hammer a spin tonight when I get home from work. Never thought I'd say that.
  14. Yeah, I try to look at things optimistically and take a step back when it comes to changes, but I can't get over how horrid the skill feels now. I have considered even replacing it with hammer in my power roaming builds, but with the CoR CD increase I don't know if that'd be worth it. I would be happy if they removed the self-root and nothing more. I also seem to keep messing up my use of it when trying to proc Charged Mists, like it expends the energy slightly later than it usually does? So I end up activating IO or Hammers right after activating SotM to get my energy down for the CM proc, but it cancels SotM due to lack of energy. I am not at home right now so can't test it, but I never had that issue pre-patch.
  15. Buy some stability, most of classes have access to stab in one or another form but the players refuse to equip it because like to run "perfected" cc/burst chains. I play without stab but my build has 29k HP, reliable access to (expensive) breakstuns and plenty of resistance. Also: the better the power builds perform in the future, the worse will do the condi Revs. Eh, I am moreso coming from the perspective of playing as it and what I feel could be adjusted.
  16. I agree that CtA was a rather clunky skill when it was first reworked into the pull, but it wasn't just this. It was also: Call to Anguish having a 5 second cooldownEmbrace the Darkness having a 10 second cooldownWhen they polished up those two skills, it made the legend feel incredible. Even at the time, I felt as if it could have been too powerful because they touched on everything that made the legend lose its old fluidity, but it had a lot of extra oppressive power. With that said, 360 radius is still pretty darn huge. I agree that 240 was too small, but I think the legend would be fine with it being reduced to 300. It is laughably easy to land a 360 radius pull, and even though it does have a rather significant energy cost, the leap is still an important component to factor in, and is of great value. I would rather have a radius reduction than a cooldown increase, an energy cost increase, or a leap distance decrease.
  17. Well, they shouldn't rework it considering Mallyx is all about condition manipulation. The skill should be powerful, it is the F2 after all. 240 radius is far too small, but it being reduced to 360 like True Nature-Assassin was would be sufficient. Otherwise I do agree and think a better animation and removing the unevadable component is fair. 1/2s cast time would probably be fine too.
  18. If these complaints about condi Rev are in regards to WvW, I suggest that before they make any class-based adjustments, they completely rework the 6-piece bonus of Tormenting Runes. Without them, sure, condi Rev is still strong, but Tormenting Runes are what give them the godly sustain in teamfights that they currently have. Especially with sustain being brought down, 171 per stack of torment is completely broken, especially considering it has no ICD. The delay that they added to Invoke Torment was a very good step in the right direction for healthy counterplay, and I would say between that and swap transfers being brought down to 2 condis, Permeating Pestilence is fine. True Nature is probably a bit more problematic, I do agree.
  19. Decided to give my ol' reliable core Inv/Ret/Dev power build a spin for the first time post-patch. I run pretty similar gear/sigils to the meta Herald build, except speed runes instead. Staff 5 feels like garbage, y'all were not wrong. Oof. New sword 2 feels good. I like it much better than I thought honestly. Was running the immob clear trait and stab on stunbreak trait, but otherwise made no changes to my pre-patch build.In general I actually felt the build was still quite good. As expected, having both Charged Mists and Ancient Echo made the nerfs much less severe. Speed runes I feel are what brought the build together and they feel even better than they did before since it allows me to kite for more energy in Shiro. Easier to punish than before, but still hard to punish in general. Other classes were easier to punish with my Jade Winds spam due to less frequent stunbreaks, and I agree with @Julius Seizure.4985 that Brutality feels even stronger than pre-patch.I haven't seriously run power Herald since Charged Mists so I know I would get obliterated if I tried because of how much more pronounced its weaknesses are now.
  20. It doesn’t involve standing on a wall and using rapid fire so it’s never going to be popular. Au contraire, they are a dime a dozen in WvW. I see them far more often than power Revs now. It's the new FotM.
  21. Wow, well that explains why the taunt hasn't been going through for the past couple days. Had to just log in to test it. Totally hadn't noticed. Barrier, interesting...
  22. From the 4ish hours I played last night, more enjoyable. Always subject to change.
  23. Played full support Druid last night and didn't actually feel like a total meme for once. Genuinely the most I've enjoyed large scale fights in ages! Glyph of the Stars is my new love with that sweet 48s cooldown. Too early to give a thorough examination of the patch, but first impressions were great.
  24. I find light aura to be a bit...fugly. Is that censored? I suppose it'd look nice and matchy-matchy with alacrity though. Dark aura is just gorgeous! Love it. Otherwise I like the rest of them.
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