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Everything posted by Ultramex.1506

  1. They sure bring back life into this forum though i'm a bit annoyed at Cantha, as long as they don't focus on Sigh f** Human again, i'm cool with that
  2. I didn't wait for 3 years for Anet to say "We won't be including new Elite specs because reasons"
  3. Sadly with the new artwork, underwater might be forgotten.....again
  4. Rifle RangerPistol WarriorIf not at least let other classes use rifle or pistol, you have tank/airship/submarine/helicopter in your world Anet, don't forget about them and make bland medieval fantasy
  5. I'll take the fan service please. Can't take when it doesn't exist
  6. Ehhhhhhh, i prefer Anet to be more creative rather than just fan serviceEdit: i was surprised to see this post get 2k views but only 10 replies, now i know why
  7. Or... or... follow me here... They could just make one outfit and make it fit male and female character models! That would be even less work than making different male and female versions like they do now! Or........play Charr or Asura, they fit your needs perfectly, most outfits have no gender variation for Them, good luck in convince everyone to agee with Norn/Sylvari and most importantly Human, you have higher chances getting precursor drop than this
  8. Last time they made a horse, it was atrocious
  9. Players from 2012 complained how fights these day ended too quickly while back then it took 20 mins (im not pulling number out of my arse, someone said it) and i agree, in most fights one side will steamroll other in 5 secs then wait for other side to run back, and sometime there aren't any fights at all because other side is discouraged, so much fun.Now people can have time to react especially those with high ping/potato pc.
  10. I blame Blizzard for making "Classic" Now we have player wanting "Classic" stuffs without understanding whether they are good or bad. I'm just gonna write the most obvious reason why "Classic" ain't happening: Blizzard have a very large fanbase and Activision being it's publisher, they can make WoW 2 if they want, does Anet have any of those advantages(NCSoft is 1 advantage)?
  11. Anet is also known for many other bad policies and decisions. I agree because after 7 years they needs to make "Search" box much bigger so people can see before posting same Ideas that will get same answers https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/9755/name-purge-its-about-time
  12. Bruh I get it but fuuuu... it's just the extremely punishing design that you need to get to know first and can't use your jump skills to get through first time. Like you need to know that you get across the weird blue spin platforms at the top by walking onto them when they start spinning instead of standing on them already in order to not overshoot. How the hack are you supposed to know that? and how is the skillful? it only eats up time and make me frustrated. Plus the leap of faith is just... Engineer's Rifle, try it! It skip most part if you fail or make certain jump easier
  13. Sorry when did roaming resurrected? I thought people said it died when Warclaw was introduced
  14. Even if they prevented people from stacking conditions in 2 secs, i still vote no
  15. If only those "PvP players" understand instead of quitting.
  16. Saw a joke post on Reddit where the person just change the color yet it looks different from Season 4.
  17. I find it's balanced, not too many useless skill slots like WoW or too little skills slot like ESO (you have to sacrifice 1 skill slot for a skilll that give passive when slotted)
  18. He is sharing the same fate with Zojja
  19. Alway get a good chuckle when these competitive players throw in the towel not because of losing fights constantly but because of patchesNow, if they leave after having played patched PvP then i understand, but before the patch hit? I find them overreacting and cringe to be honest.
  20. "Next I would like a Unicorn/Pegasus hybrid for a Skyscale Mount skin." So some dev(s) must have seen this thread and thought it would be fun to make something like it. The devs are allowed to be silly and goofy. And its not like anyone is forced to buy it... Geez... Nobody is happy it exists either, even the mount doesn't seem happy with its existence. When OP made the post I'm sure he didn't have something so horrendous in mind. Then don't buy it... Your problem is solved now lolIt won't fix the biggest problem that this....thing exist and looks like that in the game, i wish Warclaw's Lance would work in PvE so peole can throw at themI think letting Jormag corrupt my mind isn't so bad after all
  21. Unicorn/Pegasus are overrated, overused and stale "ironic" jokes! Let's be more creative yea?
  22. Well! Look like Female Charr will actually get Female version of Raven armorAnd World Boss? Never thought i would heard those 2 words again
  23. I have a great PvP moment long time ago:I was a Mesmer and fought against 2 players: a Guardian & a Elementalist (since i have AIs back me up i guess it was a fair fight?), three of us were downed , i used skill 2 which thankfully teleport me far away enough to hit one and avoid the other, the Elementalist used skill 2 to get close to me but eventually died to my Phantasmal Rogue and you can guess what happened after.So yes! Downed is necessary because it creates intense moment like above, wish they would fix BS one-shot builds that are meta in gw2.
  24. Don't know why i thought of Asura (my fav race) when i read the titleOn topic: Yes more Skirtt!
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