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Everything posted by Ultramex.1506

  1. In large group fight, even if my support isn't great somebody else will do a better job while in PvP, 5v5 chances are someone will rage at me.
  2. 27! Used to be each race each gender for story but I've realized what a waste of time that was so now? 3 of my favorite races for each professions (Asura/Charr/Sylvari) One race for one elite spec of that profession (I have 9 new characters for the third elite spec) However, since Druid is mainly a support Elite, 1 character can be both a Soulbeast and a Druid (Was going to do the same to Herald but because it's a offensive support)Thinking of deleting 2 of my Norns but because of the Ice Brood Saga, they'll stay........for now.Even though Asura Engineer is my main (2k hours) i mostly play Boon Firebrand now for WvW and switch to Healing Scourge if i'm bored.
  3. Doesn't help that not many people do dungeon which lead to not many people do the event, i get it Anet you want the world to be alive but its killing the world by making players loose interest. CoFlame is the worst offender, you have to escort NPCs THAN wait about 6 MINUTES for the gate to open, i should be spending those time in running the dungeon not the requirement to RUN THE DUNGEON. The only reason Arah don't have that because the event require 50 man squad, ironic that Arah isn't empty because of no contested.
  4. Here is another "Human Favoritism" that Anet wants you to forget:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/88967/false-advertising/p1Also is it that hard to remove two side toes on every foot pieces? Don't you see how uncomfortable it is for my Asura to be running on sand/volcano rock/corrupted land etc... with two bare toes sticking out? Despite Charr foot pieces don't cover their entire feet, none of their toes touch the ground!
  5. Beside those problems,c an we also PLEASE drop the title "Commander"!? I don't know about Human, Sylvari and Norn but Asura and Charr have title that fit: "Krewe leader"; "Centurion", instead of calling Dragon Watch a guild, call it a Krewe or a Warband. How about give us 1 race-specific quest? Looks up SWTOR: Rishi classes mission. Anything really to make my character's race matter but Nope! Let just be lazy and call everyone Commander and also make my Charr join the Shining Blade, a Human faction. Heck even in Onslaught, 1 character addressed your Sith Inquisitor's original title. Actually the Commander title is used consistently well and isn't one of the places the delivery drops the ball too badly. During the personal story we are generally referred to by the correct honorific that changes from story step to story step. We are called Warmaster when applicable, Recruit when applicable ect... the Commander title doesnt stick until this is indeed our title as Pact Commander.After the personal story that's how we are known across the world. Banghar, for example refers to us by this honorific very pointedly, in respect. It's our last known "job"... very much like a past president still being called "President".It really is a pretty small nit to pick. I also wonder why so many people have a problem with our non-human player characters being allowed into Shining Blade when there was clearly a precedent in Canach being part of the group. Always seemed to me to be a strange rallying cry for people when clearly opposition to it runs against the established lore of the game.There's tons of things wrong with the delivery of the story without the need to fall into rhetoric because your ego isnt stroked enough or the story deviates from your head-cannon.All i'm asking is to add more variety in the story to acknowledge your character race and keep thing interesting because all you need is just one character to do the story (and unable to skip the dialogue doesn't help either) People have problem because they are forced to join (some would like to argue that joining in is also against the lore) its not because of the lore but because we aren't allowed to choose, would be interesting if we can refuse and have the story play out differently (Which Anet stopped doing so after Vanilla stories)And i'm confident to say that i'm not interested in being hailed as Savior of the Planet, i prefer doing what i'm good at in secret and without celebration, so ego stroking is not needed nor i want to.
  6. Beside those problems,c an we also PLEASE drop the title "Commander"!? I don't know about Human, Sylvari and Norn but Asura and Charr have title that fit: "Krewe leader"; "Centurion", instead of calling Dragon Watch a guild, call it a Krewe or a Warband. How about give us 1 race-specific quest? Looks up SWTOR: Rishi classes mission. Anything really to make my character's race matter but Nope! Let just be lazy and call everyone Commander and also make my Charr join the Shining Blade, a Human faction. Heck even in Onslaught, 1 character addressed your Sith Inquisitor's original title.
  7. When A Commander with 50 not commander , things get done. Now imagine if Jormag have that army, assuming she(?) can tolerate the squad chat.
  8. So we are not allowed to give (imo the right word) "feedback" because you think it has no impact? I agree with little impact! But Anet decided to change and show it for other to see, so we are allowed to give our feedback but if it's negative, it's complain? Would you also say "Why praise something that has little impact?"
  9. Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,One for the Dark Lord on his dark throneIn the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind themIn the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
  10. Can't forget her iconic line "Patroling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter" JkAnyway Asura male - made the right choice when i first play the gameSylvari male - but why is /laugh so bad?Charr female - before HoT and Lws 5 episode 6
  11. I don't have trypophobia but those scrolls still creep me out because they look like eyes and have awful textures
  12. Daredevil, Scrapper, Holosmith .....dot...dot....dot.... Ninjas=Daredevil I'll give you, but the other two are hilariously weak!The scrappers makes things like drones, Terminators are humaniod robots.The only thing vaguely Jedi about Holosmith is the sword, which is really just a skin, so any sword wielder can use it.Please, expand on how the two engineer elite specs represent humanoid killer robots and a religious order of space wizards, respectively.Holosmith utilize LIGHT for their gadget so it wouldn't surprise anyone if they could create a Lightsaber/Blaster (still impressive though) but making a Lightsaber doesn't mean you are a Jedi, in fact Engineers are Jedi Pretenders than a real one, needing gadget to do what Jedi can do (want Force Push? Magnetic Inversion for ya). So until Engineer can Force Persuade us to think otherwise, they are not Jedi.
  13. And what would Orc be like? Are they bunch of savage brutes? Warrior with Honor? Charr are Orc but more advanced and i prefer it that way, we have people want Tengu to be playable so i doubt they would want Anet spend resources in creating Orc, we also have Ogre and Jotun that share many similarities to Orc.Why do every fantasy setting need to have these stereotype races? Orc have been done so many time, whether in space or medieval they are always dumb savage brutes
  14. Enemies don't even last seconds against a good build, there is no "combat" in PvE right now except against bosses.Not sure how giving them downed state will improve their durability/intelligence since you'll just one shot with your good build, they are just gonna lie there and throw rock at you, beside aren't trash mob are...trash?But if you want, add every enemy npc evasion skill like Corrupted Griffon see how the community react
  15. While i don't need female Charr to have every female version but can they change it a bit?It look so stupid, i'd prefer they cover full chestAlso this, is it a girl or a boy?Seriously!? you can't say "the outfits are very sexualized" when you do this kind of crap
  16. Where is the "Stab yourself to spread Poison then delete the GS completely" option?
  17. Would also love that the title screen change depend on current season like Halloween right now, come on Anet it has been 7 years!!
  18. This is like "OpTiOnAl" subscription and we've already known the answer for them.
  19. Remind me of those "Story toooo harrrdd!!" thread, my friend don't play video game that much and this is her first mmo, what did she do? Played fractal and PVP, didn't go to forum to complaints.
  20. Were some of the outfit pictures taken by your krewe?
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